Different upper bounds and lower bounds of same algorithm - algorithm

So I just started learning about Asymptotic bounds for an algorithm
What can we say about theta of a function if for the algorithm we find different lower and upper bounds?? (say omega(n) and O(n^2)). Or rather what can we say about tightness of such an algorithm?
The book which I read says Theta is for same upper and lower bounds of the function.
What about in this case?

I don't think you can say anything, in that case.
The definition of Θ(f(n)) is:
A function is Θ(f(n)) if and only if it is Ω(f(n)) and O(f(n)).
For some pathological function that exhibits those behaviors, such as oscillating between n and n^2, it wouldn't be defined.
f(x) = n if n is odd
n^2 if n is even
Your bounds Ω(n) and O(n^2) would be tight on this, but Θ(f(n)) is not defined for any function.
See also: What is the difference between Θ(n) and O(n)?

Just for a bit of practicality, one algorithm that is not in Θ(f(n)) for any f(n) would be insertion sort. It runs in Ω(n) since for a list that is already sorted, you only need one operation for the insert in every step, but it runs in O(n^2) in the general case. Constructing functions that oscillate or are non-continuous otherwise usually is done more for didactic purposes, but in my experience such functions rarely, if ever, appear with actual algorithms.
Regarding tightness, I only ever heard that in this context with reference to the upper and lower bounds proposed for algorithms. Again regarding the example of insertion sort, the given bounds are tight in the sense that there are instances of the problem that actually can be done in time linear in their size (the lower bound) and other instances of the problem that will not execute in time less than quadratic in their size. Bounds that are valid, but not tight for insertion sort would be Ω(1) since you can't sort lists of arbitrary size in constant time, and O(n^3) because you can always sort a list of n elements in strictly O(n^2) time, which is an order of magnitude less, so you can certainly do it in O(n^3). What bounds are for is to give us a crude idea of what we can expect as performance of our algorithms so we get an idea of how efficient our solutions are; tight bounds are the most desirable, since they both give us that crude idea and that idea is optimal in the sense that there are extreme cases (which sometimes are also the general case) where we actually need all the complexity the bound allows.
The average case complexity is not a bound; it "only" describes how efficient an algorithm is "in most cases"; take for example quick sort which has a best-case complexity of Ω(n), a worst case complexity of O(n^2) and an average case complexity of O(n log n). This tells us that for almost all cases, quick sort is as fast as sorting gets in general (i.e. the average case complexity), while there are instances of the problem that it solves faster than that (best case complexity -> lower bound) and also instances of the problem that take quick sort longer to solve than that (worst case complexity -> upper bound).


isn't big Oh asymptotic notation {O(f(n)}the slowest runtime an algorithm can have?(it gives asymptotic upper bound which means slowest runtime)

i was reading a book called "Introduction to algorithms" and they were analyzing an algorithm called Strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication and it said this-
""one might at first think that any matrix multiplication algorithm must take omega(n3)time, since the natural definition of matrix multiplication requires that many mul-tiplications. You would be incorrect, however: we have a way to multiply matrices in O(n3) time.""
isn't O(n3) time slower than omega(n3) time.
as omega gives asymtotic lower bound means fastest runtime.
than why the book say that we can do it in O(n3) like it is faster tha omega(n3) time.
First of all it is not true that, as people commonly seem to believe, Big-O is worst case, Big-Omega is best case, and Big-Theta is average case.
Big-O is an upper bound. We are often interested in an upper bound on the worst case so Big-O gets associated with worst case behavior, but we can also be interested in an upper bound on average case behavior, etc.
When we are using asymptotic notation applied to running times, "higher" functions are worse so upper bounds are good. If the algorithm has an upper bound, O(n^3), time this is better than it having a lower bound, Ω(n^3), because a lower bound means that it could be worse, could be slower, that it is no better than the lower bound.

Is Big Omega of any linear algorithm n or can it also be 1?

