DISCORD.JS SendPing to Host - heroku

I'm developing a bot in Discord.js, and because I use lavalink, I hosted it (lavalink server) on a free host, and to keep it online I need to do some pings constantly, I was wondering if, is there any way to make my bot (which is currently my vps) send a ping every time interval to the "url/host" where my lavalink is. if you have any solution I will be grateful!

You have two ways:
Using Uptimer Robot (fastest way)
Uptimer Robot is an online service that can do HTTP requestes each 5 minutes.
Very simple and fast to use, see more here.
making the request from your bot vps
Installing node-fetch
Type this in yout terminal:
npm i node-fetch
Making the request
Insert this where You want in the bot code.
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const intervalTime = 300000; // Insert here the interval for doing the request in milliseconds, like now 300000 is equal to 5 minutes
const lavalinkURL = 'insert here the lavalink process url';
setInterval(() => {
}, intervalTime)


Form Recognizer Heavy Workload

My use case is the following :
Once every day I upload 1000 single page pdf to Azure Storage and process them with Form Recognizer via python azure-form-recognizer latest client.
So far I’m using the Async version of the client and I send the 1000 coroutines concurrently.
tasks = {asyncio.create_task(analyse_async(doc)): doc for doc in documents}
pending = set(tasks)
# Handle retry
while pending:
# backoff in case of 429
# concurrent call return_when all completed
finished, pending = await asyncio.wait(
pending, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED
# check if task has exception and register for new run.
for task in finished:
arg = tasks[task]
if task.exception():
new_task = asyncio.create_task(analyze_async(doc))
tasks[new_task] = doc
Now I’m not really comfortable with this setup. The main reason being the unpredictable successive states of the service in the same iteration. Can be up then throw 429 then up again. So not enough deterministic for me. I was wondering if another approach was possible. Do you think I should rather increase progressively the transactions. Start with 15 (default TPS) then 50 … 100 until the queue is empty ? Or another option ?
We need to enable the CORS and make some changes to that CORS to make it available to access the heavy workload.
Follow the procedure to implement the heavy workload in form recognizer.
Make it for page blobs here for higher and best performance.
Redundancy is also required. Make it ZRS for better implementation.
Create a storage account to upload the files.
Go to CORS and add the URL required.
Set the Allowed origins to https://formrecognizer.appliedai.azure.com
Go to containers and upload the documents.
Upload the documents. Use the container and blob information to give as the input for the recognizer. If the case is from Form Recognizer studio, the size of the total documents is considered and also the number of characters limit is there. So suggested to use the python code using the container created as the input folder.

Using Rxjs5 (Beta) to cap http requests

I'm using RxJS5 (https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJS) and I'm trying to access the Riot API which has a cap rate of 500 requests every 10 minutes and 10 requests every 10 seconds.
I set up a stream of request objects and I have a subscriber ready to get them and actually request them, but I'm kinda new at RxJS and not sure which operator I should use to cap the requests.
If you want to balance your requests you can use sample:
const newRequests = requestStream.sample(Observable.timer(75)); //10*60*60/500 = 72 --> 75 to be sure
Sample will emit an element from the observable, when the given observable emits
Not sure if it's the best way but I ended up zipping the request objest stream with an interval observer so it will stream events only when the interval ticks.
again, not sure if it's the best way to do this but it works, here's what it looks like:
raw_stream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent EventEmitter, 'event'
interval = Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
timed_events = Rx.Observable.zip interval, raw_stream
if you have a better way please feel free to answer.

Node.JS Response Time

Threw Node.JS on an AWS instance and was testing the request times, got some interesting results.
I used the following for the server:
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
res.write('Hello World');
I have an average 90ms delay to this server, but the total request takes ~350+ms. Obviously a lot of time is wasted on the box. I made sure the DNS was cached prior to the test.
I did an Apache bench on the server with a cocurrency of 1000 - it finished 10,000 requests in 4.3 seconds... which means an average of 4.3 milliseconds.
UPDATE: Just for grins, I installed Apache + PHP on the same machine and did a simple "Hello World" echo and got a 92ms response time on average (two over ping).
Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing?
While Chrome Developer Tools is a good way to investigate front end performance, it gives you very rough estimate of actual server timings / cpu load. If you have ~350 ms total request time in dev tools, subtract from this number DNS lookup + Connecting + Sending + Receiving, then subtract roundtrip time (90 ms?) and after that you have first estimate. In your case I expect actual request time to be sub-millisecond. Try to run this code on server:
var http = require('http');
function hrdiff(t1, t2) {
var s = t2[0] - t1[0];
var mms = t2[1] - t1[1];
return s*1e9 + mms;
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
var t1 = process.hrtime();
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
res.write('Hello World');
var t2 = process.hrtime();
console.log(hrdiff(t1, t2));
Based on ab result you should estimate average send+request+receive time to be at most 4.2 ms ( 4200 ms / 10000 req) (did you run it on server? what concurrency?)
I absolutely hate answering my own questions, but I want to pass along what I have discovered with future readers.
tl;dr: There is something wrong with res.write(). Use express.js or res.end()
I just got through conducting a bunch of tests. I setup multiple types of Node server and mixed in things like PHP and Nginx. Here are my findings.
As stated previously, with the snippet I included above, I was loosing around 250ms/request, but the Apache benchmarks did not replicate that issues. I then proceeded to do a PHP test and got results ranging from 2ms - 20ms over ping... a big difference.
This prompted some more research, I started a Nginx server and proxied the node through it, and somehow, that magically changed the response from 250ms to 15ms over ping. I was on par with that PHP script, but that is a really confusing result. Usually additional hops would slow things down.
Intrigued, I made an express.js server as well - and something even more interesting happened, the ping was 2ms over on its own. I dug around in the source for quite a while and noticed that it lacked a res.write() command, rather, it went straight to the res.end(). I started another server removing the "Hello World" from the res.write and added it to the res.end and amazingly, the ping was 0ms over ping.
I did some searching on this, wanted to see if it was a well-known issue and came across this SO question, who had the exact same problem. nodejs response speed and nginx
Overall, intresting stuff. Make sure you optimize your responses and send it all at once.
Best of luck to everyone!

