Develop Windows Phone on Visual Studio 2013 On Windows 7 - windows-phone-7

I own a Windows 7 (Home Premium) and Visual Studio 2013.
As a part of a project for Uni, we are required to write an application for Windows Phone, basically - they require for Windows Phone 8, but I even think that Windows Phone 7 will do.
My question is this:
Other than installing Visual Studio 2012 + WindowsPhone7 SDK or Installing Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2013, or using a VM with one of these -
Is there a way to develop for Windows Phone 7 or 8, under Windows 7???
I don't currently have a physical windows phone and will have to use an emulator for that.

Windows phone 8/windows store apps under windows 7 OS is not possible, you need a windows 8 OS
You can develop for windows phone 8/windows phone 7 (7.1) with windows 8 OS
Windows 7 OS obviously supports windows phone 7 development
See this post
there are other hardware requirements such as Hyper V for windows phone 8 emulator support in windows 8 OS

You can keep both versions of VisualStudio on the same machine, but keep in mind that if you want to develop applications for Windows8 or WindowsPhone8 on Windows7 operating systems this is not possible because you miss the new framework WindowsRuntime, so I advise you to keep windows 8 as operating system, VisualStudio 21012 + sdk for WindowsPhone7 and VisualStudio 2013 SDK for windowsphone 8 and developments already built for Windows Phone8.

You cannot develop a WP8 app on Windows 7. You can develop a WP7 app on Windows 7 using VS 2010 plus the WP7 SDKs - WP 7.1 SDK, WP7.1.1 SDK, WP7.8 SDK -


Is It Possible To Run the windows 7.1 apps in windows phone 8

i have windows 7(OS), visual studio 2010, windows sdk 7.1, my phone is Nokia Lumia 525
could you please tell me whether my apps run in my device or not?. and also is it possible to install windows sdk 8 and visual studio 2012 for windows phone in windows 7(OS), if it is possible, tell me stepwise and also send download link about windows sdk 8 and visual studio 2012 for windows phone
Thank you
No to both questions.
It is not possible to run Windows apps on Windows Phone. This is regardless of the versions of either.
If it not possible to install the SDK for "Windows Phone 8.0" on a Windows 7 machine. (system requiements)
However, according to the system requirements you can install the 8.1 SDK on Windows 7
Note also though that Windows 7 is out of support in a few months (on 13/01/2015) so you should probably consider upgrading. Especially as the 8.1 SDK lets you build "universal" apps for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1

Windows phone development on visual studio 2012

I have windows 7 and visual studio 2012 and want to start developing windows phone apps. Do I need an SDK? If yes, What version of the SDK is required?
On Windows 7, you need to use VS 2010 (full or express version) to develop for WP7 .
You need Windows 8 (or 8.1) to develop Windows Phone 8 applications, for which you can use the Windows Phone 8 SDK.
You cannot use Windows 7 to develop native Windows Phone 8 apps. You can, if I recall, use the older Windows Phone 7 SDK with Visual Studio 2010 in Windows 7 but you're really limiting yourself with Windows Phone 7.

How to run windows phone app from visual studio?

I am developing phone gap application for windows phone.I am using visual studio 2010 & windows phone sdk 7.0.
How to run my application on windows phone 8?Or I have to run it on windows phone 7.
I am unable to connect my windows phone os 8 to visual studio.
Please help
If you have a windows phone 8 device which you want to use for app debugging purpose, you NEED the Windows Phone SDK 8.0 installed, which needs at least a 64-bit Windows 8 Pro or better.
If i haven't forgotten something, then Phonegap has 2 project templates - 1 for WP7 and 1 for WP8. Which allows to think that WP7 project won't run on WP8.

windows 8 phone development possible under windows 7?

is it possible to develop windows 8 phone applications in windows 7 with 2010?
Or do I need to upgrade to windows 8 altogether?
Windows Phone 8 development possible under windows 7?
No, Windows 8 64-bit and Visual Studio 2012 are required.
Windows 8 Pro is also required to run the emulator (along with a processor that supports SLAT).
You can modify the installation files to allow it to be installed on Windows 7.
Here are the modified setup files for WP8 SDK 9900:
Run InstallWP8SDK.bat to start the installation!
Have fun developing on the good old Windows 7.

Tools required for windows 8 development / metro style apps?

I have been working on Windows Phone 7 app development, now I want to built metro style apps.
I have a set of doubts about the environment setup :-
1) Do we need Windows 8 OS for developing metro style apps?
2) Can we develop metro style apps in windows 7 OS?
3) What is Windows 8 Release Preview (Windows SDK) ? What happens if I install that, can I do it in windows 7 OS?
4) What tools are required for metro style app development?
What do I need to download ?
Thanks in Advance.
Yes, you need Windows 8 OS for the development of Windows 8 Metro apps
No, you cannot develop Metro apps in Windows 7
Windows 8 Release preview is the latest beta release of the Windows 8 OS. It's the pre-release version of Windows8 OS.
Windows 8 RP (Release Preview) is an OS, so you cannot install in Windows 7 unless you have a Virtual Box for doing so.
I suggest you to install Windows 8 RP in a separate partition, so that you will have an option of dual booting with Windows 7 and Windows 8. (But you will be able to use one OS at a time and you need to reboot to switch between the OS's)
You can download Windows 8 from this link.
And then for Metro application development, you need Visual Studio 2012 RC
1) Yes, it's mandatory to use Windows 8 to develop Windows Store Apps.
2) No you can't develop Windows Store Apps using Windows 7. But you can always harness the power of Visual Studio 2012 in other possible ways.
3) Release Preview was eventually one of the test builds of Windows. Now the RTM is out so use RTM ONLY. YOU can always upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8.
4) You need Windows 8 RTM Installed + Visual Studio 2012 installed to work on Windows Store Apps.
Hope that might help you.
You need windows 8 OS for metro style development using windows RT and Visual studio 2012.
Try to install windows 8 os in a separate drive and install the VS 2012 because the preview version may slow down and crashes your system. Win Rt and a tool for WINDOWS phone 8 will going to release by microsoft this month end. So now you can practice metro style development on VS 2012 in Windows 8 OS.
