Google Analytics - Unique events are not unique by Action name - events

I have Google Analytics (GA) event tracking set up. When I see "Top Events" report, why the "Unique Events" number do not match with number of rows displayed below. [see screen: click here ] These rows display one action name per row and the action names are all unique (I checked all 23 rows for unique action names). So total number of rows displayed should be equal to Unique Events number - isn't it?
Am I missing anything?

The unique event count for an action is the number of visits in which that action took place.
The total unique events in this report should equal the sum of unique events on all rows, not the number of rows. This is because a unique event is based on unique action-visit combinations, and each row has a different action.
In other words, if an action is repeated within a visit, the unique event count is not incremented, but otherwise it is.
So if one of the rows has 2 unique events that would mean that the event action was triggered in 2 separate visits, and both these visits would be included in the overall unique events.
In your example, the first 10 actions in your report only occurred for 1 visit each (they may even have all been the same visit - you can't tell from this report).
So I'm guessing that on the second page of your example there are two rows with 0 unique events, and the rest have 1 unique event - so that they add up to 21 unique events.


How can I ensure correct filtering of a detail table from a summary table?

In this production data the Total Quantity processed through the machines is in table WeekProd and the number of parts scrapped is stored in table WeekScrap. There can be more than one scrap reason and quantity for each production line and they are summed using a measure.
The two tables are filtered in common by the calendar week number, the machine lookup and the shift lookup. Using 2 visuals shows that this filtering is working as expected:
However, when I place the Sum Scrap Qty measure onto the WeekProd visual it show the scrap qty on every row, although the total figure of 34 ends up correct.
How can I stop this from happening?

how to add one more data block item in oracle forms [duplicate]

In the below given example like rejection date it has total 5 rows of same type.
when i tried to create new data block item like issue date(issue date is table column) I'm getting only one row (I want to get 5 rows as shown below.)
Forms does that itself, but you have to add that new item into that block. Because, it is
block's Number of records displayed property
item's Number if items displayed property
that affect number of "rows" you'll see.
For example, if block's number of records displayed is set to 5 (as it apparently is) and you add a new item to that block and set appropriate canvas, Forms will create 5 instances of that item. You can then choose not to display all of them but any number between 0 and 5 (where "0" also means "all of them" (5 in this case)).

How to update a field when another is modified

I have three fields
1. Price (:P7_PRIJS)
2. Quantity (:P7_HOEVEELHEID)
3. Total (:P7_TOTAAL).
I want the total to be updated (price * quantity) the moment the quantity is changed. All items are on the same region, from the same table.
I have already created a trigger to update the total, this works, but is not visible in the screen.
I have tried with a Dynamic action, but get errors when doing so.
I just want to see in the form, before saving the updated total. How can this be done?
Dynamic action is a way to do that. Actually, you need two of them (which will look exactly the same), each of them created on P7_PRIJS and P7_HOEVEELHEID items (so that total gets calculated regardless of which item value you've changed).
Dynamic action's action is Set value:
set type: PL/SQL expression
PL/SQL expression: :P7_PRIJS * :P7_HOEVEELHEID
items to submit: P7_PRIJS,P7_HOEVEELHEID
affected elements: item, P7_TOTAAL

How to properly read all changed entities from external API

I need to properly traverse over all items in some external API. All items have "update_time" property and I can query the items from API in ascending or descending order. Which I should use to properly get all items without missing any of them?
External API has pagination (limit and page parameters are fixed) and I cannot query all items by one query.
Querying of items takes some time.
Processing of received items takes some time.
While a page of items is queried or processed, items in external system can be changed -> this cause updating its 'update_time' property and influence ordering (paginating), so next page API call can cause "gap" in list of received items.
I don't want to process all items every time - only updated ones by the last traverse (this task is scheduled every 1 hour for example) - I store max of "last_update" property of all received items and skip processing of older items next traverse.
Thanks, it's really complicated to imagine for me.

How to sort MS Access report by group pages

I have a grouped report.
Whenever a new group starts, I set 'Me.Page' to 1.
The number of pages for each group, I am storing in a table in the 'PageFooter_Format' event.
How can I sort the groups by their number of pages?
I would say you can't as the grouping takes place before formatting the report.
Perhaps in a multi-step: First run the report and retrieve and save the group ids and page counts, then close the report, adjust the source to hold the page counts to order by, change the report grouping/sorting to respect this sequence, and run the report.
