How to remove a section of a CubeGeometry? - three.js

At the moment I'm using ThreeCSG/CSG to subtract a small cube from a much larger cube. This works fine, but only the look of it changes not the actual geometry. So when using PhysiJS (Physics engine) on another cube, it doesn't fall into the hole but acts like it normally would. Click for Demo.
Is there any way I can actually remove a section from a CubeGeometry so that objects can fall into it - not just for display purposes? Thanks!

ThreeCSG does change the geometry, by which I mean geometry in the sense of Three.js -- the collection of vertices, the faces, etc. I think what you mean is that ThreeCSG does not change the physics-based properties of your object.
According to , it appears as though you have to use Physijs.ConcaveMesh as it "matches any concave geometry you have, i.e. arbitrary mesh", and it is the only one that has a change of supporting a non-convex physical object.


three.js: When to move / rotate geometry and when mesh?

I compose multiple STLs for 3D printing / milling. For that I also use CSG and need some raytracing for detecting features of the models.
My scene is pretty much static. Just have to move around the models to arrange them. For this use case I'm not really sure which approach for moving / rotating the models is right.
Currently I manipulate the BufferGeometries directly. So everything in the geometry is like in the real world. Each position, each normal. No calculation from / to local or world coordinates.
On the other hand I could do the same thing with changing the meshes, which means to change just a matrix.
For me, working with the mesh is more for animation etc. While working with the geometry to manipulate the real object, which is my intention.
I'm wondering when one would translate / rotate the geometry and when the mesh. I know that manipulating the geometry is not best for CPU, which is not a problem for my use case.
Geometry can be translated so that subsequent transformations (such as scale or rotation) originate from a more preferred vector. Meshes can share a geometry. There are unique use cases for either if you care to memorize the list. Sometimes I integrate preexisting code samples. Sometimes the decision is made for me by some aspect of the process. As for the properties which may be similar, which is more convenient? I like the pattern of modifying an Object3D dummy using those methods and then updating from its matrix. There's a whole book on normals, but I didn't write it, sadly...

Threejs - can you use circleBufferGeometry with Points material?

I am setting up a particle system in threejs by adapting the buffer geometry drawcalls example in threejs. I want to create a series of points, but I want them to be round.
The documentation for threejs points says it accepts geometry or buffer geometry, but I also noticed there is a circleBufferGeometry. Can I use this?
Or is there another way to make the points round besides using sprites? I'm not sure, but it seems like loading an image for each particle would cause a lot of unnecessary overhead.
So, in short, is there a more performant or simple way to make a particle system of round particles (spheres or discs) in threejs without sprites?
If you want to draw each "point"/"particle" as a geometric circle, you can use THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry or take a look at this
The geometry of a Points object defines where the points exist in 3D space. It does not define the shape of the points. Points are also drawn as quads, so they're always going to be a square, though they don't have to appear that way.
Your first option is to (as you pointed out) load a texture for each point. I don't really see how this would introduce "a lot" of overhead, because the texture would only be loaded once, and would be applied to all points. But, I'm sure you have your reasons.
Your other option is to create your own shader to draw the point as a circle. This method takes the point as a square, and discards any fragments (multiple fragments make up a pixel) outside the circle.

InstancedBufferGeometry intersection not happening

I tried the Instancedbuffergeometry, it works awesome,
Intersection is not happening in InstancedBufferGeometry, i checked in the threejs(r85) library, checkBufferGeometryIntersection function have the position value only, I think the offset and orientation value need to use with the position.
I have another doubt in it, i have used one rawshadermaterial only, then how i can highlight the selected geometry.
Can anyone guide in it.
Thanks in advance.
As far as the cpu is concerned (where you do the raycasting) those instances do not exist. You do however have your master geometry available. What you can do is, create another instance of BufferGeometry then create the same number of Mesh objects using that one instance of geometry. Use the same logic for instancing to place this into a scene. You don't render them, thus saving the overhead from multiple draw calls. You do have them available for intersection though as if it were normal geometry, because it is (you're just not rendering it).
As #pailhead already wrote, raycasting with instanced-geometries cannot work.
An alternative approach to achieve the same goal is to use so-called GPU picking. For this you render the scene into a framebuffer, using a special shader that will just output a unique color-value for every instance.
You can then sample the point under the cursor from that framebuffer and compute the instance-id from the color-value.
You can see an example for this technique here or here.

