Using CMake, how can I concat files and install them - installation

I'm new to CMake and I have a problem that I can not figure out a solution to. I'm using CMake to compile a project with a bunch of optional sub-dirs and it builds shared library files as expected. That part seems to be working fine. Each of these sub-dirs contains a sql file. I need to concat all the selected sql files to one sql header file and install the result. So one file like:
If I did this directly in a make file I might do something like the following only smarter to deal with only the selected sub-dirs:
cat sql_header.sql > "${INSTALL_PATH}/somefile.sql"
cat sub_dir_A.sql >> "${INSTALL_PATH}/somefile.sql"
cat sub_dir_C.sql >> "${INSTALL_PATH}/somefile.sql"
cat sub_dir_D.sql >> "${INSTALL_PATH}/somefile.sql"
I have sort of figured out pieces of this, like I can use:
which I assume I can place in each of the sub-dirs CMakeLists.txt files to collect the file names. And I can create a macro like:
But I am lost between when the CMake initially runs and when it runs from the make install. Maybe there is a better way to do this. I need this to work on both Windows and Linux.
I would be happy with some hints to point me in the right direction.

You can create the concatenated file mainly using CMake's file and function commands.
First, create a cat function:
function(cat IN_FILE OUT_FILE)
Assuming you have the list of input files in the variable PACKAGE_SQL_FILES, you can use the function like this:
# Prepare a temporary file to "cat" to:
file(WRITE "")
# Call the "cat" function for each input file
# Copy the temporary file to the final location
configure_file( somefile.sql COPYONLY)
The reason for writing to a temporary is so the real target file only gets updated if its content has changed. See this answer for why this is a good thing.
You should note that if you're including the subdirectories via the add_subdirectory command, the subdirs all have their own scope as far as CMake variables are concerned. In the subdirs, using list will only affect variables in the scope of that subdir.
If you want to create a list available in the parent scope, you'll need to use set(... PARENT_SCOPE), e.g.
All this so far has simply created the concatenated file in the root of your build tree. To install it, you probably want to use the install(FILES ...) command:
install(FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/somefile.sql
So, whenever CMake runs (either because you manually invoke it or because it detects changes when you do "make"), it will update the concatenated file in the build tree. Only once you run "make install" will the file finally be copied from the build root to the install location.

As of CMake 3.18, the CMake command line tool can concatenate files using cat. So, assuming a variable PACKAGE_SQL_FILES containing the list of files, you can run the cat command using execute_process:
# Concatenate the sql files into a variable 'FINAL_FILE'.
# Write out the concatenated contents to ''.
The rest of the solution is similar to Fraser's response. You can use configure_file so the resultant file is only updated when necessary.
configure_file( final.sql COPYONLY)
You can still use install in the same way to install the file:


dockerfile copy list of files, when list is taken from a local file

I've got a file containing a list of paths that I need to copy by Dockerfile's COPY command on docker build.
My use case is such: I've got a python requirements.txt file, when inside I'm calling multiple other requirements files inside the project, with -r PATH.
Now, I want to docker COPY all the requirements files alone, run pip install, and then copy the rest of the project (for cache and such). So far i haven't managed to do so with docker COPY command.
No need of help on fetching the paths from the file - I've managed that - just if it is possible to be done - how?
Not possible in the sense that the COPY directive allows it out of the box, however if you know the extensions you can use a wildcard for the path such as COPY folder*something*name somewhere/.
For simple requirements.txt fetching that could be:
# but you need to distinguish it somehow
# otherwise it'll overwrite the files and keep the last one
# e.g. rename package/requirements.txt to package-requirements.txt
# and it won't be an issue
COPY */requirements.txt ./
RUN for item in $(ls requirement*);do pip install -r $item;done
But if it gets a bit more complex (as in collecting only specific files, by some custom pattern etc), then, no. However for that case simply use templating either by a simple F-string, format() function or switch to Jinja, create a Dockerfile.tmpl (or whatever you'd want to name a temporary file), then collect the paths, insert into the templated Dockerfile and once ready dump to a file and execute afterwards with docker build.
# Dockerfile.tmpl
FROM alpine
# organize files into coherent structures so you don't have too many COPY directives
files = {
"pattern1": [...],
"pattern2": [...],
with open("Dockerfile.tmpl", "r") as file:
text =
insert = "\n".join([
f"COPY {' '.join(values)} destination/{key}/"
for key, values in files.items()
with open("Dockerfile", "w") as file:
file.write(text.replace("{{replace}}", insert))
You might want to do this for example:
FROM ...
ARG files
COPY files
and run with
docker build -build-args items=`${cat list_of_files_to_copy.txt}`

