Embed manifest to exe failing with argument invalid - windows

I want to add a manifest to .exe file so it stops asking users to run as administrator in Windows 7.
I followed this tutorial which seems to do exactly what I want to accomplish except I get this error when I do the same and I cannot find a solution for it:
mt.exe : general error c101008d: Failed to write the updated manifest to the resource of file "C:\install.exe". The parameter is incorrect.
this is the command I used:
mt.exe –manifest C:\install.exe.manifest -outputresource:C:\install.exe;1
Any help would be really appreciated, thank you.

This is how I solved this problem, it was actually a syntax issue:
mt.exe –manifest "C:\install.exe.manifest" -outputresource:"C:\install.exe;#1"
There is an even better solution is to edit the .exe directly using visual studio.


Visual studio - how to check what DLLs does my program need to run/what DLLs are missed?

I've just downloaded the Visual Studio 2017 Community.
Once I try to compile any program (even the simplest "Hello World") with any configuration (release/debug, x86/x64, empty project/windows console application), I get the following error:
Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(381,5): error MSB6006: error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code -1073741515 (This error means STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND, I know it's been asked before, but I don't know how to check what DLLs are missed).
<CL Condition="'%(ClCompile.PrecompiledHeader)' != 'Create' and
'%(ClCompile.ExcludedFromBuild)'!='true' and
'%(ClCompile.CompilerIteration)' == '' and #(ClCompile) != ''"
Do you know how to check what DLLs are missing?
I'm new but i hope I'll answer quite properly. To reach the actual error code you need to change it to hex. Yours is
. As far as I know it's file damage related,so you're right about dll missing. In older visuals the way to know it was via command line.
Ran msbuild.exe <my.sln> /t:<mytargetproject> from a VS2010 command prompt, where <my.sln> is your solution name and <mytargetproject> is the project you are trying to build. For e.g. msbuild.exe helloworld.sln /t:mainproj.
That is a cite from different post in stackoverflow.
Error Code -1073741515 When Using EDITBIN
Hope it will be easier for you to resolve problem with this. Can't help more as I don't use VS neither Windows. Good luck!

Error in task sequence failure: "Incorrect function: Error 00000001; Source: Windows"

I am receiving the above error when running the task sequence and it is failing on the step that is in the picture I provided. Does anyone have any ideas on why? I know the error is very generic, and I have tried several things to address it - I checked the box to disable 64-bit, I made sure that the package containing the batch file was referenced in that step, etc. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I am very much a noob when it comes to SCCM. Thank you.
Could you post the SMSTS.log saved in C:\Windows\CCM ?
It should contain the reason why this is failing
While looking at your TS, It could be that using a working folder with UNC paths fail the TS because CMD does not support running UNC paths out of the box.
Try adding cmd /c at the start of the Command Line field. It's quirky, but has often fixed my issues.

Trouble Creating and Executing an Intel SGX Enclave

I'm very new to SGX and wanted to start with something simple. Fortunately, I found this very basic tutorial. Unfortunately, as simple as it is, I can't get it to work. The code executes, but there are errors in the output.
[sgx_create_enclavew ..\urts\win\urts.cpp:195] Couldn't open file with CreateFile()
error 0x200f, failed to create enclave.
Buffer before change: Hello World!
Buffer after change: Hello World!
Returned Secret:
Saved Secret: My secret string
Load Secret:
secretIntValue first load: 0
saved a 1337 to the enclave.
secretIntValue second load after 1337 was saved: 0
error, failed to destroy enclave.
image of output
the tutorial says:
If you get the error SGX couldn't find the enclave file. The solution is to move the enclave_test_save.signed.dll into the same folder where the app_test_save.exe is located.
which I've tried, but it didn't solve the problem.
when I try to create the enclave using:
sgx_create_enclave(ENCLAVE_FILE, SGX_DEBUG_FLAG, &token, &updated, &eid, NULL);
could the problem be a result of using a different version of Visual Studio? (The tutorial uses VS 2012, while I'm using VS 2015)
Did you run the application through command prompt or from IDE?
If you are using IDE, You need to change the debugging properties to $(OutDir) from $(ProjecttDir) under Project Properties->Configuration Properties->Debugging->Working Directory.(Both Enclave and Application) Select the Intel(R) SGX Debugger.
Disclaimer: I had the same error although under a different setting (Ubuntu, eclipse) so I am not sure to what extent this will help.
Before initialize_enclave() is called (which in turn calls sgx_create_enclave()), a chdir(absolutePath) command needs to be executed, where absolutePath needs to be the absolute path to where your executable is.
My error was due to a wrong path I used.
Thanks, I solved it. turns out I had to place enclave_test_save.signed.dll in the root folder with the .edl file and not with the .exe file.

Error -1501 - any ideas? - InstallShield "Basic MSI" Projects?

Can anyone help, the error I'm getting when I try to build a release? The error from the logs is as below:
Building .cab files...
ISEXP : error : -1501: Could not compress "F:\Nagarajan\Projects\Game\Game.opensdf" into "F:\Nagarajan\Projects\Game\Game Installer\Game Installer\Express\SingleImage\DiskImages\DISK1\Data1.cab"
Kindly help me. Thanks in advance
The .opensdf file is a temporary file, used by - and held open by - Visual Studio whiile you have your project open. It should not be part of your distribution, so you just need to remove it from the list of files packed by the installer.

F# Microsoft.ParallelArrays not defined

So I downloaded and installed Microsoft Accelerator v2 to use ParallelArrays. I have referenced it in my project but when I try and execute the code from the module in a script file I get:
"The namespace 'ParallelArrays' is not defined
I have followed the instructions on this post:
Microsoft Accelerator library with Visual Studio F#
I've added a reference to the managed version "Microsoft.Accelerator.dll" to my F# project and then added the native "Accelerator.dll" as an item in my solution and set it's 'Copy To Output Directory' to Copy Always.
Still getting the FSI error and inline error in my script file on the '#load ...' line, however the solution builds fine, and no error in the module file.
Any ideas on what I'm missing? I'm sure it's something stupid.
I tried mydogisbox's advice, which got rid of the error above, but now when I run the code in the .fsx file I get this error instead:
--> Referenced 'F:\Work\GitHub\qf-sharp\qf-sharp\bin\Debug\Microsoft.Accelerator.dll' (file may be locked by F# Interactive process)
[Loading F:\Work\GitHub\qf-sharp\qf-sharp\MonteCarloGPU.fs]
error FS0192: internal error: F:\Work\GitHub\qf-sharp\qf-sharp\Accelerator.dll: bad cli header, rva 0
So the bad header error has dissapeared, but now I get this instead:
Microsoft.ParallelArrays.AcceleratorException: Failure to create a DirectX 9 device.
at Microsoft.ParallelArrays.ParallelArrays.ThrowNativeAcceleratorException()
at Microsoft.ParallelArrays.DX9Target..ctor()
at <StartupCode$FSI_0002>.$FSI_0002_MonteCarloGPU.main#() in F:\Work\GitHub\qf- sharp\qf-sharp\MonteCarloGPU.fs:line 14
Stopped due to error
I found this thread on MSDN however the answers proposed as fixes on that thread barely even relate to the question.
My Direct X version is 11, and I imagine that will suffice, however I tried installing DX9 however, it tells me that a newer version is detected therefore cant install.
There are special directives for referencing dlls from fsi. The #load directive loads the .fs file only. You need to use the #r directive to reference the file. You can either use the full path of the file or you can use #I to include the path to the file. More details here. Keep in mind that fsi is completely independent of your project, so all references in your project must be duplicated in fsi for it to access the same types.
