Max flow, in case of s = t - algorithm

I was reading about the max flow problem on wikipedia. I was curious that does the problem description allow s to be equal to t (the source to be equal to the sink). I know that if s =t , the answer has to be 0. However, assume I am writing code to solve this problem. Should my code handle this special case or does the problem description prohibit this.

If s = t, you can push infinite amounts of flow from s to t since we don't need to use any of those pesky capacity-constrained arc things that limit the amount of flow we can push.
Whether your code needs to handle this case depends in a large part on why callers are calling your code and what they expect in return for such a degenerate case. I'd say you should return floating-point infinity and leave it to the caller to sort out the details.


Precision in Program analysis

According to David Brumley's Control Flow Integrity & Software Fault Isolation (PPT slide),
in the below statements, x is always 8 due to the path to the x=7 is unrealizable even with the path sensitive analysis.
Why is that?
Is it because the analysis cannot determine the values of n, a, b, and c in advance during the analysis? Or is it because there's no solution that can be calculated by a computer?
if(a^n + b^n = c^n && n>2 && a>0 && b>0 && c>0)
x = 7; /unrealizable path/
x = 8;
In general, the task to determine which path in the program is taken, and which — not, is undecidable. It is quite possible that a particular expression, as in your example, can be proved to have a specific value. However, the words "in general" and "undecidable" say that you cannot write an algorithm that would be able to compute the value every time.
At this point the analysis algorithm can be optimistic or pessimistic. The optimistic one could pick 8 and be fine — it considers possible that at run-time x would get this value. It could also pick 7 — "who knows, maybe, x would be 7". But if the analysis is required to be sound, and it cannot determine the value of the condition, it should assume that the first branch could be taken during one execution, and the second branch could be taken during another execution, so x could be either 7 or 8.
In other words, there is a trade-off between soundness and precision. Or, actually, between soundness, precision, and decidability. The latter property tells if the analysis always terminates. Now, you have to pick what is needed:
Decidability — this is a common choice for compilers and code analyzers, because you would like to get an answer about your program in finite time. However, proof assistants could start some processes that could run up to the specified time limit, and if the limit is not set, forever: it's up to the user to stop it and to try something else.
Soundness — this is a common choice for compilers, because you would like to get the answer that matches the language specification. Code analyzers are more flexible. Many of them are unsound, but because of that they can find more potential issues in finite time, leaving the interpretation to the developer. I believe the example you mention talks about sound analysis.
Precision — this is a rare property. Compilers and code analyzer should be pessimistic, because otherwise some incorrect code could sneak in. But this might be parameterizable. E.g., if the compiler/analyzer supports constant propagation and folding, and all of the variables in the example are set to some known constants before the condition, it can figure out the exact value of x after it, and be completely precise.

metafor() non-negative sampling variance

I am trying to learn meta regression using the metafor() package. In running
one of the mixed regression models, I received an error indicating
"There are outcomes with non-positive sampling variances."
I am at lost as to how to proceed with this error. I understand that certain
model statistics (e.g., I^2 and QE) cannot be computed with due to the
presence of non-positive sampling variances. However, I am not sure whether
these results can be interpreted similarly as we would have otherwise. I
also tried using other estimators and/or the unweighted option; the error
still persists.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
First of all, to clarify: You are getting a warning, not an error.
Aside from that, I can't think of many situations where it is reasonable to assume that the sampling variance is really equal to 0 in a particular study. I would first question whether this really makes sense. This is why the rma() function is generating this warning message -- to make the user aware of this situation and question whether this really is intended/reasonable.
But suppose that we really want to go through with this, then you have to use an estimator for tau^2 that can handle this (e.g., method="REML" -- which is actually the default). If the estimate of tau^2 ends up equal to 0 as well, then the model cannot be fitted at all (due to division by zero -- and then you get an error). If you do end up with a positive estimate of tau^2, then the results should be okay (but things like the Q-test, I^2, or H^2 cannot be computed then).

How to recognize variables that don't affect the output of a program?

