Error -1501 - any ideas? - InstallShield "Basic MSI" Projects? - visual-studio-2010

Can anyone help, the error I'm getting when I try to build a release? The error from the logs is as below:
Building .cab files...
ISEXP : error : -1501: Could not compress "F:\Nagarajan\Projects\Game\Game.opensdf" into "F:\Nagarajan\Projects\Game\Game Installer\Game Installer\Express\SingleImage\DiskImages\DISK1\"
Kindly help me. Thanks in advance

The .opensdf file is a temporary file, used by - and held open by - Visual Studio whiile you have your project open. It should not be part of your distribution, so you just need to remove it from the list of files packed by the installer.


Application could not be uploaded on device

I have a crossplatform solution for an application. I have recently tried to add push notifications functionality for my IOS project.
But when i try to install my project on my ios i get this error.
Package Inspection Failed Error (error: 0xe8000051).
I have tried:
- Cleaning solution
- rebuild
- checking build action for my info.plist
- removing bin folder
the full trace of the install looks like this:
PreflightingApplication - PercentComplete: 30%
PackageInspectionFailed: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/
error MT1006: Could not install the application '/Users/anderslarsen/Documents/Projects/ODEON/ODEON/ODEON.iOS/bin/iPhone/Release/' on the device 'Anders - iPhone': Package Inspection Failed Error (error: 0xe8000051).
Can anyone help me with this error?
Thanks in advance!
I could not find the reason this happens and I researched a lot, 2 years after this question was done I'm still getting this error. From my personal experience, manually deleting "bin" and "obj" and then building the iOS project again would solve the issue.

Visual studio - how to check what DLLs does my program need to run/what DLLs are missed?

I've just downloaded the Visual Studio 2017 Community.
Once I try to compile any program (even the simplest "Hello World") with any configuration (release/debug, x86/x64, empty project/windows console application), I get the following error:
Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(381,5): error MSB6006: error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code -1073741515 (This error means STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND, I know it's been asked before, but I don't know how to check what DLLs are missed).
<CL Condition="'%(ClCompile.PrecompiledHeader)' != 'Create' and
'%(ClCompile.ExcludedFromBuild)'!='true' and
'%(ClCompile.CompilerIteration)' == '' and #(ClCompile) != ''"
Do you know how to check what DLLs are missing?
I'm new but i hope I'll answer quite properly. To reach the actual error code you need to change it to hex. Yours is
. As far as I know it's file damage related,so you're right about dll missing. In older visuals the way to know it was via command line.
Ran msbuild.exe <my.sln> /t:<mytargetproject> from a VS2010 command prompt, where <my.sln> is your solution name and <mytargetproject> is the project you are trying to build. For e.g. msbuild.exe helloworld.sln /t:mainproj.
That is a cite from different post in stackoverflow.
Error Code -1073741515 When Using EDITBIN
Hope it will be easier for you to resolve problem with this. Can't help more as I don't use VS neither Windows. Good luck!

i keep getting the error on xamarin studio that tells me the dll.mdb is missing. Isnt it supposed to be automatically generated? How do i fix this?

C:\Program Files
Error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Tolu\Documents\ICE
Dialler\Dialler1\Dialler1\Dialler1\bin\Debug\Dialler1.dll.mdb" because
it was not found. (MSB3030) (Dialler1)

Why am I recieving this error: LNK1104: cannot open file 'opencv_core246d.lib''?

I am trying to run a program that does not include any opencv files, but for some reason this error keeps popping up and preventing me from running the program.
LNK1104: cannot open file 'opencv_core246d.lib' C:\Users\Public\Documents\imgSwitchingFiles
Please can somebody shed light on this issue?
It looks like your project options state this library should be linked to your binaries. Did you reuse this project from elsewhere?
If you really don't need OpenCV, simply remove its libraries from the project linking options.
In project properties:
VC++ Directories>Library files>C:\OpenCV2.4.3\build\x86\vc9\lib
Linker>Input>Additional Dependencies>
Add the following under edit (each on a new line)
opencv_core243d.lib; opencv_imgproc243d.lib; opencv_highgui243d.lib; opencv_ml243d.lib; opencv_video243d.lib; opencv_features2d243d.lib; opencv_calib3d243d.lib; opencv_objdetect243d.lib; opencv_contrib243d.lib; opencv_legacy243d.lib; opencv_flann243d.lib;
Your file paths may be different i.e. vc10 instead of vc9 or u may have x64 instead of x86.
Also u will have 246 in every .lib instead of 243.

Embed manifest to exe failing with argument invalid

I want to add a manifest to .exe file so it stops asking users to run as administrator in Windows 7.
I followed this tutorial which seems to do exactly what I want to accomplish except I get this error when I do the same and I cannot find a solution for it:
mt.exe : general error c101008d: Failed to write the updated manifest to the resource of file "C:\install.exe". The parameter is incorrect.
this is the command I used:
mt.exe –manifest C:\install.exe.manifest -outputresource:C:\install.exe;1
Any help would be really appreciated, thank you.
This is how I solved this problem, it was actually a syntax issue:
mt.exe –manifest "C:\install.exe.manifest" -outputresource:"C:\install.exe;#1"
There is an even better solution is to edit the .exe directly using visual studio.
