Generating suffix tree of string S[2..m] from suffix tree of string S[1..m] - algorithm

Is there a fast (O(1) time complexity) way of generating a suffix tree of string S[2..m] from suffix tree of string S[1..m]?
I am familiar with Ukkonen's, so I know how to make fast suffix tree of string S[1..m+1] from suffix tree of string S[1..m], but I couldn't apply the algorithm for reverse situation.

Well, as #jogojapan says, to get the S[2..m] tree from the S[1..m] tree we need to:
Find the position-0 leaf L.
If L has more than one sibling, delete the pointer from L's parent to L
If L has exactly one sibling, change the pointer from L's grandparent to L's parent so it instead points to L's sibling.
#jogojapan further suggests that you keep a pointer to the deepest leaf in the tree. There are two problems with that: L isn't necessarily the deepest leaf in the tree, as Wikipedia's example shows, and second if you want to be able to output the same type of data structure as you received, once removing L you need to find the new position-0 leaf, which will take O(m) time anyway.
(What you could do is construct an array of pointers to each leaf in O(m) time and count-sort them by position in another O(m) time. Then you'd be able to construct all the trees { S[t..n] : 1 <= t <= m } in constant amortized time each)
Assuming you're not interested in amortized time though, let's prove what you ask is impossible.
We know any algorithm to modify the suffix tree of S[1..m] must start at the root: it can't start anywhere else because we know nothing about the underlying concrete data structure, and we don't know that the tree's nodes have parent pointers, so the only position the whole tree is accessible from is the root.
We also know that it must locate the position-0 leaf before it can hope to modify the data structure into the suffix tree for S[2..m]. To do this, it must obviously traverse every node between the root and the position-0 leaf.
Thing is, consider the suffix tree of a^m (the character a repeated m times): the length of the path is m-1. So any algorithm must visit at least m-1 nodes, and therefore take O(m) time in the worst case.


Why is the number of sub-trees gained from a range tree query is O(log(n))?

