How to get Visual Studio 2008 to Program Files? (64-bit) - visual-studio

So I'm following the instructions to install MPIR (bigger integers library), which i chose before GMP, because of more information being availible on Windows download and just easier installation for typical user. Basically I found this simple tutorial:
The only thing I've done different from this tutorial is my Visual Studio 9.0 being stored in Program Files (x86) and when I then proceed to open Visual Studio 2008, it can't find any projects in my solution 'mpir'.
And so I need not to compromise the steps stated in the tutorial (must have Visual Studio in the exact directory) and then see how things will work out.
This is my current Visual Studio 2008 (Express Edition All-in-One DVD ISO) download: , which i then open using WinRAR and run the setup aplication that allows me to choose from four (C#, C++, Basic, Web Developer). I choose C++ and proceed to change the destination folder, which is set to Program Files (x86) to Program Files, but after the installation I always end up with Visual Studio being in Program Files (x86). (I can create a file with random name and Visual Studio installs in that file, also I can move Visual Studio from Program Files (x86) or random file to Program Files, but then Visual Studio won't be detected and I won't be able to open 'mpir.sln' in it.)


Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate how to create executable file

I have visual studio 2010 ultimate. There is no option to make executable file.
So how can I make executable files using this version of visual studio.
Actually you've already created an .exe file by "building" your code that you tested in debugger mode. However your .exe file may require other files in order to deploy it onto another P/C. I recommend you read this information at the following link;
click here to go on link
Other than that you can actually find a copy of your current executeable in your application folders debug folder. May take a little searching. I'm using Visual Studio 2012 RC and I don't know if the file structure is the same for Visual Studio 2010 but for the application "counter" I look in "C:\Users\John\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Counter\Counter\obj\Debug\Counter.exe.

Does the PlatformSDK folder in VS2010 ever get updated?

I've been battling error C2733 (second C linkage of overloaded function '_interlockedbittestandset' not allowed), and in doing some investigations, I've found what I believe to be the problem.
I have Visual Studio 2010 Professional installed on my system, along with SP1 and a number of hot-fixes, and I noticed that the PlatformSDK folder that came with the application is now down-level. The SDK that came with the application is located at:
Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\PlatformSDK
As a result of installing SP1 and the various hot-fixes, I now also have this platform SDK available to me:
Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A
The problem is that Visual Studio defaults all of the VC++ Directories to the former path, which results in the errors. If I manually change the include path to point to the newer location, the errors go away.
Were the Visual Studio 2010 SP1 installers supposed to update the PlatformSDK folder where Visual Studio is installed? Or is that always going to be down-level as updates are applied?
How do I force the VC++ Directories paths to be the same across all projects (since VS is defaulting to the wrong / outdated location)?

How to open files with differnet application having the same extension

How does Windows determine the application to start when I double-click on an associated file?
I installed Visual Studio 2013 on my PC and converted an existing solution from version 2008 to 2013.
Interesting, when I double click on a solution in 2008 format it opens VS 2008, for a 2013 it opens VS 2013. That's fine but how does Windows know? All solution files have the same extension .sln, so there must be another way to define the opening application in this case.
The following texts from this post should address your concern:
When you double-click on a .sln file, a small program called vslauncher.exe is called with the path to your .sln file as its first argument. The job of vslauncher.exe is to read enough of your .sln file to determine which version of Visual Studio to use to open your file. Since you may have several versions of Visual Studio installed (VS2003, 2005, 2008, Express SKUs, etc.) you probably want to open the solution with the same copy of Visual Studio that you used to create it.
Visual Studio 2008 .sln files typically start with these two lines:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
# Visual Studio 2008
That said, if your .sln file signature (the first two lines of your file) does match any known release of Visual Studio, it will be opened by that particular VS version.

Visual studio - stand alone application

Hello I have created a DLL file using visual C++ 2010, that runs a C script that i have written.
I have then created a user interface using visual C# 2010 and linked everything together.
On my machine the resulting exe application runs perfectly.
However when i try to put the folder, containing BOTH the exe and the dll, on other computers.. it runs on some computers, but on others it does not.
the error i receive has to do with "Cant find dll file or assembly".
All computers have windows 7 64bit installed.
My question is: Is there a requirement for the application to run? (files or something that should be installed on all machines???)
I have noticed the following (after alot of looking) that:
the computers that run the application HAVE visual studio 2010 installed
the computers that do not run the application DO NOT have visual studio 2010 but have visual studio 2008 installed..
all computers have .NET framework 4.5 installed.
Do you think the visual studio has anything to do with this?!!? isnt the point having a stand alone application is to make the app run on any machine?
Is there a way to fix it so that the app will run on any computer regarding having visual installed or not?
thank you all..
You can use Dependency Walker to check what dll the program can't find.
Just load the .exe into the program.
You might also find that you will need to install the Visual Studio 2010 Redistributable on those computers that you are deploying to.

Installing Visual Studio Extension (VSIX) with NSIS

I'm building my own extension for VS2010 and it has to be deployed outside of Visual Studio Gallery. My NSIS installer does a very good job in installing other parts of software, however I can't figure out how to install .vsix extension.
I tried doing that via VsixInstaller.exe which is a part of Visual Studio, however it does not allow to silently install an extension for any VIsual Studio found on the machine and get a proper error code into the installer.
"VsixInstaller.exe /quiet extension.vsix" returns 0 error code no matter what happens and requires /skuName and /skuVersion which is not trivial to detect automatically.
Can I somehow do that manually? ReSharper for example keeps all the extension binaries in it's "Program Files" folder and somehow makes them available for VIsual Studio.
Have you tried using copy aka:
copy xx.vsix "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions"
copy xx.vsix %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft"
Registering Visual Studio extensions is complicated process. For pre 2010 VS editions you need to copy appropriate files (.dll/.zip template/.regpkg...) into some folder and then write keys into registry with paths, settings, etc. (many, many keys).
These keys/settings are based on extension you are developing (LanguageService, Package, Add-in, ...)
After 2010 VS editions have new feature - .vsix extensions which is simple .zip archive containing all required files and registry keys.
You need to copy this .vsix file into some folder (recommended is inside VS install directory or other known folder as %VSInstallDir%\\) and then setup VS to load it (like running /setup)
Read this blog for more info about discovering VS extensions:
