Convert Visual Studio Solution and Project Files to DDK Build - visual-studio-2010

I know products (such as VisualDDK) exist to use Visual Studio as a front end while using the DDK to build a project but I have the exact opposite question.
Are there tools to take an already existing Visual Studio *.sln and *vcproj files and generate dirs and sources files that can be used with the DDK?
I am interested in Visual Studio 2008 and above products.


How to get Visual Studio 2008 to Program Files? (64-bit)

So I'm following the instructions to install MPIR (bigger integers library), which i chose before GMP, because of more information being availible on Windows download and just easier installation for typical user. Basically I found this simple tutorial:
The only thing I've done different from this tutorial is my Visual Studio 9.0 being stored in Program Files (x86) and when I then proceed to open Visual Studio 2008, it can't find any projects in my solution 'mpir'.
And so I need not to compromise the steps stated in the tutorial (must have Visual Studio in the exact directory) and then see how things will work out.
This is my current Visual Studio 2008 (Express Edition All-in-One DVD ISO) download: , which i then open using WinRAR and run the setup aplication that allows me to choose from four (C#, C++, Basic, Web Developer). I choose C++ and proceed to change the destination folder, which is set to Program Files (x86) to Program Files, but after the installation I always end up with Visual Studio being in Program Files (x86). (I can create a file with random name and Visual Studio installs in that file, also I can move Visual Studio from Program Files (x86) or random file to Program Files, but then Visual Studio won't be detected and I won't be able to open 'mpir.sln' in it.)

Why I get the problems with Visual Studio "2013" SDK samples?

Visual Studio 2013 Premium Update 4; Visual Studio 2013 SDK installed.
I see the code sources are for older Visual Stuido version. It has a link to Visual Studio 2010 (instead of 2013) SDK file. I try compile its some projects but I get an exceptions... For example:
Other projects compiled successfully, but I read their instruction of running:
Running the Sample
To run this sample, copy both the
AlphaBlendToolbar.Addin file and the newly-built AlphaBlendToolbar.dll
file into your Visual Studio Addins directory (My Documents\Visual
Studio 2010\Addins) and then open a new instance of Visual Studio
2010. Next, run the Tools | Add-in Manager menu command. Check the checkbox next to AlphaBlendToolbar and hit OK. You should see a new
toolbar with two command buttons on it. The interesting thing about
this sample is that the command button icons have alpha-transparency.
But VS 2013 has not the Addins directory... Ok, I create it:
I compiled the sample of SDK:
but I don't see here the compiled DLL:
Why I have such problems?
The AddIns folder under the Documents folder is not created by default by VS when installed, so you need to create it by hand, as you have done
Remove the folder C:\Users\developer\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\AddIns from the Options window, it is not required, the %VSMYDOCUMENTS%\AddIns folder takes care.
.AddIn files can contain several values to describe the target VS versions. The AlphaBlendToolbar.AddIn file of the sample only contains the VS 2010 target, you need to edit it and add the VS 2013 ("12.0") target:
<Name>Microsoft Visual Studio</Name>
Notice that there are two .AddIn files, one in the Documents folder (for deployment) and other in your solution (for source control, etc.), ensure that you update both.
FWIW, there is a VS 2013 SDK Samples:

Visual Studio 2010 and .bsc file

I'm using an open source Mozilla project in Visual C++ 2010. The project requires UNIX based build tools and therefore I cannot create a Visual Studio project for it directly. I must use the command line build files (makefile, configure script, etc) bundled with the project to build the project using cl.exe. (This is due to the fact that some .h files are generated by the make utilities.)
The problem is, without creating a Visual Studio project, how do I browse through the project source files using say the "F12 Go To Definition" feature available in Visual Studio? I know I can generate a .bsc file using the /FR compiler option. But, I also found that the Object Browser in Visual Studio 2010 doesn't seem to support a .bsc file. When I open a .bsc file directly using Visual Studio 2010, it says "Class not registered, Looking for object with CLSID: {D9B3211D-E57F-4426-AAEF-30A806ADD397}.
How do we use a .bsc file under Visual Studio 2010?
Unfortunately BSC is not supported anymore for Visual Studio 2010+
More details:

Regenerate T4 template after each build on build server without Vistual Studio

My solution file contains many projects which consist of many template files and I want regenerate each template after or before build on the project. I know how to do that locally, but I have problem how to do that on build server where Visutal Studio is not installed. Do you have any sollutions?
I know that are two sollutions form this source: Get Visual Studio to run a T4 Template on every build :
a) Visual Studio Visualization and Modeling SDK - i have to install visual studio (except Express Edition) and i can't do that
b) use TextTransform.exe tool, but then I have problems with missing dlls in GAC
With Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and the Visual Studio Visualization and Modeling SDK for Visual Studio 2010, you're licensed to copy and redistribute the necessary files to do T4 transforms at build time on a build server (note, only a build server, not arbitrary redistribution). You can simply copy these files from a machine with Visual Studio and the SDK installed.
The two license files in question are:
1) buildserver.txt in the Visual Studio install directory
2) redist.txt in the VisualStudioIntegration\Tools\DSLTools directory of the SDK.
I have found solution;)
For regenerate T4 templates file i use solution described by Cheburek from this page Get Visual Studio to run a T4 Template on every build. But if I want to use Cheburek solution on build server without Visual Studio installed I need to add following dll files to GAC, and then everything is OK:)
1) Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.10.0.dll
2) Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.Interfaces.10.0.dll

DebuggingVisualizer targeting multiple versions of Visual Studio

Is it possible to build a Debugging Visualizer that can be used in multiple versions of Visual Studio?
A Debugging Visualizer has to reference Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerVisualizers.dll and there is a separate version of the assembly for every version of Visual Studio. It seems that these versions are not compatible. For example, if I built a visualizer that references Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerVisualizers v9.0, it can be used in Visual Studio 2008, but not in Visual Studio 2010.
I am looking for a way to target at least Visual studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 while maintaining only one project for the visualizer. Duplicating the project and changing only references to Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerVisualizers will work, but it creates a maintenance horror.
If your code base is exactly the same for both referenced assemblies then I would suggest the same approach as I've suggested in this question: Visual Studio Installer -- Change application resource
The idea is to have 1 project where you will have a MSBuild property which VS to target and depending on this property you may reference either VS 2008 or VS 2010 DebuggerVisualizers assembly.
The only other solution I see is the one you've mentioned - having 2 separate project files to target different VS version. I do not think it will be that difficult to maintain two versions if you will not duplicate code. And you can avoid duplicating code by including code files as links into your projects.
