Still sort of confused about Big O notation - algorithm

So I've been trying to understand Big O notation as well as I can, but there are still some things I'm confused about. So I keep reading that if something is O(n), it usually is referring to the worst-case of an algorithm, but that it doesn't necessarily have to refer to the worst case scenario, which is why we can say the best-case of insertion sort for example is O(n). However, I can't really make sense of what that means. I know that if the worst-case is O(n^2), it means that the function that represents the algorithm in its worst case grows no faster than n^2 (there is an upper bound). But if you have O(n) as the best case, how should I read that as? In the best case, the algorithm grows no faster than n? What I picture is a graph with n as the upper bound, like
If the best case scenario of an algorithm is O(n), then n is the upper bound of how fast the operations of the algorithm grow in the best case, so they cannot grow faster than n...but wouldn't that mean that they can grow as fast as O(log n) or O(1), since they are below the upper bound? That wouldn't make sense though, because O(log n) or O(1) is a better scenario than O(n), so O(n) WOULDN'T be the best case? I'm so lost lol

Big-O, Big-Θ, Big-Ω are independent from worst-case, average-case, and best-case.
The notation f(n) = O(g(n)) means f(n) grows no more quickly than some constant multiple of g(n).
The notation f(n) = Ω(g(n)) means f(n) grows no more slowly than some constant multiple of g(n).
The notation f(n) = Θ(g(n)) means both of the above are true.
Note that f(n) here may represent the best-case, worst-case, or "average"-case running time of a program with input size n.
Furthermore, "average" can have many meanings: it can mean the average input or the average input size ("expected" time), or it can mean in the long run (amortized time), or both, or something else.
Often, people are interested in the worst-case running time of a program, amortized over the running time of the entire program (so if something costs n initially but only costs 1 time for the next n elements, it averages out to a cost of 2 per element). The most useful thing to measure here is the least upper bound on the worst-case time; so, typically, when you see someone asking for the Big-O of a program, this is what they're looking for.
Similarly, to prove a problem is inherently difficult, people might try to show that the worst-case (or perhaps average-case) running time is at least a certain amount (for example, exponential).
You'd use Big-Ω notation for these, because you're looking for lower bounds on these.
However, there is no special relationship between worst-case and Big-O, or best-case and Big-Ω.
Both can be used for either, it's just that one of them is more typical than the other.
So, upper-bounding the best case isn't terribly useful. Yes, if the algorithm always takes O(n) time, then you can say it's O(n) in the best case, as well as on average, as well as the worst case. That's a perfectly fine statement, except the best case is usually very trivial and hence not interesting in itself.
Furthermore, note that f(n) = n = O(n2) -- this is technically correct, because f grows more slowly than n2, but it is not useful because it is not the least upper bound -- there's a very obvious upper bound that's more useful than this one, namely O(n). So yes, you're perfectly welcome to say the best/worst/average-case running time of a program is O(n!). That's mathematically perfectly correct. It's just useless, because when people ask for Big-O they're interested in the least upper bound, not just a random upper bound.
It's also worth noting that it may simply be insufficient to describe the running-time of a program as f(n). The running time often depends on the input itself, not just its size. For example, it may be that even queries are trivially easy to answer, whereas odd queries take a long time to answer.
In that case, you can't just give f as a function of n -- it would depend on other variables as well. In the end, remember that this is just a set of mathematical tools; it's your job to figure out how to apply it to your program and to figure out what's an interesting thing to measure. Using tools in a useful manner needs some creativity, and math is no exception.

