Trie iterator, suffix ordering - algorithm

I need to implement an iterator for a trie. Let's say I have
b c
d e
If the current iterator.state="abd", I would like to have"abe", then "ac". At each level, nodes are sorted in lexicographical order (e.g. on level 2, c comes after b). Also this should happen in log(n) time, where n is the number of nodes.
One solution I can think of is: consider a special case, when each branch has the same height. A rather cool implementation I think, would be to maintain a balanced tree for each "level". On asking: "what string follows after abd", when positioned on b, one could search for the first element bigger than "b" in the tree associated with the third level, giving "abe".
However that might be impractical, due to having to create the trees.

If I understand the question correctly, the iterator state could be the current string and a pointer to the current location in the trie. Then, to move to the next element:
if your current location has a sibling, move to it and replace the last character in the current string with the current location's character.
else, remove the last character and go up the tree. If you're trying to go up from the root, you're done. Otherwise, go to step 1.
So for example when you're at abd (in your example), the current string is "abd" and the pointer points to the 'd'. To move to the next element you change the string to "ab", move to the sibling node ('e') and add it to the string, yielding "abe". After that, you'll be going up since there's no sibling and then to b's sibling, yielding the correct next value 'ac'.
As you can see, at worst each of those steps needs to go all the way back to the root before it can find a sibling; that's the log(n) you were asking for.


Find number of leaves under each node of a tree

I have a tree which is represented in the following format:
nodes is a list of nodes in the tree in the order of their height from top. Node at height 0 is the first element of nodes. Nodes at height 1 (read from left to right) are the next elements of nodes and so on.
n_children is a list of integers such that n_children[i] = num children of nodes[i]
For example given a tree like {1: {2, 3:{4,5,2}}}, nodes=[1,2,3,4,5,2], n_children = [2,0,3,0,0,0].
Given a Tree, is it possible to generate nodes and n_children and the number of leaves corresponding to each node in nodes by traversing the tree only once?
Is such a representation unique? Or is it possible for two different trees to have the same representation?
For the first question - creating the representation given a tree:
I am assuming by "a given tree" we mean a tree that is given in the form of node-objects, each holding its value and a list of references to its children-node-objects.
I propose this algorithm:
Start at node=root.
if node.children is empty return {values_list:[[node.value]], children_list:[[0]]}
3.1. construct two lists. One will be called values_list and each element there shall be a list of values. The other will be called children_list and each element there shall be a list of integers. Each element in these two lists will represent a level in the sub-tree beginning with node, including node itself (will be added at step 3.3).
So values_list[1] will become the list of values of the children-nodes of node, and values_list[2] will become the list of values of the grandchildren-nodes of node. values_list[1][0] will be the value of the leftmost child-node of node. And values_list[0] will be a list with one element alone, values_list[0][0], which will be the value of node.
3.2. for each child-node of node (for which we have references through node.children):
3.2.1. start over at (2.) with the child-node set to node, and the returned results will be assigned back (when the function returns) to child_values_list and child_children_list accordingly.
3.2.2. for each index i in the lists (they are of same length) if there is a list already in values_list[i] - concatenate child_values_list[i] to values_list[i] and concatenate child_children_list[i] to children_list[i]. Otherwise assign values_list[i]=child_values_list[i] and children_list[i]=child.children.list[i] (that would be a push - adding to the end of the list).
3.3. Make node.value the sole element of a new list and add that list to the beginning of values_list. Make node.children.length the sole element of a new list and add that list to the beginning of children_list.
3.4. return values_list and children_list
when the above returns with values_list and children_list for node=root (from step (1)), all we need to do is concatenate the elements of the lists (because they are lists, each for one specific level of the tree). After concatenating the list-elements, the resulting values_list_concatenated and children_list_concatenated will be the wanted representation.
In the algorithm above we visit a node only by starting step (2) with it set as node and we do that only once for each child of a node we visit. We start at the root-node and each node has only one parent => every node is visited exactly once.
For the number of leaves associated with each node: (if I understand correctly - the number of leaves in the sub-tree a node is its root), we can add another list that will be generated and returned: leaves_list.
In the stop-case (no children to node - step (2)) we will return leaves_list:[[1]]. In step (3.2.2) we will concatenate the list-elements like the other two lists' list-elements. And in step (3.3) we will sum the first list-element leaves_list[0] and will make that sum the sole element in a new list that we will add to the beginning of leaves_list. (something like leaves_list.add_to_eginning([leaves_list[0].sum()]))
For the second question - is this representation unique:
To prove uniqueness we actually want to show that the function (let's call it rep for "representation") preserves distinctiveness over the space of trees. i.e. that it is an injection. As you can see in the wiki linked, for that it suffices to show that there exists a function (let's call it tre for "tree") that given a representation gives a tree back, and that for every tree t it holds that tre(rep(t))=t. In simple words - that we can make a method that takes a representation and builds a tree out of it, and for every tree if we make its representation and passes that representation through that methos we'll get the exact same tree back.
So let's get cracking!
Actually the first job - creating that method (the function tre) is already done by you - by the way you explained what the representation is. But let's make it explicit:
if the lists are empty return the empty tree. Otherwise continue
make the root node with values[0] as its value and n_children[0] as its number of children (without making the children nodes yet).
initiate a list-index i=1 and a level index li=1 and level-elements index lei=root.children.length and a next-level-elements accumulator nle_acc=0
while lei>0:
4.1. for lei times:
4.1.1. make a node with values[i] as value and n_children[i] as the number of children.
4.1.2. add the new node as the leftmost child in level li that has not been filled yet (traverse the tree to the li level from the leftmost in right direction and assign the new node to the first reference that is not assigned yet. We know the previous level is done, so each node in the li-1 level has a children.length property we can check and see if each has filled the number of children they should have)
4.1.3. add nle_acc+=n_children[i]
4.1.4. increment ++i
4.2. assign lei=nle_acc (level-elements can take what the accumulator gathered for it)
4.3. clear nle_acc=0 (next-level-elements accumulator needs to accumulate from the start for the next round)
Now we need to prove that an arbitrary tree that is passed through the first algorithm and then through the second algorithm (this one here) will get out of all of that the same as it was originally.
As I'm not trying to prove the corectness of the algorithms (although I should), let's assume they do what I intended them to do. i.e. the first one writes the representation as you described it, and the second one makes a tree level-by-level, left-to-right, assigning a value and the number of children from the representation and fills the children references according to those numbers when it comes to the next level.
So each node has the right amount of children according to the representation (that's how the children were filled), and that number was written from the tree (when generating the representation). And the same is true for the values and thus it is the same tree as the original.
The proof actually should be much more elaborate and detailed - but I think I'll leave it at that now. If there will be a demand for elaboration maybe I'll make it an actual proof.

