Django one page website with lateral navbar - ajax

My current setup looks like this(from here, mostly):
This is the result of my home view. What I intend on doing is keep those 2 sidebars in place and refresh only the content part.
My question: What is the obvious solution to this in django?
From what I read so far it seems to be using Ajax to see what exactly the user clicks on the sidebars and return only a part of the HTML which would be the div where all the content is. (or return a JSON and refresh that div depending on the JSON values?)
I need to avoid refreshing the entire page, it seems useless. I could forget about Ajax and just run on separate views but I would have to pass every time a context variable to populate the sidebars depending on the user and this seems to be an overkill.
Even more specific: On the push of a button on the navbar now that is a href- links to another page. In order to make it refresh only part of the page what should the button trigger? Should it trigger a jquery function or is there a better option?

If your concern is only about left sidebar calculations, then you can go with caching
Django allows to cache part of page - sidebar is ideal item for caching. If sidebar is different for users (I see at least playlists menu item), then it's also possible to implement fragment caching per user, check Vary on headers part of documentation.
Using ajax will complicate your development process - generate html/json encode/render it on user side, etc, etc. And now almost no one uses django in this way. If you want pure single page application, then I suggest you to take a look at some javascript framework like Angular, Vue or React + Django API backend.


Recommendations for developing Laravel User account pages as SPA?

Looking to rebuild account pages for users of a Laravel 8 based application using something like Inertia/Livewire, Vue/React to make just the account area an SPA. User accounts currently have many pages in which to manage their items and have a dashboard that summarises item data that link to item listing pages for managing.
Ideally the new dashboard will have component based widgets which would load the HTML with temporary place holders for the items whilst the data is being requested. Not sure what would make a better user experience, having the whole page show temporary place holders for dynamic data and then all populate at the same time or populate each component as and when the data is ready.
Would it be more efficient to have each component request its own data individually or should each component specify what data it needs to the parent component (dashboard) which then does one request for all widgets?
The widgets would link to item listing pages where users can manage items. The way the listing pages should work is very similar to that of Asana, when an item is selected it opens a panel to the right of the list which loads the data related to that item. Again, when the panel opens it has place holders until the data requested has been fetched.
With Inertia the data can be queried in the controller and then passed as props to the view that Inertia renders. Items would be passed in this way and then listed on a listing page component. The URL should update from /items to /item/123 when clicking an item so it would have its own dynamic route that passes the item id to the relevant action.
Would this have its own action separate from the one that gets the initial list of items?
The list still needs to be there and used to click between items so was thinking it could actually use the same action?
Items could be in the thousands and will have filtering options so pagination and throttling will be necessary.
Been looking at Inertia with Vue so far and it looks to meet requirements, can’t change from using Laravel 8, just wondering what approach would be most suitable or if there is another approach that should be considered. Interested to hear how others might go about it.

How retain focus on the same field, where user was, after page refresh in MVC3

The question seems to be basic but I would ask.
Is there a standard way to retain focus on the same field (where user was, before refresh) after page refresh in MVC3.
for simplicity purpose, I will take a simple scenario. scenario is like
I have three controls on a page.
a textbox ---Name
a dropdown ---Country)
another dropdown---City (which loads cities from server based on the country selected in field 2 and this causes the page to refresh)
What I want,
the focus to be on Country field, after page refresh.
I hope, the question makes sense.
To achieve what you want, just use jQuery's .focus function (
You may want to consider loading your dropdown dynamically through jQuery or jQuery UI so that you don't get the page refresh.

Is it better to use ajax pager or plain post back?

