Lotus script dblook up - lotus

i use this code to my combo box #Unique(#DbColumn("":"nocache";#DbName;"view";2)) to call the value in a view, now my question is this, if the value of the combo box is human in another combo box will show all the name of the human listed in the other view.

I think I understand your question, although it's still some confusing.
Following your explanation in the comments, you need a categorized view:
>Value 1
>Value 2
The view could be called "view_by_value_x"
In the first combobox with a name like "field_combo_1", you should write this code in the Properties window, Options by formula
#DbColumn("":"nocache"; ""; "view_by_value_x"; 1)
In the second combobox, you should write this in the same place
#DbLookup("":"nocache"; ""; "view_by_value_x"; field_combo_1; 2)
Don't forget to enable, in the first combobox, the option "Refresh fields on keyword change", and in the second combobox, the option "Refresh choices on document refresh"
I hope this helps you.


Gravity Forms - Dynamically populate drop down with user entered information

I am trying to set up a drop down in Gravity Forms based on information the user entered . For example, I have three "Single Line Text Fields", once the user gets to another part of the form, I want the user to select one of the choices they entered on these three "Single Line Text Fields". To give you a better visual, say they entered Lemon for Text field 1, Orange for Text field 2 and Apple for Text field 3, how do I make it appear on a Drop Down later on in the form they are filling (same page)? I know that I have to enter a Parameter for each of the Single Line Text Fields, but what code do I use for this? I am bit confused about some of the code they provided. If anyone could let me know or point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate!!!!
Gravity Forms Populate Anything's live merge tags can handle this. Here's what it would look like:
Happy to answer any questions!

Implementing "more" functionality in formflow

Scenario, I have a field with 20+ possible values where the user needs to select 1, if I render all 20+ the screen scrolls up degrading the user experience.
Ideally, I would like to present 10 items at a time and an extra button so the user can select "more" or "next"/"prev", does anyone have a reference implementation on how this can be done in formflow?
(I guess it involves some validation and reprompt logic where I update the underlying values for the selection but I'm not sure how to go about it)
I have not tried this specific scenario, but I can think of two ways to do it.
You could split your field into two fields, i.e. one which has an
enumeration of the first 10 and a "more" choice and then a second
field with the next 10. The second field would be conditional on
the first field having a "more" value. This is the simplest method.
The second way would be to make use of PromptAsyncDelegate and ValidateAsyncDelegate. The PromptAsyncDelegate would split up long lists of results to add a "More" button. You would write a ValidateAsyncDelegate which on "more" would return a ValidateResult that says the value is not valid and which has a FeedbackCard in it with the second batch of buttons. You could either build it in the code or you some private state to pass the extra buttons.
Please let us know which approach works best for you.

MS Access trying to link a record with a page tab

I've been searching for a few days and doing every word combination I can think of to try to find the answer to my issue. I'm hoping someone can help me.
Before I begin I'd also like to say I'm very new to Access and admittedly not great with it. I'm still learning so this could be a very easy fix or I may have messed up beyond belief.
The issue I'm having is I've setup several page tab on a form and entered all the information for my records. However I cannot get the page tabs to pull up the corresponding records. Instead I have to either search through the records which doesn't always work or I have to arrow to the right record after selecting the tab I want. I'd like it so that when I click the tab it brings up the proper record automatically. If someone can point out where I'm going wrong and how to fix it I would greatly appreciate it. See below for some pics of what I mean.
As you can see in the first image. The tab name "Auto PLUS" doesn't bring up the proper record. instead I have to manually change the record using the arrows at the bottom of the form (see the arrow at the bottom of the image) in order to change the record. I need the record and the tab to match. Any help would be so greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help!!
Assuming your form is bound (if in design mode your fields do NOT say "Unbound" then your form is bound), you simply need to add some VBA code to each tab's OnClick event.
Enter design mode and select the first tab "Claims Other". Open the properties pane, click the event tab, and click the ellipsis at the end of the OnClick line. When prompted, select "Code Builder" and it should launch the Visual Basic Editor.
It will put your cursor automatically in the correct position. Copy/Paste:
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, Form1, acGoTo, 1
The 1 should correspond to "Claims Other's" proper record in your table. Use the row number, not the ID number to determine what it should be.
Go back to Form View and click on the "Claims Other's" tab. The data should show the corresponding record in your table.
Repeat the steps of adding events to each tab, finding the relevant record in your table, and replacing the 1 from the above code.

Add a textbox against a radio button to BIRT report parameters window

In BIRT, the report parameters window that pops up for user input ,I am taking two radio buttons. For the first radio button ,I am giving 'ALL' to select all office codes.
For the second radio button , I want to add a text box where the user can give one particular office code as input.
I would like to know how to add a text box against a radio button.
Thank you in advance.
I believe it is possible to do as you ask, but it would require creating a custom parameter. This is an easier solution for what I imagine is what you are trying to do.
The easier solution use a single text box in your parameter, set the default value to "All" and SQL code in your query similar to this.
('All' = ?
With this code if a specific value is given it returns results for that one parameter. If the Value is left as All, then it returns all values where CONTCTSM1.ACTIVE = 'f'

How can I create an autocomplete ComboBox in VB6?

Is it possible to use the default ComboBox control under VB6 to make it a smart ComboBox?
We suppose that the values are already populated in the ComboBox. For example:
New Delhi
New World
New York
We need the ComboBox to respond to one of the default events, so when for example the user writes 'N' the value in the ComboBox will be the first Value starting by 'N'. In our case it's New Delhi and then the user can continue typing till they write the exact word or he writes something different.
This technique is very used in web Application (for example in Google when you put the first word you will get a droped down list containing the suggestions).
But how to do that in VB6 :-(
In case its not possible, how can we keep the ComboBox droped down, the values changes when the text in the comboBox change and the first element in the ComboBox correspond to the first word starting by the value entered by the user?
Thanks a lot.
Actually I found an easy solution :) thanks to FreeVbCode uder Forms&Contorls Tab. There is a control named AutoControl. We can use it easly for our requirement.
You might also want to look at this control from vbAccelerator.com, which supports auto-completion. The vbAccelerator code is usually high quality. Of course you're introducing quite a dependency into your code whenever you use a third-party control.
