Integrate jQAssistant in Maven build using profile and running server - maven

I'm trying to integrate jQAssistant into my existing Maven build. I have a hierarchy of POMs, but basically the top POM defines what the build does. That's where I have my <pluginManagement> and my build plugins that are always used. I also have a couple of Maven profiles for special builds.
So, I want to scan all classes during build time and aggregate the results into a running server to have a fully populated Neo4J database after the build of all my Maven modules. The database should contain my whole code base.
Analysing and checking would be a different step, I don't want to do that directly when building a Maven module.
The examples I see all build a local database and then check the classes against it. As far as I understand it, I would have to run the server as a daemon and then configure the Maven plugin to use the 'bolt' URI to populate it - is this right?
Also, since I don't want to slow down the 'normal' build, I added a Maven profile to active the jQAssistant scan. However, this only works on my top POM, but doesn't work in any other Maven project/module. The inheritance of profiles is a normal and expected Maven feature - so what am I doing wrong?
Here's my parent POM. Just to see whether the profile is active, I added PMD as well:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
When I run mvn clean package -P architecture on a Maven project with that parent POM, I see the following output, which shows that the profile is active:
09:30:12.316 [INFO]
09:30:12.316 [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.5:pmd (default) # util-type ---
09:30:15.073 [INFO]
09:30:15.073 [INFO] --- maven-pmd-plugin:3.5:cpd (default) # util-type ---
09:30:15.976 [INFO]
However, jqassistant-maven-plugin is nowhere.
Now, if I add it to my normal <build> plugins:
then I see the following output for mvn clean package for my parent POM:
10:38:14.252 [INFO] --- jqassistant-maven-plugin:1.5.0:scan (scan) # parent ---
10:38:15.684 [INFO] Loaded jQAssistant plugins [CDI, Common, Core Analysis, Core Report, EJB3, GraphML, JAX-RS, JPA 2, JSON, JUnit, Java, Java 8, Java EE 6, Maven 3, OSGi, RDBMS, Spring, TestNG, Tycho, XML, YAML].
10:38:15.952 [INFO] Connecting to store at 'file:/C:/jp/maven-parents/parent/target/jqassistant/store/'
10:38:20.058 [INFO] Initializing embedded Neo4j server 3.x
10:38:20.078 [INFO] Resetting store.
10:38:21.515 [INFO] Reset finished (removed 8453 nodes, 29427 relations).
10:38:22.372 [INFO] Entering C:/jp/maven-parents/parent/target/failsafe-reports
10:38:22.378 [INFO] Leaving C:/jp/maven-parents/parent/target/failsafe-reports (1 entries, 4 ms)
However, in my Maven project, I don't see any jQAssistant output.
Starting mvn help:effective-pom -Parchitecture gives me the same output for the parent project and the Maven module:

In my projects I have a parent POM with the following plugin management section:
I also defined the following profile, which I use to run jQAsssistant:
Using mvn -P verify-archicture clean install I can scan and analyze my projects.

Here we are, some years later :-)
And coming back to my mistake!
The problem here was the Maven phase. The jQAssistant plugin Mojo scan has the Maven phase post-integration-test by default.
However, we never do mvn clean install in my company, we only do mvn clean package and install using Jenkins, Nexus etc. etc.
So, it was my fault to not force the plugin to the package phase.
That's how it works:


Run Maven goal only in parent POM by activation

I am working on integrating a plugin into a multi-module project.
I am using a 3rd party plugin that essentially needs to only by run from the parent project (based on my understanding and usage of it). I tried to accomplish this by using a profile, like so:
I have several <inherited>false</inherited>, but if I run mvn help:all-profiles I can still see this profile in every single module. If I run my mvn package -P run-my-guy I see this get executed in every single subproject. I want the ability to activate this and I do not want it to be on by default.
If I try to add it the <build> section, like this:
Here, I also have a few <inherited>false</inherited>, just to try and enforce that the plugin and the execution are not inherited. However, whenI run the package phase, or anything that includes that phase, the runThing goal is included.
How do I run a goal only by activation (like profile or some other feature, or just by explicitly running the goal) and only in the parent?
As shown in an answer for "Run a single Maven plugin execution?", it is now possible (since Maven 3.3.1) to specify an execution Id for a direct goal invocation.
<id>myproject-exec-id</id> <!-- note the execution Id -->
And then invoking the goal from the command line uses the optional #executionId parameter:
mvn myproject:runThing#myproject-exec-id

SonarQube not reading Integration JaCoCo Test coverage in parent pom target directory of a multi-module project

I have followed the instructions for enabling Unit and Integration tests for our Sonar Project here:
My pom settings are almost identical to the settings given in this example:
parent pom settings:
We have a specific module that will run the integration tests:
<!-- The destination file for the code coverage report has to be set to the same value
in the parent pom and in each module pom. Then JaCoCo will add up information in
the same report, so that, it will give the cross-module code coverage. -->
I have configured Sonar to look for UT and IT:
Unit tests are being reported fine, but not Integration tests. In the Bamboo logs I can see that sonar is looking for integration tests and unit tests in all the submodules, but when it gets to the parent module it never runs the JaCoCoSensor or the JaCoCoItSensor. Both of those Sensors are run for each of the module projects. I also noticed there is a JaCoCoOverallSensor run for each module project but not the parent project.
How do I get the JaCoCoItSensor to run for the parent project?
I added a few configuration properties and it started working.
parent pom.xml added:
IT Tests module I changed:
To this:

JaCoCo not generating jacoco.exec until after skipping JaCoCo execution

I'm having trouble generating AHP reports via JaCoCo in one of my modules. When the build starts, I see JaCoCo correctly setting argLine with:
[INFO] jacoco.agent.argLine set to -javaagent:<...>/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/<...>/target/jacoco.exec
However, the .exec hasn't been created yet by the time maven tries to run JaCoCo:
[INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file:<...>/target/jacoco.exec
The jacoco.exec does eventually get created, after maven has skipped JaCoCo execution. Therefore, I can still generate AHP reports, if I re-run the build without cleaning.
I've seen in various other questions that I need to be careful using Maven Surefire with JaCoCo. However, I don't explicitly use argLine in my Surefire plugins, or in any plugin for that matter. I'm starting to wonder if one of the other plugins is hijacking the argLine parameter automatically like JaCoCo does.
Here is a list of all plugins used:
I do see one suspicious message in the build output:
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.0:compile (default-compile) # <module> ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
I'm not sure if that's relevant, but it appears twice before the Skipping message, and doesn't appear in a module where JaCoCo works properly.
Any ideas?
*edit - Here's the jacoco config
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->
I'm not sure exactly what that plugin management part is doing, but commenting it out doesn't fix anything. I've also tried putting the JaCoCo plugin config above the surefire/failsafe config in case order mattered for plugins sharing the same goals, but that didn't help either.
*edit 2 - Looks like the problem was surefire's includes. Commenting them out somehow fixes JaCoCo's .exec generation, and JaCoCo works properly.
<!-- <includes>
</includes> -->
Anyone know why?
Just an addition to the answers already given.
It could happen that in your maven-surefire-plugin configuration you already use the argLine configuration to override something like the memory used. If you do so the argline set by jacoco-maven-plugin will not be used failing to generate the jacoco report.
In this case assign a property name to the jacoco-maven-plugin config and then reference it in your maven-surefire-plugin argLine parameter.
<!-- prepare agent for measuring unit tests -->
<!-- Sets the VM argument line used when unit tests are run. -->
<argLine>${surefireArgLine} -Xmx1024m -noverify</argLine>
To solve this issue I would use the following three steps:
Determine which plugin execution is producing the jacoco.exec file. To do that, you could run Maven with debug logging enabled (mvn -X) and look for the jacoco.agent.argLine property name or its value in the output. You could also have a look at the effective POM (mvn help:effective-pom) in case the relevant configuration comes from the parent POM. Note that my guess is that it's an execution of the maven-failsafe-plugin.
Determine the phase that plugin is executed in. E.g. for maven-failsafe-plugin this would likely be integration-test.
Change the configuration of the JaCoCo plugin so that the report goal is executed later in the build lifecycle. E.g. if the jacoco.exec file is produced in the integration-test phase, you could execute the report goal in the post-integration-test phase.
In my case the solution was what #massimo mentioned, i was overriding memory values inside <surefireArgLine> tag, after i removed the tag it started generating the report and showed code coverage.
for me one of the reason for exec file not getting generated is when i placed the prepare-agent , prepare-package goals inside plugin section of pluginManagement
when i tried the same outside pluginManagement , i was sucessfully able to run the same and jacoco-exec file was generated using mvn clean install command
my pomfile is as below :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- FIXME change it to the project's website -->
<argLine>-Xms256m -Xmx1524m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Duser.language=en</argLine>
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- see -->
I did not find any solution, but I did the following:
mvn clean jacoco:prepare-agent install
create file jacoco.exec, but execute mvn sonar:sonar not create File.
Step 1:
mvn clean jacoco:prepare-agent install
Step 2:
copy file jacoco.exec from /src/main/resources
Step 3:
Add next plugin on pom.xml
${basedir}/src/main/resources/ </directory>
Step 4:
mvn clean install
Step 5:
mvn sonar:sonar
Add my section Plugins
${basedir}/src/main/resources/ </directory>
<!-- Plugin Sonar -->
I also faced the same problem where jacoco plugin was added to parent pom, and jacoco.exec file was generating for one of the sub modules. I had to remove the argLine arguments of maven surefire plugin, then it got generated.

How do I configure the Maven WAR plugin to execute the "inplace" goal by default?

I’m using Maven 3.2.3 and the Maven War 2.6 plugin. I would like the “inlace” goal of the Maven WAR plugin to execute by default (without my having to explicitly specify “war:inlace” on the command line). So I created a profile to include the below
Using “mvn help:active-profiles”, I have verified this profile is being used when I run “mvn clean install” on my WAR project. However, the WAR is not assembled in place. For instance, I get the output
[INFO] Packaging webapp
[INFO] Assembling webapp [myproject] in [/Users/davea/Dropbox/workspace/myproject/target/myproject]
[INFO] Processing war project
[INFO] Copying webapp resources [/Users/davea/Dropbox/workspace/myproject/src/main/webapp]
[INFO] Webapp assembled in [17460 msecs]
Also I notice there are no “classes” or “lib” resources in my src/main/resources/WEB-INF folder. What do I need to configure differently to get my WAR to be built in-place?
This can probably be classified as a duplicate of How to get Maven to run war:exploded but not war:war with a small twist. Instead of exploded it needs to be inplace:
<!-- don't pack the war -->
<!-- optional, depends on your setup -->
The WAR Plugin is responsible for collecting all artifact dependencies, classes and resources of the web application and packaging them into a web application archive.

Is it possible to get the list of active profiles in Maven?

In Maven, is there a way to get a list of the active profiles, say, as a property or as a text file?
More specifically, when I run:
mvn resources:resources -P MyProfile
I want to get the string MyProfile somewhere I can read it into my Java program.
Maven 3.2.1
I attempted to configure the Maven Help plugin to run the active-profiles goal whenever the goal resources:resources is run by configuring an execution to participate in the process-resources phase as shown below. That did not work either ...:
<!-- ... -->
You could try this maven plugin. The configuration below will create a text file that will contain the profiles that were active during the build.
