Add ES6 to ES5 transpilers in Laravel Mix - laravel

I was able to deploy my Laravel Vue project online on Chrome and Firefox browsers it work great instead of Edge and IE that threw error saying SCRIPT1028: Expected identifier, string or number. I Googled that someone said it may be fixed by having ES6 to ES5 transpiler plugin or something similar enabled in Laravel Mix. Anyone, have you tried this before? I need a help. Thanks in advance.


Finding a similiar feature/plugin for creating laravel blade components

I need assistance in locating a plugin that can generate blade components similar to the one shown in the image.
I vaguely recall seeing it on a video a few months ago and was wondering if anyone was aware of this feature or if it is a plugin.
I tried Google and several blade extensions in VS Code, but none of them work.
Thanks in advance.

Laravel 6 and Bootstrap

I am new to Laravel.
When I install Laravel 6 a lot of the things that install by default in Laravel 5.8 are not evident i.e. bootstrap, vue, jquery.
I see this is package.json file.
I did not find anything that explains this and wondering if anyone has some guidance that might enlighten me.
I was trying to use bootstrap as shown in the video I was watching and found missing resources/sass files ap.scss and .variables.scss. ap.scss was empty and .variables.scss was absent. I did find them buried elsewhere in the installation; however, bootstrap did not work and any attempts I made to install bootstrap and other missing pieces wound up breaking the framework (probably something I did.)
In the meantime I am staying with a Version 5 distribution of Laravel.
Laravel decoupled what front end tech you use by default in 6.0
You can review the documentation here.

how to convert es6 codes into code that IE can rendered

i am currently working on project that contains a lot of ES codes.when i run the project on IE it shows that there are lots of errors does not support in IE. Is there any solution?
Why you add laravel in tags? It's javascript question. But nvm, up to you.
The solution is you should use javascript polyfill. So, the ES code can be converted to the code that browser understand. Since you're using Laravel, you can use Laravel Mix to transpile your code.
use polyfill.js in your script
Use polyfill to make it compatible with IE
npm install react-app-polyfill
check more on this link

Laravel Homestead: Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined error

This problem is driving me mad, I have been researching and have read about the standalone and runtime version of Vue. As far as I can tell Laravel 5.4/homestead ships with the standalone version as default.
The Vue development tools in chrome show the example component so I think that part is working correctly, just cannot render the template.
I am relatively new to Vue and npm been stuck in the past with jQuery, firstly where in laravel can I check/set I want the stand alone version of Vue? If it is not that problem does any one have any ideas?
Thanks for help
VueJS supports two ways of building apps like you said.
Load all necessary scripts within your page via script tags (not combined .vue files).
Compile and bundle all your files with Gulp, Browserify, Webpack or other tools.
Can you explain what you did so far. I guess you don't compile everything down.
The comment by peaceman was the solution, I had multiple calls to elixir, I condensed down to one and it worked straight away. Thanks everyone for your help.

IE 8 specific issue with angularjs directives

This is a boiled-down repro of a problem I'm having in a much larger app. I can't seem to find a solution for it. If you run this in IE8, the ui-popup directive doesn't work, and the script debugger console has the error message "TypeError: Object doesn't support this property or methodundefined".
I tried to strip away as many directives, controllers, and as much code as possible.
jsFiddle Link
If you downgrade angularjs to 1.0.3 it works in ie8.
Angular 1.0.5 also works.
