Install Maven itself from Maven Central - maven

I have a maven plugin I would like to test against different Maven versions (Ex.: 2.2.1 & 3.0.4). Ideally I don't want users running the build to have to install these exact versions manually.
Is it possible to install specific versions of Maven itself from Maven Central or some other source that would then cache them in the local Maven repo for subsequent builds?

Maven distributions are stored in Maven Central Repository, as you can see here:;gav~org.apache.maven~apache-maven~~~~kw,versionexpand
Therefore, it can be used as a normal dependency with following coordinates:
tar.gz variant:
zip variant:
The rest is quite standard - you will probably use it in integration test poms, and call them with maven-invoker-plugin as recommended by #khmarbaise.

Why don't you simply just install a Continuous Integration (CI) server such as Jenkins / Hudson / TeamCity / etc? CI servers allow you to run your build against different versions of an SDK.
If your plugin is OSS (and on GitHub), I believe you can get free Jenkins hosting from Cloudbees.
Downloading Maven itself from Maven Central is not possible. You can only download it from their site.

You could do a thing like the following:
<!-- Download the different Maven versions -->
This is currently needed due to a bug of the truezip-plugin cause it unpacks without permission!
<chmod file="${}/maven/tools/apache-maven-2.0.11/bin/mvn" perm="+x"/>
<chmod file="${}/maven/tools/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin/mvn" perm="+x"/>
<chmod file="${}/maven/tools/apache-maven-3.0.3/bin/mvn" perm="+x"/>
<!-- src/it-ip as for integration tests invoker plugin for the time of transition to maven-invoker-plugin -->
This will download the different Maven version unpack the .tar.gz archives and make mvn executable and use maven-invoker-plugin to run all integration test with these different maven versions.
BUT i can't recommend that. The better way is to use a CI solution (as already mentioned) which contains the different installations of Maven. Than you can run the integration tests for each Maven version separately.


why my maven plugin doesn't work? (about javadoc,source jar and gpg sign)

I created a pom.xml through Google search to upload my maven library to maven central.
However, when I run "mvn clean deploy", javadoc and source jar files are not created and gpg sign is not executed.
I added a plugin to the pom, but I don't know why it's not running.
Except for those 3, all are uploading to nexus normally.
Do you know what could be the cause?
here is my pom.xml plugins part.
<!-- nexus staging maven plugin-->

Quarkus: maven deploy the runner jar

I need to deploy the quarkus runner jar from maven, however with a basic mvn deploy it only deploys the usual .jar and the .pom.
I tried the following plugin:
But it seems that it cannot work this way (file name should be provided in the command line, which is not what I need).
Is there an easy way to deploy the runner jar? Also for a native image?
You can use the builder-helper-maven-plugin like this:

Configuring Findbugs in Jenkins

My goal is to fail jenkins build for my project in case bugs are reported by FindBugs plugin. For that I have integrated FindBugs config in the project's pom.xml & the execution part of the config is below
I found the above config from online sources & with this config, the project is not failing incase of bugs reported by FindBugs. Also I have tried other configs like below
Can someone please let me know what is the correct execution which needs to be used for failing build in case of bugs in FindBugs ?
Below is the correct configuration for find-bugs in pom.xml. It does the following - Perform FindBugs check, Generate xml report during verify phase , Transform it to html & Fail build in case bugs are present during check
<!--<stylesheet>default.xsl</stylesheet> -->
<!--<stylesheet>plain.xsl</stylesheet> -->
<!--<stylesheet>fancy.xsl</stylesheet> -->
<!--<stylesheet>summary.xsl</stylesheet> -->

surefire overwrites reports with soapui maven plugin for many projects with same testsuite names

I have many SOAPUI Projects. Each SOAPUI project has many testsuites.
The testsuites have the same name in different projects.
Likewise, the testcases has the same name in differents projects
For example :
Project1 has testsuite1 and testsuite2.
Testsuite1 of project1 has testcase1.
Project2 has testsuite1 and testsuite2.
Testsuite1 of project2 has testcase1
When I launch soapui tests with soapui-maven-plugin, the surefire reports file name are built with the testsuite name and the testcase name. The problem is that I launch the plugin for each projects so the reports are overwritten. I need to keep these reports in order jenkins to be able to generate graphs.
Is there a way to avoid this overwriting?
Is it possible to prefix the name of the report files with soapui project name?
According to documentation, configuration is per execution. If you correct your pom, it should be trivial:
BTW: Not sure what surefire has to do with any of this.
Not sure if it works... But give this a try

Inegration test using maven

I am trying to create something like integration tests - i am using groovy to send requests and to parse answers. I'd also want starting of jboss and deploying of .ear to be automatically. Using cargo plugin i was able to start jboss. By using exec plugin i am trying to execute perl script that puts ear to deploy folder. Next phase - execute groovy tests, but this phase starts without waiting for ear to be deployed. Is it possible to make phase to wait for server to be deployed to jboss? My pom:
<timeout>6000000</timeout> <!--in ms-->
<!-- corresponds to -Djboss.bind.address= under jboss -->
<commandlineArgs>${} -x redeploy</commandlineArgs>
setup and tear down your server before and after integration test phase, something like that:
Rename your unit tests to be skipped by surefire but executed by maven-failsave-plugin to *