Implementation of a t9 dictionary using trie

In a technical interview i was asked to implement the t9 dictionary. I knew it can be done using tries, but didn't know how to go about it. Could anyone please explain it ?
Note: Don't mark it as duplicate due to this, as it doesn't contain any explanation.
1)Build a trie(add all words from dictionary to it).
2)Initially a current node is a root of the trie.
3)When a new character is typed in, you can simply go to the next node from the current node by the edge that corresponds to this character(or report an error if there is nowhere to go).
4)To get all(or k first) possible words with a given prefix, you can just traverse the trie in depth first search order starting from the current node(if you need only k first words, you may stop the search when k words are found).
5)When the entire word is typed in and a new word is started, move to the root again and repeat the steps 3) - 5) for the next word.
P.S All nodes that correspond to a word(not a prefix of a word, but an entire word) can be marked when the trie is build so that it is easy to understand whether a new word is found or not when you traverse the trie during the step 4).

How do I use a Trie for spell checking

I have a trie that I've built from a dictionary of words. I want to use this for spell checking( and suggest closest matches in the dictionary , maybe for a given number of edits x). I'm thinking I'd use levenshtein distance between the target word and words in my dictionary, but is there a smart way to traverse the trie without actually running the edit distance logic over each word separately? How should I do the traversal and the edit distance matching?
For e.g, if I have words MAN, MANE, I should be able to reuse the edit distance computation on MAN in MANE. Otherwise the Trie wouldnt serve any purpose
I think you should instead give a try to bk-trees; it's a data structure that fits well spell-checking as it will allow you to compute efficiently the edit distance with the words of your dictionary.
This link gives a good insight into BK-trees applied to spell-checking
Try computing for each tree node an array A where A[x] the smallest edit distance to be at that position in the trie after matching the first x letters of the target word.
You can then stop examining any nodes if every element in the array is greater than your target distance.
For example, with a trie containing MAN and MANE and an input BANE:
Node 0 representing '', A=[0,1,2,3,4]
Node 1 representing 'M', A=[1,1,2,3,4]
Node 2 representing 'MA', A=[2,1,1,2,3]
Node 3 representing 'MAN' A=[3,2,2,1,2]
Node 4 representing 'MANE' A=[4,3,2,2,1]
The smallest value for A[end] is 1 reached with the word 'MANE' so this is the best match.
There is a smart way to get every element that is not quite a Levenstein distance since the following algorithm does not incorporate transpositions.
Assuming we have the Tree structure, we can implement a recursive search of the tree. Your recursive search assumes we start with a cost-row representing the cost of deleting every letter. As we recursively search the tree, the information we have is
You are at node n, that has been indexed in your Trie structure by letter l.
You are considering a distance from a word w
Your current path assumes a previous cost-row up to this point, we wish to update this to form a new cost row for this node n.
We want to update our cost-row at the letter you are considering in accordance with 4 situations; l is the next letter in the word (cost row remains the same), the letter needs to be inserted (new cost +1), a letter has been deleted (cost of previous step +1), and the letter replaces a previous word (new cost +1).
The cost of proceeding down this path on your tree is the minimum of these costs. At this point, if your at a point in the Trie structure defining a word, append it to a list, and then recursively search all children for more words assuming the current cost is within a defined maximum cost. An implementation in Python can be found in another post:
I also have this in C for piping. Since the algorithm is pretty fast even for high edit distances (< len of word) one may use a fast efficient implementation of the Levenstein distance to correct this method.

