Video Background/ Chrome browser only shows video when user clicks on screen? - events

I am using a video background plugin on this site
Its works great on all browsers, only on chrome the video doesn't show until the user clicks on the screen, which is just a white screen.
Looks like its bound to a click event but I can not work out where. I can see no events bound to this page.
Thanks for your help.

This is a strange one indeed. It only happens for me when I open your site in a background tab. There are definitely no click handlers. (See "Event Listener Breakpoints" in dev tools.) And the video element does exist and is loaded, even though it's not displaying. So I suspect it's either a bug in Chrome or a quirk in how it handles certain slow-loading pages.
One thing that seems to make it show up is to tweak the CSS in the developer tools. So try adding this to your page at the end of the body element:
$(document).ready(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].style.display = '';
}, 500);
That works for me when I run it in the console, so hopefully it will work in script.
Also, there are a few easy things you can do to make the page load much faster and mitigate this particular problem, even if you can't make it go away completely.
Set a dark background color. That way, when the video takes some time to load, people will be able to see the white text immediately.
Make the video MUCH smaller. It's about 21MB, which is way too big for a background. It's encoded at around 3400kb per second, which is more than you need even for HD video on the web. Try it at 1000kb or even less. Maybe 500kb. And don't include an audio track in the video file.
Save the poster image as a jpg instead of png. It's 140kb. You can get it much smaller.
Put all your scripts (except for the mobile redirect) at the bottom of the body tag. This way you can at least get the text and background color displaying without having to load your scripts.


How is this background video implemented without showing up in the HTML source or the console resources/network tabs? [LINK]

If you go here (link: and scroll down this news article, you will see there is a rather long background video that plays as you scroll showcasing some nodes and boxes. However the initial page load is very fast and I don't see it loading a video from anywhere at all.
As I try to understand how this website is put together, I'm not able to see where the video comes from, nor do I know if it's an .mp4 or some other format. When I try to hunt it down in my network tab and monitor if it loads, I just cannot see it and there is no resource that seems to be more than a couple of hundred kilobytes.
How is this possible from a web-design standpoint? Is it some sort of a proprietary solution that stealthily streams the video as it is loaded? If I would like to build a background video that plays on scroll like this in such a performant manner, how could I do it?
Such videos that play on scroll can often be seen for example on the website, but at least there I can easily also see the original source videos and materials of how the page is put together. Here this is not the case.
I would greatly appreciate if you could answer this super basic question I have. Thank you!

SVG loaded via objects all jumbled up

So this is an interesting one. I did a test of using the clown car technique for showing responsive images via svgs loaded via an object tag because I really like the approach.
Now this works all fine, except when you have a few of them on one page with the cache normally activated, you leave the site to go to anywhere else in the interwebs and then press the back button - suddenly all images are mixed up, even though the code is still correct, ie:
object 1 loads svg that shows image from object 3
object 3 loads svg that shows image from object 5
Totally random and I just can't explain how this can happen. And it only ever happens when I go back to the page via the back command of the browser (chrome).
Has anyone experienced anything like this before??
I guess I'll stick to good old normal images for now...
Just ran into the same bug. And so did Google!
I suppose we'll have to use inline SVGs as loading through <img> tags aren't a possibility for me.
If you only have a single page app, you could add target="_blank" to your <a> tags to ensure the back button will come into play far less.

Disable to download image from canvas

I added image to canvas element, but visitor than can save that image to local comp.
Is there any way to disable that option? I don't know, putting some transparent image over?
So i thought this can help you just disable rightclicks:
return false;
None of this (not even image slicing) stops a user from simply copying the screen on to the clipboard and pasting it into MSpaint or any other image utility, and saving the result. Its trivial to do; And a transparency image is no impediment to this.
The only effective options that I know of are (as was said), watermarking or low quality.
*Avoid 1 pixel wide lines or dot watermarks that can be removed easily with a Photoshop filter.
~If its commercial... You could have a pay-wall, and steganographically embed the purchaser's name and or information into the image (or preview), such that if it does get used without permission, at least you know who did it.
Basicly: if your image is loaded by the Browser you can never protect the user to download it, because if the browser knows where to find the image, the user can find this out as well. So all this download protection only works for users not familiar with computers and the internet and nowadays i think most people are able to download such an image if they really want to.
If you want to prevent users to use your images for their work, you can use images with watermarks or in a lower resolution otherwise can you tell what reason do you have to prevent users from downloading?
I found this question in review of an HTML5 captcha alternative I'm developing. My goal is not to "prevent" users from downloading the image as much as blocking OCR on the image capture. To prevent it, I added a onclick event to the canvas object that resets the canvas element on click. The user can "download" it, but it no longer is the original code presented.

