Does on screen keyboard of Windows 10 works with JavaFX TextFields? - windows

I will be developing a JavaFX app for Windows 10. Does anyone know whether a JavaFX TextField on focus can trigger Windows 10 to show up its on screen keyboard?
Your experience is much appreciated!

JavaFX knows how to notify the on-screen touch keyboard HOWEVER we did not find a way to open a specific keyboard type according to the textfield value type.
Other than that assume that the keyboard will always hide the buttom 1/3 part of your app - so that IF you need that real-estate to be active when user types input in - it can't be done.
we are only able to use default layout - see Touch keyboard index on
A follow up on changing they keyboard layout is here:Set numeric layout for windows onscreen keyboard programmatically


xamarin forms UWP tablet app windows 10 clicking on 2nd textbox closes keyboard

We are doing User acceptance testing on a Xamarin Forms UWP app targeting windows 10 tablet. We are finding that when the user clicks on a textbox to enter data the soft keyboard appears as expected. However, when the user then clicks into the next textbox to enter a second required piece of data, the soft keyboard hides/closes. This results in the user having to double hit the second textbox (and any more than might need to be filled). The first click hides the keyboard, the second then causes the keyboard to reappear. To say the least this is not a good user experience. I'm guessing maybe the focus of the second is firing before the lost focus of the first? Has anyone else observed this behavior and is there any easy fix? As may want to target both Android and Windows I'm hoping for a simple solution but maybe UWP just does has some problems?

Opening onscreen keyboard wxpython

I'm developing an app using wxpython for use specifically with a Microsoft surface, which requires text input. Is there a way to automatically bring up the onscreen keyboard when an input box is selected?
You can create an onscreen keyboard with wxPython for your applications. If you want keyboard to appear when you click your app's wx.TextCtrl, you just need to bind wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN and/or wx.EVT_LEFT_UP events to it. However, if you want keyboard to appear when any app's input is clicked then it is really hard to achieve, instead you can assign a function key to popup.

When does the touch keyboard popup?

I'm working on a non-touch device (regular PC...) with a keyboard. I've written a Windows 8 App, which includes TextBox.
I want to launch the Touch Keyboard, when the user uses a device without a keyboard (=Tablet/Phone). How can I test it?
I.e. when I use the Visual Studio simulator for Windows 8 and choose "taps" as the gesture, the virtual touch keyboard still won't popup. Is there any specific moment where Windows is using the keyboard automatically? I'd actually like to test the Touch Keyboard to check the InputScope (i.e. InputScope="Number") and the 'look of the app', when the keyboard pops up.
If needed, my TextBox looks like this:
<TextBox InputScope="Number"/>
Edit: The keyboard pops up now (I don't know why...). I've started the simulator and used "taps" as gesture and the keyboard didn't pop up. After restarting the simulator ~5 times, it pops up now, but the InputScope is not Number...
Visual Studio 2012 comes with a Simulator that you can run your Windows 8 app in. On the right of that, you may notice buttons near the top, one that's a pointer and another that's a finger. If you use the finger, then all input will be touch input, as if there were no keyboard.

Detect that the onscreen keyboard has been displayed on Windows Phone 7

Simple question:
How do I detect that the onscreen keyboard has been displayed on windows mobile 7? Is there an event I can add a listener to?
It takes up about half the screen and I want to scroll the view up when it gets displayed...
A comment below indicates more clearly what I'm trying to do: I have a textbox input, and as the user types into it an autocomplete dropdown appears below it (like google suggest). By default, the active control (the textbox) scrolls into view when focussed, and the onscreen keyboard is directly below it. The onscreen keyboard appears in front of my autocomplete dropdown - what I want to do is make the screen scroll a little further up, so there's some room for my dropdown to be shown.
The windows phone UI design guidelines say: "When the keyboard is deployed, the application should scroll to ensure the active edit control and the caret are in view". This happens fine, it's just the non-active dropdown gets hidden behind the onscreen keyboard.
The guidelines also say that an application can choose to show the onscreen keyboard, and can also choose to close it.
At the moment i'm stuck, and I don't think (based on my research and the replies to this question) that it's possible to detect that the onscreen keyboard has been displayed. I'm moving my investigation to see if it's possible to determine the "visible area" of the page (width & height in pixels for example), and combine this with an onfocus for the textbox... not sure if this will prove fruitful though.
Detecting when the virtual keyboard is displayed won't be possible in 7.0, as confirmed by Microsoft's Peter Torr in the WP7 forum on MSDN.
Maybe, as a dirty workaround, you could detect when the position of your text box (or its parent scroll viewer's offset) has changed, as this would indicate that the virtual keyboard has appeared or disappeared.
You can listen to the TextBox.GotFocus and TextBox.LostFocus events to detect when a text box in your application acquires and looses focus.
If an editable element gets focus then the framework will automatically scroll the element into view. So you really shouldn't have to do anything.

Non-modal notification bars?

How can I implement a non-modal sliding notification bar, such as Firefox, Beyond Compare, and VMware Workstation 6.5 use, in client-side Windows apps?
Any language or framework is fine for now; my current app is in Delphi / C++Builder, but I'm also interested in comparing frameworks and prototyping some UIs.
Related question: This question asks about doing so in Java.
Beyond Compare's notification bar doesn't slide, it just pops open, so I can't offer any help on that. The notification bar itself is just a TPanel with a TImage and TLabel for the image/text. It's placed on the main window at design time and it's set to align bottom. Normally it's hidden, and when there's a message to display we set the Visible property to true.
There's different ways to hide the notification, depending on how you want it to behave. In BC we install keyboard and mouse hooks (SetWindowsHookEx with WH_KEYBOARD or WH_MOUSE) and hide it on key up and mouse button events. Alternatively, like Mark said, you could hide it after a delay, add a close button to the side, or just watch for specific events in your app and manually hide it then.
In Delphi, I believe that you can change a property on the Dialog itself (change the window type away from "Dialog" and select the standard windowed alternative). Sorry I cannot be more specific, it has been about two years since I last worked on a Delphi app.
