SVG loaded via objects all jumbled up - image

So this is an interesting one. I did a test of using the clown car technique for showing responsive images via svgs loaded via an object tag because I really like the approach.
Now this works all fine, except when you have a few of them on one page with the cache normally activated, you leave the site to go to anywhere else in the interwebs and then press the back button - suddenly all images are mixed up, even though the code is still correct, ie:
object 1 loads svg that shows image from object 3
object 3 loads svg that shows image from object 5
Totally random and I just can't explain how this can happen. And it only ever happens when I go back to the page via the back command of the browser (chrome).
Has anyone experienced anything like this before??
I guess I'll stick to good old normal images for now...

Just ran into the same bug. And so did Google!
I suppose we'll have to use inline SVGs as loading through <img> tags aren't a possibility for me.
If you only have a single page app, you could add target="_blank" to your <a> tags to ensure the back button will come into play far less.


Metalsmith Blog using FullPage.js

I am trying to set up a simple blog using Metalsmith and the fullPage.js library.
At the moment I have a problem where the height of the section divs upon intial loading are roughly 2 times the correct size.
Ie. when it initially loads the height in the console reads 1563px.
The odd thing is that once I resize my browser window in any way ie. make it larger or smaller, the div(class='section') height will then resize to its correct height in the console and in the browser, and everything is laid out correctly again (with regular sized divs as opposed to the super tall ones that were there previously.
This initial height inconsistency is causing many issues with alignment in my layout, such as the prev/next arrows as well as the div content.
here is a link to my public git repo for this project.
If you want to run this locally you can pull it down, run npm install, then run nf start. You will then be able to access it at localhost/3000.
If anyone has any suggestions that would be much appreciated.
It is not ideal to just public your source. A link reproducing the error would be much better.
In any case, I believe yours is a case of missing the compulsory DOCTYPE declaration at the very start of the page.
Take a look at any examples of fullpage.js. They all have it.
Add this in the first line of your resulting HTML files:
<!DOCTYPE html>

Display an image over the screen

I have a map that is 40x50 that shows when the visitor comes to the website, i would like the visitor to click the map which puts in topmost actual size 400x500 and everything beneath is blacked out, when they click off the pic it will simply vanish.
I have seem it happen in many galleries but can't seem to find one i can recode and don't even know what the actual process of doing this is called.
I believe the word you're looking for is lightbox.
See this:
By the way, tags are for tagging what languages you are using. Appropriate tags for this post would probably be html and javascript. The image tag is alright, but without context, it's difficult to figure out how your are trying to implement it.

Video Background/ Chrome browser only shows video when user clicks on screen?

I am using a video background plugin on this site
Its works great on all browsers, only on chrome the video doesn't show until the user clicks on the screen, which is just a white screen.
Looks like its bound to a click event but I can not work out where. I can see no events bound to this page.
Thanks for your help.
This is a strange one indeed. It only happens for me when I open your site in a background tab. There are definitely no click handlers. (See "Event Listener Breakpoints" in dev tools.) And the video element does exist and is loaded, even though it's not displaying. So I suspect it's either a bug in Chrome or a quirk in how it handles certain slow-loading pages.
One thing that seems to make it show up is to tweak the CSS in the developer tools. So try adding this to your page at the end of the body element:
$(document).ready(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].style.display = '';
}, 500);
That works for me when I run it in the console, so hopefully it will work in script.
Also, there are a few easy things you can do to make the page load much faster and mitigate this particular problem, even if you can't make it go away completely.
Set a dark background color. That way, when the video takes some time to load, people will be able to see the white text immediately.
Make the video MUCH smaller. It's about 21MB, which is way too big for a background. It's encoded at around 3400kb per second, which is more than you need even for HD video on the web. Try it at 1000kb or even less. Maybe 500kb. And don't include an audio track in the video file.
Save the poster image as a jpg instead of png. It's 140kb. You can get it much smaller.
Put all your scripts (except for the mobile redirect) at the bottom of the body tag. This way you can at least get the text and background color displaying without having to load your scripts.

Rockettheme: Kinetic - making banner full width

I dont know what kind of success i'll have from this post but struggling at the moment to get a reply on the rockettheme forums.
I have downloaded this template (Kinetic) from (demo below;)
I have changed it to come out looking like the link below;
However im really struggling to differentiate the footer from the rest of the website. Im looking at changing it to a light grey however I cannot make it stretch right across the website as the footer is located in the container and stops at either edge of the container.
is there anyway to make a footer colour go right across the page?
(the same as the following website, if you go down to the bottom of the page and you will see a dark grey, charcoal colour)
Any ideas on how I could get this achieved?
You just need to edit the index.php file of the template, should be at templates/kinetic/index.php roughly. If you head to the bottom, you will find a div with rt-footer. You will want to pull this entire div statement out and paste it outside of the div with an id rt-surround. Your best bet is to find rt-debug and paste it just above.
I run a lot of sites off the base gantry template from Rocket Theme and do this type of thing often, so it should work.
Two issues you may run into. If you don't get the right closing div tag, you can get some weird output if the divs aren't closed properly. So be careful and use the indentation to help you.
Second, there may be some css styling that is specific to the old heirarchy. I doubt it in this case, but it can happen. You may have to fix some of the css styling.

Open graph single image but showing multiple

We are using the og:image property to supply facebook with the correct image, but in some instances it get's more images which it parses from the DOM. eg:
Only the first image should be shown there. If you look in the debugger it looks fine:
Anyone knows whats going on here?
I've just encountered this issue in a site I maintain.
It appears that bloody Facebook changed again things without notifying anything to developers..
Image for og:image must be now at least 200x200px.
If it is smaller, than facebook will take other images that it parses from the same URL, even if these images have nothing to do as leading image for that URL.
Just take care that og:image is big enough and it will be ok.
* Notice that even after you change it, it may appear wrong for some time, if the URL is already cached in FB. To solve it immediately, just pass again the URL to the FB debugger.
