Joomla 1.5.23: Sitewide Component - runs on all instances - joomla

I have a project where I need to be able show a html item on a page depending on what the domain is.
What I want to be able to do is call the component site wide (front end) so that it is basically hooking in on every page load.
Sounds a little complicated but really need it too run
Essentially I have two domains both linking to the same install of joomla.
When a user visits domain X I don't want to see a particular over lay, but when a user visits domain Y then I want the component to kick in, put in the html and also insert an extra parameter into the url.

Just test for the server name against JURI::base(false) and set the new var with JRequest::setVar('newparam','newvalue'); But where do you need this var? it may not be available depending on where you set it: i.e. if you set it in a module it won't be available to the component


Problems with custom routing and child paths

I'm working on a short url application and I'm running into a problem with child paths. Essentially what this does is save shortened URLs to a database which then translates into the full path when called by the user.
The user will typically call the short URL by typing
which will be translated on the back end as
The MVC application allows users to create their own short URLs and has two ActionResults to administer this (CreateShorty & ViewShortys).
The end result should be that the user should be able to type in the following URLs and be redirected correctly.
The problem I'm having is that I can do all except for the last two. If I attempt to add child parameters the first rout to be hit when viewing an action like create or view is
it then goes on to hit
http://companyServer/{shortUrlName}/{childUrlPath} which blocks me getting to my action methods.
Any help in this would be appreciated as I'm rather new to MVC.

Custom profile URL for own site, been though various posts..!

I've been through a few similar posts,
Facebook Like Custom Profile URL PHP
Custom URL / Apache URL Rewriting
But its still not clear, the actual method/process is not available..
Guys , little more guidance would do a lot..
I would like to put forward the questions here:
Users should have a chance to decide what is their url, Just like in case of fb, twitter
for example:
I am using the linux, apache, mysql, php environment for this.
Users are identified based on their user id's which get created automatically when they join in
And I fail at the very first step, seriously I don't know get started.
It's going to be impossible to put any details as an answer because you've got to build this system of yours and there's more than one way to do it. Design decisions will need to be made based on the way you want things to work and what you already have (they're going to have to work together in some way).
Say you've already got a system for creating users (and it sounds like you do) and you already have a system for viewing profiles. You'll need to extend this system so that you store an extra "my_vanity_url" field in your user table in your database. This field needs to be unique. When a user edits their profile, they have the option of changing this to whatever they want (limiting it to only letters and numbers and dashes for simplicity).
Next, when you display this profile, say it is via /profile.php, your code needs to check a few things.
First it needs to check how it's called, looking at $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] you can see either /user/some-vanity-name or /profile.php?u=1234.
If it's the latter, you need to redirect the browser, do a database lookup to see who the user with user_id 1234 is.
Pull the "my_vanity_url" column out of the database for this user and redirect the browser to /user/my_vanity_url_value (replacing my_vanity_url_value with the value of that column).
So now, if you go to, your browser gets redirected and the URL address bar will say
Next, you need to be able to take that unique name and turn it back into the old ugly looking profile page. Two things need to happen here:
You need to extend your profile.php once more to take an optional vanity name as opposed to a user_id
You need to use mod_rewrite to internally route vanity names to /profile.php
For the first thing, you simply look for a different $_GET[] parameter instead of whatever it is for a user_id. Say it's called name: so look at $_GET['name'], see if it exists, if it does lookup the user in the user table whose vanity url name is $_GET['name']. Return the profile of that user.
For the second thing, you just need to put this in the appropriate place in your htaccess file in your document root:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/?user/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ /profile.php?name=$1 [L]
This is just an example for how to implement something like this. It may be completely inapplicable for what you have, but it should give you an idea of what you need to do.

Setting Absolute Uri in MVC 3

Is it possible to set the absoluteURI in the controller after clicking on an action link? So for example:
User clicks on a link called "GoHere". The current URL is When the link hits the method in the controller, it recognizes that the user is currently in a section called "section", even though in the file structure section doesn't exist. The link itself actually points to Instead of returning a URL of, it returns
The reason I ask is because for what I'm doing, the section is completely arbitrary and doesn't exist. It's just there to give the impression that the user is in another section. I know I could create extra sets of controllers, but I'm trying to get around this since for management purposes it's better if I just have one set of controllers. Is this possible? Thanks.
In your gobal.asax, try setting your route to require section for the control. Maybe "{control}/section/{action}/" and whatever else you need.

What are the benefits of using MVC HTML helpers like ActionLink, BeginForm, TextBox, etc instead of the native HTML tags?

In a SO response to a different question, a user stated that it allowed you to avoid hard-coding route values into a html link tag, but that is not really valid since you have to put in the controller, action, area, etc as strings so you are still hard-coding the route values.
How is this:
#Html.ActionLink(linkText: "MyLink", actionName: "MyAction", controllerName: "MyController", new { id = #myId }, new { area = "SomeArea"})
better than this:
<a href='/SomeArea/MyController/MyAction/myId'>MyLink</a>
Your observation is only true if (a) you're using strictly the default routing format and (b) if your application will always be installed at the root of the site. If you don't do the former (say create a short cut route /help which goes to the Home controller and Help action, and subsequently change it by introducing a Help controller with more actions, then you'll need to update all of your hard-coded anchor tags. A better alternative is using the RouteLink helper with the route name and, optionally, other parameters.
With regard to the latter, I typically use a single server for most of my staging deployments and the application does NOT sit at the site root, but rather in a subdirectory. Production deployment is mixed, but many applications get installed at the site root. Using the helpers allows me to ignore the difference during development as the helper properly constructs the url relative to the current site in all cases. This is so helpful that I even use it for scripts, css files, images, etc. via the UrlHelper to make sure that any paths specified for those do not break between staging and production.
There seems to be little to benefit in using the helper, providing you make one change - add a tilda so that the router automatically resolves the address to the correct place.
<a href='~/SomeArea/MyController/MyAction/myId'>MyLink</a>

How to save property after tombstoning?

I have some property OwnerId that has each page in my application. I need these property to create HttpWebRequest and get some data. But when the application deactivated and activated again the page as deleted and created again, so these property is 0. I can't save these property in PhoneApplicationPage.State , because these property is different for different pages, so when I go twice back I can get error. I think to take it property after application activated from NavigationService.BackStack pages.But I'm not sure it is right. How can I do it ?
Aram .. thanks for explaining the question better.
Now, while your application is in the foreground, how are you managing all these different OwnerIDs? A collection? I am guessing you don't have multiple instances of the same page; but rather pass query parameters along to indicate which OwnerID/UserID should be used to display appropriate user info. You could put the whole collection in State dictionaries with a key & hydrate/dehydrate during the application lifecycle. Makes sense?
I'm not 100% clear on whether you need a setting for each page or just a single setting for the app. In either case your best option (IMO) is IsolatedStorageSettings (
If you just need a single setting then there's no problem but if you need one for each page you will need to do something ugly like using the page name as the key.
