Magento + Paypal - order status stuck at "Payment review" - magento

I am currently testing the PayPal functionality. I added all the appropriate config information, and the purchase is working perfectly.
Going into the admin panel, all the orders have "Payment review" status (they were made either today or yesterday).
My question is - is it normal to last this long ? If it is, how am I supposed to properly test. If it's not, can anyone give me any tips on how to debug this issue ?
Any information on how the process goes from this point on would be highly appreciated. Anticipated thanks.

Check the PayPal account that you made the purchases on. Do they show completed in there, or do they say pending? If they show completed, it may be possible you did not receive the IPN to update your cart. If they show under review in your test sandbox account, you may have payment review turned on. You could need to go into the details of the transaction within your test sandbox account and manually accept the payment. You can also turn payment review off if it is on. You just need to log into your developer account at, click on test accounts. You then should see a column for payment review. If it is enabled, you will just need to toggle it from here.

Since this is quite popular with Google I will add my solution here as well:
I had noticed that many payments would still have the "Payment review" status even after I disabled payment review in my sandbox account.
Turns out that if a payment is made in another than the sandbox account's default currency, it is automatically put into the "Review" status.
To turn this feature off, log into your sandbox account under and go to Profile -> More Options -> Payment Receiving Preferences. There you can change the setting for "Allow payments sent to me in a currency I do not hold" to auto-accept such payments.

My problem was transaction status said "Paid" in merchant test (Sandbox) account but IPN response I received had payment status "Pending".
For a new user like me, it was hard to find out how to accept a payment manually when "payment review" is turned on. It took hours for me.
To make it easier for others,
Go to transaction detail -> Click on "More Information" link. Go to bottom of the page. Here you will find "Accept" link just above "Return to My Account" button. Click on "Accept" link and transaction status will change to "Complete".
After that I received IPN response with payment status "Completed"
I hope this helps someone.

This query solved it for me in case of Amazon Sandbox orders which left opened transactions. These popped up in the error log with
The OrderReferenceId XYZ is invalid
each time with Magento's cron scheduler. Basically the same as for Paypal and all other external payment methods which have a sandbox mode:
UPDATE `sales_payment_transaction`
SET `is_closed`=1
WHERE 'S02-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX' IN (txn_id, parent_txn_id);


Spring: Paypal Payment on new currencies results to PENDING capture status

I think this is not a code problem since my application can successfully pay and process payments using my account currencies (usd/php/hkd).
Since there was a new requirement to support some currencies (sgd, eur, jpy, etc), I added these currencies Account Settings > Money, banks, and cards.
Btw, I am using paypal order and payment version 2 on spring.
The application was able to pass the currency and value of the transaction (like what I do normally with USD/EUR/PHP).. It was able to create order object, authorized approved payment... but it the capture authorized payment is always stucked at PENDING.
I still need to check on my test paypal account and either Accept/Reject received payment.
However, my application is only checking for COMPLETED capture status for it to considered or mark it as successful payment.
I also tried the configuration on my test paypal account (Account Settings > Payment Preferences > Block Payments).
Tried selecting Yes, accept and convert them to... and Ask me whether to accept or deny each individual payment but the capture status is still PENDING.
Is there a way to proceed with the capture payment and have the status to COMPLETED? Even with payments of different currencies? It would be OK if the payment received will be stored on that currency or have it converted to my default currency (like USD, etc).
What I want is the capture status to proceed to COMPLETED without manually accepting/rejecting payments with other currency (newly added currencies).
Again, I think this is not a coding issue... more of a configuration issue.. but I am not sure which configuration and where to set. I am pretty new with paypal development.
By the way, I based my changes on my paypal account with this link:
Payment Receiving Preferences
This is standard PayPal behavior. If you accept the first payment in a new currency in a way that opens a balance in such a currency, future payments won't need to be manually accepted. You can also manually open $0 balances in the Money management section,
The setting in Account Settings > Payment Preferences > Block Payments that you mention to convert non-balance currency transactions to your primary balance will only apply automatically to future payments. Their status should then not be 'PENDING' due to any currency issue.
(If you find that all payments are PENDING, even your primary balance ones, then the pending reason (as stated in the API response) is likely "authorization" -- meaning you created an authorization with intent:AUTHORIZE but haven't captured it yet. Change to intent:CAPTURE to capture immediately.)

