Node.JS Response Time - performance

Threw Node.JS on an AWS instance and was testing the request times, got some interesting results.
I used the following for the server:
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
res.write('Hello World');
I have an average 90ms delay to this server, but the total request takes ~350+ms. Obviously a lot of time is wasted on the box. I made sure the DNS was cached prior to the test.
I did an Apache bench on the server with a cocurrency of 1000 - it finished 10,000 requests in 4.3 seconds... which means an average of 4.3 milliseconds.
UPDATE: Just for grins, I installed Apache + PHP on the same machine and did a simple "Hello World" echo and got a 92ms response time on average (two over ping).
Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing?

While Chrome Developer Tools is a good way to investigate front end performance, it gives you very rough estimate of actual server timings / cpu load. If you have ~350 ms total request time in dev tools, subtract from this number DNS lookup + Connecting + Sending + Receiving, then subtract roundtrip time (90 ms?) and after that you have first estimate. In your case I expect actual request time to be sub-millisecond. Try to run this code on server:
var http = require('http');
function hrdiff(t1, t2) {
var s = t2[0] - t1[0];
var mms = t2[1] - t1[1];
return s*1e9 + mms;
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
var t1 = process.hrtime();
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
res.write('Hello World');
var t2 = process.hrtime();
console.log(hrdiff(t1, t2));
Based on ab result you should estimate average send+request+receive time to be at most 4.2 ms ( 4200 ms / 10000 req) (did you run it on server? what concurrency?)

I absolutely hate answering my own questions, but I want to pass along what I have discovered with future readers.
tl;dr: There is something wrong with res.write(). Use express.js or res.end()
I just got through conducting a bunch of tests. I setup multiple types of Node server and mixed in things like PHP and Nginx. Here are my findings.
As stated previously, with the snippet I included above, I was loosing around 250ms/request, but the Apache benchmarks did not replicate that issues. I then proceeded to do a PHP test and got results ranging from 2ms - 20ms over ping... a big difference.
This prompted some more research, I started a Nginx server and proxied the node through it, and somehow, that magically changed the response from 250ms to 15ms over ping. I was on par with that PHP script, but that is a really confusing result. Usually additional hops would slow things down.
Intrigued, I made an express.js server as well - and something even more interesting happened, the ping was 2ms over on its own. I dug around in the source for quite a while and noticed that it lacked a res.write() command, rather, it went straight to the res.end(). I started another server removing the "Hello World" from the res.write and added it to the res.end and amazingly, the ping was 0ms over ping.
I did some searching on this, wanted to see if it was a well-known issue and came across this SO question, who had the exact same problem. nodejs response speed and nginx
Overall, intresting stuff. Make sure you optimize your responses and send it all at once.
Best of luck to everyone!


DISCORD.JS SendPing to Host

I'm developing a bot in Discord.js, and because I use lavalink, I hosted it (lavalink server) on a free host, and to keep it online I need to do some pings constantly, I was wondering if, is there any way to make my bot (which is currently my vps) send a ping every time interval to the "url/host" where my lavalink is. if you have any solution I will be grateful!
You have two ways:
Using Uptimer Robot (fastest way)
Uptimer Robot is an online service that can do HTTP requestes each 5 minutes.
Very simple and fast to use, see more here.
making the request from your bot vps
Installing node-fetch
Type this in yout terminal:
npm i node-fetch
Making the request
Insert this where You want in the bot code.
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const intervalTime = 300000; // Insert here the interval for doing the request in milliseconds, like now 300000 is equal to 5 minutes
const lavalinkURL = 'insert here the lavalink process url';
setInterval(() => {
}, intervalTime)

Locust response time for the first request

I am using Locust and my code looks as below
class RecommenderTasks(TaskSet):
def test_recommender_multiple_platforms(self):
start = round(time.time() * 1000)
self.client.get('recommendations', name='Test')
end = round(time.time() * 1000)
print(end - start)
class RecommenderUser(FastHttpUser):
tasks = [RecommenderTasks]
wait_time = constant(1)
host = ""
When I test with this code, I get the following output times
I am not sure why the very first task time alone is about 300+ ms and the rest are as expected. With this, my overall average time also increases. Could you please help me here?
Locust response times are measured from the time the initial request is sent to the server to the time a response is received. By default Locust reuses socket connections when available but creates new ones if an existing one isn't available. When connecting via HTTPS, there are a number of things that need to be done to set up the connection initially. Generally performance of that connection set up is dependent on things the server is doing. You could look into ways of reducing your connection setup time. How to do that will vary widely depending on your stack but you can find general principles in SO answers like this one:
how to reduce ssl time of website

