How can I run JRE 7 on Mac 10.6 - macos

This may be a longshot, but I NEED to get Java JRE 7 running on Mac 10.6. The official documentation states
Mac OS X System Requirements
Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion) or later.
Administrator privileges for installation 64-bit browser
Is there any way I can trick the java JRE 7 into installing itself on OSX 10.6? Is there some community version of a JRE 7?

It can be done, just follow what this answer suggests. I successfully installed JDK 7 update 11 a couple of weeks ago. However I have only used it for some development, and am not sure if it runs e.g. Swing apps without issues.

Easiest is most likely to install virtual box and run Ubuntu inside.
EDIT: The comments indicate that this is not for hobby use but a client. I would personally never base a commercial solution on unsupported software, and I hope it has been made absolutely clear to the client what this can result in.
A better solution might be recompiling your Java program for Java 6 (use the Eclipse compiler with -source and -target) and run it under Java 6. If you cannot do this - as you said NEED - then open a new question asking how to backport that facility to Java 6.


How/where to download openjdk/openjre for windows [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
OpenJDK availability for Windows OS [closed]
(11 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
How do I go about downloading OpenJDK and OpenJRE for Windows ?
Is there a Server version of Open JRE ?
The reason I'm asking is since googling around didn't get me anywhere. Since more and more companies have started looking at openjdk/openjre, and some of us need to deploy/develop on windows, this is a valid question.
If you think building the open jdk/jre is the only solution for now, pls. say so.
All : It's not a duplicate. Since the original question was asked (and corresponding answers), JDK 8 has been released. The OpenJDK site does not have OpenJDK 8 or OpenJRE 8 binaries. It's quite difficult for a java developer to build one for himself. I'm looking for an "Official" OpenJDK, client OpenJRE, server OpenJRE that I can download and redistribute as per the license.
How do I go about downloading OpenJDK and OpenJRE for Windows ?
On the OpenJDK home page it states
Download and install the open-source JDK 8 for most popular Linux distributions. If you came here looking for Oracle JDK 8 product binaries for Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows, which are based largely on the same code, you can download them from
You can download and built the OpenJDK yourself, as others have done, however I am not sure this is a good idea for a production instance and it is a pretty complicated product to build and test.
Is there a Server version of Open JRE ?
Yes, the server JVM runs by default on Linux and 64-bit windows.
If you think building the open jdk/jre is the only solution for now
There is plenty of other free JDKs including Oracle's and IBM's
If you want support I suggest considering Azul's Zulu.

How to fix JEdit 5.1.0 to don't complain about Java SE 6?

I have Mac OS X 10.9 and Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02)... I had another version of JEdit (I guess JEdit 4) and Java 6 before and my JEdit was working fine.
Then I upgraded Java to Java 7 because NetBeans7.4 needed to be installed with Java 7 (and I needed this new NetBeans because I had a fatal issue with NetBeans 7.3.1). So anyway, I installed Java 7 and I installed NetBeans 7.4 and my netbeans is working perfectly now, but when I tried to run the JEdit it brought up an alert saying it needs Java SE 6 to run!
I did some search in the net, and it seems that JEdit 4.5 (and I guess JEdit 5.1 too!) should not have any issue with Java 7, So I installed JEdit 5.1.0... I expected that it should work and don't bring up that complain alert BUT it didn't work and brought up "Java SE 6 is needed" complain again ...
I still can run JEdit using this command, but I can't use Cmd+C & Cmd+V shortcuts for copy and paste and it kills me!
java -jar /Applications/
Is there anybody who knows why JEdit 5.1 is complaining about Java 6 and how to fix it?! I really appreciate your help!
After almost 3 months struggling with jEdit I'm ready to give up... I still can't run jEdit like a normal app. What do you suggest to replace my jEdit?! The main feature I need is realtime access to the server files... Most of editors keep a local version of files, so they don't show the changes when they are made in the server side. for example when I switch to a new git branch on server, my netbeans is still showing the branch that I was working before switching, so I need to do a complete download on the project. Any idea?!
#Monica About one year later after your question, I've experienced the same issue with Mountain Lion (according to jEdit's homepage, 5.1.0 is still the current stable version).
I've installed jEdit in /Applications/Dev/ (not /Applications as most people do, I believe; that's not important except for designating the path, see below). I'm using Java 7.
The following works for me from the command line, like for you:
java -jar /Applications/Dev/
So, I used Automator to create a normal MacOS Application named "" as in the screenshot. Now I can launch MyJEdit instead of jEdit. Other java flags might be required, for instance to set the memory usage (cf java -help and java -X).
jEdit on Mac OS X and Java 7 is a long story of annoyances, and fine points that Apple did not get quite right up to Java 6, and Oracle still learning about native platform support in the past 1-2 years.
Starting with Jdk-7u40 it works technically quite well, even Retina displays, but jEdit needs to be adapted slightly.
jEdit 5.2 will probably work with Java 7 out of the box, but a few points are still open. See also the tracker item 3615000 at Sourceforge.
Here is a practical proof that it works: Isabelle/jEdit -- it is an application based on jEdit that is bundled differently than official jEdit 5.1.0.

