efficient way to detect periodicity of network flows - algorithm

I have lots of netflow data (i.e src_ip, dest_ip, beg_time, end_time, data_size, etc) and some of them are happening periodically that I want to find out.
Consider I have n netflow(maybe around 10^6) and m of them are periodic. How could I find which ones are periodic?
I can write a code but it will be at least O(n^3 logn), which will take forever for after 10^4 number of netflow.
I have searched about it but couldn't find anything.
Note: You can consider data is sorted according to start time and start time is 32 bit unsigned int(uint32 in c++)
Correction: src_ip is unique and dest_ip is not unique, time for periodicity is unknown. It may be 5 min or it may be 5 days. You can forget about src_ip, dest_ip, end_time, data_size and other attributes of flow. I'm only looking for events whose beginning times are periodic and you can consider, I have eleminated events which are unrelated like different src_ip's, and so on...
Any help will be appreciated,

I'd try computing FFT on signals corresponding to your data.
For example, I'd transform the chunk beg_time=1, end_time=5, data_size=100 into a square pulse from 1 to 5 units of time with the amplitude 100.
If you want analyze everything together, you superimpose all the pulses you've got.
If it doesn't make sense to put everything together, superimpose only the pulses from the same src_ip or from the same pair of src_ip and dst_ip.
And then run the FFT on those signals obtained through superposition and see if there any noticeable peaks in the frequency domain, or it all looks randomish, no outstanding peaks.
FFT runs in O(n*log(n)) time, where n is the number of signal samples.
I'm sure there must be better ways to do it, but it may be worth a try.


Rapid change detection algorithm

I'm logging temperature values in a room, saving them to the database. I'd like to be alerted when temperature rises suddenly. I can't set fixed values, because 18°C is acceptable in winter and 25°C is acceptable in summer. But if it jumps from 20°C to 25°C during, let's say, 30 minutes and stays like this for 5 minutes (to eliminate false readouts), I'd like to be informed.
My current idea is to take readouts from last 30 minutes (A) and readouts from last 5 minutes (B), calculate median of A and B and check if difference between them is less then my desired threshold.
Is this correct way to solve this or is there a better algorithm? I searched for a specific one but most of them seem overcomplicated.
Detecting changes in a time-series is a well-researched subject, and hundreds if not thousands of papers have been written on this subject. As you've seen many methods are quite advanced, but proved to be quite useful for many use cases. Whatever method you choose, you should evaluate it against real of simulated data, and optimize its parameters for your use case.
As you require, let me suggest a very simple method that in many cases prove to be good enough, and is quite similar to that you considered.
Basically, you have two concerns:
Detecting a monotonous change in a sampled noisy signal
Ignoring false readouts
First, note that medians are not commonly used for detecting trends. For the series (1,2,3,30,35,3,2,1) the medians of 5 consecutive terms is be (3, 3, 3, 3). It is much more common to use averages.
One common trick is to throw the extreme values before averaging (e.g. for each 7 values average only the middle 5). If many false readouts are expected - try to take measurements at a faster rate, and throw more extreme values (e.g. for each 13 values average the middle 9).
Also, you should throw away unfeasible values and replace them with the last measured value (unfeasible means out of range, or non-physical change rate).
Your idea of comparing a short-period measure with a long-period measure is a good idea, and indeed it is commonly used (e.g. in econometrics).
Quoting from "Financial Econometric Models - Some Contributions to the Field [Nicolau, 2007]:
Buy and sell signals are generated by two moving averages of the price
level: a long-period average and a short-period average. A typical
moving average trading rule prescribes a buy (sell) when the
short-period moving average crosses the long-period moving average
from below (above) (i.e. when the original time series is rising
(falling) relatively fast).
When you say "rises suddenly," mathematically you are talking about the magnitude of the derivative of the temperature signal.
There is a nice algorithm to simultaneously smooth a signal and calculate its derivative called the Savitzky–Golay filter. It's explained with examples on Wikipedia, or you can use Matlab to help you generate the convolution coefficients required. Once you have the coefficients the calculation is very simple.

How to detect the precise sampling interval from samples stored in a database?