I'm creating a pager for grid data. Basically, I can do it in two ways: when user clicks on a page number, load grid data by using ajax call, or, post back to server (GET or POST) and use query string parameters (or POST variables) to know which page to display. With both methods, sorting of grid items must be persisted.
What is better considering performance and SEO and why?
-- UPDATE --
I need pros and cons for both approaches. I know this is somewhat discussion rather than question, but I need your experiences.
Also, when using ajax, it is not only SEO that I'm wondering about. Will browser's back button behave as expected?
Why not do both.
Have the grid load with SEO friendly anchor GET links then implement some JavaScript to convert them to AJAX calls.
People without JavaScipt (like spiders) can then still navigate around while fancy people will get the enhanced AJAX experience.
With AJAX you can alter history and make the back button work as expected.
Your grids are loaded via AJAX? and you are worried that SEs won't pick them up?
What you can do to get your content indexed is to:
use segmented URLS like CodeIgniter and WordPress instead of query strings. SEs will (supposedly) see them as subfolders.
Instead of loading everything in AJAX, grid data can also be represented as tabular data. What you can do is to load the tabular format for the static page, then with JS, you can replace the table with your grid.
say for example i want to load sports stats, should give me tabular data when JS is off, and if i had JS, that data is replaced with the grid.

Update Drupal views argument via AJAX

I have a request concerning Drupal 6.x
I'd like to have this behaviour:
imagine to have 2 columns, on the left a list of nodes (only titles for example) and on the right a view showing just one of the contents on the left.
My idea would be to achieve this with an AJAX-fashion: clicking a link in the list on the left updates the view on the right with the actual node.
Which is the best way to handle this?
My idea is to use Panels, make 2 column panel with 2 views, one (left) filtered on content type, with no arguments, and one on the right which takes in as an argument the node id to be displayed.
But how to link the 2 views with AJAX?
(or, better, how to update the view on the right with an AJAX call?)
is this possible?
Any help or idea is really welcome
You also can do a quick hack, which is quite flexible, because it allows you to change your views without changing code.
I have had a similar task recently and for your task I would do the following:
for your right column, create a exposed filter (node id) and hide whole exposed filter form using CSS.
using jQuery, attach a click behavior to titles on your left column.
the click behavior takes the node id, finds the attached exposed filter at the right column, enters the node id into the input field and executes form's .submit().
the .submit() triggers the build-into-views well debugged ajax request which refreshes your right column.
this is certainly possible, and not very difficult to do.
Your task can be divided into two main parts:
Providing a 'callback' URL in the Backend that takes a node id (nid) and returns the markup to display the node in the right panel in a format that can be processed by javascript. This will be done in PHP within a normal Drupal module. The main point is not to return a full Drupal page as usual, but only the markup for the node.
Create logic for the Frontend that, when triggered by clicking a link in the left panel, retrieves the new node markup via the URL callback above and replaces the content of the right panel with it. This needs to be done in javascript, using the Drupal javascript API with jQuery.
You can find an introduction and example for AJAX in Drupal here. (This does almost exactly what you want to do, only with images)
You should also look at this more general entry point for JavaScript in Drupal.

jsp dynamic gui

i am asking myself if it is possible to somehow create a dynamic gui in jsp. So that i could have something like a dropdown menue for the country and based on what i have selected in that window a dropdown menue for cities, without reloading the jsp page. Or, in a dialog with multiple input lines, to be able to add an additional line with a button, again without reloading the whole page. In the first case the cities information would be in a database, in the second the information provided would be stored at the end in a database, so i cant just use java script (and don't really want to).
At a minimum, you would need to utilize JavaScript to implement what you want. Most would implement it the way Tim describes in his first paragraph.
Set up two .JSP's:
The first contains your main form with the country drop-down menu. Some JavaScript on the first .JSP triggers an AJAX request to a second .JSP. The second .JSP accepts a country-ID parameter and uses a servlet to query your DB for a list of cities, then renders that data. Once the request returns, the JavaScript in your first .JSP inserts the list of cities into a new drop-down menu.
This may seem complex, but several JavaScript libraries exist to assist you with this task. Look into jQuery or Dojo.
To update the page without posting back the whole page, the browser would use ajax. Using a database does not eliminate ajax. Ajax calls server code that digs your data out of the database.
Regardless, to do what you want, without writing your own javascript, look at GWT (Google Web Toolkit). You right ajax applications in Java that generates the javascript for you.
