maven-deploy-plugin repository - maven

I want to deploy a file using the maven-deploy-plugin. Currently i have the following in my pom:
I want to change between the snapshot and release repository based on the version. If the project version is 1-SNAPSHOT the file should be deployed to the snapshot repository, if the project is version 1.0 the file should be deployed to the release repository. But the maven-deploy-plugin hard codes it?

This behaviour is already given by default. But you should use a repository manager. You can simple deploy an artifact via mvn deploy usually having a SNAPSHOT release will go into the SNAPSHOT repository in case of a release it will go to the release repository.

The solution that I ended up with was to use the build-helper-maven-plugin and the maven-resources-plugin. This setup means that along with the jar and pom and project will deploy an xml file that can be references in the maven repo as project/xml/features.
Relevant pom plugins:


Quarkus: maven deploy the runner jar

I need to deploy the quarkus runner jar from maven, however with a basic mvn deploy it only deploys the usual .jar and the .pom.
I tried the following plugin:
But it seems that it cannot work this way (file name should be provided in the command line, which is not what I need).
Is there an easy way to deploy the runner jar? Also for a native image?
You can use the builder-helper-maven-plugin like this:

ossrh nexus staging - what determines the repository id?

I am deploying my project to maven central and I notice that I have no control on the repository id, which seems to be automatically generated and in my case, seems to be incorrect and hence the deployment fails. I could have done something wrong but I do now know where to look. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
My pom:
When running 'mvn clean deploy', it generates log like this:
I do not know how it generates this id: ukacshefdcsjate-1015. I thought it should corresponds to the project package path, but my package should be and I never had a package called 'jate' in my project. In fact, jate is another project I already released to maven central.
And I think it is this problem that after running 'mvn clean deploy', I could not see anything available from:

How to add WSDL, XSD (and possibly other files) to WAR

I have a very simple pom.xml that generates a fully working web service if deployed locally (Tomcat 7). This is its <build> section:
The reason it only works if deployed locally and not when deployed to a remote server is because the remote server cannot find the .wsdl and the .xsd files in development source directories ${basedir}/target/generated/src/main/ and they are also nowhere to be found in the WAR file.
Apparently, I am missing something in my pom.xml that would make Maven add or attach those files to the WAR.
I tried the attach-artifact goal (as quoted above) but it only copies the files to my local (development) .m2 repository, not to the WAR file.
How do I add or attach files to the actual .war file to be deployed?
I solved the mystery.
Posting the answer here in case another newbie to Maven (plus CXF?) encounters this problem:
It turns out that the attach-artifact execution is totally unneeded and is a shot in the wrong direction.
All I had to do was to add at the top of the <build> section, just before <plugins> the following:
That's all. Maven then automagically places all files in those directories in WEB-INF/classes/.

Install Maven itself from Maven Central

I have a maven plugin I would like to test against different Maven versions (Ex.: 2.2.1 & 3.0.4). Ideally I don't want users running the build to have to install these exact versions manually.
Is it possible to install specific versions of Maven itself from Maven Central or some other source that would then cache them in the local Maven repo for subsequent builds?
Maven distributions are stored in Maven Central Repository, as you can see here:;gav~org.apache.maven~apache-maven~~~~kw,versionexpand
Therefore, it can be used as a normal dependency with following coordinates:
tar.gz variant:
zip variant:
The rest is quite standard - you will probably use it in integration test poms, and call them with maven-invoker-plugin as recommended by #khmarbaise.
Why don't you simply just install a Continuous Integration (CI) server such as Jenkins / Hudson / TeamCity / etc? CI servers allow you to run your build against different versions of an SDK.
If your plugin is OSS (and on GitHub), I believe you can get free Jenkins hosting from Cloudbees.
Downloading Maven itself from Maven Central is not possible. You can only download it from their site.
You could do a thing like the following:
<!-- Download the different Maven versions -->
This is currently needed due to a bug of the truezip-plugin cause it unpacks without permission!
<chmod file="${}/maven/tools/apache-maven-2.0.11/bin/mvn" perm="+x"/>
<chmod file="${}/maven/tools/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin/mvn" perm="+x"/>
<chmod file="${}/maven/tools/apache-maven-3.0.3/bin/mvn" perm="+x"/>
<!-- src/it-ip as for integration tests invoker plugin for the time of transition to maven-invoker-plugin -->
This will download the different Maven version unpack the .tar.gz archives and make mvn executable and use maven-invoker-plugin to run all integration test with these different maven versions.
BUT i can't recommend that. The better way is to use a CI solution (as already mentioned) which contains the different installations of Maven. Than you can run the integration tests for each Maven version separately.

How to place the output jar into another folder with maven?

I'd like to place my output jar and jar-with-dependencies into another folder (not in target/ but in ../libs/).
How can I do that?
You can use the outputDirectory parameter of the maven-jar-plugin for this purpose:
But as cdegroot wrote, you should probably better not fight the maven way.
If you want to copy the artifact into a directory outside your project, solutions might be:
maven-jar-plugin and configure outputDirectory
maven-antrun-plugin and copy task
copy-maven-plugin by Evgeny Goldin
Example for the copy-maven-plugin is:
<description>Copy artifact to another directory</description>
Another way would be maven-resources-plugin (find the current version here):
I would do it this way:
<copy file="target/${project.artifactId}-exec.jar" tofile="../../docker/${project.artifactId}.jar"/>
This technique worked well for me:
I specially like the solution using maven-resources-plugin (see here) because is already included in maven, so no extra download is needed, and also is very configurable to do the copy at a specific phase of your project (see here to learn & understand about phases). And the best part of this approach is that it won't mess up any previous processes or build you had before :)
<!-- here the phase you need -->
Of course you can also use interpolated variables like ${baseDir} and other good stuff like that all over your XML. And you could use wild cards as they explain here
Maven dependency plugin is perfectly capable of copying all dependencies and just built artifact in a custom location. Following example will copy all runtime dependencies and a built artifact in a two execution phases.
While documentation of dependency plugin states in its documentation that in order to copy built artifact you have to use any phase after the package phase, that is not true if you are building jars. In that situation you can use package phase. At least in 3.3.0 version of plugin.