A hardware sensor is sampled precisely (precise period of sampling) using a real-time unit. However, the time value is not sent to the database together with the sampled value. Instead, time of insertion of the record to the database is stored for the sample in the database. The DATETIME type is used, and the GETDATE() function is used to get current time (Microsoft SQL Server).
How can I reconstruct the precise sampling times?
As the sampling interval is (should be) 60 seconds exactly, there was no need earlier for more precise solution. (This is an old solution, third party, with a lot of historical samples. This way it is not possible to fix the design.)
For processing of the samples, I need to reconstruct the correct time instances for the samples. There is no problem with shifting the time of the whole sequence (that is, it does not matter whether the start time is rather off, not absolute). On the other hand, the sampling interval should be detected as precisely as possible. I also cannot be sure, that the sampling interval was exactly 60 seconds (as mentioned above). I also cannot be sure, that the sampling interval was really constant (say, slight differences based on temperature of the device).
When processing the samples, I want to get:
start time
the sampling interval
the sequence o the sample values
When reconstructing the samples, I need to convert it back to tuples:
time of the sample
value of the sample
Because of that, for the sequence with n samples, the time of the last sample should be equal to start_time + sampling_interval * (n - 1), and it should be reasonably close to the original end time stored in the database.
Think in terms of the stored sample times slightly oscillate with respect to the real sample-times (the constant delay between the sampling and the insertion into the database is not a problem here).
I was thinking about calculating the mean value and the corrected standard deviation for the interval calculated from the previous and current sample times.
Discontinuity detection: If the calculated interval is greater than 3 sigma off the mean value, I would consider it a discontinuity of the sampled curve (say, the machine is switched off, or any outer event lead to missing samples. In the case, I want to start with processing a new sequence. (The sampling frequency could also be changed.)
Is there any well known approach to the problem. If yes, can you point me to the article(s)? Or can you give me the name or acronym of the algorithm?
+1 to looking at the difference sequence. We can model the difference sequence as the sum of a low frequency truth (the true rate of the samples, slowly varying over time) and high frequency noise (the random delay to get the sample into the database). You want a low-pass filter to remove the latter.

How can I detect these audio abnormalities?

iOS has an issue recording through some USB audio devices. It cannot be reliably reproduced (happens every 1 in ~2000-3000 records in batches and silently disappears), and we currently manually check our audio for any recording issues. It results in small numbers of samples (1-20) being shifted by a small number that sounds like a sort of 'crackle'.
They look like this:
another, single sample error elsewhere in the same audio file:
The question is, how can these be algorithmically be detected (assuming direct access to samples) whilst not triggering false positives on high frequency audio with waveforms like this:
Bonus points: after determining as many errors as possible, how can the audio be 'fixed'?
Dirty audio file - pictured
Another dirty audio file
Clean audio with valid high frequency - pictured
More bonus points: what could be causing this issue in the iOS USB audio drivers/hardware (assuming it is there).
I do not think there is an out of the box solution to find the disturbances, but here is one (non standard) way of tackling the problem. Using this, I could find most intervals and I only got a small number of false positives, but the algorithm could certainly use some fine tuning.
My idea is to find the start and end point of the deviating samples. The first step should be to make these points stand out more clearly. This can be done by taking the logarithm of the data and taking the differences between consecutive values.
In MATLAB I load the data (in this example I use dirty-sample-other.wav)
y1 = wavread('dirty-sample-pictured.wav');
y2 = wavread('dirty-sample-other.wav');
y3 = wavread('clean-highfreq.wav');
data = y2;
and use the following code:
logdata = log(1+data);
difflogdata = diff(logdata);
So instead of this plot of the original data:
we get:
where the intervals we are looking for stand out as a positive and negative spike. For example zooming in on the largest positive value in the plot of logarithm differences we get the following two figures. One for the original data:
and one for the difference of logarithms:
This plot could help with finding the areas manually but ideally we want to find them using an algorithm. The way I did this was to take a moving window of size 6, computing the mean value of the window (of all points except the minimum value), and compare this to the maximum value. If the maximum point is the only point that is above the mean value and at least twice as large as the mean it is counted as a positive extreme value.
I then used a threshold of counts, at least half of the windows moving over the value should detect it as an extreme value in order for it to be accepted.
Multiplying all points with (-1) this algorithm is then run again to detect the minimum values.
Marking the positive extremes with "o" and negative extremes with "*" we get the following two plots. One for the differences of logarithms:
and one for the original data:
Zooming in on the left part of the figure showing the logarithmic differences we can see that most extreme values are found:
It seems like most intervals are found and there are only a small number of false positives. For example running the algorithm on 'clean-highfreq.wav' I only find one positive and one negative extreme value.
Single values that are falsely classified as extreme values could perhaps be weeded out by matching start and end-points. And if you want to replace the lost data you could use some kind of interpolation using the surrounding data-points, perhaps even a linear interpolation will be good enough.
Here is the MATLAB-code I used:
function test20()
clear all
y1 = wavread('dirty-sample-pictured.wav');
y2 = wavread('dirty-sample-other.wav');
y3 = wavread('clean-highfreq.wav');
data = y2;
logdata = log(1+data);
difflogdata = diff(logdata);
figure,plot(data),hold on,plot(data,'.')
figure,plot(difflogdata),hold on,plot(difflogdata,'.')
figure,plot(data),hold on,plot(data,'.'),xlim([68000,68200])
figure,plot(difflogdata),hold on,plot(difflogdata,'.'),xlim([68000,68200])
k = 6;
myData = difflogdata;
myPoints = findPoints(myData,k);
myData2 = -difflogdata;
myPoints2 = findPoints(myData2,k);
hold on
hold on
function myPoints = findPoints(myData,k)
iterationVector = k+1:length(myData);
myPoints = zeros(size(myData));
for i = iterationVector
subVector = myData(i-k:i);
meanSubVector = mean(subVector(subVector>min(subVector)));
[maxSubVector, maxIndex] = max(subVector);
if (sum(subVector>meanSubVector) == 1 && maxSubVector>2*meanSubVector)
myPoints(i-k-1+maxIndex) = myPoints(i-k-1+maxIndex) +1;
function plotterFunction(allPoints,extremeIndices,markerType)
extremePoints = NaN(size(allPoints));
extremePoints(extremeIndices) = allPoints(extremeIndices);
hold on
Edit - comments on recovering the original data
Here is a slightly zoomed out view of figure three above: (the disturbance is between 6.8 and 6.82)
When I examine the values, your theory about the data being mirrored to negative values does not seem to fit the pattern exactly. But in any case, my thought about just removing the differences is certainly not correct. Since the surrounding points do not seem to be altered by the disturbance, I would probably go back to the original idea of not trusting the points within the affected region and instead using some sort of interpolation using the surrounding data. It seems like a simple linear interpolation would be a quite good approximation in most cases.
To answer the question of why it happens -
A USB audio device and host are not clock synchronous - that is to say that the host cannot accurately recover the relationship between the host's local clock and the word-clock of the ADC/DAC on the audio interface. Various techniques do exist for clock-recovery with various degrees of effectiveness. To add to the problem, the bus clock is likely to be unrelated to either of the two audio clocks.