Informally speaking, best case has O(n) complexity means that when the input meets
certain conditions (i.e. is best for the algorithm performed), then the count of
operations performed in that best case, is linear with respect to n (e.g. is 1n or 1.5n or 5n).
So if the best case is O(n), usually this means that in the best case it is exactly linear
with respect to n (i.e. asymptotically no smaller and no bigger than that) - see (1). Of course,
if in the best case that same algorithm can be proven to perform at most c * log N operations
(where c is some constant), then this algorithm's best case complexity would be informally
denoted as O(log N) and not as O(N) and people would say it is O(log N) in its best case.
Formally speaking, "the algorithm's best case complexity is O(f(n))"
is an informal and wrong way of saying that "the algorithm's complexity
is Ω(f(n))" (in the sense of the Knuth definition - see (2)).
See also:
(1) Wikipedia "Family of Bachmann-Landau notations"
(2) Knuth's paper "Big Omicron and Big Omega and Big Theta"
Big Omega notation - what is f = Ω(g)?
What is the difference between Θ(n) and O(n)?
What is a plain English explanation of "Big O" notation?

I find it easier to think of O() as about ratios than about bounds. It is defined as bounds, and so that is a valid way to think of it, but it seems a bit more useful to think about "if I double the number/size of inputs to my algorithm, does my processing time double (O(n)), quadruple (O(n^2)), etc...". Thinking about it that way makes it a little bit less abstract - at least to me...


Difficulty in comprehending asymptotic notation

As far as I know and research,
Big - Oh notation describes the worst case of an algorithm time complexity.
Big - Omega notation describes the best case of an algorithm time complexity.
Big - Theta notation describes the average case of an algorithm time complexity.
However, in recent days, I've seen a discussion in which some guys tell that
O for worst case is a "forgivable" misconception. Θ for best is plain
wrong. Ω for best is also forgivable. But they remain misconceptions.
The big-O notation can represent any complexity. In fact it can
describe the asymptotic behavior of any function.
I remember as well I learnt the former one in my university course. I'm still a student and if I know them wrongly, please could you explain me?
Bachmann-Landau notation has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with computational complexity of algorithms. This should already be very obvious by the fact that the idea of a computing machine that computes an algorithm didn't really exist in 1894, when Bachmann and Landau invented this notation.
Bachmann-Landau notation describes the growth rates of functions by grouping them together in sets of functions that grow at roughly the same rate. Bachmann-Landau notation does not say anything about what those functions mean. They are just functions. In fact, they don't have to mean anything at all.
All that they mean, is this:
f ∈ ο(g): f grows slower than g
f ∈ Ο(g): f does not grow significantly faster than g
f ∈ Θ(g): f grows as fast as g
f ∈ Ω(g): f does not grow significantly slower than g
f ∈ ω(g): f grows faster than g
It does not say anything about what f or g are, or what they mean.
Note that there are actually two conflicting, incompatible definitions of Ω; The one given here is the one that is more useful for computational complexity theory. Also note that these are only very broad intuitions, when in doubt, you should look at the definitions.
If you want, you can use Bachmann-Landau notation to describe the growth rate of a population of rabbits as a function of time, or the growth rate of a human's belly as a function of beers.
Or, you can use it to describe the best-case step complexity, worst-case step complexity, average-case step complexity, expected-case step complexity, amortized step complexity, best-case time complexity, worst-case time complexity, average-case time complexity, expected-case time complexity, amortized time complexity, best-case space complexity, worst-case space complexity, average-case space complexity, expected-case space complexity, or amortized space complexity of an algorithm.
These assertions are at best inaccurate and at worst wrong. Here is the truth.
The running time of an algorithm is not a function of N (as it also depends on the particular data set), so you cannot discuss its asymptotic complexity directly. All you can say is that it lies between the best and worst cases.
The worst case, best case and average case running times are functions of N, though the average case depends on the probabilistic distribution of the data, so is not uniquely defined.
Then the asymptotic notation is such that
O(f(N)) denotes an upper bound, which can be tight or not;
Ω(f(N)) denotes a lower bound, which can be tight or not;
Θ(f(N)) denotes a bilateral bound, i.e. the conjunction of O(f(N)) and Ω(f(N)); it is perforce tight.
All of the worst-case, best-case and average-case complexities have a Θ bound, as they are functions; in practice this bound can be too difficult to establish and we content ourselves with looser O or Ω bounds instead.
It is absolutely not true that the Θ bound is reserved for the average case.
The worst-case of quicksort is Θ(N²) and its best and average cases are Θ(N Log N). So by language abuse, the running time of quicksort is O(N²) and Ω(N Log N).
The worst-case, best-case and average cases of insertion sort are all three Θ(N²).
Any algorithm that needs to look at all input is best-case, average-case and worst-case Ω(N) (and without more information we can't tell any upper bound).
Matrix multiplication is known to be doable in time O(N³). But we still don't know precisely the Θ bound of this operation, which is N² times a slowly growing function. Thus Ω(N²) is an obvious but not tight lower bound. (Worst, best and average cases have the same complexity.)
There is some confusion stemming from the fact that the best/average/worst cases take well-defined durations, while tthe general case lies in a range (it is in fact a random variable). And in addition, algorithm analysis is often tedious, if not intractable, and we use simplifications that can lead to loose bounds.