Shell script to verify data packages

I need to make shell script to check my algorithms with loads of data(tests packages saved in .in files, every package contains folder with .in file and the other one with .out file where supposed to be correct result)
Sometimes It's about 1000 files in one packages so there's no point of doing it manually. I need some kind of loop which opens this .in file then redirect input of my c++ program and also redirect output of this program(save result to .out files) But the point is I can't get this language as quick as I need.
And I would like this script to compare results of my algorithm to .out files from packages
for f in ExternalIn/*.in; do//part of code which opens process with my algorithm and compare its .out file to .out file from package
Skipping checks for missing files, whitespace-safety, etc., you probably need something like:
for f in ExternalIn/*.in; do
# diff the result of my_cpp_app eating with file.out
# and store the comparison result in file.diff
diff ${f/.in/.out} <(my_cpp_app <$f 2>/dev/null) > ${f/.in/.diff}
Although I would probably do it with find / xargs pipeline which is not only safer but also allows parallel execution.
Or even write a Makefile for this and use make, which after all is a tool for exactly this kind of work.

Cmake File COPY across drives

The following does not work:
cmake file ( copy "C:/pathtofile/file.file" DESTINATION "D:/pathtofile2/file2.file" )
Is there a way to achieve the same thing using cmake?
The documentation states that DESTINATION has to be a directory. Therefore renaming the file does not work this way.
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "C:/pathtofile/file.file" "D:/pathtofile2/file2.file")
should work.
cmakes fantastic Configure file system will work. The files can have different names, but basically if it finds any variables that can be expanded by cmake like ${cmake_root_dir} or $ENV{localappdata}, it will edit the file, replace the variables with their values and save it to the new location under the new name. So if there are no variables it just copies.
Configure_file( C:/pathtofile/file.file" "D:/pathtofile2/file2.file")
If you have cmake style variables in there for whatever reason and you don't want them expanded, use #Only as it will only expand variables surrounded by "#":
Configure_file( C:/pathtofile/file.file" "D:/pathtofile2/file2.file" #ONLY)

Intltool with an autoconf-generated .desktop file

In the Emperor project, I'm having some issues getting intltool to work when doing an out-of-tree build. When running make check out-of-tree, which is one of the things make distcheck does, intltool fails thus:
INTLTOOL_EXTRACT="/usr/bin/intltool-extract" XGETTEXT="/usr/bin/xgettext" srcdir=../../po /usr/bin/intltool-update --gettext-package emperor --pot
can't open ../../po/../data/ No such file or directory at /usr/bin/intltool-extract line 212.
intltool is looking for, which is listed in po/, in the source tree. However, is generated by the configure script from a file called, in order to insert the installed executable path as configured by the user, and lands in the build tree.
These are the relevant lines:
echo +++ Running intltoolize ... &&
intltoolize --force --copy &&
cat >>po/ <<EOF
cd ../data && \$(MAKE) _column_names.h
The setup code in
[The domain to use with gettext])
data/ is listed in AC_CONFIG_FILES.
data/ contains these lines:
desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
desktop_in_files =
desktop_DATA = $(
and po/ contains the line
You can review all the details in the public git repository if you wish.
Can I somehow tell intltool that this file will be located in the build tree, not in the source tree? Otherwise, my options appear to be to break make distcheck (not a great option), or to ship a desktop file that doesn't include the full path and assumes that the executable is installed in the PATH. (just as messy, IMHO) - Any other options?
In your source code you have, which does not seem to be in any rule as a dependency. That file has to be converted first to and later to emperor.desktop, which does not seem to be the case in your data/
desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
desktop_in_in_files =
desktop_in_files = $(
desktop_DATA = $(
$(desktop_in_in_files) \
$(desktop_in_in_files) contains $(desktop_in_in_files), and Makefile will know how to deal with that.
Some further digging has brought me believe that the answer is: intltool does not support source files that aren't source files in the project. Ergo, any additional processing must be done after intltool is through
Intltool requires the lines in POTFILES to be relative to the (build-time) working directory. The file POTFILES is generated by the configure script from with a simple sed script defined in the IT_PO_SUBDIR autoconf macro (called by IT_PROG_INTLTOOL) that simply prepends the relative location of the top-level source directory to the paths. Alas, modifying POTFILES does not help: the intltool-extract script does everything it can to get the source directory right. I don't believe files that are sometimes inside and sometimes outside the source tree can be supported without modifying intltool itself.

