How to update a field when another is modified - oracle

I have three fields
1. Price (:P7_PRIJS)
2. Quantity (:P7_HOEVEELHEID)
3. Total (:P7_TOTAAL).
I want the total to be updated (price * quantity) the moment the quantity is changed. All items are on the same region, from the same table.
I have already created a trigger to update the total, this works, but is not visible in the screen.
I have tried with a Dynamic action, but get errors when doing so.
I just want to see in the form, before saving the updated total. How can this be done?

Dynamic action is a way to do that. Actually, you need two of them (which will look exactly the same), each of them created on P7_PRIJS and P7_HOEVEELHEID items (so that total gets calculated regardless of which item value you've changed).
Dynamic action's action is Set value:
set type: PL/SQL expression
PL/SQL expression: :P7_PRIJS * :P7_HOEVEELHEID
items to submit: P7_PRIJS,P7_HOEVEELHEID
affected elements: item, P7_TOTAAL


how to multiply two fields in a form in oracle APEX

everyone. I am making accounting program in oracle APEX. I need to multiply two fields in a form and to save the result in a third field. I searched for that in youtube and here in stackoverflow but did not find anything aprropriate. Can you help me?
Dynamic action is a simple option; create it on both items (so that it fires when any item's contents has changed). What will it do? Set value of the resulting item.
Action: set value
set type: PL/SQL expression
expression: :P1_VAL1 * :P1_VAL2
items to submit: P1_VAL1, P1_VAL2
affected element: item, P1_RESULT
That's all.

how to add one more data block item in oracle forms [duplicate]

In the below given example like rejection date it has total 5 rows of same type.
when i tried to create new data block item like issue date(issue date is table column) I'm getting only one row (I want to get 5 rows as shown below.)
Forms does that itself, but you have to add that new item into that block. Because, it is
block's Number of records displayed property
item's Number if items displayed property
that affect number of "rows" you'll see.
For example, if block's number of records displayed is set to 5 (as it apparently is) and you add a new item to that block and set appropriate canvas, Forms will create 5 instances of that item. You can then choose not to display all of them but any number between 0 and 5 (where "0" also means "all of them" (5 in this case)).

Limiting rows initially returned in select list

Populating an Apex 5.1 select list of employees with about 25,000 names is proving to be a performance problem when loading the page. Is there a method of limiting the initial list to a set number (such as 200), and dynamically populating with chunks of additional names as the user scrolls through the list? Are there other options I should consider that would not slow down the page load?
I am currently using a dynamic LOV, and have tried adjusting this LOV to include Oracle row limiting code; however, there is no way of fetching past the initial set of rows. The source of the data is a view on a materialized view.
I appreciate any ideas
I'd use a pop-up LOV with a search function, not showing any records until the user enters a search value (more than 3 characters). I know it's tedious to use a pop-up LOV but it seems the only way to prevent waiting for a slow list to display.
I'd try with cascading lists of values. I don't know what those 25.000 names represent, but - suppose it is a large company. Then you'd
1st LoV: continent
2nd Lov: country
which refers to the previous LoV as where country.continent = :P1_CONTINENT
3rd LoV: city
which refers the previous LoV as where city.coutry = :P1_COUNTRY
4rd Lov is actually your current query:
which refers to the previous Lov as where = :P1_CITY
Now your list of values wouldn't contain 25.000 rows, but - hopefully - a lot less.

Number filed is not processed correctly

I use Oracle Apex, I want that my 'display only field' is updated automatically. Well, when I use dynamic actions like this select 5 * price from ... or, for instance, random values, it works absolutely correctly, the field is filled with the value 5 * price (or set new random value). But when I use select :P4_COUNT * price from, the filed is empty. I think that the problem in :P4_COUNT (it is a number field) but I do not know what to do.
In the Dynamic Action, look for "Items to Submit" (usually under the SQL or PL/SQL code). Put the names of items that need to be submitted to session state prior to running the code. Also, note that currently, all values in session state are strings. So it's probably best to use to_number if you need a number.