If we have a linear algorithm (for example, find if a number exists in a given array of numbers), does this mean that Omega(n) = n? The number of steps would be n. And the tightest bound I can make is c*n where c = 1.
But as far as I know, Omega also describes the best case scenario which in this case would be 1 because the searched element can be on the first position of the array and that accounts for only one step. So, by this logic, Omega(n) = 1.
Which variant is the correct one and why? Thanks.
There is a large confusion about what is described using the asymptotic notation.
The running time of an algorithm is in general a function of the number of elements, but also of the particular values of the inputs. Hence T(x) where x is an input of n elements is not a function of n alone.
Now one can study the worst-case and best-case: to determine these, you choose a configuration of the input corresponding to the slowest or fastest execution time and these are functions of n only. And additional option is the expected (or average) running-time, which corresponds to a given statistical distribution of the input. This is also a function of n alone.
Now, Tworst(n), Tbest(n), Texpected(n) can have upper bounds, denoted by O(f(n)), and lower bounds, denoted by Ω(f(n)). When these bounds coincide, the notation Θ(f(n)) is used.
In the case of a linear search, the best case is Θ(1) and the worst and expected cases are Θ(n). Hence the running time for arbitrary input is Ω(1)
and O(n).
The Graal of algorithmics is the discovery of efficient algorithms, i.e. such that the effective running time is of the same order as the best behavior that can be achieved independently of any algorithm.
For instance, it is obvious that the worst-case of any search algorithm is Ω(n) because whatever the search order, you may have to perform n comparisons (for instance if the key is not there). As the linear search is worst-case O(n), it is worst-case efficient. It is also best-case efficient, but this is not so interesting.
If you have an linear time algorithm that means that the time complexity has a linear upper bound, namely O(n). This does not mean that it also has a linear lower bound. In your example, finding out if a element exits, the lower bound is Ω(1). Here is Ω(n) just wrong.
Doing a linear search on an array, to find the minimal element takes exactly n steps in all cases. So here is the lower bound Ω(n). But Ω(1) would also be right, since a constant number of steps is also a lower bound for n steps, but it is no tight lower bound.

Is an algorithm with a worst-case time complexity of O(n) always faster than an algorithm with a worst-case time complexity of O(n^2)?

This question has appeared in my algorithms class. Here's my thought:
I think the answer is no, an algorithm with worst-case time complexity of O(n) is not always faster than an algorithm with worst-case time complexity of O(n^2).
For example, suppose we have total-time functions S(n) = 99999999n and T(n) = n^2. Then clearly S(n) = O(n) and T(n) = O(n^2), but T(n) is faster than S(n) for all n < 99999999.
Is this reasoning valid? I'm slightly skeptical that, while this is a counterexample, it might be a counterexample to the wrong idea.
Thanks so much!
Big-O notation says nothing about the speed of an algorithm for any given input; it describes how the time increases with the number of elements. If your algorithm executes in constant time, but that time is 100 billion years, then it's certainly slower than many linear, quadratic and even exponential algorithms for large ranges of inputs.
But that's probably not really what the question is asking. The question is asking whether an algorithm A1 with worst-case complexity O(N) is always faster than an algorithm A2 with worst-case complexity O(N^2); and by faster it probably refers to the complexity itself. In which case you only need a counter-example, e.g.:
A1 has normal complexity O(log n) but worst-case complexity O(n^2).
A2 has normal complexity O(n) and worst-case complexity O(n).
In this example, A1 is normally faster (i.e. scales better) than A2 even though it has a greater worst-case complexity.
Since the question says Always it means it is enough to find only one counter example to prove that the answer is No.
Example for O(n^2) and O(n logn) but the same is true for O(n^2) and O(n)
One simple example can be a bubble sort where you keep comparing pairs until the array is sorted. Bubble sort is O(n^2).
If you use bubble sort on a sorted array, it will be faster than using other algorithms of time complexity O(nlogn).
You're talking about worst-case complexity here, and for some algorithms the worst case never happen in a practical application.
Saying that an algorithm runs faster than another means it run faster for all input data for all sizes of input. So the answer to your question is obviously no because the worst-case time complexity is not an accurate measure of the running time, it measures the order of growth of the number of operations in a worst case.
In practice, the running time depends of the implementation, and is not only about this number of operations. For example, one has to care about memory allocated, cache-efficiency, space/temporal locality. And obviously, one of the most important thing is the input data.
If you want examples of when the an algorithm runs faster than another while having a higher worst-case complexity, look at all the sorting algorithms and their running time depending of the input.
You are correct in every sense, that you provide a counter example to the statement. If it is for exam, then period, it should grant you full mark.
Yet for a better understanding about big-O notation and complexity stuff, I will share my own reasoning below. I also suggest you to always think the following graph when you are confused, especially the O(n) and O(n^2) line:
Big-O notation
My own reasoning when I first learnt computational complexity is that,
Big-O notation is saying for sufficient large size input, "sufficient" depends on the exact formula (Using the graph, n = 20 when compared O(n) & O(n^2) line), a higher order one will always be slower than lower order one
That means, for small input, there is no guarantee a higher order complexity algorithm will run slower than lower order one.
But Big-O notation tells you an information: When the input size keeping increasing, keep increasing....until a "sufficient" size, after that point, a higher order complexity algorithm will be always slower. And such a "sufficient" size is guaranteed to exist*.
Worst-time complexity
While Big-O notation provides a upper bound of the running time of an algorithm, depends on the structure of the input and the implementation of the algorithm, it may generally have a best complexity, average complexity and worst complexity.
The famous example is sorting algorithm: QuickSort vs MergeSort!
QuickSort, with a worst case of O(n^2)
MergeSort, with a worst case of O(n lg n)
However, Quick Sort is basically always faster than Merge Sort!
So, if your question is about Worst Case Complexity, quick sort & merge sort maybe the best counter example I can think of (Because both of them are common and famous)
Therefore, combine two parts, no matter from the point of view of input size, input structure, algorithm implementation, the answer to your question is NO.