Glassfish v4.0 cannot work on Mac OSX 10.6.8 + JDK 7.0 U40

I had been using 2010 Macbook Pro for a while and had updated the Mac OSX to the latest version, and I had been suffering the slow speed for a long time. So last night I googled and do some cleanup , such as fix disk permissions, but the Mac was still slow. And someone suggest to re-install MacOSX.
I was thinking it was the new version of Mac OSX's problem, I had the same kind of problems happen on the 1st version IPad either.
After I reinstalled, the computer became much more faster. But I encountered the following problems:
JDK 7 DMG does not support OSX 10.6.8, but ONLY OSX 10.7+
Github official client does not support OSX 10.7+
Gooooooogled again and again, to solve the 1st problem, there are mainly to suggestions:
A. Using PackageMaker to remove the OSX version condition.
B. Using a tool Pacifist to open the pkg file inside the DMG file downloaded from official.
Since I have PackageMaker installed on Mac OSX, so I choosed A.
Open it with PackageMaker, remove the limitation, and build it again, I installed with the new pkg file successfully at:
And then set JAVA_HOME on ~/.bash_profile.
Then I download the glassfish 4.0 multi-language version, unzipped, and start-domain successfully. and finally the problem killed me for now.
After glassfish v4 started, I try to login into web console at:
then glassfish server instance "dies", the java process of glassfish is still there, but without any response, the web console starting icon keeps rolling all the time. And there are no error logs created, and the "generated" directory is not generated.
2013-10-15 14:05:20.928 java[797:903] * NSInvocation: warning: object 0x1083c8390 of class 'ThreadUtilities' does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead
2013-10-15 14:05:20.930 java[797:903] * NSInvocation: warning: object 0x1083c8390 of class 'ThreadUtilities' does not implement doesNotRecognizeSelector: -- abort
Command start-domain failed.
That is the 1st problem.
The 2nd problem is about github. Since github official does not support OSX 10.6.8, I found an old installer with version 1.0.3. I installed this version, with one ONLY problem for now, I cannot login into github with username and password,no error responses, just no responding, I suffered this once I was on Windows. But I can work with clicking the "Clone into Desktop" button on
Can someone help me out? I am working on JDK7 based projects.
Why everybody is leaving Snow Leopard, and does not support it anymore, but old Mac computers should be die without working software after 2~3 years, just 2~3 years. And OS upgrade to nex t level will DOWNGrade the performance. Why this things happen?
Is it the oracle from god?
I had the same error (NSInvocation...), on my 2006 Macbook Pro (OS X 10.6.8), onto which I had installed JDK7 to develop a Java/GWT application in Eclipse Kepler. After searching around, I learned that one possible solution was to downgrade to JDK 1.7.0u25 (instead of update 40 or higher), so I installed that version alongside 1.7.0u45 (which I already had), and that fixed the problem. So I would recommend installing that version of the JDK and see if that fixes your problem.