How to show a preview image while Flash SWF is loading?

I have some 3rd party Flash SWFs on my site that are up to 100KB in size. e.g. the Flash video player "JWPlayer" SWF is 98KB.
That's fine for people with Broadband, but not so good for the slow dial up bandwidth visitors. e.g at 40 kbits/s, we're talking 20 seconds to download.
The problem is that on slow connections, all the visitors are seeing is a static white screen, and so may close the page thinking it's dead. If I right click the area where the SWF is to go, an Adobe Flash Player Object is occupying the space, but the 3rd party SWF has not finished loading in yet.
I would like the website visitors to see a loading spinner GIF or something similar.
Unfortunately, none of the 3rd party SWFs have "preloader" element. And they are not open source, so I cannot add a preloader to them.
So, my question is...
Is there any way to display a loading image, prefereably a GIF animation, while the SWF is loading?
For example, is there any way to force the Adobe Flash Player to show an image while it is loading in the SWF?
I don't have any Flash coding skills, so a solution that doesn't include creating an extra SWF or a SWF within a SWF would, probably isn't best for me, but might be worth adding to the post in case other people have a similar problem.
I am using swfobject 2.2 to embed the SWFs, so a solution that takes that into account or at least doesn't break that would help.
Thanks very much for taking the time to read my post, even if you can't help.
Without knowing which 3rd party swfs you're using it could be tough, but here's a few things to think about:
One approach would be to hide the swf (or the div that the swf is inside) until it's loaded, and then reveal it once it's finished. You can have a spinner / loading image sit in it's place in the mean time. That said, what you really need is a javascript function that gets called once the load is complete. Once this happens, you can use jQuery to .show() or .hide() your spinner and swf respectively.
JWPlayer has some events that you can make use of. It looks like onReady would do the trick for you.
As for the other 3rd party swfs, I'd look around their documentation for similar javascript callbacks. I know the swfobject has an onLoad callback, as do a few other embed solutions like Swiff, assuming you can use them.
Good luck!
EDIT: The swfobject's callback might be called when the swf has successfully been embedded not necessarily loaded. Your best bet is to play around with this and see if it works - or use the 3rd party swf's callback functions wherever possible.
EDIT 2: Here's a flash loader example.
import flash.display.Loader;
function startLoad() {
var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("url-to-your-swf.swf");
mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);
function onCompleteHandler(loadEvent:Event){
//Here's where you specify your js function"flashLoaded"); // <-- where 'flashloaded' is a js function
In the end we decided to go for a mixed setup:
For users with low bandwidth, we set the flash parameter wmode to "transparent", and set the gif to be a background image (without a loading spinner these low bandwidth users think the page is doing nothing).
However, using wmode = transparent has a negative side effect in that that Flash won't use Hardware Acceleration. But for our low bandwidth users, the bitrates of e.g. our video are low enough that in most cases they don't really need Hardware Acceleration.
For high bandwidth users, we deliver e.g. higher bitrate video, and so Hardware Acceleration becomes more important. For these users we use wmode = direct, and do without a loading spinner GIF as the SWF loads quickly enough anyhow.
With the size of our SWF files and their XML files that must also be loaded, we have gone for a limit of 1 megabit bandwidth, where if users have a higher bandwidth we don't use a loading graphic, and visa versa. Other people may find other levels more suitable.
We'd prefer to be able to set the bandwidth limit a lot lower if possible, as on older PCs we could do with some Harware Acceleration of video that is 384 kbit/s, but removing the loading spinner of a user with a low bandwidth like that would mean them waiting too long with nothing happpening on the screen, and this seems worse than losing a few frames during video playback.
Here is a link to Adobe's description of the various wmodes and how different browsers handle them.
Hope this helps someone else someday.