Why big-Oh is not always a worst case analysis of an algorithm?

I am trying to learn analysis of algorithms and I am stuck with relation between asymptotic notation(big O...) and cases(best, worst and average).
I learn that the Big O notation defines an upper bound of an algorithm, i.e. it defines function can not grow more than its upper bound.
At first it sound to me as it calculates the worst case.
I google about(why worst case is not big O?) and got ample of answers which were not so simple to understand for beginner.
I concluded it as follows:
Big O is not always used to represent worst case analysis of algorithm because, suppose a algorithm which takes O(n) execution steps for best, average and worst input then it's best, average and worst case can be expressed as O(n).
Please tell me if I am correct or I am missing something as I don't have anyone to validate my understanding.
Please suggest a better example to understand why Big O is not always worst case.
First let us see what Big O formally means:
In computer science, big O notation is used to classify algorithms
according to how their running time or space requirements grow as the
input size grows.
This means that, Big O notation characterizes functions according to their growth rates: different functions with the same growth rate may be represented using the same O notation. Here, O means order of the function, and it only provides an upper bound on the growth rate of the function.
Now let us look at the rules of Big O:
If f(x) is a sum of several terms, if there is one with largest
growth rate, it can be kept, and all others omitted
If f(x) is a product of several factors, any constants (terms in the
product that do not depend on x) can be omitted.
f(x) = 6x^4 − 2x^3 + 5
Using the 1st rule we can write it as, f(x) = 6x^4
Using the 2nd rule it will give us, O(x^4)
What is Worst Case?
Worst case analysis gives the maximum number of basic operations that
have to be performed during execution of the algorithm. It assumes
that the input is in the worst possible state and maximum work has to
be done to put things right.
For example, for a sorting algorithm which aims to sort an array in ascending order, the worst case occurs when the input array is in descending order. In this case maximum number of basic operations (comparisons and assignments) have to be done to set the array in ascending order.
It depends on a lot of things like:
CPU (time) usage
memory usage
disk usage
network usage
What's the difference?
Big-O is often used to make statements about functions that measure the worst case behavior of an algorithm, but big-O notation doesn’t imply anything of the sort.
The important point here is we're talking in terms of growth, not number of operations. However, with algorithms we do talk about the number of operations relative to the input size.
Big-O is used for making statements about functions. The functions can measure time or space or cache misses or rabbits on an island or anything or nothing. Big-O notation doesn’t care.
In fact, when used for algorithms, big-O is almost never about time. It is about primitive operations.
When someone says that the time complexity of MergeSort is O(nlogn), they usually mean that the number of comparisons that MergeSort makes is O(nlogn). That in itself doesn’t tell us what the time complexity of any particular MergeSort might be because that would depend how much time it takes to make a comparison. In other words, the O(nlogn) refers to comparisons as the primitive operation.
The important point here is that when big-O is applied to algorithms, there is always an underlying model of computation. The claim that the time complexity of MergeSort is O(nlogn), is implicitly referencing an model of computation where a comparison takes constant time and everything else is free.
Example -
If we are sorting strings that are kk bytes long, we might take “read a byte” as a primitive operation that takes constant time with everything else being free.
In this model, MergeSort makes O(nlogn) string comparisons each of which makes O(k) byte comparisons, so the time complexity is O(k⋅nlogn). One common implementation of RadixSort will make k passes over the n strings with each pass reading one byte, and so has time complexity O(nk).