Joomla AEC issue with Paypal, possibly IPN

I installed the Joomla AEC Version 1.0, Revision 5149.
I have set up plans and everything in this matter, if user clicks on the create an account system will ask user to select the plan. Then user clicks on buy now, she goes through Paypal, Purchase get made (Subscription with 3 days free trial) then user get redirected back to the site which all works fine.
My problem is user will see the message that says "Thank you for your registration. Our system will now await your payment. You will receive an e-mail once our system has processed your request. ". site will never get the clearance from Paypal. I havent put any custom custom URL or anything like that.
Also site is in the staging. so the URL starts with
Not sure if this will cause an issue.
With AEC it is quite simple with a Paypal Subscriptions processor. You just need to put in the email address of your account at:
Processors -> Paypal Subscritions -> Business ID
Not sure if that will be the same with 1.0 as this is based on 1.2.
If you have a valid account that's all you need. Of course make sure you have assigned the processor to your plan.
So if this all checks out one other thing you can try. If you were using the paypal account before with some other domain then switch to then you might want to try adding the Alternate IPN Notification Domain. Find this at:
Processors -> Paypal Subscritions ->Alternate IPN Notification Domain
In here put exactly
The problem is Paypal communication then. First remove the Alternate IPN Notification Domain setting in AEC that I suggested. That was just for testing.
Either Paypal email is not confirmed so the communication fails or the communication can't be established.
Assuming you are using Paypal Standard, go to Paypal and login. Check in this order:
Click on Profile. Does the email have "unconfirmed" beside the email? If it does then that's your problem.
Go to Profile -> My selling tools -> Instant payment notifications. Click update on the far right. Enable it and add a new notification url. It should look like:
Just another thought. Paypal doesn't enable Paypal subscriptions when you sign up for Paypal Standard. I can't remember exactly when/how that was done but I remember that a separate step was needed. That could also be the cause of this issue.

How to stop magento from setting Payment-Status to "Completed" when Payment comes in via PayPal

Is there a way to stop magento setting the status of an order to "completed" after the payment comes in via PayPal?
The Problem is that I want do send an invoice when I start with the service, which is not possible when someone pays it before.
If I understand your problem right, try next:
In Magento PayPal settings, find field "Payment Action", and set it to "Authorization"
This mean:
payments are only authorized at the side of the PayPal system and only
an order is created in the backend of your store. The store
administrator needs log to on to the merchant account on the PayPal
site and capture the transaction.
So after order placed and user have paid transaction, status in your shop will stay at "Pending" or "Processing". After that you can generate invoice and send it to customer, and then go to your PayPal and finalize order.
Source here:

error when customer cancels payment via 3rd party gateway and then chooses Paypal

I'm running Magento CE 1.7 with Paypal, eway and sagepay as payment gateways.
If a customer at checkout stage chooses to pay via eway or sage pay for example and then decides to cancel payment in order to choose Paypal, an error pops up after clicking process order. The error is: "Unable to process the order". and subsequent tries to pay via paypal are refused.
Has anyone else come across this problem?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Have you checked the exception.log file? Is this message presented on magentos onepagecheckout or in paypal? payment method help needed for magento store

We have a magento store, payment method is everything is working but unfortunately we have got some real order with test mode and we got message like this
"Credit Card: xxxx-XXXX amount $47.39 authorize and capture - successful. Authorize.Net Transaction ID 0. Transaction ID: "0".
thats why we could not receive any payment, but main problem is we shipped product without checking received amount in our account.
So Is there any solution to charge from them. any solution appreciated.
A transaction ID of 0 means you are using a test account and not your live account It looks like someone forgot to switch the Authorize.Net account when the site when live. Switch out of test mode and put in the live account's credentials and you should be fine going forward.