Preventing a visitor from saving an image from my site

What are some effective strategies for preventing the use of my proprietary images?
I'm talking about saving them, direct linking to them etc...
Presently I have a watermark on the image, but I'd rather not.
.NET platform preferred, but if there's a strategy that's on another platform that integrates with my existing application that'd be a bonus.
It's not possible to make it "impossible" to download. When a user visits your site you're sending them the pictures. The user will have a copy of that image in the browsers cache and he'd be able to access it even after he leaves the site ( depending on the browser, of course ). Your only real option is to watermark them :O
You could embed each image inside of a flash application, then the browser wouldn't know how to 'save' the image and wouldn't store the raw jpg in the cache folder either. They could still just press the print screen key to get a copy of the image, but it would probably be enough to stop most visitors.
Response.WriteBinary(), embedded flash, JavaScript hacks, hidden divs.
Over the years I have seen and tried every possible way to secure an image and I have come to one conclusion: If it can be seen online; it can be taken, my friend.
So, what you really should consider what the final goal of this action would really be. Prevent piracy? If a gross and oversized watermark is not your style, you can always embed hidden data (Apress had an article that looked promising on digital steganography) in images to identify them as your own later. You might only offer reduced or lower quality images.
Flickr takes the approach of placing a transparent gif layer on top of the image so if you are not logged in and right click you get their ever awesome spaceball.gif. But nothing can prevent a screenshot other than, well, just not offering the picture.
If the music industry could get you to listen to all of your music without copying or owning files they would. If television could broadcast and be certain nobody could store a copy of the cast, they probably would as well. It's the unfortunate part of sharing media with the public. The really good question here is how you can protect your material WITHOUT getting in the way of respectable users from consuming your images. Put on too much protection and nobody will go to your site/use your software (Personally if you try to disable my mouse I'll go from good user to bad nearly instantly).
using JavaScript to override the click event is the most common I have seen...
I figure I might as well put in my two cents.
None of the above methods will work with perhaps the exception of a watermark.
Wherever I go, I can hit print screen on my computer and paste into a graphics editor, and with a little cropping, I have your image.
The only way to overcome the watermark issue would be to use photoshop tools to remove the watermark. At this point, i think most people would just give up and pay you for your content or at a minimum go rip off somebody else.
Short answer: you can't. Whatever you display to a user is going to be available to them. You can watermark it, blur it, or offer a low-res version of it, but the bottom line is that whatever images are displayed in the user's browser are going to be available to them in some way.
It's just not possible. There is always the PrintScreen button.
Whatever is displayed, can be captured.
I would watermark them, and reduce the resolution, of the actual files, instead of doing it through an application on the user's end.
unfortunately you can always screen grab the browser and crop the image out, not perfect but it circumvents almost every solution posted here :(
Another approach I've seen that's still entirely vulnerable to screen grabs but does make right-click and cache searching sufficiently annoying is to break the image up into many little images and display them on your page tiled together to appear as though they were a single image. But as everyone has said, if they can see it, they can grab it.
Realistically you can't, unless you don't want them to see it in the first place. You could use some javascript to catch the right mouse button click, but that's really about it.
Another thought, you could possibly embed it in flash, but again, they could just take a screenshot.
Sorry. That's impossible. All you can do is make it inconvenient a la flickr.
It's just not possible. There is always the PrintScreen button.
I remember testing ImageFreeze years ago. It used a Java applet to fetch and display images. The image data and connection was encrypted and the unencrypted image wasn't stored in a temp folder or even in Java's cache.
Also, the applet constantly cleared the windows clipbrd so Print Screen didn't work.
It worked pretty good, but it had some faults.
Besides requiring Java, the JS that embedded the applet (and maybe the applet itself) was setup to not load properly in any browser that didn't give access to the windows clipbrd. This meant that it only worked in IE and only on windows.
Also, the interval the applet used to clear the clipbrd could be beaten with a really fast Print Screen and ctrl+v into Gimp. Printing the screen in other ways would work too.
Finally, Jad could decompile the applet and all/most of its files. So, if you really wanted the pics, you could poke around in the source to figure out how they did it.
In short, you can go out of your way to stop a lot of people, but usability goes down the drain and there will always be a way to get the image if the visitor can see it.
Anything you send to the client is, like, on the client. Not much you can do about it besides making somewhere between "sorta hard" and "quite hard" to save the image.
I must say in the begining that it is almost impossible to stop the
images or text being copied, but making it difficult will prevent most
of the users to steal content.. In this article I will give a easier
but effective way of protecting images with html/css. We will take a
very simple way for this… Firstly in a div we will place the image
with a given height and width. (Say 200 X 200)
Now we can place another transparent image with same height and
width and give it a margine of -200. So that it will overlap the
actual image. And when the user will try to copy this, they will end
up with the transparent gif only…
<div style=”float: left;”>
<img src=”your-image.jpg” style=”width: 200px;height: 200px;”/>
<img src=”the-dummy-image.png” style=”border: 0px solid #000; width: 200px; height: 250px; margin-left: -200px; ” />