The two are not the same thing.  Worst-case analysis as other have said is identifying instances for which the algorithm takes the longest to complete (i.e., takes the most number of steps), then formulating a growth function using this.  One can analyze the worst-case time complexity using Big-Oh, or even other variants such as Big-Omega and Big-Theta (in fact, Big-Theta is usually what you want, though often Big-Oh is used for ease of comprehension by those not as much into theory).  One important detail and why worst-case analysis is useful is that the algorithm will run no slower than it does in the worst case.  Worst-case analysis is a method of analysis we use in analyzing algorithms.
Big-Oh itself is an asymptotic measure of a growth function; this can be totally independent as people can use Big-Oh to not even measure an algorithm's time complexity; its origins stem from Number Theory.  You are correct to say it is the asymptotic upper bound of a growth function; but the manner you prescribe and construct the growth function comes from your analysis.  The Big-Oh of a growth function itself means little to nothing without context as it only says something about the function you are analyzing.  Keep in mind there can be infinitely many algorithms that could be constructed that share the same time complexity (by the definition of Big-Oh, Big-Oh is a set of growth functions).
In short, worst-case analysis is how you build your growth function, Big-Oh notation is one method of analyzing said growth function.  Then, we can compare that result against other worst-case time complexities of competing algorithms for a given problem.  Worst-case analysis if done correctly yields the worst-case running time if done exactly (you can cut a lot of corners and still get the correct asymptotics if you use a barometer), and using this growth function yields the worst-case time complexity of the algorithm.  Big-Oh alone doesn't guarantee the worst-case time complexity as you had to make the growth function itself.  For instance, I could utilize Big-Oh notation for any other kind of analysis (e.g., best case, average case).  It really depends on what you're trying to capture.  For instance, Big-Omega is great for lower bounds.
Imagine a hypothetical algorithm that in best case only needs to do 1 step, in the worst case needs to do n2 steps, but in average (expected) case, only needs to do n steps. With n being the input size.
For each of these 3 cases you could calculate a function that describes the time complexity of this algorithm.
1 Best case has O(1) because the function f(x)=1 is really the highest we can go, but also the lowest we can go in this case, omega(1). Since Omega is equal to O (the upper bound and lower bound), we state that this function, in the best case, behaves like theta(1).
2 We could do the same analysis for the worst case and figure out that O(n2 ) = omega(n2 ) =theta(n2 ).
3 Same counts for the average case but with theta( n ).
So in theory you could determine 3 cases of an algorithm and for those 3 cases calculate the lower/upper/thight bounds. I hope this clears things up a bit.
Big O notation shows how an algorithm grows with respect to input size. It says nothing of which algorithm is faster because it doesn't account for constant set up time (which can dominate if you have small input sizes). So when you say
which takes O(n) execution steps
this almost doesn't mean anything. Big O doesn't say how many execution steps there are. There are C + O(n) steps (where C is a constant) and this algorithm grows at rate n depending on input size.
Big O can be used for best, worst, or average cases. Let's take sorting as an example. Bubble sort is a naive O(n^2) sorting algorithm, but when the list is sorted it takes O(n). Quicksort is often used for sorting (the GNU standard C library uses it with some modifications). It preforms at O(n log n), however this is only true if the pivot chosen splits the array in to two equal sized pieces (on average). In the worst case we get an empty array one side of the pivot and Quicksort performs at O(n^2).
As Big O shows how an algorithm grows with respect to size, you can look at any aspect of an algorithm. Its best case, average case, worst case in both time and/or memory usage. And it tells you how these grow when the input size grows - but it doesn't say which is faster.
If you deal with small sizes then Big O won't matter - but an analysis can tell you how things will go when your input sizes increase.