I'm trying to figure out this data structure, but I don't understand how can we
tell there are O(log(n)) subtrees that represents the answer to a query?
Here is a picture for illustration:
If we make the assumption that the above is a purely functional binary tree [wiki], so where the nodes are immutable, then we can make a "copy" of this tree such that only elements with a value larger than x1 and lower than x2 are in the tree.
Let us start with a very simple case to illustrate the point. Imagine that we simply do not have any bounds, than we can simply return the entire tree. So instead of constructing a new tree, we return a reference to the root of the tree. So we can, without any bounds return a tree in O(1), given that tree is not edited (at least not as long as we use the subtree).
The above case is of course quite simple. We simply make a "copy" (not really a copy since the data is immutable, we can just return the tree) of the entire tree. So let us aim to solve a more complex problem: we want to construct a tree that contains all elements larger than a threshold x1. Basically we can define a recursive algorithm for that:
the cutted version of None (or whatever represents a null reference, or a reference to an empty tree) is None;
if the node has a value is smaller than the threshold, we return a "cutted" version of the right subtree; and
if the node has a value greater than the threshold, we return an inode that has the same right subtree, and as left subchild the cutted version of the left subchild.
So in pseudo-code it looks like:
def treelarger(some_node, min):
if some_tree is None:
return None
if some_node.value > min:
return Node(treelarger(some_node.left, min), some_node.value, some_node.right)
return treelarger(some_node.right, min)
This algorithm thus runs in O(h) with h the height of the tree, since for each case (except the first one), we recurse to one (not both) of the children, and it ends in case we have a node without children (or at least does not has a subtree in the direction we need to cut the subtree).
We thus do not make a complete copy of the tree. We reuse a lot of nodes in the old tree. We only construct a new "surface" but most of the "volume" is part of the old binary tree. Although the tree itself contains O(n) nodes, we construct, at most, O(h) new nodes. We can optimize the above such that, given the cutted version of one of the subtrees is the same, we do not create a new node. But that does not even matter much in terms of time complexity: we generate at most O(h) new nodes, and the total number of nodes is either less than the original number, or the same.
In case of a complete tree, the height of the tree h scales with O(log n), and thus this algorithm will run in O(log n).
Then how can we generate a tree with elements between two thresholds? We can easily rewrite the above into an algorithm treesmaller that generates a subtree that contains all elements that are smaller:
def treesmaller(some_node, max):
if some_tree is None:
return None
if some_node.value < min:
return Node(some_node.left, some_node.value, treesmaller(some_node.right, max))
return treesmaller(some_node.left, max)
so roughly speaking there are two differences:
we change the condition from some_node.value > min to some_node.value < max; and
we recurse on the right subchild in case the condition holds, and on the left if it does not hold.
Now the conclusions we draw from the previous algorithm are also conclusions that can be applied to this algorithm, since again it only introduces O(h) new nodes, and the total number of nodes can only decrease.
Although we can construct an algorithm that takes the two thresholds concurrently into account, we can simply reuse the above algorithms to construct a subtree containing only elements within range: we first pass the tree to the treelarger function, and then that result through a treesmaller (or vice versa).
Since in both algorithms, we introduce O(h) new nodes, and the height of the tree can not increase, we thus construct at most O(2 h) and thus O(h) new nodes.
Given the original tree was a complete tree, then it thus holds that we create O(log n) new nodes.
Consider the search for the two endpoints of the range. This search will continue until finding the lowest common ancestor of the two leaf nodes that span your interval. At that point, the search branches with one part zigging left and one part zagging right. For now, let's just focus on the part of the query that branches to the left, since the logic is the same but reversed for the right branch.
In this search, it helps to think of each node as not representing a single point, but rather a range of points. The general procedure, then, is the following:
If the query range fully subsumes the range represented by this node, stop searching in x and begin searching the y-subtree of this node.
If the query range is purely in range represented by the right subtree of this node, continue the x search to the right and don't investigate the y-subtree.
If the query range overlaps the left subtree's range, then it must fully subsume the right subtree's range. So process the right subtree's y-subtree, then recursively explore the x-subtree to the left.
In all cases, we add at most one y-subtree in for consideration and then recursively continue exploring the x-subtree in only one direction. This means that we essentially trace out a path down the x-tree, adding in at most one y-subtree per step. Since the tree has height O(log n), the overall number of y-subtrees visited this way is O(log n). And then, including the number of y-subtrees visited in the case where we branched right at the top, we get another O(log n) subtrees for a total of O(log n) total subtrees to search.
Hope this helps!

How is worst case time complexity of constructing suffix tree linear?

I have trouble understanding how the worst case time complexity of constructing a suffix tree is linear - particularly when we need to build a suffix tree for a string that may be composed of repeating single character such as "aaaaa".
Even if I were to construct a compressed suffix tree for "aaaaa", I won't be really able to compress any nodes since no two edges starting out of a node can have string-labels beginning with the same character.
This would result in a suffix tree of height 5, and at each insertion of the suffix, I would need to keep traversing from the root to the leaf.
Here was how I approached:
suffixes: a, aa, aaa, aaaa, aaaaa
Create root node, create an edge bearing 'a' and connect this to a new node, where to its left bears "$", and repeat this process until we can aaaaa.
This would result in O(n^2) instead of O(n).
What am I missing here?
I agree with the comments, but here are some more details:
The procedure you describe for forming the aaaaa tree is O(n), not O(n^2). Node and leaf creation are constant-time operations, and you perform them n==5 times. Your assumption of O(n^2) seems to be based on the idea that you'd traverse from root to leaf in each step, but there is no need to do this; e.g. in Ukkonen's algorithm:
You keep a pointer to the node you left off with before inserting the next
And in case of repetitions you don't perform any work until the repetitions end, and then you make insertions of the final $ mark one by one, following down the characters on the edge you have created, as well as the chain of suffix links in case of more complex repetitions
The key to why the Ukkonen algorithm (details here) is O(n) is that it maintains a "memory" of where to make inserts, in the form of (a) a pointer to where the previous insert was made, and (b) a network of suffix links. That network can be vast, but there is only one suffix link per internal node, so it's still O(n) in size.