three.js - Overlapping layers flickering

When several objects overlap on the same plane, they start to flicker. How do I tell the renderer to put one of the objects in front?
I tried to use .renderDepth, but it only works partly -
see example here:
Both boxes have the same size and it works as intended. I can change which of the boxes is visible by setting .renderDepth. But if one of the boxes is a bit smaller (say 40,50,50) the contacting layers are flickering and the render depth doesn't work anymore.
How to fix that issue?
When .renderDepth() doesn't work, you have to set the depths yourself.
Moving whole meshes around is indeed not really efficient.
What you are looking for are offsets bound to materials:
material.polygonOffset = true;
material.polygonOffsetFactor = -0.1;
should solve your issue. See update here:
Use negative factors to display and positive factors to hide.
Try for starters to reduce the far range on your camera. Try with 1000. Generally speaking, you shouldn't be having overlapping faces in your 3d scene, unless they are treated in a VERY specific way (look up the term 'decal textures'/'decals'). So basically, you have to create depth offsets, and perhaps even pre sort the objects when doing this, which all requires pretty low-level tinkering.
If the far range reduction helps, then you're experiencing a lack of precision (depending on the device). Also look up 'z fighting'
Don't overlap planes.
How do I tell the renderer to put one of the objects in front?
You put one object in front of the other :)
For example if you have a camera at 0,0,0 looking at an object at 0,0,10, if you want another object to be behind the first object put it at 0,0,11 it should work.
What is z-buffering:
Take note of "floating point in range of 0.0 - 1.0".
What is z-fighting:
...have similar values in the z-buffer. It is particularly prevalent with
coplanar polygons, where two faces occupy essentially the same space,
with neither in front. Affected pixels are rendered with fragments
from one polygon or the other arbitrarily, in a manner determined by
the precision of the z-buffer.
"The renderer cannot reposition anything."
I think that this is completely untrue. The renderer can reposition everything, and probably does if it's not shadertoy, or some video filter or something. Every time you move your camera the renderer repositions everything (the camera is actually the only thing that DOES NOT MOVE).
It seems that you are missing some crucial concepts here, i'd start with this:
About the depth offset mentioned:
How this would work, say you want to draw a decal on a surface. You can 'draw' another mesh on this surface - by say, projecting a quad onto it. You want to draw a bullet hole over a concrete wall and end up with two coplanar surfaces - the wall, the bullet hole. You can figure out the depth buffer precision, find the smallest value, and then move the bullet hole mesh by that value towards the camera. The object does not get scaled (you're doing this in NDC which you can visualize as a cube and moving planes back and forth in the smallest possible increment), but does translate in depth direction, ending up in front of the other.
I don't see any flicker. The cube movement in 3D seems to be super-smooth. Can you try in a different computer (may be faster one)? I used Chrome on Macbook Pro.

Is it possible to use GIS terrain vector data in three.js?

I'm new to three.js and WebGL in general.
The sample at shows how to use raster GIS terrain data in three.js
Is it possible to use vector GIS data in a scene? For example, I have a series of points representing locations (including height) stored in real-world coordinates (meters). How would I go about displaying those in three.js?
The basic sample at shows how to create a geometry using coordinates - could I use a similar approach with real-world coordinates such as
"x" : 339494.5,
"y" : 1294953.7,
"z": 0.75
or do I need to convert these into page units? Could I use my points to create a surface on which to drape an aerial image?
I tried modifying the simple sample but I'm not seeing anything (or any error messages):
Thanks for any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong, or whether this is indeed possible.
I did a number of things to get the JSFiddle show something.. here:
You did not specify any faces in your geometry. In this case I just hard-coded a face with all three of your data points acting as corner. Alternatively you can look into using particles to display your data as points instead of faces.
Set material to THREE.DoubleSide. This is not usually needed or recommended, but helps debugging in early phases, when you can see both sides of a face.
Your camera was probably looking in a wrong direction. Added a lookAt() to point it to the center and made the field of view wider (this just makes it easier to find things while coding).
Your camera near and far planes were likely off-range for the camera position and terrain dimensions. So I increased the far plane distance.
Your coordinate values were quite huge, so I just modified them by hand a bit to make sense in relation to the camera, and to make sure they form a big enough triangle for it to be seen in camera. You could consider dividing your coordinates with something like 100 to make the units smaller. But adjusting the camera to account for the huge scale should be enough too.
Nothing wrong with your approach, just make sure you feed the data so that it makes sense considering the camera location, direction and near + far planes. Pay attention to how you make the faces. The parameters to Face3 is the index of each point in your vertices array. Later on you might need to take winding order, normals and uvs into account. You can study the geometry classes included in Three.js for reference.
Three.js does not specify any meaning to units. Its just floating point numbers, and you can decide yourself what a unit (1.0) represents. Whether it's 1mm, 1 inch or 1km, depends on what makes the most sense considering the application and the scale of it. Floating point numbers can bring precision problems when the actual numbers are extremely small or extremely big. My own applications typically deal with stuff in the range from a couple of centimeters to couple hundred meters, and use units in such a way that 1.0 = 1 meter, that has been working fine.