Still sort of confused about Big O notation

So I've been trying to understand Big O notation as well as I can, but there are still some things I'm confused about. So I keep reading that if something is O(n), it usually is referring to the worst-case of an algorithm, but that it doesn't necessarily have to refer to the worst case scenario, which is why we can say the best-case of insertion sort for example is O(n). However, I can't really make sense of what that means. I know that if the worst-case is O(n^2), it means that the function that represents the algorithm in its worst case grows no faster than n^2 (there is an upper bound). But if you have O(n) as the best case, how should I read that as? In the best case, the algorithm grows no faster than n? What I picture is a graph with n as the upper bound, like
If the best case scenario of an algorithm is O(n), then n is the upper bound of how fast the operations of the algorithm grow in the best case, so they cannot grow faster than n...but wouldn't that mean that they can grow as fast as O(log n) or O(1), since they are below the upper bound? That wouldn't make sense though, because O(log n) or O(1) is a better scenario than O(n), so O(n) WOULDN'T be the best case? I'm so lost lol
Big-O, Big-Θ, Big-Ω are independent from worst-case, average-case, and best-case.
The notation f(n) = O(g(n)) means f(n) grows no more quickly than some constant multiple of g(n).
The notation f(n) = Ω(g(n)) means f(n) grows no more slowly than some constant multiple of g(n).
The notation f(n) = Θ(g(n)) means both of the above are true.
Note that f(n) here may represent the best-case, worst-case, or "average"-case running time of a program with input size n.
Furthermore, "average" can have many meanings: it can mean the average input or the average input size ("expected" time), or it can mean in the long run (amortized time), or both, or something else.
Often, people are interested in the worst-case running time of a program, amortized over the running time of the entire program (so if something costs n initially but only costs 1 time for the next n elements, it averages out to a cost of 2 per element). The most useful thing to measure here is the least upper bound on the worst-case time; so, typically, when you see someone asking for the Big-O of a program, this is what they're looking for.
Similarly, to prove a problem is inherently difficult, people might try to show that the worst-case (or perhaps average-case) running time is at least a certain amount (for example, exponential).
You'd use Big-Ω notation for these, because you're looking for lower bounds on these.
However, there is no special relationship between worst-case and Big-O, or best-case and Big-Ω.
Both can be used for either, it's just that one of them is more typical than the other.
So, upper-bounding the best case isn't terribly useful. Yes, if the algorithm always takes O(n) time, then you can say it's O(n) in the best case, as well as on average, as well as the worst case. That's a perfectly fine statement, except the best case is usually very trivial and hence not interesting in itself.
Furthermore, note that f(n) = n = O(n2) -- this is technically correct, because f grows more slowly than n2, but it is not useful because it is not the least upper bound -- there's a very obvious upper bound that's more useful than this one, namely O(n). So yes, you're perfectly welcome to say the best/worst/average-case running time of a program is O(n!). That's mathematically perfectly correct. It's just useless, because when people ask for Big-O they're interested in the least upper bound, not just a random upper bound.
It's also worth noting that it may simply be insufficient to describe the running-time of a program as f(n). The running time often depends on the input itself, not just its size. For example, it may be that even queries are trivially easy to answer, whereas odd queries take a long time to answer.
In that case, you can't just give f as a function of n -- it would depend on other variables as well. In the end, remember that this is just a set of mathematical tools; it's your job to figure out how to apply it to your program and to figure out what's an interesting thing to measure. Using tools in a useful manner needs some creativity, and math is no exception.
Informally speaking, best case has O(n) complexity means that when the input meets
certain conditions (i.e. is best for the algorithm performed), then the count of
operations performed in that best case, is linear with respect to n (e.g. is 1n or 1.5n or 5n).
So if the best case is O(n), usually this means that in the best case it is exactly linear
with respect to n (i.e. asymptotically no smaller and no bigger than that) - see (1). Of course,
if in the best case that same algorithm can be proven to perform at most c * log N operations
(where c is some constant), then this algorithm's best case complexity would be informally
denoted as O(log N) and not as O(N) and people would say it is O(log N) in its best case.
Formally speaking, "the algorithm's best case complexity is O(f(n))"
is an informal and wrong way of saying that "the algorithm's complexity
is Ω(f(n))" (in the sense of the Knuth definition - see (2)).
See also:
(1) Wikipedia "Family of Bachmann-Landau notations"
(2) Knuth's paper "Big Omicron and Big Omega and Big Theta"
Big Omega notation - what is f = Ω(g)?
What is the difference between Θ(n) and O(n)?
What is a plain English explanation of "Big O" notation?
I find it easier to think of O() as about ratios than about bounds. It is defined as bounds, and so that is a valid way to think of it, but it seems a bit more useful to think about "if I double the number/size of inputs to my algorithm, does my processing time double (O(n)), quadruple (O(n^2)), etc...". Thinking about it that way makes it a little bit less abstract - at least to me...

