How/where to download openjdk/openjre for windows [duplicate] - download

This question already has answers here:
OpenJDK availability for Windows OS [closed]
(11 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
How do I go about downloading OpenJDK and OpenJRE for Windows ?
Is there a Server version of Open JRE ?
The reason I'm asking is since googling around didn't get me anywhere. Since more and more companies have started looking at openjdk/openjre, and some of us need to deploy/develop on windows, this is a valid question.
If you think building the open jdk/jre is the only solution for now, pls. say so.
All : It's not a duplicate. Since the original question was asked (and corresponding answers), JDK 8 has been released. The OpenJDK site does not have OpenJDK 8 or OpenJRE 8 binaries. It's quite difficult for a java developer to build one for himself. I'm looking for an "Official" OpenJDK, client OpenJRE, server OpenJRE that I can download and redistribute as per the license.

How do I go about downloading OpenJDK and OpenJRE for Windows ?
On the OpenJDK home page it states
Download and install the open-source JDK 8 for most popular Linux distributions. If you came here looking for Oracle JDK 8 product binaries for Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows, which are based largely on the same code, you can download them from
You can download and built the OpenJDK yourself, as others have done, however I am not sure this is a good idea for a production instance and it is a pretty complicated product to build and test.
Is there a Server version of Open JRE ?
Yes, the server JVM runs by default on Linux and 64-bit windows.
If you think building the open jdk/jre is the only solution for now
There is plenty of other free JDKs including Oracle's and IBM's
If you want support I suggest considering Azul's Zulu.


codenameone Cant Open Designer or Settings

I've a new computer with Debian 9 / 64bits.
After installing Netbeans 8.2 and Codename Plugin 5.0 if i try to open "CodenameOne Settings" or "CodenameOne Designer" nothing happens.
I've checked JRE_JAVA and JDK_JAVA and PATH environment variables and them points to the correct path.
I don't see any error message but the tools dont start.
I dont know what happens but i remember a similar issue in the old computer with Debian 6 / 32bits.
Can anybody help me?
Thanks a lot
Ramon Garcia
The default version of Java on Linux systems is OpenJDK which is a bit problematic due to its lack of JavaFX support. With newer JDKs we updated Codename One to download JavaFX dynamically as it was removed from the JDK but since the dynamic download only works with JDK 10 or newer (due to the way the people at Oracle compiled JavaFX) this would be the minimum version of OpenJDK.
So you can either install Oracle JDK 8 or Open JDK 11 to keep compatibility.
Notice you can track this issue by running the designer/gui builder from the command line and seeing the point of failure:

Maintaining binary compatibility with previous versions

Apologies if this is more Server Fault than SO, but it is related to coding so here goes...
I have someone else's code that I am trying to compile on RHEL 7 but will run (for the moment at least) on RHEL 6. I've written my own RPM spec file to build and output an RPM file. The RPM builds fine on both RHEL 6 and RHEL 7 but when I build it on RHEL 7, does not produce an RPM which can be installed on RHEL 6 due to versions of GLIBC.
Is there a simple switch I can add to the build somewhere which will allow the resulting binary to be satisfied with an earlier version of GLIBC and be able to be installed on RHEL 6?
To be clear, I don't actually need a RHEL 7 binary at present, I'd just like to be able to compile for RHEL 6 on a RHEL 7 dev box.
You can use mock (sadly only in EPEL) to create a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 chroot on your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system. If you use only libraries with Tier 1 ABI compatibility, your application will continue to run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 without recompilation. Building on the oldest supported release (from the application point of view) is really the only way to do this. If you need a more recent C++ compiler and that's the reason why you are building on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, consider using Developer Toolset (DTS) instead.
Tier 1 libraries are described in the Application Compatibility Guide. There is supposed to be a PDF attachment with the previous list of packages, but I cannot access this right now.

How can I run JRE 7 on Mac 10.6

This may be a longshot, but I NEED to get Java JRE 7 running on Mac 10.6. The official documentation states
Mac OS X System Requirements
Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion) or later.
Administrator privileges for installation 64-bit browser
Is there any way I can trick the java JRE 7 into installing itself on OSX 10.6? Is there some community version of a JRE 7?
It can be done, just follow what this answer suggests. I successfully installed JDK 7 update 11 a couple of weeks ago. However I have only used it for some development, and am not sure if it runs e.g. Swing apps without issues.
Easiest is most likely to install virtual box and run Ubuntu inside.
EDIT: The comments indicate that this is not for hobby use but a client. I would personally never base a commercial solution on unsupported software, and I hope it has been made absolutely clear to the client what this can result in.
A better solution might be recompiling your Java program for Java 6 (use the Eclipse compiler with -source and -target) and run it under Java 6. If you cannot do this - as you said NEED - then open a new question asking how to backport that facility to Java 6.

