Problems with custom routing and child paths - model-view-controller

I'm working on a short url application and I'm running into a problem with child paths. Essentially what this does is save shortened URLs to a database which then translates into the full path when called by the user.
The user will typically call the short URL by typing
which will be translated on the back end as
The MVC application allows users to create their own short URLs and has two ActionResults to administer this (CreateShorty & ViewShortys).
The end result should be that the user should be able to type in the following URLs and be redirected correctly.
The problem I'm having is that I can do all except for the last two. If I attempt to add child parameters the first rout to be hit when viewing an action like create or view is
it then goes on to hit
http://companyServer/{shortUrlName}/{childUrlPath} which blocks me getting to my action methods.
Any help in this would be appreciated as I'm rather new to MVC.


Joomla 1.5.23: Sitewide Component - runs on all instances

I have a project where I need to be able show a html item on a page depending on what the domain is.
What I want to be able to do is call the component site wide (front end) so that it is basically hooking in on every page load.
Sounds a little complicated but really need it too run
Essentially I have two domains both linking to the same install of joomla.
When a user visits domain X I don't want to see a particular over lay, but when a user visits domain Y then I want the component to kick in, put in the html and also insert an extra parameter into the url.
Just test for the server name against JURI::base(false) and set the new var with JRequest::setVar('newparam','newvalue'); But where do you need this var? it may not be available depending on where you set it: i.e. if you set it in a module it won't be available to the component

Codeigniter - change url at method call

I was wondering if the following can be done in codeigniter.
Let's assume I have a file, called Post.php, used to manage posts in an admin interface.
It has several methods, such as index (lists all posts), add, update, delete...
Now, I access the add method, so that the url becomes
And I add some data. I click "save" to add the new post. It calls the same method with an if statement like "if "this->input->post('addnew')"" is passed, call the model, add it to the database
Here follows the problem:
If everything worked fine, it goes to the index with the list of all posts, and displays a confirmation
No the url would still be posts/add, since I called the function like $this->index() after verifying data was added. I cannot redirect it to "posts/" since in that case no confirmation message would be shown!
So my question is: can i call a method from anther one in the same class, and have the url set to that method (/posts/index instead of /posts/add)?
It's kinda confusing, but i hope i gave you enough info to spot the problem
Use the redirect() in conjunction with CodeIgniter's Flash Data, or opt for AJAX.

Setting Absolute Uri in MVC 3

Is it possible to set the absoluteURI in the controller after clicking on an action link? So for example:
User clicks on a link called "GoHere". The current URL is When the link hits the method in the controller, it recognizes that the user is currently in a section called "section", even though in the file structure section doesn't exist. The link itself actually points to Instead of returning a URL of, it returns
The reason I ask is because for what I'm doing, the section is completely arbitrary and doesn't exist. It's just there to give the impression that the user is in another section. I know I could create extra sets of controllers, but I'm trying to get around this since for management purposes it's better if I just have one set of controllers. Is this possible? Thanks.
In your gobal.asax, try setting your route to require section for the control. Maybe "{control}/section/{action}/" and whatever else you need.

