Maven ear plugin multiple artifacts content - maven

Lets assume that I have a web project and several environments where it could be deployed. And I want Maven to build several artifacts at once (e.g. for dev an prod). I have an A-war module and an A-ear module (which contains A-war). Each war artifact could contain information which is related only to its environment.
First I configured a pom.xml file for A-war module:
This works fine - 2 *war*s are created in target folder: A-war-prod and A-war-dev.
Now I want to build ear artifact for each of these war.
Here is the main content of pom.xml in A-ear module:
It also builds 2 ear**s: A-ear-dev.ear and A-ear-prod.ear. And each of these *ear*s contains an A-war.war artifact. And everything would be fine except of one small detail: these **war files are the same. I mean A-ear-dev.ear contains A-war-dev.war (which is renamed to A-war.war) but A-ear-prod.ear contains the same A-war-dev.war instead of its own A-war-prod.war.
Moreover when I'd changed the order of executions (moved creating of prod higher than dev) then these *ear*s both contained A-war-prod.war.
As I can see from maven output, when starting building ear**s it copies the first war into the folder for the first **ear but for the second it does not:
[INFO] --- maven-ear-plugin:2.8:ear (package-dev) # A-ear
[INFO] Copying artifact [] to [/A-war.war]
[INFO] Including custom manifest ....
[INFO] Copy ear sources to ...
[INFO] Building jar: <location>\A-ear\target\A-ear-dev.ear
[INFO] --- maven-ear-plugin:2.8:ear (package-prod) # A-ear ---
[INFO] Copy ear sources to ...
[INFO] Including custom manifest file ...
[INFO] Building jar: <location>\A-ear\target\A-ear-prod.ear
So maybe anyone has an idea on how to force maven copy war file each time?

As I found out, when Maven is copying war file into the temp directory, it doesn't rewrite it - if there is a file with the same name, then it will not be replaced. So after the first artifact copying, it copied always the first artifact which is pointed in execution module.
All other artifacts were not copied. So this artifact was placed in all result ears.
So the solution for this issue is to specify working directory for each execution tag, like:


Integrate jQAssistant in Maven build using profile and running server

I'm trying to integrate jQAssistant into my existing Maven build. I have a hierarchy of POMs, but basically the top POM defines what the build does. That's where I have my <pluginManagement> and my build plugins that are always used. I also have a couple of Maven profiles for special builds.
So, I want to scan all classes during build time and aggregate the results into a running server to have a fully populated Neo4J database after the build of all my Maven modules. The database should contain my whole code base.
Analysing and checking would be a different step, I don't want to do that directly when building a Maven module.
The examples I see all build a local database and then check the classes against it. As far as I understand it, I would have to run the server as a daemon and then configure the Maven plugin to use the 'bolt' URI to populate it - is this right?
Also, since I don't want to slow down the 'normal' build, I added a Maven profile to active the jQAssistant scan. However, this only works on my top POM, but doesn't work in any other Maven project/module. The inheritance of profiles is a normal and expected Maven feature - so what am I doing wrong?
Here's my parent POM. Just to see whether the profile is active, I added PMD as well:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
When I run mvn clean package -P architecture on a Maven project with that parent POM, I see the following output, which shows that the profile is active:
09:30:12.316 [INFO]
09:30:12.316 [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.5:pmd (default) # util-type ---
09:30:15.073 [INFO]
09:30:15.073 [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.5:cpd (default) # util-type ---
09:30:15.976 [INFO]
However, jqassistant-maven-plugin is nowhere.
Now, if I add it to my normal <build> plugins:
then I see the following output for mvn clean package for my parent POM:
10:38:14.252 [INFO] --- jqassistant-maven-plugin:1.5.0:scan (scan) # parent ---
10:38:15.684 [INFO] Loaded jQAssistant plugins [CDI, Common, Core Analysis, Core Report, EJB3, GraphML, JAX-RS, JPA 2, JSON, JUnit, Java, Java 8, Java EE 6, Maven 3, OSGi, RDBMS, Spring, TestNG, Tycho, XML, YAML].
10:38:15.952 [INFO] Connecting to store at 'file:/C:/jp/maven-parents/parent/target/jqassistant/store/'
10:38:20.058 [INFO] Initializing embedded Neo4j server 3.x
10:38:20.078 [INFO] Resetting store.
10:38:21.515 [INFO] Reset finished (removed 8453 nodes, 29427 relations).
10:38:22.372 [INFO] Entering C:/jp/maven-parents/parent/target/failsafe-reports
10:38:22.378 [INFO] Leaving C:/jp/maven-parents/parent/target/failsafe-reports (1 entries, 4 ms)
However, in my Maven project, I don't see any jQAssistant output.
Starting mvn help:effective-pom -Parchitecture gives me the same output for the parent project and the Maven module:
In my projects I have a parent POM with the following plugin management section:
I also defined the following profile, which I use to run jQAsssistant:
Using mvn -P verify-archicture clean install I can scan and analyze my projects.
Here we are, some years later :-)
And coming back to my mistake!
The problem here was the Maven phase. The jQAssistant plugin Mojo scan has the Maven phase post-integration-test by default.
However, we never do mvn clean install in my company, we only do mvn clean package and install using Jenkins, Nexus etc. etc.
So, it was my fault to not force the plugin to the package phase.
That's how it works:

Maven Antrun Plugin inheritance

I have a maven multi module project structure.
I want to build the jar of a child project using maven-antrun-plugin by declaring it inside the parent project's pom.
Here is my parent-pom:
<jar destfile="${}/${}.jar"
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="" />
and here is my child project's pom:
When I am building child project it shows the error as:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) on project sample-project: The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact -> [Help 1]
You can set <inherited> to false in <plugin> element:
More info at:

maven: With one pom.xml I am creating jar and tar.gz but don't want to deploy jar

With one pom.xml first I am creating a jar file with maven-jar-plugin and signing it with maven-jarsigner-plugin, second I am creating a tar.gz package with maven-assembly-plugin, copying jar file and other necessary files into tar.gz. Just because only tar.gz package is enough for me, I want only tar.gz package to deploy remote repository. When I run the "mvn deploy" command, both the jar and tar.gz packages are being deployed. Are there any method for not to deploy jar file to remote repository.
I tried your suggestion. It is not working for maven-deploy-plugin but it is working for maven-install plugin. Here is the relative part of my pom.xml:
maven-install-plugin is installing only tar.gz file to local repository but maven-deploy-plugin deploying both tar.gz and jar files to remote repository. I think this behaviour can be maven-deploy-plugin's bug.
By default the Maven Deploy plugin will deploy all the artifacts attached to your project or module, i.e. both your .jar and tar.gz file.
deploy:deploy is used to automatically install the artifact, its pom and the attached artifacts produced by a particular project.
What you can do is skip the deploy:deploy goal and configure a personalized deploy:deploy-file goal, such as:
<skip>true</skip> <!-- Skip the default deploy -->
<!-- Deploy our tar.gz -->
You'll have to configure <file> to use your generated tar.gz file.

How to skip Maven plugin parent pom execution?

I have a parent aggregator POM with multiple modules. I have a build/pluginManagement in the parent since plugin execution is the same for each sub module.
If I execute in each sub module (mvn package) it works fine. If I execute in the parent: mvn package -Pmytest, I want to skip plugin execution in the parent module, so I added:
However, it's not working.
Parent pom.xml:
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Child pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
I'm getting a file not found error. The file is not supposed to exists here. The issue is why it's not skipping parent module execution.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] jboss-config ....................................... FAILURE [ 20.238 s]
[INFO] jboss-system-properties ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] jboss-security ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.wildfly.plugins:wildfly-maven-plugin:1.0.2.Final:
execute-commands (add-jboss-config) on project jboss-config:
Execution add-jboss-config of goal org.wildfly.plugins:wildfly-maven-plugin:1.0.2.Final:execute-commands failed:
Failed to process file 'H:\projects\xyz\jboss\trunk\jboss-configuration\processed\scripts\add-jboss-config.cli':
(The system cannot find the path specified)
I found the issue. If the execution id is parameterized, in my case:
to skip plugin execution, you'd have to explicitly specify the execution id and phase:
Now, it skips the parent, executes in all the children modules, and I only have one place for plugin configuration.
Note: I tried using static execution ids, but it has the side effect of skipping execution in the children modules as well. Also, I'm not sure if all of these issues are just in wildfly-maven-plugin.

How do I configure the Maven WAR plugin to execute the "inplace" goal by default?

I’m using Maven 3.2.3 and the Maven War 2.6 plugin. I would like the “inlace” goal of the Maven WAR plugin to execute by default (without my having to explicitly specify “war:inlace” on the command line). So I created a profile to include the below
Using “mvn help:active-profiles”, I have verified this profile is being used when I run “mvn clean install” on my WAR project. However, the WAR is not assembled in place. For instance, I get the output
[INFO] Packaging webapp
[INFO] Assembling webapp [myproject] in [/Users/davea/Dropbox/workspace/myproject/target/myproject]
[INFO] Processing war project
[INFO] Copying webapp resources [/Users/davea/Dropbox/workspace/myproject/src/main/webapp]
[INFO] Webapp assembled in [17460 msecs]
Also I notice there are no “classes” or “lib” resources in my src/main/resources/WEB-INF folder. What do I need to configure differently to get my WAR to be built in-place?
This can probably be classified as a duplicate of How to get Maven to run war:exploded but not war:war with a small twist. Instead of exploded it needs to be inplace:
<!-- don't pack the war -->
<!-- optional, depends on your setup -->
The WAR Plugin is responsible for collecting all artifact dependencies, classes and resources of the web application and packaging them into a web application archive.