Why in B-tree and B+_tree store from half-full to complete-full in each non-leaf node

I've just learn B-tree and B+-tree in DBMS.
I don't understand why a non-leaf node in tree has between [n/2] and n children, when n is fix for particular tree.
Why is that? and advantage of that?
Thanks !
This is the feature that makes the B+ and B-tree balanced, and due to it, we can easily compute the complexity of ops on the tree and bound it to O(logn) [where n is the number of elements in the data set].
If a node could have more then B sons, we could create a tree with depth 2: a root, and all other nodes will be leaves, from the root. searching for an element will be then O(n), and not the desired O(logn).
If a node could have less then B/2 sons, we could create a tree which is actually a linked list [n nodes, each with 1 son], with height n - and a search op will again be O(n) instead of O(logn)
Small currection: every non-leaf node - except the root, has B/2 to B children. the root alone is allowed to have less then B/2 sons.
The basic assumption of this structure is to have a fixed block size, this is why each internal block has n slots for indexing its children.
When there is a need to add a child to a block that is full (has exactly n children), the block is split into two blocks, which then replace the original block in its parent's index. The number of children in each of the two blocks is obviously n div 2 (assuming n is even). This is what the lower limit comes from.
If the parent is full, the operation repeats, potentially up to the root itself.
The split operation and allowing for n/2-filled blocks allows for most of the insertions/deletions to only cause local changes instead of re-balancing huge parts of the tree.

What is the best way to implement this type of binary tree?

Let's say I have a binary tree of height h, that have elements of x1, x2, ... xn.
xi element is initially at the ith leftmost leaf. The tree should support the following methods in O(h) time
add(i, j, k) where 1 <= i <= j =< n. This operation adds value k to the values of all leftmost nodes which are between i and j. For example, add(2,5,3) operation increments all leftmost nodes which are between 2th and 5th nodes by 3.
get(i): return the value of ith leftmost leaf.
What should be stored at the internal nodes for that properties?
Note: I am not looking for an exact answer but any hint on how to approach the problem would be great.
As I understand the question, the position of the xi'th element never changes, and the tree isn't a search tree, the search is based solely on the position of the node.
You can store an offset in the non leaves vertices, indicating the value change of its descendant.
add(i,j,k) will start from the root, and deepen in the tree, and increase a node's value by k if and only if, all its descendants are within the range [i,j]. If it had increased the value, no further deepening will occur.
Note1: In a single add() operation, you might need to add more then one number.
Note2: You actually need to add at most O(logn) = O(logh) values [convince yourself why. Hint: binary presentation of number up to n requires O(logn) bits], which later gives you [again, make sure you understand why] the O(logh) needed complexity.
get(i) is then trivial: summarize the values from the root to the i'th leaf, and return this sum.
Since it seems homework, I will not post a pseudo-code, this guidelines should get you started with this assigment.

Data structure supporting Add and Partial-Sum

Let A[1..n] be an array of real numbers. Design an algorithm to perform any sequence of the following operations:
Add(i,y) -- Add the value y to the ith number.
Partial-sum(i) -- Return the sum of the first i numbers, i.e.
There are no insertions or deletions; the only change is to the values of the numbers. Each operation should take O(logn) steps. You may use one additional array of size n as a work space.
How to design a data structure for above algorithm?
Construct a balanced binary tree with n leaves; stick the elements along the bottom of the tree in their original order.
Augment each node in the tree with "sum of leaves of subtree"; a tree has #leaves-1 nodes so this takes O(n) setup time (which we have).
Querying a partial-sum goes like this: Descend the tree towards the query (leaf) node, but whenever you descend right, add the subtree-sum on the left plus the element you just visited, since those elements are in the sum.
Modifying a value goes like this: Find the query (left) node. Calculate the difference you added. Travel to the root of the tree; as you travel to the root, update each node you visit by adding in the difference (you may need to visit adjacent nodes, depending if you're storing "sum of leaves of subtree" or "sum of left-subtree plus myself" or some variant); the main idea is that you appropriately update all the augmented branch data that needs updating, and that data will be on the root path or adjacent to it.
The two operations take O(log(n)) time (that's the height of a tree), and you do O(1) work at each node.
You can probably use any search tree (e.g. a self-balancing binary search tree might allow for insertions, others for quicker access) but I haven't thought that one through.
You may use Fenwick Tree
See this question
