How to work with Aggregate function in LINQ with join - linq

Need help in LINQ expression,
I have 2 tables Article and comments foreign key is Article_id .Now i need data using both the tables using linq to sql like article_id,Article_title,Total_Comments(Count of comments on current article article),
tale Structure :
table 1(Article) : Article_ID,Article_Title.. etc
table 2(comments ): Comment_auto_id,Comment_text,Comment_by(User_ID),Article_ID

something like that ?
from article in Articles
join comment in Comments on article.Article_ID equals comment.ArticleID into articleComments
select new {
Article = article,//or more detailed if you want only part of Articles entity
Total_Comments = articleComments.Count()

Maybe you need to use .GroupJoin() extension method.


How Query Multiple dataset in Laravel

I am struggling to get list of places that matches current category(multiple dataset) and city:
what i did is the following,
$cat = Category::find($request->category_id)->toArray();
$cat_id = $cat['id'];
$places = DB::table('places')
->where('city_id', $request->city_id)
See screenshot of the dataset:
Data in the database
For your current problem, you can use the LIKE operator.
$places = DB::table('places')
->where('category','LIKE', '%"'.$cat_id.'"%')
->where('city_id', $request->city_id)
but the above code will not solve your problem permanently. It looks like you are trying to create a many to many relationship in this case the best practice to use pivot tables for this. Better if you could update the schema as an example and follow the Laravel standards to achieve this. Example:
table: category_place , having columns ["category_id", "place_id"]
in the same way, you need to update the following schema
Place Type
table: place_place_type, columns ["place_id", "place_type_id"]
table: amenity_place, columns ["amenity_id", "place_id"]
Ref. link:

Get all the includes from an Entity Framework Query?

I've the following Entity Model : Employee has a Company and a Company has Employees.
When using the Include statement like below:
var query = context.Employees.Include(e => e.Company);
All related data is retrieved from the database correctly. (Using LEFT OUTER JOIN on Company table)
The problem is hat when I use the GroupBy() from System.Linq.Dynamic to group by Company.Name, the Employees are missing the Company data because the Include is lost.
var groupByQuery = query.GroupBy("new (Company.Name as CompanyName)", "it");
Is there a way to easily retrieve the applied Includes on the 'query' as a string collection, so that I can include them in the dynamic GroupBy like this:
var groupByQuery2 = query.GroupBy("new (Company, Company.Name as CompanyName)", "it");
I thought about using the ToString() functionality to get the SQL Command like this:
string sql = query.ToString();
And then use RegEx to extract all LEFT OUTER JOINS, but probably there is a better solution ?
if you're creating the query in the first place - I'd always opt to save the includes (and add to them if you're making a composite query/filtering).
e.g. instead of returning just 'query' return new QueryContext {Query = query, Includes = ...}
I'd like to see a more elegant solution - but I think that's your best bet.
Otherwise you're looking at expression trees, visitors and all those nice things.
SQL parsing isn't that straight either - as queries are not always that simple (often a combo of things etc.).
e.g. there is a `span' inside the query object (if you traverse a bit) which seems to be holding the 'Includes' but it's not much help.

