payment method help needed for magento store - magento

We have a magento store, payment method is everything is working but unfortunately we have got some real order with test mode and we got message like this
"Credit Card: xxxx-XXXX amount $47.39 authorize and capture - successful. Authorize.Net Transaction ID 0. Transaction ID: "0".
thats why we could not receive any payment, but main problem is we shipped product without checking received amount in our account.
So Is there any solution to charge from them. any solution appreciated.

A transaction ID of 0 means you are using a test account and not your live account It looks like someone forgot to switch the Authorize.Net account when the site when live. Switch out of test mode and put in the live account's credentials and you should be fine going forward.


Magento-paypal payflow-pro- test credit/debit card works with live mode

I have configured Paypal Pay-flow Pro, and live mode is set, but when I use test card details for any card type then it accepts it and successfully checks out.
When I have set Payment Action -Authorization in admin payment settings then it works fine, but not when Payment action will be Sale.
CC.php from model file of payment has been overwritten and changes are below :
This line is uncommented in prepareSave() function.
What is the exact issue here, I am unable to trace it!
I have got response from paypal support team and they had an issue whereby some of the processed transaction is not appearing in their PayPal account.
their developers fixed it and it's working properly now.
I am posting answer so it may help someone in future.

AuthorizeNet Omnipay Error

I am using omnipay package for my payment method in authorized.
I have two site on the same server, one is a live site that runs ssl and one that is for testing purposes only and do not run ssl.
Now, i dont have problem on paying in our testing site which it runs within our expectation. But, it seems odd in our live site because after entering my billing information, it returns an error that says:
An error occurred while trying to report this transaction to the merchant. An e-mail has been sent to the merchant informing them of the error. The following is the result of the attempt to charge your credit card.
This transaction has been approved.
It is advisable for you to contact the merchant to verify that you will receive the product or service.
Where do u think the problem lies? I really need help on this. Thanks!
This means the relay response URL used by your application is not returning a successful response to Authorize.Net in time (5 seconds). As a result Authorize.Net is assuming the page is not functioning and displaying that message.
You either need to verify the URL is correct, not error-ing out, and responding within a few seconds.

Payflow Link Gateway Timing Out & Information entered incorrect. Try again

I'm having the most trouble with Paypal. We already have a system set up that is working our live site, but I created a test-only Payflow account for testing configured exactly how we have it in live, but it keeps timing out or giving me the error
"Information entered incorrect. Try again.". The code has not changed.
Just yesterday before I left for the day it was working for once. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Posting to this URL:
Login = My Login
Partner = PayPal
Amount = 5
Type = S
I have turned everything as "OPTIONAL" as far as address and billing goes. All that displays is the credit card number and expiration, but after it gives me the "Information entered incorrect. Try again." it displays a radio button that asks if the address is the same as the shipping. if I click different it does nothing, I think it should at least drop down with some other fields.
Payflow manager:
In Payflow manager if i try a test transaction under Virtual Terminal > Test Single Transaction it gives me this error:
Tender Type: Credit Card
Transaction: Sale
Card Number: 371449635398431
Mode: Test
I give it $5, nothing else filled in:
Result Code: 104 Response Message: Timeout waiting for Processor
It's a project I need to finish as quickly as possible but looks like Paypal isn't letting this happen. Also, I am using the test credit card numbers found in the docs.
Test link:
The gateway with no changes to what I had done earlier started working.
I assume it was some kind of maintenance or downtime caused by POODLE (SSLv4 bug) that made it go down all morning.

Joomla AEC issue with Paypal, possibly IPN

I installed the Joomla AEC Version 1.0, Revision 5149.
I have set up plans and everything in this matter, if user clicks on the create an account system will ask user to select the plan. Then user clicks on buy now, she goes through Paypal, Purchase get made (Subscription with 3 days free trial) then user get redirected back to the site which all works fine.
My problem is user will see the message that says "Thank you for your registration. Our system will now await your payment. You will receive an e-mail once our system has processed your request. ". site will never get the clearance from Paypal. I havent put any custom custom URL or anything like that.
Also site is in the staging. so the URL starts with
Not sure if this will cause an issue.
With AEC it is quite simple with a Paypal Subscriptions processor. You just need to put in the email address of your account at:
Processors -> Paypal Subscritions -> Business ID
Not sure if that will be the same with 1.0 as this is based on 1.2.
If you have a valid account that's all you need. Of course make sure you have assigned the processor to your plan.
So if this all checks out one other thing you can try. If you were using the paypal account before with some other domain then switch to then you might want to try adding the Alternate IPN Notification Domain. Find this at:
Processors -> Paypal Subscritions ->Alternate IPN Notification Domain
In here put exactly
The problem is Paypal communication then. First remove the Alternate IPN Notification Domain setting in AEC that I suggested. That was just for testing.
Either Paypal email is not confirmed so the communication fails or the communication can't be established.
Assuming you are using Paypal Standard, go to Paypal and login. Check in this order:
Click on Profile. Does the email have "unconfirmed" beside the email? If it does then that's your problem.
Go to Profile -> My selling tools -> Instant payment notifications. Click update on the far right. Enable it and add a new notification url. It should look like:
Just another thought. Paypal doesn't enable Paypal subscriptions when you sign up for Paypal Standard. I can't remember exactly when/how that was done but I remember that a separate step was needed. That could also be the cause of this issue.

Magento / - "Credit card type is not allowed for this payment method"

I have a client that's running a Magento Community Edition site - version - they've been using PayPal for payments for over a year with no issues at all.
Last week we added as an option and configured it to authorize and capture payments. They have their account set to then connect up with their Sage Pay account on the accounting side.
Everything works great until attempting to submit a payment - no matter what card type is selected using the choices (Visa / MC / Dis / AMEX) upon submitting the form, it throws a Magento alert of "Credit card type is not allowed for this payment method".
I've been on Google and the Magento forums for a couple hours now trying to track down the issue, but I've come up empty. Most suggestions I found were to clear the cache - I've done so, both in the admin as well as clearing out var/cache and var/sessions, but it's made no difference.
We've contacted and verified that the account is active and ready to receive transactions from those 4 card types.
Any thoughts on why this would be occurring and how to correct it?
Thanks for your help,
This typically means the the account was set up as card present instead of card not present. Having the account changed to the right type will solve this issue.