Make the route parameter actually appear in the address bar

I have a tiny application in MVC 3.
In this tiny application, I want my URLs very clear and consistent.
There's just one controller with one action with one parameter.
If no value is provided (that is, / is requested by the browser), then a form is displayed to collect that single value. If a value is provided, a page is rendered.
The only route is this one:
new { controller = "Main", action = "Index", account = UrlParameter.Optional }
This all works fine, but the account parameter never appears in the address line as a part of the URL. I can manually type and it will work, but other than that, the account goes as a post parameter and therefore does not appear. And if I use FormMethods.Get in my form, I get ?account=whatever appended to the URL, which is also not what I want and which goes against my understanding. My understanding was that the MVC framework would try to use parameters set in the route, and only if not found, it would append them after the ?.
I've tried various flavours of setting the routes -- one route with a default parameter, or one route with a required parameter, or two routes (one with a required parameter and one without parameters); I've tried mixing HttpGet/HttpPost in all possible ways; I've tried using single action method with optional parameter string account = null and using two action methods (one with parameter, one without), but I simply can't get the thing appear in the URL.
I have also consulted the Steven Sanderson's book on MVC 3, but on the screenshots there are no parameters either (a details page for Kayak is displayed, but the URL in the address bar is htpp://localhost:XXXX/).
The only thing that definitely works and does what I want is
return RedirectToAction("Index", new { account = "whatever" });
But in order to do it, I have to first check the raw incoming URL and do not redirect if it already contains an account in it, otherwise it is an infinite loop. This seems way too strange and unnecessary.
What is the correct way to make account always appear as a part of the URL?
My understanding was that the MVC framework would try to use
parameters set in the route, and only if not found, it would append
them after the ?
Your understanding is not correct. ASP.NET MVC doesn't append anything. It's the client browser sending the form submission as defined in the HTML specification:
The method attribute of the FORM element specifies the HTTP method used
to send the form to the processing agent. This attribute may take two
get: With the HTTP "get" method, the form data set is appended to the URI specified by the action attribute (with a question-mark ("?")
as separator) and this new URI is sent to the processing agent.
post: With the HTTP "post" method, the form data set is included in the body of the form and sent to the processing agent.
ASP.NET MVC routes are used to parse an incoming client HTTP request and redispatch it to the corresponding controller actions. They are also used by HTML helpers such as Html.ActionLink or Html.BeginForm to generate correct routes. It's just that for your specific scenario where you need to submit a user entered value as part of the url path (not query string) the HTML specification has nothing to offer you.
So, if you want to fight against the HTML specification you will have to use other tools: javascript. So you could use GET method and subscribe to the submit handler of the form and inside it manipulate the url so the value that was appended after the ? satisfy your requirements.
Don't think of this as ASP.NET MVC and routes and stuff. Think of it as a simple HTML page (which is what the browser sees of course) and start tackling the problem from that side. How would you in a simple HTML page achieve this?

Azure ACS + Form value storage

I'm using Azure ACS in my MVC 3 website (hosted in Azure too), the scenario is this:
A user first enters my website and fills a one field form, then they need to chose a provider and login, but first I want to store the field value so when they come back from login I'm able to create a profile with this value for the loged in user.
So I believe when they first enter the site and then leaves to login and enters the site again those are two different sessions am I right? and that's the reason the stored data using session state (through SQL Server) is not present when they come back after login am I right? if this is true what would be the best approach then? if not then I'm doing something wrong storing temp data right?
I have discovered that HttpContext.Application state works keeping the data, still I'm not sure if it's a good idea to use it in a controller considering it's in Azure, will it work on production properly??
You can pass state around in the WS-Federation redirect sequence using the wctx URL parameter. In the action that handles the initial POST request, you should get hold of the form parameter you want to keep, then redirect to you identity provider selection page (this will have to be a custom page) with the form parameter appended to the URL. When the user selects an IP on your page, you can pass the parameter on again using the wctx parameter. The WS-Federation passive requestor profile says that this should be returned to you eventually when the IP redirects the user back to your site.
This has some details
Edit: To get the wctx parameter out of the request when the user finally comes back to your app. Put something like this in the action code:
var fam = FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule;
if (fam.CanReadSignInResponse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request, true))
string wctxValue = this.HttpContext.Request.Form["wctx"];
My preference is to have the wcxt parameter represent a redirect URL (URL encoded) with your parameter as a query parameter in that so it be a URL encoded version of this:
Then the action that was receiving the redirect from the ACS would simply pull out the value of wctx and do a redirect to it without any more processing. This keeps things simple.
Another approach would be to save whatever data you need to pass around in the Database, and just pass around some ID that refers back to the database record. You'll pass this ID to IP and back through wctx (as Mike mentioned above).
This will solve the issue of limited length of URLs (in case your data is very large). Of course you would need to manage deletion of this data, but this shouldn't be hard.
