Synchronize contact lists with a central server - algorithm

We have some data that we are trying to synchronize between N machines and a centralized server, and I'm looking for a way to do this that is relatively efficient and robust.
Looking around, it appears that this is called a "set reconciliation problem". It's good to have a label for it, but searching on that turns up a lot of fairly academic work, which is at times a bit difficult to gauge in terms of its usefulness for our data, which is best described as contact lists in terms of its properties: objects (people) with multiple fields that do get updated, but not that often.
Our system involves a central server and machines connected to it. The central server, ideally, is the 'good' copy. A feature that's nice to have also, is the ability to force the machines to resend by tweaking something on the server.
So far, my thinking is along the lines of a UUID for each object and something like a version or timestamp (per object and or per collection of objects?) to use to tell which data to attempt to synchronize... but my thinking is still a bit fuzzy, and I thought asking would probably lead to a better solution than trying to invent this on my own.

It is not easy, and the perfect solution is academical. So you are on the good track.
You can craft a sync algorithm for your own problem, relaxing some of the requirements of the general solution.
I delivered a presentation on these topics at the last JsDay in Italy.
Here are my slides:
Let me know if they help you, or if you need some assistance.


Detect sexual content in image and text

I have started a social networking app and there is one user who won't stop uploading images of woman, who, well, are up to some sexual activities. He additionally adds offensive captions to them.
My question: how can I detect adult content in images and text and block them from my app? I think this is a problem that most people face who are making any kind of open networking app. It would be great if the solution was as fast and low-priced as possible.
Implement a system which essentially stores {256-sha image hash, human rating, computer rating} into a database.
Create an interface for the human rating and the computer rating which can judge and categorize images as well as an interface in your software which can use that information on how to handle such images.
Choose a tool, likely a convolutional neural network based algorithm, with an easy to use api. Here's a random result from searching:
Put everything together and you should have a system which can automatically guess how to handle images, but also allows you to iterate through them which both corrects the database as well as trains the rating algorithm which trains based on the existing human produced data.
Note: The status of an image is not permanent by the software unless a human rates it. Whenever one is accessed, the latest state of the image detection decides on it. If this happens far too frequently to support, then associate a time buffer with the image so that it doesn't re-rate it often.
Update: The advantages of this custom solution is that you can control things to work the way you want. You can define the rating system and how to handle the situation as well as governance over whatever set of trained algorithms you are using. You always have the final say and you can see what is going on at all times. The catch is that you would need to implement this software as an extension to your project.
Not easily, it would require machine learning techniques and a ton of training. Not to mention, all modern techniques can easily be tricked.
There are a few moderation solutions, but they aren't ideal.
First, you could ban them. Not the best, as they could make another account, but it means that they have to make another email for it.
Second, you could isolate him. I forget exactly how it works, but the idea is that they still think that they are posting on your app, but none of their content gets propagated to other people.
I don't know the legality of either of these, its all up to your terms and conditions. But AI is not really a good option, especially if your app were to need to scale.