Generating suffix tree of string S[2..m] from suffix tree of string S[1..m]

Is there a fast (O(1) time complexity) way of generating a suffix tree of string S[2..m] from suffix tree of string S[1..m]?
I am familiar with Ukkonen's, so I know how to make fast suffix tree of string S[1..m+1] from suffix tree of string S[1..m], but I couldn't apply the algorithm for reverse situation.
Well, as #jogojapan says, to get the S[2..m] tree from the S[1..m] tree we need to:
Find the position-0 leaf L.
If L has more than one sibling, delete the pointer from L's parent to L
If L has exactly one sibling, change the pointer from L's grandparent to L's parent so it instead points to L's sibling.
#jogojapan further suggests that you keep a pointer to the deepest leaf in the tree. There are two problems with that: L isn't necessarily the deepest leaf in the tree, as Wikipedia's example shows, and second if you want to be able to output the same type of data structure as you received, once removing L you need to find the new position-0 leaf, which will take O(m) time anyway.
(What you could do is construct an array of pointers to each leaf in O(m) time and count-sort them by position in another O(m) time. Then you'd be able to construct all the trees { S[t..n] : 1 <= t <= m } in constant amortized time each)
Assuming you're not interested in amortized time though, let's prove what you ask is impossible.
We know any algorithm to modify the suffix tree of S[1..m] must start at the root: it can't start anywhere else because we know nothing about the underlying concrete data structure, and we don't know that the tree's nodes have parent pointers, so the only position the whole tree is accessible from is the root.
We also know that it must locate the position-0 leaf before it can hope to modify the data structure into the suffix tree for S[2..m]. To do this, it must obviously traverse every node between the root and the position-0 leaf.
Thing is, consider the suffix tree of a^m (the character a repeated m times): the length of the path is m-1. So any algorithm must visit at least m-1 nodes, and therefore take O(m) time in the worst case.

What is the most efficient way to keep track of a specific character's index in a string?

Take the following string as an example:
"The quick brown fox"
Right now the q in quick is at index 4 of the string (starting at 0) and the f in fox is at index 16. Now lets say the user enters some more text into this string.
"The very quick dark brown fox"
Now the q is at index 9 and the f is at index 26.
What is the most efficient method of keeping track of the index of the original q in quick and f in fox no matter how many characters are added by the user?
Language doesn't matter to me, this is more of a theory question than anything so use whatever language you want just try to keep it to generally popular and current languages.
The sample string I gave is short but I'm hoping for a way that can efficiently handle any size string. So updating an array with the offset would work with a short string but will bog down with to many characters.
Even though in the example I was looking for the index of unique characters in the string I also want to be able to track the index of the same character in different locations such as the o in brown and the o in fox. So searching is out of the question.
I was hoping for the answer to be both time and memory efficient but if I had to choose just one I care more about performance speed.
Let's say that you have a string and some of its letters are interesting. To make things easier let's say that the letter at index 0 is always interesting and you never add something before it—a sentinel. Write down pairs of (interesting letter, distance to the previous interesting letter). If the string is "+the very Quick dark brown Fox" and you are interested in q from 'quick' and f from 'fox' then you would write: (+,0), (q,10), (f,17). (The sign + is the sentinel.)
Now you put these in a balanced binary tree whose in-order traversal gives the sequence of letters in the order they appear in the string. You might now recognize the partial sums problem: You enhance the tree so that nodes contain (letter, distance, sum). The sum is the sum of all distances in the left subtree. (Therefore sum(x)=distance(left(x))+sum(left(x)).)
You can now query and update this data structure in logarithmic time.
To say that you added n characters to the left of character c you say distance(c)+=n an then go and update sum for all parents of c.
To ask what is the index of c you compute sum(c)+sum(parent(c))+sum(parent(parent(c)))+...
Your question is a little ambiguous - are you looking to keep track of the first instances of every letter? If so, an array of length 26 might be the best option.
Whenever you insert text into a string at a position lower than the index you have, just compute the offset based on the length of the inserted string.
It would also help if you had a target language in mind as not all data structures and interactions are equally efficient and effective in all languages.
The standard trick that usually helps in similar situations is to keep the characters of the string as leaves in a balanced binary tree. Additionally, internal nodes of the tree should keep sets of letters (if the alphabet is small and fixed, they could be bitmaps) that occur in the subtree rooted at a particular node.
Inserting or deleting a letter into this structure only needs O(log(N)) operations (update the bitmaps on the path to root) and finding the first occurence of a letter also takes O(log(N)) operations - you descend from the root, going for the leftmost child whose bitmap contains the interesting letter.
Edit: The internal nodes should also keep number of leaves in the represented subtree, for efficient computation of the letter's index.