Sometimes the value of a variable accessed within the control-flow of a program cannot possibly have any effect on a its output. For example:
global var_1
global var_2
start program hello(var_3, var_4)
if (var_2 < 0) then
save-log-to-disk (var_1, var_3, var_4)
return ("Hello " + var_3 + ", my name is " + var_1)
end program
Here only var_1 and var_3 have any influence on the output, while var_2 and var_4 are only used for side effects.
Do variables such as var_1 and var_3 have a name in dataflow-theory/compiler-theory?
Which static dataflow analysis techniques can be used to discover them?
References to academic literature on the subject would be particularly appreciated.
The problem that you stated is undecidable in general,
even for the following very narrow special case:
Given a single routine P(x), where x is a parameter of type integer. Is the output of P(x) independent of the value of x, i.e., does
P(0) = P(1) = P(2) = ...?
We can reduce the following still undecidable version of the halting problem to the question above: Given a Turing machine M(), does the program
never stop on the empty input?
I assume that we use a (Turing-complete) language in which we can build a "Turing machine simulator":
Given the program M(), construct this routine:
if x == 0:
return 0
Run M() for x steps
if M() has terminated then:
return 1
return 0
P(0) = P(1) = P(2) = ...
M() does not terminate.
M() does terminate
=> P(x) = 1 for a sufficiently large x
=> P(x) != P(0) = 0
So, it is very difficult for a compiler to decide whether a variable actually does not influence the return value of a routine; in your example, the "side effect routine" might manipulate one of its values (or even loop infinitely, which would most definitely change the return value of the routine ;-)
Of course overapproximations are still possible. For example, one might conclude that a variable does not influence the return value if it does not appear in the routine body at all. You can also see some classical compiler analyses (like Expression Simplification, Constant propagation) having the side effect of eliminating appearances of such redundant variables.
Pachelbel has discussed the fact that you cannot do this perfectly. OK, I'm an engineer, I'm willing to accept some dirt in my answer.
The classic way to answer you question is to do dataflow tracing from program outputs back to program inputs. A dataflow is the connection of a program assignment (or sideeffect) to a variable value, to a place in the application that consumes that value.
If there is (transitive) dataflow from a program output that you care about (in your example, the printed text stream) to an input you supplied (var2), then that input "affects" the output. A variable that does not flow from the input to your desired output is useless from your point of view.
If you focus your attention only the computations involved in the dataflows, and display them, you get what is generally called a "program slice" . There are (very few) commercial tools that can show this to you.
Grammatech has a good reputation here for C and C++.
There are standard compiler algorithms for constructing such dataflow graphs; see any competent compiler book.
They all suffer from some limitation due to Turing's impossibility proofs as pointed out by Pachelbel. When you implement such a dataflow algorithm, there will be places that it cannot know the right answer; simply pick one.
If your algorithm chooses to answer "there is no dataflow" in certain places where it is not sure, then it may miss a valid dataflow and it might report that a variable does not affect the answer incorrectly. (This is called a "false negative"). This occasional error may be satisfactory if
the algorithm has some other nice properties, e.g, it runs really fast on a millions of code. (The trivial algorithm simply says "no dataflow" in all places, and it is really fast :)
If your algorithm chooses to answer "yes there is a dataflow", then it may claim that some variable affects the answer when it does not. (This is called a "false positive").
You get to decide which is more important; many people prefer false positives when looking for a problem, because then you have to at least look at possibilities detected by the tool. A false negative means it didn't report something you might care about. YMMV.
Here's a starting reference:
Any of the books on that page will be pretty good. I have Muchnick's book and like it lot. See also this page: (
You will discover that implementing this is pretty big effort, for any real langauge. You are probably better off finding a tool framework that does most or all this for you already.
I use the following algorithm: a variable is used if it is a parameter or it occurs anywhere in an expression, excluding as the LHS of an assignment. First, count the number of uses of all variables. Delete unused variables and assignments to unused variables. Repeat until no variables are deleted.
This algorithm only implements a subset of the OP's requirement, it is horribly inefficient because it requires multiple passes. A garbage collection may be faster but is harder to write: my algorithm only requires a list of variables with usage counts. Each pass is linear in the size of the program. The algorithm effectively does a limited kind of dataflow analysis by elimination of the tail of a flow ending in an assignment.
For my language the elimination of side effects in the RHS of an assignment to an unused variable is mandated by the language specification, it may not be suitable for other languages. Effectiveness is improved by running before inlining to reduce the cost of inlining unused function applications, then running it again afterwards which eliminates parameters of inlined functions.
Just as an example of the utility of the language specification, the library constructs a thread pool and assigns a pointer to it to a global variable. If the thread pool is not used, the assignment is deleted, and hence the construction of the thread pool elided.
IMHO compiler optimisations are almost invariably heuristics whose performance matters more than effectiveness achieving a theoretical goal (like removing unused variables). Simple reductions are useful not only because they're fast and easy to write, but because a programmer using a language who understand basics of the compiler operation can leverage this knowledge to help the compiler. The most well known example of this is probably the refactoring of recursive functions to place the recursion in tail position: a pointless exercise unless the programmer knows the compiler can do tail-recursion optimisation.

