How can i convert list of images to pdf programmatically. In my current application, my requirement is i need to select some images from a list of images, and i need to import that images to pdf. Is there any open source project is available to implement this functionality. Can any one help me to find a solution to this issue.
There is a control from ComponentOne that can do exactly what you want. Other than that, there are no public open-source components that I am aware of that would be 100% compatible with Windows Phone.
There is SilverPDF but it will require some fine tuning to get it working.
We have number of images used as app assets, for case of simplicity, let's say 10 images only.
As far as I understand, Xamarin.Forms will not cashe these images, so if I have these 10 images showing in my toolbar (this is just to explain issue, we would not really put 10 images in a tiny toolbar) and I have 5 pages showing same toolbar, that means the 10 images will be loaded each 5 times resulting in total 50 images loaded. I would like to load only 10 images rather than loading 5pages x 10images = 50 images.
In addition, if I have to add these 10 images in our repository, I would have to add at least 3 copies of same image to our repository (1 for Android, 1 for IOS, 1 for UWP). This results in 30 images in repository but in reality I needed only 10.
So, these 2 issues make be believe there should be a better cross-platform solution so I can share same image across all 3 platforms, have only one image used by all 3 platforms (Android, IOS, UWP), and I load an image only once in memory regardless how many times I show in the UI.
You can look into FFImageLoading which supports caching. To have images in your shared code instead of your platform-specific code you could look into embedded images:
Embedded images are also shipped with an application (like local images) but instead of having a copy of the image in each application's file structure the image file is embedded in the assembly as a resource. This method of distributing images is particularly suited to creating components, as the image is bundled with the code.
Keep in mind though that adding images per platform isn't a bad thing. Each platform has its own image versions due to different pixel densities etc. so to make it look good on each platform you might want to consider the platform-specific route.
Another alternative is adding your images as file-linked images in each platform specific file. The image file itself can saved in a single location and file-linked into the correct directories per platform.
There is a library for Xamarin.Forms called Forms9Patch which supports different resolutions and devices just like the specific projects for Android / iOS.
Forms9Patch has a MIT-license, here's the github.
Also this is a video that should give a good general overview.
Im trying to implement a pdf viewer for Win 8.1 app using
I need search text feature using this. I know Reader for Windows 8 does it, but i dont know how.
Can anyone help me please!
check this great blog post with a summary of available components for WinRT.
You might check each component vendor specs as some have been enhanced since the time the article was written (ex : DevExpress PDF component for UWP supports search) BuiltIn PDF component purpose is to render documents, not manipulate. You can contact the dev team for feature requests.
I'm trying to design a Windows 10 Universal application which can download pdfs from online and open them natively in the application while retaining the functionality to fill them out (obviously only for pdfs that normally have such functionality). Is this possible as of now (using either microsoft's own or third party products) ?
Since Windows 8.1 there is a API for rendering PDF documents. You can find a SDK-Sample here -
The problem is: The API render the PDFs to an BitmapImage. You will loose all the functionality to edit forms, it´s viewing only. For Windows 10 there is no aditional way to handle pdfs.
Here is a list of third party controls, who maybe can do the trick.
This stuff is created for windows 8.1, but should work for windows universal as well.
I have started creating windows phone 8 app and captured an image (.jpg) file, now I want to convert this .jpg file in to .pdf file.
Is there any way to do this ?
Please help me.
As you know that windows app support winrt .winmd files only and normal dll doesnt work in window apps. So you would need the pdf sdk for rendering a pdf and add image to it. In Aspnet application Itextsharp dll is free sdk to support it but there are lot of paid sdk available Component One.But there are free sdks like SilverPdf, itextsharp custom. or try to create new one Or you can extend to Web api service by using service (post api) with image encoded in byte array and in serverside using free tools like the itextsharp you can generate it as pdf and return it to windows app.
I'm trying to implement / use PDF viewer for Silverlight 5 in the browser.
Googling the subject produced some interesting results but most of them are based
on having an external PDF viewer such as Acrobat. I want to achieve this without having the user installing software.
I've understood that it can be done by converting the PDF to PNG and displaying the PNG file.
I'm trying to show a png file. I've succeeded using the simple tool
I'm using MVVM and is new to Silverlight.