Ajax Load Div based on URI (Instead of onClick) - ajax

I am converting an old web application. In the legacy version, there is a page which displays some default content when the user navigates to it. There is a link within that page which reloads the page but with a querystring showform=yes which causes a form to be displayed instead of the content.
In the old version, the page was like this:
http://site.com/directory.asp - for the main page with the content
http://site.com/directory.asp?showform=yes - called when the user
clicked the button to show the form.
In the new version of the web app, that same page is set up with ajax, in that there is a div which contains the default content when someone visits http://site.com/directory. There is a button, which, when clicked (from within that page), some ajax is invoked which swaps out the content and displays the form. There is no change in the URI/querystring.
Here is my question - In the legacy version of the web app, there are some other pages which link the user directly to the page with the form (http://site.com/directory.asp?showform=yes) e.g. so they don't need to click the button once the arrive at directory.asp.
Is there a what I can mimimc this behavior based on how I have that page set up now e.g. displaying the form via ajax in a div?)
Initially I thought that perhaps ajax can be triggered based on the presence of a querystring or an anchor in the URI e.g. /directory#form but I am not sure if that is possible.
I would prefer a solution that is not dependent on jQuery, but will consider it if there are no other options.
Thanks in advance for looking, and please let me know if I can further clarify.

yes you can trigger AJAX call on the basis of a boolean variable which you can set through the query string.
The default value for the boolean variable is false which forces the user to click on the button to refresh the form section.
But when the comes back on the same page the query string will set the boolean variable to true whereby the javascript function containing the AJAX code is invoked from your JSP/ASP or HTML.


Apex - set items values after submit

I have to regions with items on my page. One of them is to edit data, another one is display only. Editable region is hidden on page load and shows when users click on a button. I'd like to pass data between these regions after submit a page. Are computations after submit the only way to do that? I tried with processes after submit, before header etc. but it didn't work.
I'd like to have one pl/sql code to pass data between two regions after submit, how to do such a thing?
Other options include
dynamic action (you'd use Set value)
button's Redirect to page in this application (where you'd redirect to the same page; Link Builder then lets you choose which items will be set to which values)
If you still can't make it work, consider creating sample page on apex.oracle.com; then provide login credentials so that someone might have a look.

Oracle APEX takes a value from a function and uses it to open a new page

I have a function that returns a value (e.g.27).
I am put this value to my page item (P2120_SYMPTOM_ID) and i want with this value to open with button another page (P2140).
I am going to button Link builder - target and i am using P2120_SYMPTOM_ID like this:
but unfortunatendly this value doesn't pass to my new page criteria.
How can i use this value?
If you're just navigating to another page (as opposed to opening a modal window) then use action "Submit" on your button and create a branch to the new page. That is how navigation is supposed to be done. The link builder links are generated when the page is rendered and do not pick up session values.
This is a common question, and relates to the fact the link uses values during page render, not what may have happened during interaction with the page
A common solution is presented in the Oracle forums here
Alternatively, there is a free & supported FOEX Redirect plugin that also solves this problem

Django one page website with lateral navbar

My current setup looks like this(from here, mostly):
This is the result of my home view. What I intend on doing is keep those 2 sidebars in place and refresh only the content part.
My question: What is the obvious solution to this in django?
From what I read so far it seems to be using Ajax to see what exactly the user clicks on the sidebars and return only a part of the HTML which would be the div where all the content is. (or return a JSON and refresh that div depending on the JSON values?)
I need to avoid refreshing the entire page, it seems useless. I could forget about Ajax and just run on separate views but I would have to pass every time a context variable to populate the sidebars depending on the user and this seems to be an overkill.
Even more specific: On the push of a button on the navbar now that is a href- links to another page. In order to make it refresh only part of the page what should the button trigger? Should it trigger a jquery function or is there a better option?
If your concern is only about left sidebar calculations, then you can go with caching
Django allows to cache part of page - sidebar is ideal item for caching. If sidebar is different for users (I see at least playlists menu item), then it's also possible to implement fragment caching per user, check Vary on headers part of documentation.
Using ajax will complicate your development process - generate html/json encode/render it on user side, etc, etc. And now almost no one uses django in this way. If you want pure single page application, then I suggest you to take a look at some javascript framework like Angular, Vue or React + Django API backend.

How to load different views in one div that situated in home page on button click using ajax,jquery,codeigniter

I have a page like home now what I want is if I click a button or link like a menu a corresponding view must load in that div in the home page. On every button click the views are must change inside the div without refreshing the entire page.
I know this can be done with ajax and jquery.
on click event of button call a javascript method, collect information which affect different views, send ajax request in a controller with post data, according to data, load a view like
$res = $this->load->view('myview1')
Remember, ajax request should not be of "json" type.
Ajax request will send a string, take this string in a javascript var.
now in javascript

APEX: Call JavaScript function after validation but before processing

I have been tasked with re-creating an old PL/SQL Web Toolkit front end in Application Express (Apex).
I would like to display a popup after the page is submitted and after computations and validations.
The page can be submitted by clicking a button OR by hitting enter.
I have googled and got a modal popup working (called by javascript) but I can't seem to call it at the right point. I can call it on submit (before the validations etc.) but not after the validations.
I have tried creating a branch to URL at the correct processing point and then have the URL set to:
But then I get a page will not display error.
Can anyone out there explain how I could do this?
Apex Version: 4.0.2
Oracle 10g
I suppose what you want to do is to perform the validations, have values submitted to session state, but not execute further processes.
However, when you submit the page it is sent to the server; and everything you see in the page processing region will sequentially fire. There is no way to halfway through the processes call a javascript function, since basically you are not on the clientside anymore.
What you can do is to create a branch after your validations to the same page. Redirect to it but provide a REQUEST value, for example OPENFORM.
Create a dynamic action, firing on page load, with a true action that executes javascript and opens up your modal page. Then set the condition on your dynamic action to Request = Expression 1, providing the request value to Expression 1 (OPENFORM).
(Note that this is the Conditions region, and not the 'Condition' field of the 'When' region)
This should cause the page to be submitted, validated, then re-loaded but with a request value, and the dynamic action firing, opening your modal page.
Just a point of interest:
If you have actual processes on this page though, then be careful with the Enter key. Buttons by default submit to session with the request value set to their name, and thus making it possible to conditionally execute processes or branches. The enter key does not submit with a request value set i believe. So if your branch is conditional, the enter key might simply skip over it.