Is it worth it to rewrite an if statement to avoid branching?

Recently I realized I have been doing too much branching without caring the negative impact on performance it had, therefore I have made up my mind to attempt to learn all about not branching. And here is a more extreme case, in attempt to make the code to have as little branch as possible.
Hence for the code
A = C; //A and C have to be the same type here obviously
expression can be A == B, or Q<=B, it could be anything that resolve to true or false, or i would like to think of it in term of the result being 1 or 0 here
I have come up with this non branching version
A += (expression)*(C-A); //Edited with thanks
So my question would be, is this a good solution that maximize efficiency?
If yes why and if not why?
Depends on the compiler, instruction set, optimizer, etc. When you use a boolean expression as an int value, e.g., (A == B) * C, the compiler has to do the compare, and the set some register to 0 or 1 based on the result. Some instruction sets might not have any way to do that other than branching. Generally speaking, it's better to write simple, straightforward code and let the optimizer figure it out, or find a different algorithm that branches less.
Jeez, no, don't do that!
Anyone who "penalize[s] [you] a lot for branching" would hopefully send you packing for using something that awful.
How is it awful, let me count the ways:
There's no guarantee you can multiply a quantity (e.g., C) by a boolean value (e.g., (A==B) yields true or false). Some languages will, some won't.
Anyone casually reading it is going observe a calculation, not an assignment statement.
You're replacing a comparison, and a conditional branch with two comparisons, two multiplications, a subtraction, and an addition. Seriously non-optimal.
It only works for integral numeric quantities. Try this with a wide variety of floating point numbers, or with an object, and if you're really lucky it will be rejected by the compiler/interpreter/whatever.
You should only ever consider doing this if you had analyzed the runtime properties of the program and determined that there is a frequent branch misprediction here, and that this is causing an actual performance problem. It makes the code much less clear, and its not obvious that it would be any faster in general (this is something you would also have to measure, under the circumstances you are interested in).
After doing research, I came to the conclusion that when there are bottleneck, it would be good to include timed profiler, as these kind of codes are usually not portable and are mainly used for optimization.
An exact example I had after reading the following question below
Why is it faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array?
I tested my code on C++ using that, that my implementation was actually slower due to the extra arithmetics.
For this case below
if(expression) //branched version
A += C;
A += (expression)*(C); //non-branching version
The timing was as of such.
Branched Sorted list was approximately 2seconds.
Branched unsorted list was aproximately 10 seconds.
My implementation (whether sorted or unsorted) are both 3seconds.
This goes to show that in an unsorted area of bottleneck, when we have a trivial branching that can be simply replaced by a single multiplication.
It is probably more worthwhile to consider the implementation that I have suggested.
** Once again it is mainly for the areas that is deemed as the bottleneck **

Expectation Maximization Reestimation

Typically, the re-estimation iterative procedure stops when - lambda is less than some epsilon value.
How exactly does one determine this epsilon value? I often only see is written as the general epsilon symbol in papers, and never the actual value used, which I assume would change depending on the data.
So, for instance, if the lambda value of my first iteration was 5*10^-22, second iteration was 1.3*10^-15, third was 8.45*10^-15, fourth was 1.65*10^-14, etc., how would I determine when the algorithm needed no more iteratons?
Moreover, what if I were to apply the same alogrithm to a different datset? would I need to change my epsilon definitions?
Sorry for the long question. Pretty puzzled by it... :)
"how would I determine when the algorithm needed no more iteratons?"
When you get a "good-enough" result within a reasonable amount of time. ;-)
"Moreover, what if I were to apply the same alogrithm to a different datset? would I need to
change my epsilon definitions?"
Yes, most probably.
If you can afford it, you can just let it iterate until the updated value <= the old value (it could be < due to floating point error). I would be inclined to go with this until I ran out of patience or cpu budget.
