caching issue with jQuery/AJAX - ajax

I am getting data through $.ajax multiple times. However the data is not getting refreshed in every call. Rather I am getting the same data in every call to $.ajax. The code was working properly at my home.
However in below code if I substitute console.log("success "); with console.log("success "+data); and observe in chrome console, then the code works fine. I suspect its a caching issue, but can figure it out.
function getDataJSON()
new Date().toString();
url: 'data.php', //the script to call to get data
data: "", //you can insert url argumnets here to pass to api.php
success: function(data)
console.log("success ");

you can set cache Cache. by default it will set to cache=true.
from DOCS
If set to false, it will force requested pages not to be cached by the
browser. Note: Setting cache to false will only work correctly with
HEAD and GET requests. It works by appending "_={timestamp}" to the
GET parameters. The parameter is not needed for other types of
requests, except in IE8 when a POST is made to a URL that has already
been requested by a GET.

Like #Ravi said cache priperty is you're frined.
You should realy spend more time on studying you're weapon of choice!
Link => first hit on google if you search jquery ajax
There is another method of preventing caching. Just append some random number to url you are accessing.
For example:
"" + new Date().getTime()
"" + Math.random()
from Stack answer


I can't seem to generate content for dynamic content load

I am using wordpress and php along with ajax to create a random loading of customer reviews on our main page
function loadContent() {
type: "GET",
url: '',
data: {
company: 1
success: function(data) {
var currReview = document.getElementById('reviewRand');
currReview.innerHTML = data;
setTimeout(loadContent, 10000); // milliseconds, so 10 seconds = 10000ms
<div id="reviewRand" class="elementToFadeInAndOut" style="font-color:#FFF;">Hi how are you</div>
I pasted the ajax command in from a stackoverflow posting that was an accepted answer but may not have it exactly right this does not include the fading CSS code I use but that is working I just need to change the content.
Currently "Hi how are you" fades in every 10 seconds. One thing I have not learned about yet with this ajax command is the
I know it simply passes &company=1 to the GET URL but in my case I do not need to send anything and since it should not break anything if it is sent I left it alone not sure if
would work and be cleaner
I have verified that the url used does get a random review
formatted like this
I love this program.blah blah.<br>
A USER<br>
A location<br>
June 2016<br>
Each line is formatted in CSS via a class tag
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated
Since the domain you're making the AJAX request to is on a different domain/origin, what you're running in to is a CORS issue. By default, the client will not allow you to update the page with data from an AJAX request that is served on a different origin than the site where the request originated. You can read about making CORS changes here
A common way around this is to serve the response via JSONP. You can do this in your script at if you have access to change that file. There are also third-party sites that will request that URL for you and create a proxy that serves the response via JSONP, then you can use it on your website.
Here's an example utilizing a JSONP proxy on
function loadContent() {
type: "GET",
url: '',
success: function(data) {
var currReview = document.getElementById('reviewRand');
currReview.innerHTML = data;
setTimeout(loadContent, 0); /* changed this for the demo */
#reviewRand:not(.ready) {
text-align: center;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="reviewRand"><img src=""></div>

Can a XmlHttpRequest take more time in IE than in Chrome?

I'm using a Web App (which is really big) so there are some parts of the application that I really don't know how they work.
I am a front end developer and I'm consuming a REST API implemented with .NET Web Api (as far as I know)
The request is simple - I use kendo Datasource to get the data from the server like this
var kendoDataSource = new{
// fake transport with local data
transport: {
read: function(options) {
// set results
schema: {
parse: function (response) {
// sort case insensitive by name
response.sort(function (a, b) {
return (a.Name.toLowerCase() > b.Name.toLowerCase()) ? 1 : (a.Name.toLowerCase() < b.Name.toLowerCase()) ? -1 : 0;
return response;
// set the page size
pageSize: 25
and the request for the data
$http({ method: 'GET', url: 'REST/SystemDataSet/' + id + '/Values' }).success(function (response) {
// store data
lookupValues = response;;
// do some logic here
}).error(function(error) {
// logic
I do this in this way because there is some extra logic that manipulates the data.
This request in Chrome takes like 32 ms while it takes almost 9 seconds in IE.
The data retrieved is the same (you can see the Size of response), which is an array of JSon objects (Very simple)
I don't know exactly if there is a cache mechanism in the backend, but it shouldn't matter because I'm able to reproduce it like this every time (fast in Chrome, really really slow on IE)
Any ideas of what could be causing this behaviour ? As I understand, if there is a cache or something, it should be the same for every browser, so this should be happening on both and not only on IE - the backend is agnostic of the browser.
Here is some extra information I have from another request to check the distribution of time in the first IE request
As you can see, the biggest part is the "Request", which is the Time taken to send the request and receive the first response from the server.
Thanks in Advance
The problem is probably Windows Authentication turned on for the folder you are calling the ajax from...
Same principle applies here ...
Problem: Async uploads randomly fail when using IE10/11 with Windows Authentication
The upload either freezes indefinitely or times out if a 401 challenge is received on the HTTP POST.
For IE10 see KB2980019
No official fix for IE 11 as of November 6, 2014. See bug ID 819941

