Which static resources are used for the Windows Phone keyboard - windows-phone-7

Does anyone knows which (if any) StaticResources are used for the Windows Phone keyboard?
I'm creating my own keyboard (with only numbers, a clear all and a enter/search button) and want it to look like the default keyboard (fontsize, background and border color etc.)

You would need to create a custom control and shape it the way you need. You don't have access to any of the keyboard styles.
Check this guy out, he creates a keyboard from scratch:


Does on screen keyboard of Windows 10 works with JavaFX TextFields?

I will be developing a JavaFX app for Windows 10. Does anyone know whether a JavaFX TextField on focus can trigger Windows 10 to show up its on screen keyboard?
Your experience is much appreciated!
JavaFX knows how to notify the on-screen touch keyboard HOWEVER we did not find a way to open a specific keyboard type according to the textfield value type.
Other than that assume that the keyboard will always hide the buttom 1/3 part of your app - so that IF you need that real-estate to be active when user types input in - it can't be done.
we are only able to use default layout - see Touch keyboard index on https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/mt280229.aspx
A follow up on changing they keyboard layout is here:Set numeric layout for windows onscreen keyboard programmatically

Windows Forms, can't change IME mode?

I simply created a Windows Forms application in Visual Studio using the template and launched it. I want to receive text input without using a standard text box. When the form is active, I'm able to change the input language. But I cannot change IME mode. E.g. when the input language is Japanese, the IME mode icon in the tray becomes a circle with a cross in it. When I hover the mouse over, the tooltip says "IME disabled". Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Opening onscreen keyboard wxpython

I'm developing an app using wxpython for use specifically with a Microsoft surface, which requires text input. Is there a way to automatically bring up the onscreen keyboard when an input box is selected?
You can create an onscreen keyboard with wxPython for your applications. If you want keyboard to appear when you click your app's wx.TextCtrl, you just need to bind wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN and/or wx.EVT_LEFT_UP events to it. However, if you want keyboard to appear when any app's input is clicked then it is really hard to achieve, instead you can assign a function key to popup.

Windows Phone 7 SIP keyboard color

I am planning to have an app that is using the light scheme regardless of what the system wide color scheme.
Is it possible to change the color scheme of the SIP keyboard to light?
Using the default SIP keyboard, you can't.
But you can create a custom keyboard.

Prevent the SIP/Soft Keyboard from popping up when a TextBox get focus

In my Windows Phone 7 Silverlight application I have my own custom keypad that I want to use instead of the standard soft keyboard. The problem that I have is that I have not found a way to completely disable or prevent the SIP/Soft Keyboard for my application or for the TextBox component.
Is it possible to disable the soft input keyboard in my application?
Is it possible to prevent the soft input keyboard from popping up when a TextBox get focus?
Can I extend or override any functions in TextBox to make it behave the way I want?
I’ve seen solutions how to hide the keyboard when a certain key is entered by moving focus off the TextBox but I want to prevent it from ever showing up.
My problem is very similar to what's stated on How do I prevent the software keyboard from popping up? and How to prevent keyboard to show in EditText onTouch? but for Windows Phone 7 instead.
I am fully aware that some may think it is stupid to use your own keypad instead of the standard input but I have my reasons for doing it this way and I just want to know if it is possible to achieve what's described.
If you don't want to use the SIP, you don't need a TextBox.
Use a TextBlock and bind it to the input generated by the custom buttons.
Have a look at this blog post http://www.silverlightshow.net/items/Windows-Phone-7-Creating-Custom-Keyboard.aspx
Peter, consider using THIS, with customizations. I'm working in a project where we use a custom keyboard. With some extra codes and customizations I've made a custom softkeyboard, as you can see in the screenshot bellow. Right now, my softkeyboard is working properly, but with some issues to be resolved yet.
My custom WP keyboard problems are:
There's no caret cursor;
The TextBox in my screen is a AutoCompleteBox, and when it opens the completions, my keyboard loses focus, and so I need an extra tap (this is my greates problem now)
WP native keyboard try to slide up when I choose an item within the completions
IsHitTestVisble =false solve your issue
