Local website starts in directory - visual-studio-2010

I'm setting up a website with VS express for web and IIS 7.5 express and have gotten it to work, but the start page of the site on my local points to a directory instead of the home.aspx page. I've set the home.aspx page as the start page in vs, but still no luck. I've clearly forgot to set something up since I updated to vs 12.
I've enabled directory browsing in IIS because it was throwing an error to enable it before. Any suggestions?

in inetmgr.msc (IIS control panel), select your site, and then select "Default document" from the features pane. add a new entry with 'home.aspx' and click the up arrow until it is the top entry in the list.
or you can add a tag to your web.config


I can't remove the name of Team Foundation Server URL in Visual Studio 2017

I added a user to Team Foundation Server DevOps, but when the user entered the URL made a mistake, he entered an URL that does not exist.
I tried to remove this broken address, but does not let me delete it, there is no way to delete it in the graphical interface of Visual Studio, I tried to correct eliminating the cache of Team Foundation, I have tried to remove the workspaces, but it does not manage to eliminate this broken URL.
I have also tried to modify this URL that is misspelled but when editing the workspace, will not let me modify that address.
Here is a screenshot of the URL I want to delete, when I delete a workspace and click on Update or simply add the server to which the new user has permission to access for some reason the broken URL is not deleted, it seems that when you click on the download button and assign the existing server files if it appears as if you downloaded the solution's files but when checking in the file explorer there is nothing, and the broken URL is still there by default, I send a screenshot so you can view the problem, you will not find the local path where the files are saved because the entire Team Foundation Server cache is reset.
The broken URL
Ok, I found the solution, it turns out it was very simple, the problem was that when you add the user to the project by default is added to the stakeholder level, and that level does not allow changes in the source code, only at the administrative level, such as assigning Tasks, view assigned tasks, etc...
At the time of wanting to change the level within the project in the Web portal does not allow it to do because the change must be made at the organization level, so it is only necessary to enter the portal of the Organization then:
Click on Organization Settings--> Users--> Change access level (click on 3 dots in name of user) --> Change from Stakeholder to Basic
Ready... Problem fixed!
I'll add some screenshots of the process:
Click Organization Settings
Click on Users
Change access level
Change Stakeholder to Basic

VS2015 Multiple startup projects - prevent page showing

I have recently had to reinstall my development machine so I'm unsure how I did this before.
A solution which I have currently has 3 projects that are needed for startup for debugging, this works fine, when I run the solution I get 3 pages open up in the browser which makes logical sense, however on my previous installation of my machine I only had one page open up, the API and MVC projects didn't show in the browser, but they were running so the entire application worked.
Is there a way to suppress the unneeded pages from opening up in the browser?
I found the option after a while, it was in the project properties, not the solution properties!
Here are the details if anyone is interested:
Right-click on the Project
Choose Properties
Go to the Web tab
In the Start Action section select the 'Don't open a page.
Wait for a request from an external application.' option.

Only menus shown on MODX Manager

After I changed a setting in the ckeditor plugin, the content of the whole manager doesn't load. Only the menus (top and left) are shown. I've already cleared the cache by deleting the content of the core/cache folder, and the cache from my browser.
Remove the core/components/ckeditor folder and clear cache again. Login in the manager, go to packages Manager and remove the ckeditor and reinstall. This is also a way to remove manually packages in modx.
In such a case, also check if you have enabled the compress_js and compress_css options in the system setting (check them with a database administration tool like phpmyadmin) and set them to false if so.
You can verify that this is your problem by opening the development tools of your browser (f12 for chrome and internet explorer and richght click and push q on the keyboard) and look for any loading errors of js or css files.
Hope that helps :)77

visual studio sloution file for a website and root is not as i want it

okay...im really puzzled with this.
I want to create a regular asp.net webforms website (nota web application project). i also want a solution file associated with the website which when double-clicked opens visual studio with the website loaded in solution explorer.
i did this by creating a blank solution "project"
then adding new website to this.
however the problem is when i hit debug, the page loads up at http://localhost:2118/temp/Default.aspx
i want it to just be http://localhost:2118/Default.aspx
how can i do this??
also related to this, what is the standard stucture of a website with a .sln solution file.
should the solution file exist in the same dir as web.config?
Open Site Properties, "Web" tab.
Then, select following options:
Radio "Use VS Development Server"
Radio "Specific port" - 2118
Texbox "Virtual Path" = "/"
SLN file should be upper one level:
--website contents

On publishing a click once installer through install from web, the installer does not appear on the webpage

I am creating a clickonce installer using the deployment strategy of Install from the Web or network share, on one of my project. I am learning how to use click once installers. When i publish my project it gets succeeded. i gave the URL of my website that i had created through google so that anyone can install from that URL. After publish gets succeeded the URL should be launched automatically but it is not. Moreover. When i check my website and in it that page whose URL i had given, there is nothing there. No installer. Please help.
Right Click on Publishing Project
Click Properties
Click "Publish"
In "Publishing Folder Location" is anything set there?
Click the button with ellipsis (...) to the right of the combobox
Click "FTP Site" (not Remote site, as this needs FrontPage extensions)
Enter the Server information, Directory (that you have access to), keep it as passive mode, uncheck the Anonymous option and put in the valid FTP instructions.
Click Open, and Republish. All should work 100% with this.
If not, have a look in your wwwroot/ folder and find the application information (if it's there) and you will have to manually upload the files.
EDIT for comment:
The website that you are uploading to, does it have FTP access? Meaning a place that you would upload file to for display on the website, even like your html content? (index.html etc.)
If not, you will need to get these details from your website hosting provider and fill in the appropriate fields for the FTP upload.
It's a while since I did this, but I'm fairly sure that you have to upload the files manually.
The installer needs the location so it can build the web page etc. All the files should be in an output folder in your project.
EDIT: I've just checked and the output folder is the one you specify on the first step of the Publish Wizard. If you specify a local folder the files will be put there for you to FTP to your website later. You can also specify a remote address as and FTP or HTTP location (which I'd forgotten when I posted my original answer). You'll have to enter the user name and password for connecting to the remote location later in the process.
Are you using Visual Studio 2008? The default behaviour of deploying a "publish.htm" page has changed.
Bring up your project's properties and switch to the "Publish" tab. Click the "Options" button and switch to the "Deployment" section of the dialog. You'll see by default that the "Deployment web page" TextBox is empty. You'll need to give that a value and also check the "Automatically generate deployment web page after every publish" CheckBox.
I've taken to filling that in with "default.htm" so that whichever folder you deploy your app into will have the ClickOnce publish page as its default page.