Does Java 7 run on only x64 bit MAC OS X?

I want to deliver self-contained application packages on Windows, Linux and Mac so I have build my JavaFX application on all three platforms. I will allow my users to download these native bundles from my application's download web page but I have a confusion regarding MAC users because For Linux and Windows, JDK/JRE 7 comes in two download options
for x86
for x64.
but for MAC we have only option for x64.
Java Download Page shows Java/Jre is not available for 32 bit MAC OSX to run JavaFX application. Does it mean JavaFX will run on only x64 bit MAC OSX?
If it is so, then my issue has been solved, as I have already bundled my Javafx application as a "Self-Contained Application Packages" after run custom build.xml script on x64 MAC OSX but if it is not so, the user can also run JavaFX application on x86 MAC OSX but in that case my "Self-Contained Application Packages" for mac would not run on x86 MAC OSX.
So I am planning to give an additional zip file that either contains app (without copy of jre) or a plain self executable jar. But I'm bit worried regrading - what exactly I need to bundle into that zip file with self executable JAR so requirements must be met to be able to run my JavaFX application in following conditions?
conditions are : -
If user has x86 MAC OSX.
If java is already installed on user's system. And he would not like to download the "Self-Contained Application Packages" from our download page.
Big download size.
So what among the following two options suits if user have x86 MAC OSX or if he has already installed java on his system or he would not like to download "Self-Contained Application Packages" from download page due to big download size?
Option are -
APP ( without inbuilt copy of JRE)
Or only a self executable jar.
I am not sure that Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion) or later version can run on x86 system.So in case of #1 option the user may have trouble if he is using x86 system. Then he may need to change info plist file and replace the JavaAplicationStub.
In case of #2 option I think is better as the user need to download the JRE only and the JAR should run using "java -jar" command.
Please suggest which option is better in case if JavaFX application can run on x86 bit MAC OS X?
Does Java 7 run on only x64 bit MAC OS X?
Oracle Java 7 for OS X is only available for 64 bit architectures, there is no 32 bit version of the software.

Java 7 installer for Mac/Windows

I am programming software in Java 7. The users of the software are not all up to date (especially the Mac users). Therefore I need an installer (Windows/OSX) that can be easily integrated with the software installation. There is a normal installer for Windows 7 so I am especially focused on finding one for the Mac. Bonus points if it can check for XCode and other requirements too).
I am thinking another option would be to just use some of the libraries from Java 7 (for example the file-system library). However, I think this might not be possible due to the version number in the compiled classes? I couldn't use a Java 6 compiler to compile these libraries either (because they are Java 7 code).
I don't think I am the only one with this problem. There must be a solution somewhere, but I haven't found it.
Any help would be appreciated.
For the best user experience I would recommend using PackageMaker to create a .pkg file which you can then give to your Mac users. That allows them to do a single click-to-install of your app.
Within the package you would bundle your app archive (JAR file), any necessary resources and two scripts, one to check for the existence of Java 7 on the target system, and the other to install it if not found. I would recommend bundling the latest version of OpenJDK7 with your pkg, at least until an official Java 7 SDK is released for the Mac.
JAva 7 is not yet officially supported on Mac OS X, if you are looking for a JAva 7 installer for mac Os X take a look at openjdk-osx-build project on Google Code.
Update: You shouldn't need Java 7 for what your doing.
A better solution is to use Java 6 + Third party JNI libraries (i.e: JNotify,JavaXT...)
Directory listener in Java using JNotify
as for Last Accessed Date you might need to write tiny bit of Objective-C and pass it back via JNI
JNI Development on Mac OS X
Mac OS X already comes with Java runtime on Snow Leopard (JRE6)
On Lion it will automatically download JRE6 if application needs it's
You can of course download preview release of JDK7 from Oracle, but remember this is preview software there are some parts still not working yet (for example: Java Web Start)
Oracle JDK7u4 Mac OS X Port Developer Preview Release
Edit: Oracle JDK 1.7 Preview Release only supports Mac OS X Lion