AJAX explained in detail

I found allot of examples of AJAX and I think I can get some code with it to work on my own. If only I knew what the use of all the terms of the AJAX code where.
I think in general it lacks the availability of these guides or special pages where constructed code is explained in detail for new programmers.
This would help enormously because of the misunderstanding of the syntax in many cases. Me for example spend 8 hours a day on my internship to learn PHP, Jquery, HTML from scratch and there is allot of information out there but its not structured and in most cases to technical. Any tips on that maby ? :)
type: 'POST',
url: '',
data: { postVar1: 'theValue1', postVar2: 'theValue2' },
// this is where we append a loading image
$('#ajax-panel').html('<div class="loading"><img src="/images/loading.gif" alt="Loading..." /></div>');
// successful request; do something with the data
$('#ajax-panel').append('<h4>' + $(this).find('title').text() + '</h4><p>' + $(this).find('link').text() + '</p>');
// failed request; give feedback to user
$('#ajax-panel').html('<p class="error"><strong>Oops!</strong> Try that again in a few moments.</p>');
Ajax is asynchronous, which mean you can use it to get new informations from the server without reloading the whole page.
Here's an explanation of your code :
$ is the JQuery object, on which you're calling the ajax function
type: 'POST',
You're gonna send your data by post, which mean that you'll have to get them in php with $_POST['variable_name']. You could also put GET instead
url: '',
the url you want to reach
data: { postVar1: 'theValue1', postVar2: 'theValue2' },
as you're sending your request with POST, you cannot pass data directly from the URL.
So you have to pass them like that. { nameVar: 'value', .... }
If you were sending with GET, you could directly write them into url like : "http://my_url.php?var1=val1&var2=val2 etc ...
You can define an action before sending your ajax request
$('#ajax-panel').html('<div class="loading"><img src="/images/loading.gif" alt="Loading..." /></div>');
Here, inside your div "ajax-panel" you want to write some content. (a div "loading" and a picture inside "loading").
If your request is successful, you can do something. By successful it means if server answer 200 i guess, anyway ... If you have a response from server... ;)
You delete content into ajax-panel
$('#ajax-panel').append('<h4>' + $(this).find('title').text() + '</h4><p>' + $(this).find('link').text() + '</p>');
You're adding some html AFTER (append) the ajax-panel div
Not sure you were looking for that, hope that help you ;)
AJAX is an acronym standing for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and this technology help us to load data from the server without a browser page refresh.
If you are new with AJAX, I would recommend you go through our Ajax Tutorial before proceeding further.
JQuery is a great tool which provides a rich set of AJAX methods to develope next generation web application
Take a took at this
type : varType, //GET or POST or PUT or DELETE verb
url : varUrl, // Location of the service
data : varData, //Data sent to server
contentType : varContentType, // content type sent to server
dataType : varDataType, //Expected data format from server
processdata : varProcessData, //True or False
success : function(msg) {//On Successfull service call
error : function() {// When Service call fails

Ajax empty data returned

I am using Angular, but same thing happens with a normal jQuery Ajax request, to get data.
Data structure is:
The Ajax request looks like this:
dataType: 'jsonp',
headers: {'cache-control': 'no-cache'},
url: $resultsURL
}).done(function(data) {
and the Angular request:
.success(function(data, status){
Now, kind of hard to explain without a demo and sadly I can't expose any of the api endpoints, but the above works fine, as expected and tells me I have two results.
Now the real issue, I can append a partials request to the url and get back a smaller data set, with an offset etc, if I try console.log(data.results) I get an empty []. If I try data.results.length, it returns 0.
Appreciate that might not make much sense, so I guess the first thing to solve is why the ajax might return the length of data.results as zero?
Have I missed something massively obvious?
Turns out I was hitting the service too quickly so it thought it was empty initially.

.ajax posts and gets response on local server, no response on web host

I'm using an ajax call to do a minor calculation then return the value and display it in the page same page where the form is submitted. In Firebug it says it calls the function, however doesn't get a response. (I have a similar form that writes to a database that works fine, seemingly because it doesn't need a response - firebug says it fails to get a response on that script as well.) The odd thing is that I wrote this on my local server before implementing it on the site and everything worked as planned. I'm using Code Igniter on both the local server and the web server, but I don't know if that has something to do with it. Anyways, any help would be great. I'm marginally new so this is kinda outta my realm at this moment.
EDIT: .js
$(document).ready(function() {
var formdata = {
years: $('#years').val(),
rate: $('#rate').val(),
principle: $('#principle').val(),
periods: $('#periods').val(),
continuous: $('#continuous').val()
url: "http://localhost:8888/CodeIgniter_1.7.2/index.php/timevalueshow/submit",
type: 'POST',
data: formdata,
success: function(data){
return false;
php submit function
function submit(){
$years = $this->input->post('years');
$rate = $this->input->post('rate');
$principle = $this->input->post('principle');
$periods = $this->input->post('periods');
$isCont = $this->input->post('continuous');
$params = array(
'years' => $years,
'rate' => $rate,
'principle' => $principle,
'periods' => $periods,
'isCont' => $isCont
$this->load->library('timevalue', $params);
return $this->timevalue->FVFactor();
Could it be that the request is being made cross-domain? Remember that is considered a different domain to
I ran into a similar situation recently. I requested a page from which made an AJAX request to a script on The request was not made because it was considered cross-domain. It had the same symptoms that you describe. In Firebug and Chrome Developer Console I saw an empty response and no error message.
The problem is that CodeIgniter generates absolute URLs based on the $config['base_url'] setting. If you access the site using a different domain name to what is configured in $config['base_url'] you can run into this type of problem.
This works on the dev and not on the server because you are calling localhost!
// this will have the client call itself on this particular page (wont work)
url: "http://localhost:8888/CodeIgniter_1.7.2/index.php/timevalueshow/submit",
The above code should be just:
// this is relative to the document ROOT, will work on server but not on dev!
// you can set it relative to the calling page using ../ as needed
url: "/index.php/timevalueshow/submit",
