how to draw rect over screen on OS X? - macos

I want draw rectangle over current screen on OS X like rectangle from Grab app when user select area to capture.
Could anybody give me advice about how I can do this?

The way I would do this it to, create your own custom window, you can then give it a transparent background and a border representing your selection rectangle. Do a google search for customer window Cocoa, or irregular shape window cocoa and you will find lots of examples.


Displaying NSImage beyond limits of view

I'm rather new to AppKit programming and OS X programming in general so forgive me if this is a n00b question. I would like to make a windowless app which does nothing but take an image and animate it across the user's screen. If I bound myself to the window limits of my app this is easy to accomplish. How to I animate things if I want to go beyond my window/view limits?
You can't literally draw outside your window, but you can make your window borderless, transparent, and cover the whole screen or screens.

DS_ABSALIGN style to avoid calculations

I have a tablet with a stylus, in normal operation it's easy to draw and figure out where the stylus is since hardware feeds the correct coordinates. Then i rotate the monitor 90 ยบ via ChangeDisplaySettingsEx API, in this situation i have to apply a translation (2nd monitor) + rotation which i'd like to avoid. Then i read about this style DS_ABSALIGN in MSDN:
Indicates that the coordinates of the dialog box are screen
coordinates. If this style is not specified, the coordinates are
client coordinates.
I'd like to draw to a DC in screen coordinates which is what i'm being feeded, not client coordinates, but defining that style doesn't make any difference.
//unaffected by the style
DrawIcon(hDevCtx, m_Point.x, m_Point.y, LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
Is it there any way to draw an icon in screen coordinates?
edit: finally i had no choice but to do the calculations for every turn so i close the question
The coordinates you pass to DrawIcon() depend on the kind of DC you have. For example let's say you used GetDC() to get the DC. If you pass it a window handle, the coordinates you pass to DrawIcon() will be relative to the client area of that window. If you pass 0 to GetDC() the coordinates will be relative to desktop screen. If you want to draw on desktop screen then use GetDC(0) or a better method if there is one. If you just want to convert screen coordinates to client coordinates or vice versa use ScreenToClient() or ClientToScreen()

How to get the size in pixels of the Resize Corners of a Window

Is there a way (API) of getting the size (vertical and horizontal) in pixels of the resize corners?
I am referring to the area at each of the corners of a window where you can resize the window in both directions (Left-to-Right and Top-to-Bottom) at the same time using your mouse. You will know you are there with your mouse cursor when you hover over the corners of the window and the mouse cursor is a Diagonal Resizing cursor.
Thank you
An example: Hover your mouse over the right edge of a sizable window. Start in the middle (vertically) of the window and move the mouse up along the edge until the horizontal sizing cursor changes to a diagonal sizing cursor. How do I determine by asking the OS how far that position when the cursor changes, is from the top of the window.
I would suggest to use the size of the scrollbars. Call GetSystemMetrics with SM_CYHSCROLL and SM_CXVSCROLL. May be also SM_CYSIZEFRAME and SM_CXSIZEFRAME sizes can be combined.
But I think a better value is to use the height of the status bar. However even Microsoft Windows seems to use some fixed value as can seen on the screenshot.
Comparing the results of GetClientRect and GetWindowRect will tell you how wide the non-client (border) area is along each edge of the window.
If you're concerned that it might not all be active for sizing (true especially along the top), or you want to distinguish the diagonal sizing areas from edge sizing areas, you can take the coordinates discovered in step 1 and pass them to SendMessage(WM_NCHITTEST) See its documentation for the various return codes. There's no problem sending this message repeatedly -- it's designed to be called for each mouse move event and therefore is very fast.

Using Auto Layout to position an NSWindow

Is it possible to use Auto Layout to position a window on the screen?
I'd like to set up constraints to position a window relative to an NSStatusItem. I'd like the window to be centered below the NSStatusItem, but also not be partially offscreen. So, I'd need weak constraints for centering relative to the NSStatusItem and strong constraints for maintaining a minimum distance from the screen edges.
How can I accomplish this?
Auto Layout doesn't work to position windows. The layout engine works per-window to lay out views within that window.
Luckily, this particular layout problem doesn't look too difficult to accomplish the old way. Figure the frame of the window below the NSStatusItem assuming it fits. Then check to see if that frame intersects with the screen edge. If it does, nudge it to the left until it doesn't.

Cocoa / CoreGraphics / Quartz - borderless Quicktime X like window with rounded edges

I am developing a document based application for Mac OS X. It's a kind of media player, but instead of playing audio or video files it is supposed to open text-files containing meta-data specifying OpenGL animations. I would like to mimic Apples QuickTime X window style. This means, i have to do all the window drawings myself, because Cocoa has no appropriate window style.
There is one thing which gives me headaches: The rounded corners usually to be found on Mac OS X windows. I tried using the borderless window mask and working some CGS magic - there are some private Apple headers which allow window shaping, but they are of course undocumented. I was able to cut rectangular holes in my windows edges, but i couldn't figure out how Apple achieves rounded corners.
Creating a transparent window and drawing the frame myself does not work, because an OpenGL viewport is always rectangular, and the only way to change it is to turn on NSOpenGLCPSurfaceOpacity for alpha transparency and using the stencil buffer or shaders to cut out the edges, which seems like a hell of a lot of overhead.
If i put an OpenGLView into a standard Cocoa window with titlebar, the bottom edges are rounded. It seems this is happening at the NSThemeFrame stage of the view hierarchy. Any ideas how this is done?
Use a layer-backed view, and do your drawing in the CALayer on an invisible window. Layers include automatic handling of rounded corners and borders.
Background for CALayer is in the Core Animation Programming Guide. To create a layer for NSView, you need to call [view setWantsLayer:YES]. You would create a CAOpenGLLayer and assign it to the view using setLayer:.
See CALayerEssentials for sample code demonstrating how to use CAOpenGLLayer among other layer types.
Since Robs suggestion didn't work and no one else contributed to the discussion i settled on using the stencil buffer to crop the windows corners. I did this by creating a texture from the windows background and rendering it into the stencil buffer, discarding all transparent pixels. Looks fine, but is slow when resizing the window :/