Developing cluster apps

I'm not sure exactly where (or even how exactly to ask) this question, so I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.
I have a service that I'm building. That service has different objects in memory - each with it's own state. Whenever an object is created it loads the state from the database and hold it. When changes are made to the object they are also persistent to the database.
I would like to scale this service. I have looked at solutions such as (actor model) and they have a clustering solution. From what I've read, it synchronizes the state with something they call "gossip" where each node sends the state to the other node. I'm not sure that it really possible to convert my working application to at this point.
I'm wondering exactly how clusters keep state synced between different nodes (I get the gossip concept), what happens if I have machine A that receives a message and at the same time, machine B also receives a message - both change the same state of an object - that will make problems with data integrity between states. My only thought about this is to lock a shared resource, but that defeats the purpose of the cluster.
Keeping state in the database is also not an option since the database becomes a bottleneck and a single point of failure.
I can't seem to find any relevant reading materials online - but I'm also lacking the technical phrases I need to focus on.
In case it's relevant, I'm using .NET Core and c# for development.
Can anyone explain the concept of clustering, how it works and make sure nodes are at sync? or can point to the right direction?
You have a big problem. I think that the way you are thinking about the problem is a bigger problem. Let's go through some basics.
Clustering is used to solve big problems, much like the "eat an elephant" problem. You could to solve this problem design a unique bigger predator with a huge mouth. But history and paleontology has shown us that big predators are not easily sustained (they are expensive on the environment).
So to solve your problem, you could take a bigger stronger server.
Or, you could use clustering.
Clustering solves the "eat the elephant" problem in a very different way. Instead of sending a unique huge predator with a huge mouth to eat the elephant, it will use a concept of distributed and shared processing to eat it one bite at a time. When done properly, ants could eat the elephant. If there are enough of them and the circumstances are correct.
But notice in my example, ants are very small... A single ant will never carry the entire elephant. You could carry the entire elephant if all the ants worked together but then you run into concurrency and locking problems (you must coordinate the ants).
Ants have shown us a much better way to deal with this. They will take a piece of the elephant and deal with the problem in smaller chunks.
In your system you ask how you can sync data across nodes... My question would be why? If you are syncing data then you are mirroring and your problem becomes even bigger (you are cloning the elephant but can only eat the original).
The solution to your problem is to rethink the solution and see if you can break down the problem into smaller pieces.
In Akka and in the Actor pattern the best way to deal with problems is to use smaller "processes" (a single ant). While the process on its own is almost useless, when used in a large scale they can become very powerful. When the architecture is properly done you will notice that taking a flamethrower to ants will not defeat them... More ants will come, they will continue to work on the problem.
Copying and syncing data is not your solution, clustering it is. You must take your data and break it down to a point where you can give it to a single ant. If you can do this then you can use Akka. If this approach seems ludicrous then Akka is not for you.
But consider this... You obviously have concerns over your database backend - you don't want to increase IO and introduce a single point of failure. I would have to agree with you. But you need to rethink things. You could have database mirroring to remove the single point of failure but you are correct that this won't remove the bottleneck. So let's say that mirror removes the single point of failure... Now let's attack the bottleneck portion.
If you can split up your data into small enough chunks that ants can handle it then I would urge you to tell your ants to only report to the database when the data changes... You can read it once on initialization (you need a backend store, don't kid yourself, electricity can be quickly lost... it must be saved somewhere) but if you tell your ants to persist only changed data then you will remove all the queries from the equation which will drastically shift where the load is coming from. Once you only have updates, inserts and deletes to deal with... the whole landscape will be much simpler.
Clustering should be the solution for you, but only if you can take the concept of mirror away from your mind.
Cluster nodes can and will crash... But they can be respawned elsewhere to other nodes, so that you always have a quick system. Only when you deal with a crash or loss of a node/worker process/ant will you have to reload data...
Good luck... you have outlined a formidable problem that I have seen people with software engineering degrees fail at solving.

Architecture; coupling search system with nosql database

Choosing a nosql DB like Cassandra, Couchbase, Mango etc is endless debate. All of their nice perks, and we could debate about which one is better, but at the end their main use case stay to set and get data.
Even if they all have indexing, views, or search features, the requests are not made to be intensively made on one cluster.
Their is ways to bypass some of these problems, more or less cleanly, but fundamentally this not for what this database have been made.
In other hand, we have system like Elastic Search, which are really bad at doing get/set, but great at indexing your data.
So a naive solution would be, I am going to save my data into a NoSql db, and indexing it into ES (or similar system).
Now, supporting several system at the same time definitely has its issues, maintenance problem, increase of point of failurs, complexity of the code ...
So my question is, people who tried such a solution in production, would you advise to go that way or it is mistake in your opinion?

