Microsoft.Expression.Encoder.AdaptiveStreaming namespace - telerik

I'm new to telerik product. Right now i'm developing a media player.
I want to add a namespace called "Microsoft.Expression.Encoder.AdaptiveStreaming".
I took the guidance for developing the media player from telerik site. (
In that also that namespace is used but I don't know where to find that on telerik.
For your reference i have added a screen-shot.
Please help me to solve this issue.

I think, some dll need to be added
or need to add library file throught LibraryPacketManager. Checkout


Clone AdsManager Component in Joomla

I have installed in my joomla website a component: "Adsmanager"; which is a component to show classified Ads.
Now I want to add to my website a new category with Classified Ads as well but I need different fields and different configuration so I can not use the same component ( I emailed the CEO of the component and he told me I needed to create a copy AdsManager2 )
Well, I've been trying by renaming the files and I was able to install an Adsmanager2 but it didn't work.
What files would I need to rename?? Have anyone done this before?? Do you think there could be a better solution for my issue??
Thanks in advance.

Has anybody used MVCWizard.Wizard with MVC3?

I'm looking to do a multistep webpage with around 5 steps, at least one of which will require a partial view with a grid and filtering.
I've downloaded the MVCWizard from NuGet, and set up my views, however I can find no example code for the controller.
Has anyone used this control? Do you have a sample controller I could see?
Alternatively, is there another wizard control which would do this?
Many Thanks
Sorry. maybe too late for the answers, but I found it now!!! It can help anyone too, so in the nuget page of MVCWizard you can find the example.
Nuget MVCWizard example

Use Media Manager as filepicker in component

I'm developing a component in Joomla 1.6, is a Document Manager and I have all the funcionality, but now I want to include the Media Manager as File Picker.
In Joomla 1.6 Media Manager is prepared to be use like a Image Picker (as we can see in the Article Manager where you can select a Image for the content), but I want to know if it's possible to reproduce the same action with all filetypes without modifying the Media Component.
I know how to use the media manager as Image Picker in my component. In fact I answered to this question.
use joomla com_media image selection in my custom component
Can someone help me? :)
Ok, after the study of the component i got the fact that is not an easy question.
How can we use another filetypes?
on line 116 exists a switch which works as a filter
If we want to add a new functionality (with a button)...
Where can we add the button?
Where can we add the javascript functionality?
Doing that we have some problems
1) we need to hardcode in every joomla.
2) I'm not sure, but the changes might be delete after a Joomla Updated.
Another chance is make a fork of the media component with theses changes ready to install.
Thanks to the tumbleweed badget to encourage me to write the response.

mvc html.serialize to store model in view

Can anyone tell me what happened to the Html.Serialize function mentioned in the url below.
It's not recognized when I try and use it in a MVC2 web app within Visual Studio 2010.
EDIT - I'm using visual studio 2010 which comes with mvc2 'built in' when i try and use Html.serialize on a view or partial view it's not appearing in intellisense. Am i missing a reference or something?
It hasn't gone anywhere. It is right there, wherever you are able to use the html extensions. Eg, Views, PartialViews.
For example:
<%= Html.Serialize("wizardData", Model)%>
Are you trying to use it in a controller? To use it as shown in the article you quote, you need to use it in a view.
You see, we really don't know because you haven't given us any detail to work with. Show us some code, and we will move your earth. Well, try to anyway.
I see you are new, so when asking questions, try to give as much detail as possible. You can edit your post, just mark out what you have done. The more context we get, the more we can help.
I found out why! I was having similar problems too.
You need to download ASP.NET 2 Futures and use the DLLs provided there instead of the usual Mvc DLL.
It is implemented in SerializationExtensions class.
It's in the MVCFutures assembly and not part of the out the box MVC framework. You will need to add the package via nuget or manual download and then add a using/imports statement to Microsoft.Web.Mvc before you can use it in your view.

Feedly is based on what ajax framework? is kind of cool. Can you guys give me some clues about it is developed based on what ajax framework?
If you ask about the Firefox plugin its based on their own framework, you can download the freedly.xpi, change its extension to .zip and open it to see what is inside.