Big O for worst-case running time and Ω is for the best-case, but why is Ω used in worst case sometimes?

I'm confused, I thought that you use Big O for worst-case running time and Ω is for the best-case? Can someone please explain?
And isn't (lg n) the best-case? and (nlg n) is the worst case? Or am I misunderstanding something?
Show that the worst-case running time of Max-Heapify on a heap of size
n is Ω(lg n). ( Hint: For a heap with n nodes, give node values that
cause Max-Heapify to be called recursively at every node on a path
from the root down to a leaf.)
Edit: no this is not homework. im practicing and this has an answer key buy im confused.
http://www-scf.usc.edu/~csci303/cs303hw4solutions.pdf Problem 4(6.2 - 6)
Edit 2: So I misunderstood the question not about Big O and Ω?
It is important to distinguish between the case and the bound.
Best, average, and worst are common cases of interest when analyzing algorithms.
Upper (O, o) and lower (Omega, omega), along with Theta, are common bounds on functions.
When we say "Algorithm X's worst-case time complexity is O(n)", we're saying that the function which represents Algorithm X's performance, when we restrict inputs to worst-case inputs, is asymptotically bounded from above by some linear function. You could speak of a lower bound on the worst-case input; or an upper or lower bound on the average, or best, case behavior.
Case != Bound. That said, "upper on the worst" and "lower on the best" are pretty sensible sorts of metrics... they provide absolute bounds on the performance of an algorithm. It doesn't mean we can't talk about other metrics.
Edit to respond to your updated question:
The question asks you to show that Omega(lg n) is a lower bound on the worst case behavior. In other words, when this algorithm does as much work as it can do for a class of inputs, the amount of work it does grows at least as fast as (lg n), asymptotically. So your steps are the following: (1) identify the worst case for the algorithm; (2) find a lower bound for the runtime of the algorithm on inputs belonging to the worst case.
Here's an illustration of the way this would look for linear search:
In the worst case of linear search, the target item is not in the list, and all items in the list must be examined to determine this. Therefore, a lower bound on the worst-case complexity of this algorithm is O(n).
Important to note: for lots of algorithms, the complexity for most cases will be bounded from above and below by a common set of functions. It's very common for the Theta bound to apply. So it might very well be the case that you won't get a different answer for Omega than you do for O, in any event.
Actually, you use Big O for a function which grows faster than your worst-case complexity, and Ω for a function which grows more slowly than your worst-case complexity.
So here you are asked to prove that your worst case complexity is worse than lg(n).
O is the upper limit (i.e, worst case)
Ω is the lower limit (i.e., best case)
The example is saying that in the worst input for max-heapify ( i guess the worst input is reverse-ordered input) the running time complexity must be (at least) lg n . Hence the Ω (lg n) since it is the lower limit on the execution complexity.
