Filtering events in timeline stops drawing a new event in DHTMLX - dhtmlx

dhtmlxscheduler timeline when I use filtering
scheduler.filter_timeline = scheduler.filter_month = scheduler.filter_day = scheduler.filter_week = function(id, event) {
// display event only if its type is set to true in filters obj
if (rules[event.user_id]) {
return true;
// default, do not display event
return false;
drag animation (drawing a Node/session) doesn't work.
if you look at the DHTMLX_scheduler samples you will see create a new event doesn't work properly.
I am using Trace Skin . Every thing is working well. even light box is loading . the main problem is when I use this statement filter_timeline then Timeline drawing stop draw event.(It can also create it but the it is like transparent)

It is not a bug in scheduler itself, but badly written sample
In code of sample, update next line
if (filters[event.type]) {
if (filters[event.type] || event.type==scheduler.undefined) {
When event just created it doesn't have the type defined yet, so it was filtered out with previous logic


DHTMLX Scheduler timeline click on day_date

In a scheduler timeline view having a second_scale, is it possible to click on a single date? I have found this answer, but I'm wondering if there is an event in the meantime.
There are onXScaleClick, onXScaleDblClick events for the Timeline view. But in case, when you have 2 scales, they fire only for the second one. Check console in the snippet that demonstrates it.
Nonetheless, you can add onclick event listener for the first scale using js:
var dateScaleEl = document.querySelector(".dhx_second_scale_bar");
dateScaleEl.onclick = function() {
var targetDate = scheduler.getState().date;
getState() is a method to get the active date.

Instagram/FB-like back navigation w/ animation

I need to add back navigation on swipe. I can do that fairly easily by just adding a swipe listener to the page view and calling goBack. But I really would like the animation that goes with it (in Instagram or FB) where as soon as you start dragging your thumb, the page translates to the right and the previous page starts to translate into view. And then once you get to a certain point it actually performs the navigation.
I tried animating the page, as well as the frame to the right figuring since the view isn't being destroyed it might work. But it doesn't display the page Im navigating back to.
Looking for help on how to accomplish this!
I guess you might have come across the other SO thread answering this question natively.
All you have to do is modify the default gesture recogniser on iOS frame.
export function onNavigatedFrom(args: EventData) {
console.log("Adding gesture...");
const frame = (<Page>args.object).frame;
if (frame.ios && !(<any>frame)._gestureRecognizer) {
const controller = frame.ios.controller;
const popGestureRecognizer = controller.interactivePopGestureRecognizer;
const targets = popGestureRecognizer.valueForKey("targets");
if (targets) {
let gestureRecognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer.alloc().init();
gestureRecognizer.setValueForKey(targets, "targets");
(<any>frame)._gestureRecognizer = gestureRecognizer;
export function onNavigatedTo(args: EventData) {
console.log("Back to root page, removing gesture...");
const frame = (<Page>args.object).frame;
if (frame.ios && (<any>frame)._gestureRecognizer) {
(<any>frame)._gestureRecognizer = null;
Playground Sample

ShieldUi manipulating chart as soon as it is rendered

I'm facing shieldUI wicket integration and I'm trying to get base 64 image dfom a shieldUi chart using this tutorial:
I tried to run the code below:
function render_image_box(chart_id) {
var result = false;
var svg_chart = $("#" + chart_id);
if (svg_chart) {
var chart = svg_chart.swidget();
if (chart != null) {
result = true;
// setTimeout(find_image_source, 100) // wait before continuing
return chart;
in both the $(document).ready(..) and $(window).load(...) functions and the load event raised from the library ( as well.
In none of these function chart is rendered yet, so the svg_chart.swidget() returns null.
Is there any other event to use to accomplish my goal or any other way to get the image source?
Thanks in advance,
You can access the chart instance using .swidget() only after you have initialized it with the .shieldChart() constructor.
To make your code work, you should also turn off animation for the chart, because right after you initialize it, the rendering will not be over and there will be no image contents.
Here is a complete JSBin to get you started...

AlloyUI Diagram Builder Read-only

I am using the Alloy Diagram Builder to create and display network topology.
I would like to remove default click and drag events attached to each nodes, so viewers would not have the ability "build" diagrams but only view diagrams that I have generated.
I have tried these but it does not work.
// detach click event to all nodes with class aui-diagram-node.
// unbind
I believe the event is attached to the container .aui-diagram-builder-drop-container via delegate() and the event would be mousedown.
Merely by accident I found a hack that might work for this. I was adding tooltips to my page on which I had a diagram builder, well apparently the tooltips layer a div over the page and simply set the opacity on it to be clear and the object still resides. After a tooltip had come up i was unable to interact with the piece of the diagram builder the tooltip had popped up over.
So based of this concept, why not try overlaying a div over the entire canvas of the diagram and give it a high z-index so that it sits on top. It should effectively not allow interaction with the canvas.
Yes it's a kludge but it just may work.
To make a DiagramBuilder read-only, you can detach() events from all of its children recursively:
* Readonly the diagram
function ReadonlyDiagram(diagram) {
function detachRecursively(node) {
// You may also want to set the cursor to the default since it will
// change based on which elements the mouse is over.
// node.setStyle('cursor', 'auto');
// You may want to detach specific events such as 'click' or
// 'mousedown' if you do not want to disable all events.
diagram.on('render', function (event) {
Now, you must be post diagramBuilder object to ReadonlyDiagram function like below codes:
YUI().use('aui-diagram-builder', function (y) {
var diagram = new y.DiagramBuilder(
availableFields: data,
boundingBox: '#' + containerId,
fields: nodes,
srcNode: '#' + builderId
if (callBackDiagram !== undefined) callBackDiagram(diagram);
if(isReadonly === true) ReadonlyDiagram(diagram);

How can I detect resizeStop event on Kendo UI Window?

The title explains it all...
I need to perform a custom action when I know a user has finished resizing, but from what I can find in the Kendo UI documentation there is no event for this accessible to me other that 'resize' which I cannot use as is.
Perhaps i just missed the event?
if not:
Is there a way to use the 'resize' event to determine that a user has stopped resizing?
So here's my answer thus far:
Mine differs slightly due to architectural needs, but here's a general solution
var isResizing = false;
var wndw = $(element).kendoWindow({
// .....
resize: OnResize,
// .....
function onResize() {
isResizing = true;
$('body').on('mouseup', '.k-window', function() {
// **Your 'Stopped' code here**
isResizing = false;
Have you considered using underscore.js debounce? I have used it successfully to only trigger then change after the resize events have stopped coming for a certain period (in the case below 300ms). This does add a small delay to captureing the end, but if like me you just want to store the final size then that works fine. Here is the version of the code above but using underscore debounce:
var wndw = $(element).kendoWindow({
// .....
resize: _.debounce( this.hasResized, 300)
// .....
//This is called at the end of a resize operation (using _.debounce)
function hasResized (args) {
// ** Your code here **
Hope that helps.