Distributed algorithm design

I've been reading Introduction to Algorithms and started to get a few ideas and questions popping up in my head. The one that's baffled me most is how you would approach designing an algorithm to schedule items/messages in a queue that is distributed.
My thoughts have lead me to browsing Wikipedia on topics such as Sorting,Message queues,Sheduling, Distributed hashtables, to name a few.
The scenario:
Say you wanted to have a system that queued messages (strings or some serialized object for example). A key feature of this system is to avoid any single point of failure. The system had to be distributed across multiple nodes within some cluster and had to consistently (or as best as possible) even the work load of each node within the cluster to avoid hotspots.
You want to avoid the use of a master/slave design for replication and scaling (no single point of failure). The system totally avoids writing to disc and maintains in memory data structures.
Since this is meant to be a queue of some sort the system should be able to use varying scheduling algorithms (FIFO,Earliest deadline,round robin etc...) to determine which message should be returned on the next request regardless of which node in the cluster the request is made to.
My initial thoughts
I can imagine how this would work on a single machine but when I start thinking about how you'd distribute something like this questions like:
How would I hash each message?
How would I know which node a message was sent to?
How would I schedule each item so that I can determine which message and from which node should be returned next?
I started reading about distributed hash tables and how projects like Apache Cassandra use some sort of consistent hashing to distribute data but then I thought, since the query won't supply a key I need to know where the next item is and just supply it...
This lead into reading about peer to peer protocols and how they approach the synchronization problem across nodes.
So my question is, how would you approach a problem like the one described above, or is this too far fetched and is simply a stupid idea...?
Just an overview, pointers,different approaches, pitfalls and benefits of each. The technologies/concepts/design/theory that may be appropriate. Basically anything that could be of use in understanding how something like this may work.
And if you're wondering, no I'm not intending to implement anything like this, its just popped into my head while reading (It happens, I get distracted by wild ideas when I read a good book).
Another interesting point that would become an issue is distributed deletes.I know systems like Cassandra have tackled this by implementing HintedHandoff,Read Repair and AntiEntropy and it seems to work work well but are there any other (viable and efficient) means of tackling this?
Overview, as you wanted
There are some popular techniques for distributed algorithms, e.g. using clocks, waves or general purpose routing algorithms.
You can find these in the great distributed algorithm books Introduction to distributed algorithms by Tel and Distributed Algorithms by Lynch.
are particularly useful since general distributed algorithms can become quite complex. You might be able to use a reduction to a simpler, more specific case.
If, for instance, you want to avoid having a single point of failure, but a symmetric distributed algorithm is too complex, you can use the standard distributed algorithm of (leader) election and afterwards use a simpler asymmetric algorithm, i.e. one which can make use of a master.
Similarly, you can use synchronizers to transform a synchronous network model to an asynchronous one.
You can use snapshots to be able to analyze offline instead of having to deal with varying online process states.

What is the design & architecture behind facebook's status update mechanism?

I'm planning on creating a social network and I don't think I quite understand how the status update module of facebook is designed. Hoping I can find some help here. At algorithmic and datastructure level, what is the most efficient way to create a status update mechanism in a social network?
A full table scan for all friends and then sorting their updates is very naive and costly. Do we use some sort of mechanism based on hashing or something else? Please let me know.
P.S: I'm not talking about their EdgeRank algorithm but the basic status update. How do they find and fetch them from the database?
Thanks in advance for the help!
Here is a great presentation that answers your question. The specific answer comes up at around minute 55:40, but I suggest that you watch the entire presentation to understand how the solution fits into the entire architecture.
In short:
A particular server ("leaf") stores all feed items for a particular user. So data for each of your friends is stored entirely at a specific destination.
When you want to view your news feed, one of the aggregator servers sends request to all the leaf servers for your friends and ranks the results. The aggregator knows which servers to send requests to based on the userid of each friend.
This is terribly simplified, of course. This only works because all of it is memcached, the system is designed to minimize latency, some ranking is done at the leaf server that contains the friend's feed items, etc.
You really don't want to be hitting the database for any of this to work at a reasonable speed. FB use MySql mostly as a key-value store; JOINing tables is just impossible at their scale. Then they put memcache servers in front of the databases and application servers.
Having said that, don't worry about scaling problems until you have them (unless, of course, you are worrying about them for the fun of it.) On day one, scaling is the least of your problems.
