I used the solution in this post Window width and center calculation of Dicom Image to transform the raw pixel, it works good most of the images, but i faced problem with some images. That images having pixel value "24", rescale slope "1.0" and rescale intercept "-1024".
When i applied the solution mentioned above am get the new pixel value in negative(-1000).
I can't find the value for this new pixel value in Lookup table created by using window level and window width because look up table having only positive values (0 to 65536). Please help me solve this problem.
You are probably dealing with CT images. RescaleIntercept tag for CTs usually set to -1024. Negative -1000 value you obtain makes perfect sense, it corresponds to air in Hounsfield units (as Anders said). Now if you want to visualize the image, you have to apply a transfer function that will map HU scale to RGB for instance.
I am using Kinect2 with Matlab; however, the depth images shown in the video stream are much brighter than when I saved it in Matlab?
do you know the solution for this problem
Firstly, you should provide the code that you are using at the moment so we can see where you are going wrong.. this is a generic advice for posting on any forum; to provide with all your information, so others can help.
If you use the histogram to check your depth values, you will see that the image is a uint8 image with values from 0 to 255. And since the depth distances are scaled to grayscale value, the values are scaled to new values and using imshow, will not provide enough contrast.
An easy workaround for displaying images is to use any type of
histogram equalization such as
C= adapthisteq(A, 'clipLimit',0.02,'Distribution','rayleigh');
The image will be contrast adjusted for display.
I used mat2gray and it solved the problem.
I have a color image and I want to assign the every pixel with only gray value (In the HSV system) into another Matrix to create a gray image.
So I create a Matrix by V.create(image.rows,image.cols,CV_8UC1), then I have a gray image. But I thought what will happen when I replace that with V.create(image.rows,image.cols,CV_8UC3). I thought it will be the same because I assign value into the third Channel only, although it is 8UC3. But What I got is a gray image whose size is full height but with only 1/3 width. 2/3 left are all blank. I am curious about why?
You can investigate how matrixes and images are stored inside the memory in this documentation page. It explains pretty well how pixels are stored under the hood and how they can be read.
I have an image (logical values), like this
I need to get this image resampled from pixel to mm or cm; this is the code I use to get the resampling:
function [ Ires ] = imresample3( I, pixDim )
What I get is a black image. I suspect that this code does something that is not what I have in mind: it seems to take only the upper-left part of the image.
What I want is, instead, to have the same image on a mm/cm scale: what I expect is that every white pixel should be mapped from the original position to the new position (in mm/cm); what happen is certainly not what I expect.
I'm not sure that interp2 is the right command to use.
I don't want to resize the image, I just want to go from pixel world to mm/cm world.
pixDim is of course the dimension of the image pixel, obtained dividing the height of the ear in cm by the height of the ear in mm (and it is on average 0.019 cm).
Any ideas?
EDIT: I was quite sure that the code had no sense, but someone told me to do that way...anyway, if I have two edged ears, I need first to scale both the the real dimension and then perform some operations on them. What I mean with "real dimension" is that if one has size 6.5x3.5cm and the other has size 6x3.2cm, I need to perform operations on this dimensions.
I don't get how can I move from the pixel dimension to cm dimension BEFORE doing operation.
I want to move from one world to the other because I want to get rid of the capturing distance (because I suppose that if a picture of the ear is taken near and the other is taken far, they should have different size in pixel dimension).
Am I correct? There is a way to do it? I thought I can plot the ear scaling the axis, but then I suppose I cannot subtract one from the other, right?
Matlab does not use units. To apply your factor of 0.019cm/pixel you have to scale by a factor of 0.019 to have a 1cm grid, but this would cause any artefact below a size of 1cm to be lost.
Best practice is to display the data using multiple axis, one for cm and one for pixels. It's explained here: http://www.mathworks.de/de/help/matlab/creating_plots/using-multiple-x-and-y-axes.html
Any function processing the data should be independent of the scale or use the scale factor as an input argument, everything else is a sign of some serious algorithmic issues.
I have a grid of wells in an image and I'm trying to analyze this in Matlab. I want to create a box around each well to use as a mask. The way I am trying to go about this is to find the offset vectors from the X and Y normal and then use that to make a grid since I know the size of the wells.
I can mask out some of the wells but not all of them---but this doesn't matter since I know that there is a well in every position (see here). I can use regionprops to get the centers but I can't figure out how to move to the next step.
Here is an image with the centers I can extract
Some people have suggested that I do an FFT of the image but I can't get it to work. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Edit: Here is the mask with the centers from the centroid feature of regionprops.
here's a quick and dirty 2 cents:
First blur and invert the image so that the well lines will have high intensity values vs the rest, and further analysis will be less sensitive to noise:
Then, take a local threshold using the average intensity around a neighborhood of (more or less) a well size (~200 pixels)
Fill holes (or wells):
[bw2,locations] = imfill(bw,'holes');
Remove objects smaller than some size:
bw3 = bwareaopen(bw2, 2000, 8);
You can take it from there...
I'm trying to reconstruct RGB from RAW Bayer data from a Canon DSLR but am having no luck. I've taken a peek at the dcraw.c source, but its lack of comments makes it a bit tough to get through. Anyway, I have debayering working but I need to then take this debayered data and get something that looks correct. My current code does something like this, in order:
Apply white balance multipliers (I'm using the following ones: 1.0, 2.045, 1.350. These work perfectly in Adobe Camera Raw as 5500K, 0 Tint.)
Multiply the result by the inverse of the camera's color matrix
Multiply the result by an XYZ to sRGB matrix fromm Bruce Lindbloom's site (the D50 sRGB one)
Set white/black point, I am using an input levels control for this
Adjust gamma
Some of what I've read says to apply the white balance and black point correction before the debayer. I've tried, but it's still broken.
Do these steps look correct? I'm trying to determine if the problem is 1.) my sequence of operations, or 2.) the actual math being used.
The first step should be setting black and saturation point because you need to apply white balance looking after saturated pixels in order to avoid magenta highlights:
And before demosaicing, apply white balacing. See here (http://www.guillermoluijk.com/tutorial/dcraw/index_en.htm) how applying white balance before demosaicing introduce artifacts.
After the first step (debayer) you should have a proper RGB image with right colors. Remaining steps are just cosmetics. So I'm guessing there's something wrong at step one.
One problem could be the Bayer pattern you're using to generate RGB image is different from the CFA pattern of the camera. Match sensor alignment in your code to that of the camera!