IE 8 specific issue with angularjs directives - internet-explorer-8

This is a boiled-down repro of a problem I'm having in a much larger app. I can't seem to find a solution for it. If you run this in IE8, the ui-popup directive doesn't work, and the script debugger console has the error message "TypeError: Object doesn't support this property or methodundefined".
I tried to strip away as many directives, controllers, and as much code as possible.
jsFiddle Link

If you downgrade angularjs to 1.0.3 it works in ie8.
Angular 1.0.5 also works.


Add ES6 to ES5 transpilers in Laravel Mix

I was able to deploy my Laravel Vue project online on Chrome and Firefox browsers it work great instead of Edge and IE that threw error saying SCRIPT1028: Expected identifier, string or number. I Googled that someone said it may be fixed by having ES6 to ES5 transpiler plugin or something similar enabled in Laravel Mix. Anyone, have you tried this before? I need a help. Thanks in advance.

Laravel loading twice all pages

I'm getting a strange behavior and after hours trying to figure out what might be causing this issue, still can't solve or understand why is this happening.
The project, using Laravel Framework 5.6.39, suddenly is loading every page twice, like a redirect. This happens in all routes, even the ones not using the master page layouts.
Examples: I call myproject.develop/ or myproject.develop/login or myproject.develop/articles and it loads the correct views but twice. It feels like a redirect to the same page or a refresh.
Some of the things I've done and didn't result: clear cache, clear config, clear views, clear routes, disable debugbar, disable clockwork. The behavior is the same.
Thank in advance for any help in trying to solve this issue.
After Ross Wilson suggestion to disable Javascript in the browser (Chrome o Mac OS), first it didn't solve the issue.
Nevertheless all the steps taken as described in my question, and also cleaning any application settings in the Chrome developers console, it wasn't working.
Then, reverting Chrome settings and re-enable Javascript in Chrome, it "magically" worked and this weird behavior disappeared. Just guessing that this might be a Chrome bug (using Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)) while I was thinking anything was wrong with the application—routes, controllers, scripts, etc.—and it wasn't.
So if anyone starts experiencing this issue of pages loading twice, follow the steps and you might probably get lucky and solve the issue.
Thanks Ross!
Icognito mode solved it... so after dumping a bunch of chrome extensions it finally stopped.
I deleted cache from Chrome and the problem is gone
Ok, none of the others thing worked for me. This can be kinda obvious, but is good to check if you dont have any "src=''" in your code, this seems to try to make a request to the same url with the src type header. that happened to me.

Event.observe IE9

While using Magento 1.9 (I think that's not very important) I've got following errors in IE9:
SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'observe'
validation.js, line 98 character 35
This exception points to an Event.observe call, and there are more exceptions like that.
The prototype version is 1.7.0 and it's loading as first script (by the script src) in header element. All the errors occurs in scripts which should be loaded/initialized after the prototype.js.
I'm debugging it for a few hours without results. The problem does not occur in other browsers.
Do you know how to fix that?
Try upgrading to the latest version of Prototype, and see if that solves the issue. There was a lot of work done in IE compatibility during 1.7.3.

Typo3 powermail extension "ods_pm_ajax" not working

I have installed in TYPO3 the extension ods_pm_ajax for ajax submit, but for some reason this doesnt seem to work. I get an error like in line 5 of ods_pm_ajax.js, because $.style is not defined, which makes me think that it doesnt use prototype but I dont understand why! I turned off jQuery in my site because I was afraid of compatibility problems and still nothing.
Anyone has an idea of why this can be?
What version of ext powermail are you using?
I tried with 1.6.4 and got very similar error to yours. And then downgraded to 1.5.7 and it started to work!
Looks like the extension odd_pm_ajax requires 1.5.x. I think with version 1.6.x powermail started to use jQuery for javascript framework.
Changelog for 1.6.0 version of powermail copied from TER:
1.6.0: jQuery validation, extJS BE Module, Scheduler, HTML templates modified!, see and manual
So just use version 1.5.x and ods_pm_ajax should work.
Or try to achieve the same functionality with 1.6 and jQuery.

npapi - javascript doesnt load the content of a plugin

I wrote a firefox plugin using C++ and used the <EMBED> to load it to html.
In javascript I got the embedded plugin by using document.getElementByID,
but when I tried to call a plugin function, the function was undefined. Moreover,
plugins constructors did not run while loading the page.
The same html file and plugin seems to work on some computers, while it doesnt work on others.
Does anyone have an idea what might by wrong?
How can I debug such an issue?
Can you reproduce it on your computer at first? If not, then try to figure out what systems, browsers, architecture, versions, they are using.
I recall, there are many GECKOSDK's, and each one has a specific version it works for. For example, different SDK's for Firefox 1.5-2.0, FireFox 3.0, Firefox 3.5, and Firefox 3.5
For different browers, make sure you are exposing the right DLL Exports, browsers can vary: is a good starting point. You can use too as an alternative.
My suggestion would be to use an object tag instead of <embed>. In my experience, doesn't seem to work as reliably.
If I had more information on how your plugin is structured (are you using XPCOM or npruntime?), I might be able to help more.