One example of where the worst case might not be the asymptotic limit: suppose you have an algorithm that works on the set difference between some set and the input. It might run in O(N) time, but get faster as the input gets larger and knocks more values out of the working set.
Or, to get more abstract, f(x) = 1/x for x > 0 is a decreasing O(1) function.
I'll focus on time as a fairly common item of interest, but Big-O can also be used to evaluate resource requirements such as memory. It's essential for you to realize that Big-O tells how the runtime or resource requirements of a problem scale (asymptotically) as the problem size increases. It does not give you a prediction of the actual time required. Predicting the actual runtimes would require us to know the constants and lower order terms in the prediction formula, which are dependent on the hardware, operating system, language, compiler, etc. Using Big-O allows us to discuss algorithm behaviors while sidestepping all of those dependencies.
Let's talk about how to interpret Big-O scalability using a few examples. If a problem is O(1), it takes the same amount of time regardless of the problem size. That may be a nanosecond or a thousand seconds, but in the limit doubling or tripling the size of the problem does not change the time. If a problem is O(n), then doubling or tripling the problem size will (asymptotically) double or triple the amounts of time required, respectively. If a problem is O(n^2), then doubling or tripling the problem size will (asymptotically) take 4 or 9 times as long, respectively. And so on...
Lots of algorithms have different performance for their best, average, or worst cases. Sorting provides some fairly straightforward examples of how best, average, and worst case analyses may differ.
I'll assume that you know how insertion sort works. In the worst case, the list could be reverse ordered, in which case each pass has to move the value currently being considered as far to the left as possible, for all items. That yields O(n^2) behavior. Doubling the list size will take four times as long. More likely, the list of inputs is in randomized order. In that case, on average each item has to move half the distance towards the front of the list. That's less than in the worst case, but only by a constant. It's still O(n^2), so sorting a randomized list that's twice as large as our first randomized list will quadruple the amount of time required, on average. It will be faster than the worst case (due to the constants involved), but it scales in the same way. The best case, however, is when the list is already sorted. In that case, you check each item to see if it needs to be slid towards the front, and immediately find the answer is "no," so after checking each of the n values you're done in O(n) time. Consequently, using insertion sort for an already ordered list that is twice the size only takes twice as long rather than four times as long.
You are right, in that you can say certainly say that an algorithm runs in O(f(n)) time in the best or average case. We do that all the time for, say, quicksort, which is O(N log N) on average, but only O(N^2) worst case.
Unless otherwise specified, however, when you say that an algorithm runs in O(f(n)) time, you are saying the algorithm runs in O(f(n)) time in the worst case. At least that's the way it should be. Sometimes people get sloppy, and you will often hear that a hash table is O(1) when in the worst case it is actually worse.
The other way in which a big O definition can fail to characterize the worst case is that it's an upper bound only. Any function in O(N) is also in O(N^2) and O(2^N), so we would be entirely correct to say that quicksort takes O(2^N) time. We just don't say that because it isn't useful to do so.
Big Theta and Big Omega are there to specify lower bounds and tight bounds respectively.
There are two "different" and most important tools:
the best, worst, and average-case complexity are for generating numerical function over the size of possible problem instances (e.g. f(x) = 2x^2 + 8x - 4) but it is very difficult to work precisely with these functions
big O notation extract the main point; "how efficient the algorithm is", it ignore a lot of non important things like constants and ... and give you a big picture