Oracle APEX | How to change select list value and Submit it dynamically

I have two select lists
1. The first one P4_country_id_B contains countries names
select country_name as d, country_id as r
from countries
2. The second one P4_CITY_ID_B contains cities of a country based on selected value in P4_CITY_ID_B.
select city_name as d, city_id as r
from cities
where country_id = :P4_country_id_B
Everything goes OK without any problem.
I use Execute PL/SQL Code Dynamic Action to change selected values of those lists like this (for example):
country_returned_value : is a one value of countries list values for example (USA)
city_returned_value : is a one value of cities list values for example (NewYourk).
The first selected list value changes but the second list never changes.
I used P4_country_id_B,P4_CITY_ID_B as Page Items to Submit for the dynamic action.
I don't whan to submit the page instead of dynamic action
How can I change list values in this case please?.
Thanks in advance.
Cascading select lists are refreshed through ajax.
Change select list 1, select list 2 will be refreshed.
You execute plsql, which in turn will set the value of the items involved. Both are select lists, and one is dependent on the other.
So while both will be set, the change of the first one will cause the second to be refreshed.
In other words, you're doing it too fast. And while there is a solution, the proper way is a bit complex and I wouldn't build it in DA's personally.
You haven't specified how or when you call the code which sets the values for the items. So here I'll just assume a DA with an action of type "Execute JavaScript" (for example)
// perform a call to the ajax callback process to get the country and city id
// there are several ways to provide values to the process if necessary.
// for example through x01, which can be used in the proces like
// apex_application.g_x01
apex.server.process('GET_COUNTRY_DEFAULTS', {x01:""}).done(function(data){
// process returns JSON which contains 2 properties: country_id and city_id
// data.country_id
// data.city_id
// bind a ONE-TIME handler to the after refresh event of the city
// cascading LOVs fire the before and after refresh events like any other
// refreshable element in apex
// a one time handler since the values are different each time this code will
// execute
// after refresh of the list, attempt to set the value of the list to the
// value retrieved earlier
// finally, set the value of the country. Doing this will also trigger the
// refresh of dependent elements
// since a handler has been bound, the refresh will occur, the after refresh
// triggers, and the value will be set properly
Finally, create a new process on the page under "AJAX Callback", and name it GET_COUNTRY_DEFAULTS
l_country_id NUMBER;
l_city_id NUMBER;
l_country_id := 8;
l_city_id := 789;
-- returning an error while using apex.server.process will prompt the user
-- with the error and halt further processing
That should tie everything together.
I think there is some confusion here. My answer below, assumes, according to your question, the first list name is P4_country_id_B, and the second list name is Cities_LOV. If that is not the case, please clarify.
Your first list called P4_country_id_B, and you assign it to itself through the following statement:
So basically, nothing has changed, the value of P4_country_id_B is the returned value of your list P4_country_id_B without any need for this assignment. Note, it is not clear to me, what is country_returned_value, because P4_country_id_B holds the returned value.
Secondly, you have a list called Cities_LOV, and you assign the returned value to P4_CITY_ID_B page item, through the following statement:
Again, I am not sure what is returned_city_value, because Cities_LOV holds the returned value of that list.
I am not sure what you are trying to achieve here. But I assume, you want to allow the user to select the Country first, and then based on that, you want to refresh the Cities list to display the cities in that particular country. If that is the case, then use a dynamic action on P4_country_id_B value change, to refresh the value of Cities_LOV. You only need to pass P4_country_id_B to that dynamic action.
After you corrected the wording of the question, the answer would be like this:
In your child list P4_CITY_ID_B make sure you set the option Cascading LOV parent item(s) to the parent list P4_country_id_B. You do not need the dynamic action. The child list, should refresh upon the change of the parent list. The answer here, goes in details about how to implement cascading list