jmeter vs python requests - different response time

I am running a load testing with Jmeter and python Requests package, but get different result when I try to access the same website.
target website:
request times: 100
avg response time for Jmeter: 1965ms
avg response time for python Requests: 4076ms
I have checked response html content of jmeter and python Requests are the same. So it means they all got the correct response from website. but not sure why it has 2 times difference with each other. Is there anyone know is there any deep reason for that?
the python Requests sample code:
repeat_time = 100
url = ''
base_time =
time_cost = base_time
for i in range(repeat_time):
start_time =
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
end_time =
print str(r.status_code) + ';time cost: %s' % (end_time - start_time)
time_cost += (end_time - start_time)
print 'total time: %s' % (time_cost - base_time)
print 'average time: %s' % ((time_cost - base_time).total_seconds() / repeat_time)
Without your JMeter code, I can't tell you what the difference is, but let me give you an idea of what's happening in that one call to requests:
We create a Session object, plus the urllib3 connection pools we use
We do a DNS look-up for '' which shouldn't be too negatively affecting this request
We open a socket for ''
We send the request
We receive the first byte of the response
We determine if the user wanted to stream the body of the response, if not we read all of it and cache it locally.
Keep in mind that the three most intensive parts (usually) are:
DNS lookup (for various reasons, but as I already said, it shouldn't be a problem here)
Socket creation (this is always an expensive operation)
Reading the entirety of the body and caching it locally.
That said, each response object should have an attribute, elapsed which will give you the time to the first byte of the response body. In other words, it will measure the time between when the request is actually sent and when the end of the headers is found.
That might give you far more accurate information than what you're measuring now, which is the time to the last byte of the message.
That said, keep in mind that what you're doing in that for-loop is also invoking the garbage collector a lot:
Create Session, it's adapters, the adapters connection pools, etc.
Create socket
Discard socket
Discard Session
Goto 1
If you create a session once, your script will perform better in general.

AJAX query weird delay between DNS lookup and initial connection on Chrome but not FF, what is it?

I have an AJAX query on my client that passes two parameters to a server:
var url = window.location.origin + "/instanceStats"
$.getJSON(url, { 'unit' : unit, "stat" : stat }, function(data) {
instanceData[key] = data;
var count = showInstanceStats(targetElement, unit, stat, limiter);
The server itself is a very simple Python Flask application. On that particular URL, it grabs the "unit" and "stat" parameters from the query to determine the name of a CSV file and line within that file, grabs the line, and sends the data back to the client formatted as JSON (roughly 1KB).
Here is the funny thing: When I measure the time it takes for the data to come back, I observe that some queries are fast (between 20 and 40 ms), and some queries are slow (between 320 and 350 ms). Varying the "stat" parameter (i.e. selecting a different line in the CSV) doesn't seem to have any impact. The fast and slow queries usually switch back and forth (i.e. all even queries are fast, all odd ones are slow). The Python server itself reports roughly the same time for each query.
AJAX itself doesn't seem to have any impact either, as I can take the url that is constructed in the JS and paste it into the browser myself and get the same behavior. Here are some measurements from two subsequent queries:
This seems to be Chrome-specific, as I've tried it on Firefox and the same experiment yields roughly the same query time everytime (between 30 and 50 ms). This is unfortunate, as I want to deploy on both Chrome and Firefox.
What's causing this behavior, and how can I fix it?
I've run into this also. It only seems to happen when using localhost. If you use (or even the computer name), it will not have the extra delay.
I'm having it too, and it's exactly the same: my Node.js application serves Ajax requests and no matter which /url I request it's either 30ms or 300ms and it switches back and forth: odd requests are long, even requests are short.
The thing I see in Chrome Web Inspector (aka Chrome DevTools) is that there is a long gap between "DNS lookup" and "Initial Connection".
They say it's OCSP related here:
OCSP is some kind of certificate validation protocol:
Moving from localhost to seems to fix it: response times are 30ms now.

FastRWeb performance on Ubuntu with built-in web server

I have installed FastRWeb 1.1-0 on an installation of R 2.15.2 (Trick or Treat) running on an Ubuntu 10.04 box. I hope to use the resulting system to run a web service.
I've configured the system by setting http.port to 8181 in rserve.conf and unsetting the socket destination. I've assigned .http.request to FastRWeb::.http.request. I exchange JSON blobs between the client and the server using HTTP POST (the second blob can exceed 150KB in size, and will not fit in an HTTP GET query string.)
Everything works end to end -- I have a little client-side R script which generates JSON RPC calls across the channel. I see the run function invoked, and see it returned.
I've run into a significant performance problem, however: the return path takes in excess of 12 seconds from the time run() returns (including the call to done()) and the time that the R client gets the return value. RCurl doesn't seem to be the culprit; it appears that something is taking twelve seconds to do a return.
Does anybody have any suggestions of where to look? I can easily shift over to using Apache 2.0 and CGI, but, honestly, I'd rather keep everything R centric.
Answering my own question.
I wrapped .http.request with an Rprof()/Rprof(NULL) pair and looked at the time spent in each routine. It turns out that the system spends ~11 seconds inside URLDecode in the standard implementation of .run. This looks like a scaling problem in URLDecode in the core.