Join multiple Coffeescript files into one file? (Multiple subdirectories)

I've got a bunch of .coffee files that I need to join into one file.
I have folders set up like a rails app:
Coffeescript has a command that lets you join multiple coffeescripts into one file, but it only seems to work with one directory. For example this works fine:
coffee --output app/controllers.js --join --compile src/controllers/*.coffee
But I need to be able to include a bunch of subdirectories kind of like this non-working command:
coffee --output app/all.js --join --compile src/*/*.coffee
Is there a way to do this? Is there a UNIXy way to pass in a list of all the files in the subdirectories?
I'm using terminal in OSX.
They all have to be joined in one file because otherwise each separate file gets compiled & wrapped with this:
(function() { }).call(this);
Which breaks the scope of some function calls.
From the CoffeeScript documentation:
-j, --join [FILE] : Before compiling, concatenate all scripts together in the order they were passed, and write them into the specified file. Useful for building large projects.
So, you can achieve your goal at the command line (I use bash) like this:
coffee -cj path/to/compiled/file.js file1 file2 file3 file4
where file1 - fileN are the paths to the coffeescript files you want to compile.
You could write a shell script or Rake task to combine them together first, then compile. Something like:
find . -type f -name '*.coffee' -print0 | xargs -0 cat >
Then compile
Adjust the paths to your needs. Also make sure that the file is not in the same path you're searching with find or you will get into an infinite loop. |
Additionally you may be interested in these other posts on Stackoverflow concerning searching across directories:
How to count lines of code including sub-directories
Bash script to find a file in directory tree and append it to another file
Unix script to find all folders in the directory
I've just release an alpha release of CoffeeToaster, I think it may help you.
The most easy way to use coffee command line tool.
coffee --output public --join --compile app
app is my working directory holding multiple subdirectories and public is where ~output.js file will be placed. Easy to automate this process if writing app in nodejs
This helped me (-o output directory, -j join to project.js, -cw compile and watch coffeescript directory in full depth):
coffee -o web/js -j project.js -cw coffeescript
Use cake to compile them all in one (or more) resulting .js file(s). Cakefile is used as configuration which controls in which order your coffee scripts are compiled - quite handy with bigger projects.
Cake is quite easy to install and setup, invoking cake from vim while you are editing your project is then simply
:!cake build
and you can refresh your browser and see results.
As I'm also busy to learn the best way of structuring the files and use coffeescript in combination with backbone and cake, I have created a small project on github to keep it as a reference for myself, maybe it will help you too around cake and some basic things. All compiled files are in www folder so that you can open them in your browser and all source files (except for cake configuration) are in src folder. In this example, all .coffee files are compiled and combined in one output .js file which is then included in html.
Alternatively, you could use the --bare flag, compile to JavaScript, and then perhaps wrap the JS if necessary. But this would likely create problems; for instance, if you have one file with the code
i = 0
foo = -> i++
then there's only one var i declaration in the resulting JavaScript, and i will be incremented. But if you moved the foo function declaration to another CoffeeScript file, then its i would live in the foo scope, and the outer i would be unaffected.
So concatenating the CoffeeScript is a wiser solution, but there's still potential for confusion there; the order in which you concatenate your code is almost certainly going to matter. I strongly recommend modularizing your code instead.