What is difference between different asymptotic notations?

I am really very confused in asymptotic notations. As far as I know, Big-O notation is for worst cast, omega is for best case and theta is for average case. However, I have always seen Big O being used everywhere, even for best case. For e.g. in the following link, see the table where time complexities of different sorting algorithms are mentioned-,_worst_and_average_case
Everywhere in the table, big O notation is used irrespective of whether it is best case, worst case or average case. Then what is the use of other two notations and where do we use it?
As far as I know, Big-O notation is for worst cast, omega is for best case and theta is for average case.
They aren't. Omicron is for (asymptotic) upper bound, omega is for lower bound and theta is for tight bound, which is both an upper and a lower bound. If the lower and upper bound of an algorithm are different, then the complexity cannot be expressed with theta notation.
The concept of upper,lower,tight bound are orthogonal to the concept of best,average,worst case. You can analyze the upper bound of each case, and you can analyze different bounds of the worst case (and also any other combination of the above).
Asymptotic bounds are always in relation to the set of variables in the expression. For example, O(n) is in relation to n. The best, average and worst cases emerge from everything else but n. For example, if n is the number of elements, then the different cases might emerge from the order of the elements, or the number of unique elements, or the distribution of values.
However, I have always seen Big O being used everywhere, even for best case.
That's because the upper bound is almost always the one that is the most important and interesting when describing an algorithm. We rarely care about the lower bound. Just like we rarely care about the best case.
The lower bound is sometimes useful in describing a problem that has been proven to have a particular complexity. For example, it is proven that worst case complexity of all general comparison sorting algorithms is Ω(n log n). If the sorting algorithm is also O(n log n), then by definition, it is also Θ(n log n).
Big O is for upper bound, not for worst case! There is no notation specifically for worst case/best case. The examples you are talking about all have Big O because they are all upper bounded by the given value. I suggest you take another look at the book from which you learned the basics because this is immensely important to understand :)
EDIT: Answering your doubt- because usually, we are bothered with our at-most performance i.e. when we say, our algorithm performs in O(logn) in the best case-scenario, we know that its performance will not be worse than logarithmic time in the given scenario. It is the upper bound that we seek to reduce usually and hence we usually mention big O to compare algorithms. (not to say that we never mention the other two)
O(...) basically means "not (much) slower than ...".
It can be used for all three cases ("the worst case is not slower than", "the best case is not slower than", and so on).
Omega is the oppsite: You can say, something can't be much faster than ... . Again, it can be used with all three cases. Compared to O(...), it's not that important, because telling someone "I'm certain my program is not faster than yours" is nothing to be proud of.
Theta is a combination: It's "(more or less) as fast as" ..., not just slower/faster.
The Big-O notation is somethin like this >= in terms of asymptotic equality.
For example if you see this :
x = O(x^2) it does say x <= x^2 (in asymptotic terms).
And it does mean "x is at most as complex as x^2", which is something that you are usually interesting it.
Even when you compare Best/Average case, you can say "At best possible input, I will have AT MOST this complexity".
There are two things mixed up: Big O, Omega, Theta, are purely mathematical constructions. For example, O (f (N)) is the set of functions which are less than c * f (n), for some c > 0, and for all n >= some minimum value N0. With that definition, n = O (f (n^4)), because n ≤ n^4. 100 = O (f (n)), because 100 <= n for n ≥ 100, or 100 <= 100 * n for n ≥ 1.
For an algorithm, you want to give worst case speed, average case speed, rarely the best case speed, sometimes amortised average speed (that's when running an algorithm once does work that can be used when it's run again. Like calculating n! for n = 1, 2, 3, ... where each calculation can take advantage of the previous one). And whatever speed you measure, you can give a result in one of the notations.
For example, you might have an algorithm where you can prove that the worst case is O (n^2), but you cannot prove whether there are faster special cases or not, and you also cannot prove that the algorithm isn't actually faster, like O (n^1.9). So O (n^2) is the only thing that you can prove.

