Magento product image not displaying in back-end as well as front-end - magento

I'm using latest Community Edition of Magento in my localhost(XAMPP-Server).
I'm facing the problem while uploading a product image. Images not showing up in back-end as well as front-end.
Any help ? thanks in advance..!!!

Delete the cache, rebuild the indexes and make sure your media folder is writable.

Rename .htaccess file to .htaccess-old in media directory of your Magento root.
This will solve your problem.


Activate downloaded Magento Tempelate in Localhost (xamp server)

i have downloaded theme in Magento CMS and now i want to preview this theme in Localhost xampp server. for that i have installed magento on local server.
but i dont know how to preview downloaded theme in xampp server.
i have copied app,js,media and skin folder to the folder in magento installation directory but nothing made. please tell me how i can solve this..
View page source to the admin page that you are looking for and view whether setup.js inside js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tinymice/ is loaded or not. This js file loads your wysiwyg editor on admin page.
This normally occurs due to mismatch on code. So, you can copy core magento js folder from fresh magento installation and overwrite to your working site.
Try once !!

Magento Image upload missing?

I'm having some issues with a Magento install We recently moved servers and now the image upload option on newsletters and CMS pages are not working. (Product images are working fine).
Media folder is set for 777 permissions as well as subfolders.
I am getting this when trying to add an image:
The create folder button also does nothing, has anyone come across this before or know a solution?
Are you sure it is able to read the /media/wysiwyg directory?
Have you set the base URLs correctly under System / Web?
Have you copied over the js-directory?
Seems Javascript compression in Magento was the issue. Disabling compression made this work! Don't know why.

After uploading images in the magento product is unable to show

i encountered a really weird problem in my website. If i am adding a product with images then it failed to load my website completely and also the product is not showing properly. My images and media directory permission are 755.Any solution for this?
Try to rename .htaccess file within magento/media/ folder and check once again.
Hope it would help.
For more check this link -

Product Images & Extensions not showing after Magento upgrade/migration

I upgraded my Magento from 1.5.1 to 1.7 using a fresh install as described here:
For some reason my product images and extensions are not showing. I refreshed/flushed all caches, and reindexed.
Any idea why this might be?
I did run Magento/login to admin before copying the extension and media files over, but I am not sure if that should impact it.
1) check /media and app/etc and /var folders permissions
2) check extensions list at Admin - System - Configuration - Advanced
3) check if you can access some media image by direct url
let me know your results and I will try to help you based on results

Product images not getting displayed both in frontend and backend

I have installed magento version everything works fine except the image upload. Images are getting uploaded successfully and saved in temp folder, but not showing up in both backend and frontend. I cant see anything in small-image folder. Tried renaming htaccess in media folder and tried all the possible changes. flash version am using is 11.1. I would be glad if I can get any help on this.
There are a few thing which are worth a shot.
Is your caching enabled? If your admin -> system -> cache management
Have you cleared your cache? In the same place you can clear it out
Have you checked the image url using Firebug or view source? If your url is wrong then you might need to update it in the database, then clear your cache