Java 7 installer for Mac/Windows

I am programming software in Java 7. The users of the software are not all up to date (especially the Mac users). Therefore I need an installer (Windows/OSX) that can be easily integrated with the software installation. There is a normal installer for Windows 7 so I am especially focused on finding one for the Mac. Bonus points if it can check for XCode and other requirements too).
I am thinking another option would be to just use some of the libraries from Java 7 (for example the file-system library). However, I think this might not be possible due to the version number in the compiled classes? I couldn't use a Java 6 compiler to compile these libraries either (because they are Java 7 code).
I don't think I am the only one with this problem. There must be a solution somewhere, but I haven't found it.
Any help would be appreciated.
For the best user experience I would recommend using PackageMaker to create a .pkg file which you can then give to your Mac users. That allows them to do a single click-to-install of your app.
Within the package you would bundle your app archive (JAR file), any necessary resources and two scripts, one to check for the existence of Java 7 on the target system, and the other to install it if not found. I would recommend bundling the latest version of OpenJDK7 with your pkg, at least until an official Java 7 SDK is released for the Mac.
JAva 7 is not yet officially supported on Mac OS X, if you are looking for a JAva 7 installer for mac Os X take a look at openjdk-osx-build project on Google Code.
Update: You shouldn't need Java 7 for what your doing.
A better solution is to use Java 6 + Third party JNI libraries (i.e: JNotify,JavaXT...)
Directory listener in Java using JNotify
as for Last Accessed Date you might need to write tiny bit of Objective-C and pass it back via JNI
JNI Development on Mac OS X
Mac OS X already comes with Java runtime on Snow Leopard (JRE6)
On Lion it will automatically download JRE6 if application needs it's
You can of course download preview release of JDK7 from Oracle, but remember this is preview software there are some parts still not working yet (for example: Java Web Start)
Oracle JDK7u4 Mac OS X Port Developer Preview Release
Edit: Oracle JDK 1.7 Preview Release only supports Mac OS X Lion

Does Apple support Java 6 yet?

A while back I released an application in Java. While I targetted it for Java 6, I realized that there was a significant Macintosh user base. At the time, Apple had not gotten around to creating a JRE 6 for their users, so I had to make the application compatible with both Java 5 and 6.
Now I've returned to that project and realize that I can't support those users any more; Sun won't let me download the JDK 5 anymore because it's end of life. So I'm caught at a crossroads; as far as I can tell, PPC Mac users still don't have a JRE 6 to use.
So I ask this question: How do I resolve this predicament? I still want to support those users, but I simply don't have a JDK with which to build. Has Apple released a JRE 6 for their PPC users? Is there an alternate way to get JDK 5 (other than becoming a business member of Sun)? Is there some alternative recommendation to supporting these users?
-- Shirik
EDIT: Some additional info, if Apple has released Java 6 for PPC, how easy is it to get? I ask this because I'm still constantly seeing logs from my users which indicate PPC architecture with a Java 5 VM.
You could use -target 1.5 -source 1.5 with your Java 6 JDK, to generate 1.5-compatible class files.
You can download Java 5 from Sun. You just have to look in the right place. - J2SE 5.0, 1.4.2, 1.3.1 - all releases going back to JDK 1.1
Note that these are all existing public releases. The material you got from Sun would have said there would be no new public releases of Java 5.0. They were pointing out that if you needed patches for recently discovered security issues and other bug fixes for Java 5.0 etc, you would have to pay for them.
Obviously, JDKs for Apple platforms are not available from Sun, but this is nothing to do with the fact that Sun have "end-of-lifed" Java 5.0. The fact is that they have never been available from Sun ...
Having said that, in the long term you need to be able to migrate your application to Java 6.0, 7.0 (due out later this year) and so on. At some point you are going to have to draw the line and say "sorry ... no more updates" for the shrinking number of users with old PPC and 32-bit Intel Macs.
As far as I know, Apple has only released Java 6 for x86-64, and I'd be willing to bet my hat that they will never release Java 6 for either PPC or for plain old 32-bit x86 (note that every Mac released after about mid-2007 or so is x86-64).
Soylatte might work (I have not tried it myself).
If you want to support older platforms, including PowerPC macs, it is a good idea to write code that can run on older Java releases. These days Java 5 is a relatively safe bet, but you may want to go even further and e.g. use retroweaver to generate Java 1.4.
You can download a version of the OpenJDK 1.7 from
it is, unfortunately, a headless build of the JDK; i.e., can't open a display, and hence can't use to run IntelliJ, but Eclipse runs on it just fine.
I'm running it on 10.5.8, on a PPC ("cheese grater",) with Eclipse 4.3.2 / Kepler, and it all seems to work fine. :-)
(though, in honesty, a new configuration on the box, so we'll see how it goes over time)