Whilst you might imagine this not to be too much of a concern for audio receive - audio capture callbacks could happen when there is data - audio interfaces are usually bi-directional and the host will be rendering audio at regular interval, which the other end is potentially consuming at a slightly different rate.
In-between are several sets of buffers, which can over- or under-run, which is what looks to be happening here; the interval between it happening certainly seems about right.
You might find that changing USB audio device to one built around a different chip-set (or, simply a different local oscillator) helps.
As an aside both IEEE1394 audio and MPEG transport streams have the same clock recovery requirement. Both of them solve the problem with by embedding a local clock reference packet into the serial bitstream in a very predictable way which allows accurate clock recovery on the other end.
I think the following algorithm can be applied to samples in order to determine a potential false positive:
First, scan for high amount of high frequency, either via FFT'ing the sound block by block (256 values maybe), or by counting the consecutive samples above and below zero. The latter should keep track of maximum consecutive above zero, maximum consecutive below zero, the amount of small transitions around zero and the current volume of the block (0..1 as Audacity displays it). Then, if the maximum consecutive is below 5 (sampling at 44100, and zeroes be consecutive, while outstsanding samples are single, 5 responds to 4410Hz frequency, which is pretty high), or the sum of small transitions' lengths is above a certain value depending on maximum consecutive (I believe the first approximation would be 3*5*block size/distance between two maximums, which roughly equates to period of the loudest FFT frequency. Also it should be measured both above and below threshold, as we can end up with an erroneous peak, which will likely be detected by difference between main tempo measured on below-zero or above-zero maximums, also by std-dev of peaks. If high frequency is dominant, this block is eligible only for zero-value testing, and a special means to repair the data will be needed. If high frequency is significant, that is, there is a dominant low frequency detected, we can search for peaks bigger than 3.0*high frequency volume, as well as abnormal zeroes in this block.
Also, your gaps seem to be either highly extending or plain zero, with high extends to be single errors, and zero errors range from 1-20. So, if there is a zero range with values under 0.02 absolute value, which is directly surrounded by values of 0.15 (a variable to be finetuned) or higher absolute value AND of the same sign, count this point as an error. Single values that stand out can be detected if you calculate 2.0*(current sample)-(previous sample)-(next sample) and if it's above a certain threshold (0.1+high frequency volume, or 3.0*high frequency volume, whichever is bigger), count this as an error and average.
What to do with zero gaps found - we can copy values from 1 period backwards and 1 period forwards (averaging), where "period" is of the most significant frequency of the FFT of the block. If the "period" is smaller than the gap (say we've detected a gap of zeroes in a high-pitched part of the sound), use two or more periods, so the source data will all be valid (in this case, no averaging can be done, as it's possible that the signal 2 periods forward from the gap and 2 periods back will be in counterphase). If there are more than one frequency of about equal amplitude, we can plain sample these with correct phases, cutting the rest of less significant frequencies altogether.
The outstanding sample should IMO just be averaged by 2-4 surrounding samples, as there seems to be only a single sample ever encountered in your sound files.
The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) may be the solution to your problem.
A FFT calculation is not very useful in your case since its an average representation of relative frequency content over the entire duration of the signal, and thus impossible to detect momentary changes. The dicrete short time frequency transform (STFT) tries to tackle this by computing the DFT for short consecutive time-blocks of the signal, the length of which is determine by the length (and shape) of a window, but since the resolution of the DFT is dependent on the data/block-length, there is a trade-off between resolution in freqency OR in time, and finding this magical fixed window-size can be tricky!
What you want is a time-frequency analysis method with good time resolution for high-frequency events, and good frequency resolution for low-frequency events... Enter the discrete wavelet transform!
There are numerous wavelet transforms for different applications and as you might expect, it's computationally heavy. The DWT may not be practical solution to your problem, but it's worth considering. Good luck with your problem. Some friday-evening reading:
You can try the following super-simple approach (maybe it's enough):
Take each point in your wave-form and subtract its predecessor (look at the changes from one point to the next).
Look at the distribution of these changes and find their standard deviation.
If any given difference is beyond X times this standard deviation (either above or below), flag it as a problem.
Determine the best value for X by playing with it and seeing how well it performs.
Most "problems" should come as a pair of two differences beyond your cutoff, one going up, and one going back down.
To stick with the super-simple approach, you can then fix the data by just interpolating linearly between the last good point before your problem-section and the first good point after. (Make sure you don't just delete the points as this will influence (raise) the pitch of your audio.)