Is there a way to increase the timeout value for Dynamics CRM server invocation?

I am write a simple application to test the Linq query functionality provided by CRMSDK.
My code is simple enough.
var before = DateTime.Now;
var crm = new Stub.Xrm.MyDataContext("MyCRM");
var contact = crm.contacts.FirstOrDefault();
var span = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks-before.Ticks);
Console.WriteLine("The name is " + contact.name);
Console.WriteLine("It took " + span.Seconds + " seconds to run this program " );
It took about one minute to run but it worked.
Then I try to query different entity such as account, I got the
Unhandled Exception: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
I am suspecting this happens because I had more accounts then contacts, so it took longer to process account query. I am trying to increase the timeout value at my app.config by but didn't work.
The timeout does not happen in your application. The timeout happens on the server side. Therefore you could increase it there.
Is there a special reason why you would load all records at once and take only the first of the sequence?
You should never have a request with an unbounded result set.
If you have 500k accounts in your system, the query will return all of them (including all their filled properties).
You can increase the timeout values in the web.config of CRM.
To increase CRM timeout, you can use two approaches:
Server side
Check out this 'A time-out occurs when you import large customization files into Microsoft Dynamics CRM'
Client side
if you use service proxy as the connection scenario, you can set the Timeout property. Here is the sample:
var timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0); // add 10 minutes
_serviceProxy.Timeout = timeout;
Hope this help.

Any body have any luck with ShellTileSchedule?

Any body have any luck with ShellTileSchedule? I have followed the Microsoft example and still have gotten no where.
"How to: Update Your Tile Without Push Notifications for Windows Phone"
Has any one seen a complete example that works on a device or emulator?
Yes...I started with the sample at http://channel9.msdn.com/learn/courses/WP7TrainingKit/WP7Silverlight/UsingPushNotificationsLab/Exercise-2-Introduction-to-the-Toast-and-Tile-Notifications-for-Alerts/
and skipped immediately down to "Task 3 – Processing Scheduled Tile Notifications on the Phone." After that I had to wait about 1 hour, leaving the emulator running on my desktop (1 hour is the minimum update interval, indicated as such for "performance considerations."
_shellTileSchedule = new ShellTileSchedule
Recurrence = UpdateRecurrence.Interval,
Interval = UpdateInterval.EveryHour,
StartTime = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(59),
RemoteImageUri = new Uri(#"http://cdn3.afterdawn.fi/news/small/windows-phone-7-series.png")
Note that setting the StartTime to DateTime.Now - 59 minutes did nothing. It still waited a full hour for its first update. I could not find any mechanism to perform "go to this URI and Update yourself NOW!", other than calling out to a web service that tickles a Tile Notification.
as #avidgator said, you'll have to wait an hour.
i have written a tutorial on how to update the tile instantly here:
basically it involves opening a push/toast update channel and then getting the phone to send "itself" a live tile update request. this will trigger the phone to go and get the tile "right now"
hope this helps
Are the channels necessary for this kind of update?
Is there a full code example of what has to be done to create an app that just updates its tile?
BTW: How about setting the Recurrence to UpdateRecurrence.Onetime and the StartTime to Now + 20 seconds for testing purposes?
I just got an tile update after an hour without channels and so on. So that answered my first question. But having to wait an hour while trying to develop an app is... unsatisfying.
It is easy. Just use the following code when you setup ShellTileSchedule.
ShellTile applicationTile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First();
new StandardTileData {
BackgroundImage = new Uri("www.ash.com/logo.jpg"),
Title = ""