Using lookup values in linq to entity queries

I'm a total LINQ noob so I guess you'll probably have a good laugh reading this question. I'm learning LINQ to create queries in LightSwitch and what I don't seem to understand is to select an entity based on a value in a lookup table. Say I want to select all employees in a table that have a job title that is picked from a related lookup table. I want the descriptive value in the lookup table for the user to pick from a list to use as a parameter in a query, not the non-descriptive id's.
Can someone point me to an article or tutorial that quickly explains this, or give me a quick answer? I AM reading books and have a Pluralsight account but since this is probably the most extensive knowledge I will need for now a simple tutorial would help me more that watching hours of videos and read thousands of pages of books.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: this is the code. As far as I know this should but won't work (red squigly line under EmployeeTitle, error says that EmployeeContract does not contain a definition for EmployeeTitle even though there is a relationship between the two).
partial void ActiveEngineers_PreprocessQuery(ref IQueryable<Employee> query)
query = from Employee e in query
where e.EmployeeContract.EmployeeTitle.Description == "Engineer"
select e;
Edit 2: This works! But why this one and not the other?
partial void ActiveContracts_PreprocessQuery(ref IQueryable<EmployeeContract> query)
query = from EmployeeContract e in query
where e.EmployeeTitle.Description == "Engineer"
select e;
The red squiggly line you've described is likely because each Employee can have 1-to-many EmployeeContracts. Therefore, Employee.EmployeeContracts is actually an IEnumerable<EmployeeContract>, which in turn does not have a "EmployeeTitle" property.
I think what you're looking for might be:
partial void ActiveEngineers_PreprocessQuery(ref IQueryable<Employee> query)
query = from Employee e in query
where e.EmployeeContract.Any(x => x.EmployeeTitle.Description == "Engineer")
select e;
What this is saying is that at least one of the Employee's EmployeeContracts must have an EmployeeTitle.Description == "Engineer"
Try something like this:
partial void RetrieveCustomer_Execute()
Order order = this.DataWorkspace.NorthwindData.Orders_Single
Customer cust = order.Customer;
//Perform some task on the customer entity.
Assuming you have navigation properties in place for the foreign key over to the lookup table, it should be something like:
var allMonkies = from employee in context.Employees
where employee.EmployeeTitle.FullTitle == "Code Monkey"
select employee;
If you don't have a navigation property, you can still get the same via 'manual' join:
var allMonkies = from employee in context.Employees
join title in context.EmployeeTitles
on employee.EmployeeTitleID equals title.ID
where title.FullTitle == "Code Monkey"
select employee;

Entity Framework 4.1 Link table query how to?

I'm relatively new to the Entity Framework and I'd like to do a query that includes a link table. Any suggestions on how to do a basic join query using LINQ?
Entity Structure
If you're generating the context from a database using the EDMX editor, and you have the appropriate foreign key constraints set up, you should be able to just add those three tables to the context, and it will create a many-to-many mapping between News and Community.
var newsForCommunity = context.News.Where(
n => n.Communities.Any(
c => c.CommunityId == communityId);
Here is another way you can write the query:
var newsForCommunity =
(from c in context.Communities
from n in c.News
where c.CommunityID == communityID
select n.NewsID

EF 4 LINQ Expression load items based on related entity

Here is the expression
x => x.stf_Category.CategoryID == categoryId
x refers to an Product Entity that contains a Category. I am trying to load all Products that match given categoryId.
In the db the Product table contains a Foreign Key reference to Category (via CategoryId).
Question: I think I am doing it wrong. Is there something else one has to do in EF4 to create a LINQ expression of this type?
Are there any good examples of EF4 Linq expressions out there? Specifically something that queries on the basis of related entities such as my problem ?
Thanks !
You're looking for the Include method.
var query = db.Products.Include("Categories");
This is commonly referred to as eager loading.
Entity Framework will 'infer' the JOIN constraint based on the mapping you have specified.
The "magic string" needs to match the Entity Set name on your EDMX.
Check out this post for more info.
I'm a little confused as to whether you want the Products and Categories, or just the Products which have a specific Category ID.
If the latter, this is the way to go:
var query = from p in db.products
join c in db.categories
on p.CategoryId equals c.CategoryId
where c.CategoryId == someCategoryId
select p;
Keep in mind though, the above query is exactly the same result as your original query.
If p is a product, then p.Categories will look at the Navigational Property of your Product entity on the EDMX, in which case it will be your Category FK.
As long as you setup your Navigational properties right, p.Categories is fine.
If you are using EF4 and the association between Category and Product classes has been picked up and defined in your Model, then all products with a specific categoryID can be selected as simple as:
x => x.CategoryID == categoryID
You don't need to join nor an eager loading for that.