About random number sequence generation

I am new to randomized algorithms, and learning it myself by reading books. I am reading a book Data structures and Algorithm Analysis by Mark Allen Wessis
Suppose we only need to flip a coin; thus, we must generate a 0 or 1
randomly. One way to do this is to examine the system clock. The clock
might record time as an integer that counts the number of seconds
since January 1, 1970 (atleast on Unix System). We could then use the
lowest bit. The problem is that this does not work well if a sequence
of random numbers is needed. One second is a long time, and the clock
might not change at all while the program is running. Even if the time
were recorded in units of microseconds, if the program were running by
itself the sequence of numbers that would be generated would be far
from random, since the time between calls to the generator would be
essentially identical on every program invocation. We see, then, that
what is really needed is a sequence of random numbers. These numbers
should appear independent. If a coin is flipped and heads appears,
the next coin flip should still be equally likely to come up heads or
Following are question on above text snippet.
In above text snippet " for count number of seconds we could use lowest bit", author is mentioning that this does not work as one second is a long time,
and clock might not change at all", my question is that why one second is long time and clock will change every second, and in what context author is mentioning
that clock does not change? Request to help to understand with simple example.
How author is mentioning that even for microseconds we don't get sequence of random numbers?
Programs using random (or in this case pseudo-random) numbers usually need plenty of them in a short time. That's one reason why simply using the clock doesn't really work, because The system clock doesn't update as fast as your code is requesting new numbers, therefore qui're quite likely to get the same results over and over again until the clock changes. It's probably more noticeable on Unix systems where the usual method of getting the time only gives you second accuracy. And not even microseconds really help as computers are way faster than that by now.
The second problem you want to avoid is linear dependency of pseudo-random values. Imagine you want to place a number of dots in a square, randomly. You'll pick an x and a y coordinate. If your pseudo-random values are a simple linear sequence (like what you'd obtain naïvely from a clock) you'd get a diagonal line with many points clumped together in the same place. That doesn't really work.
One of the simplest types of pseudo-random number generators, the Linear Congruental Generator has a similar problem, even though it's not so readily apparent at first sight. Due to the very simple formula
you'll still get quite predictable results, albeit only if you pick points in 3D space, as all numbers lies on a number of distinct planes (a problem all pseudo-random generators exhibit at a certain dimension):
Computers are fast. I'm over simplifying, but if your clock speed is measured in GHz, it can do billions of operations in 1 second. Relatively speaking, 1 second is an eternity, so it is possible it does not change.
If your program is doing regular operation, it is not guaranteed to sample the clock at a random time. Therefore, you don't get a random number.
Don't forget that for a computer, a single second can be 'an eternity'. Programs / algorithms are often executed in a matter of milliseconds. (1000ths of a second. )
The following pseudocode:
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
n = rand(0, 1000)
fills n a thousand times with a random number between 0 and 1000. On a typical machine, this script executes almost immediatly.
While you typically only initialize the seed at the beginning:
The following pseudocode:
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
n = rand(0, 1000)
initializes the seed once and then executes the code, generating a seemingly random set of numbers. The problem arises then, when you execute the code multiple times. Lets say the code executes in 3 milliseconds. Then the code executes again in 3 millisecnds, but both in the same second. The result is then a same set of numbers.
For the second point: The author probabaly assumes a FAST computer. THe above problem still holds...
He means by that is you are not able to control how fast your computer or any other computer runs your code. So if you suggest 1 second for execution thats far from anything. If you try to run code by yourself you will see that this is executed in milliseconds so even that is not enough to ensure you got random numbers !

Algorithm(s) for spotting anomalies ("spikes") in traffic data

I find myself needing to process network traffic captured with tcpdump. Reading the traffic is not hard, but what gets a bit tricky is spotting where there are "spikes" in the traffic. I'm mostly concerned with TCP SYN packets and what I want to do is find days where there's a sudden rise in the traffic for a given destination port. There's quite a bit of data to process (roughly one year).
What I've tried so far is to use an exponential moving average, this was good enough to let me get some interesting measures out, but comparing what I've seen with external data sources seems to be a bit too aggressive in flagging things as abnormal.
I've considered using a combination of the exponential moving average plus historical data (possibly from 7 days in the past, thinking that there ought to be a weekly cycle to what I am seeing), as some papers I've read seem to have managed to model resource usage that way with good success.
So, does anyone knows of a good method or somewhere to go and read up on this sort of thing.
The moving average I've been using looks roughly like:
avg = avg+0.96*(new-avg)
With avg being the EMA and new being the new measure. I have been experimenting with what thresholds to use, but found that a combination of "must be a given factor higher than the average prior to weighing the new value in" and "must be at least 3 higher" to give the least bad result.
This is widely studied in intrusion detection literature. This is a seminal paper on the issue which shows, among other things, how to analyze tcpdump data to gain relevant insights.
This is the paper: http://www.usenix.org/publications/library/proceedings/sec98/full_papers/full_papers/lee/lee_html/lee.html here they use the RIPPER rule induction system, I guess you could replace that old one for something newer such as http://www.newty.de/pnc2/ or http://www.data-miner.com/rik.html
I would apply two low-pass filters to the data, one with a long time constant, T1, and one with a short time constant, T2. You would then look at the magnitude difference in output from these two filters and when it exceeds a certain threshold, K, then that would be a spike. The hardest part is tuning T1, T2 and K so that you don't get too many false positives and you don't miss any small spikes.
The following is a single pole IIR low-pass filter:
new = k * old + (1 - k) * new
The value of k determines the time constant and is usually close to 1.0 (but < 1.0 of course).
I am suggesting that you apply two such filters in parallel, with different time constants, e.g. start with say k = 0.9 for one (short time constant) and k = 0.99 for the other (long time constant) and then look at the magnitude difference in their outputs. The magnitude difference will be small most of the time, but will become large when there is a spike.