Understanding Big-Ω (Big-Omega) notation

I was doing some reading on logarithms and the rate of growth of the running time of algorithms.
I have, however, a problem understanding the Big-Ω (Big-Omega) notation.
I know that we use it for 'asymptotic lower bounds', and that we can express the idea that an algorithm takes at least a certain amount of time.
Consider this example:
var a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
Somebody chooses a number. I write a program that tries to guess this number using a linear search (1, 2, 3, 4... until it guesses the number).
I can say that the running time of the algorithm would be a function of the size of its input, so these are true (n is the number of elements in an array):
Θ(n) (Big-Theta notation - asymptotically tight bound )
O(n) (Big-O notation - upper bounds)
When it comes to Big-Ω, in my understanding, the algorithm's running time would be Ω(1) since it is the least amount of guesses needed to find the chosen number (if, for example, a player chose 1 (the first item in the array)).
I reckon this bacause this is the defintion I found on KhanAcademy:
Sometimes, we want to say that an algorithm takes at least a certain
amount of time, without providing an upper bound. We use big-Ω
notation; that's the Greek letter "omega."
Am I right to say that this algorithm's running time is Ω(1)? Is it also true that it is Ω(n), if yes - why ?
Big O,Theta or Omega notation all refer to how a solution scales asymptotically as the size of the problem tends to infinity, however, they should really be prefaced with what you are measuring.
Usually when one talks about big O(n) one usually means that the worst case complexity is O(n), however, one does sometimes see it used for typical running times, particularly for heuristics or algorithms which have an element of randomness or are not strictly guaranteed to converge at all.
So here, we are presumably talking about the worst case complexity, which is Theta(n), since it is Theta(n), its also O(n) and Omega(n).
One way to prove a lower bound when its unknown is to say that X is the easiest case for this algorithm, here the best case is O(1), so therefore we can say that the algorithm takes at lease Omega(1) and at most O(n), and Theta is unknown, and that is correct usage, but the aim is to get the highest possible bound for Omega which is still true, and the lowest possible bound for O(n) which is still true. Here Omega(n) is obvious, so its better to say Omega(n) than Omega(1), just as its better to say O(n) rather than O(n^2).

Different upper bounds and lower bounds of same algorithm

So I just started learning about Asymptotic bounds for an algorithm
What can we say about theta of a function if for the algorithm we find different lower and upper bounds?? (say omega(n) and O(n^2)). Or rather what can we say about tightness of such an algorithm?
The book which I read says Theta is for same upper and lower bounds of the function.
What about in this case?
I don't think you can say anything, in that case.
The definition of Θ(f(n)) is:
A function is Θ(f(n)) if and only if it is Ω(f(n)) and O(f(n)).
For some pathological function that exhibits those behaviors, such as oscillating between n and n^2, it wouldn't be defined.
f(x) = n if n is odd
n^2 if n is even
Your bounds Ω(n) and O(n^2) would be tight on this, but Θ(f(n)) is not defined for any function.
See also: What is the difference between Θ(n) and O(n)?
Just for a bit of practicality, one algorithm that is not in Θ(f(n)) for any f(n) would be insertion sort. It runs in Ω(n) since for a list that is already sorted, you only need one operation for the insert in every step, but it runs in O(n^2) in the general case. Constructing functions that oscillate or are non-continuous otherwise usually is done more for didactic purposes, but in my experience such functions rarely, if ever, appear with actual algorithms.
Regarding tightness, I only ever heard that in this context with reference to the upper and lower bounds proposed for algorithms. Again regarding the example of insertion sort, the given bounds are tight in the sense that there are instances of the problem that actually can be done in time linear in their size (the lower bound) and other instances of the problem that will not execute in time less than quadratic in their size. Bounds that are valid, but not tight for insertion sort would be Ω(1) since you can't sort lists of arbitrary size in constant time, and O(n^3) because you can always sort a list of n elements in strictly O(n^2) time, which is an order of magnitude less, so you can certainly do it in O(n^3). What bounds are for is to give us a crude idea of what we can expect as performance of our algorithms so we get an idea of how efficient our solutions are; tight bounds are the most desirable, since they both give us that crude idea and that idea is optimal in the sense that there are extreme cases (which sometimes are also the general case) where we actually need all the complexity the bound allows.
The average case complexity is not a bound; it "only" describes how efficient an algorithm is "in most cases"; take for example quick sort which has a best-case complexity of Ω(n), a worst case complexity of O(n^2) and an average case complexity of O(n log n). This tells us that for almost all cases, quick sort is as fast as sorting gets in general (i.e. the average case complexity), while there are instances of the problem that it solves faster than that (best case complexity -> lower bound) and also instances of the problem that take quick sort longer to solve than that (worst case complexity -> upper bound).
