Give advantage to search by phrase in sort SOLR - sorting

Search query which I send to SOLR is:
?q=iphone 4s&sort=sold desc
By default the search works great, but the problem appears when I want to
sort results by some field for eg. sold - No. of sold products.
SOLR finds all the results which have: (iphone 4s) or (iphone) or (4s)
So, when I apply sort by field 'sold' first result is: "iPhone 3GS..." which is problem.
I need the results by phrase ("iphone 4s") first and then the rest of the results - all sorted by sold.
So, the questions are:
Is it possible to have query like this, and how?
q=iphone 4s&sort={some algoritam for phrase results first} desc, sold desc
Or, can I perform this by setting up query analyzer and how?
At the moment this is solved by sending 2 requests to SOLR,
first with phrase "iphone 4s" and, if this returns 0 results,
I perform second request without the phrase - only: iphone 4s.

If sorting by score, id, field is not sufficient, Lucene lets you implement custom sorting mechanism by providing your own subclass of FieldComparatorSource abstract base class.
With in that custom-sort-logic, you can implement the way that realizes your requirements.
Example Java code:
//return based on number of units sold.
//ALWAYS return a value such that the preferred model beats others.
DISCLAIMER: This may lead to maintenance problems as you will have to change the logic when a new phone model arrives.
1) Sort object accepts FieldComparatorSource type instance during instantiation.
2) Extend the FieldComparatorSource
3) You've to load the required field information that participates in 'SORTING' using FieldCache within the FieldComparatorSource in setNextReader()
4) Override the FieldComparatorSource.newComparator() to return your custom FieldComparator.
5) In the method, slot2DocId), you may include your custom logic by accessing the corresponding field information, via loaded FieldCache, using the docIds passed in.
Incorporating Lucene code into Solr as a plug-in should not trouble you..

Can not use space in that function. Term is only without space.
As of Solr3.1, sorting can also be done on arbitrary function queries
(as in FunctionQuery) that produce a single value per document.
So, I will use function termfreq in sort
termfreq(field,term) returns the number of times the term appears in
the field for that document.
Search query will be
q=iphone 4s&sort=termfreq(product_name,"iphone 4s") desc, sold desc
Note: The function termfreq is active from Solr 4.0 version


Elasticsearch multiple score fields

Maybe a dummy question: is it possible to have multiple score fields?
I use a custom score based on function_score query. This score is being displayed to the user to show, how much each document matches his/her preferences. So far so good.
But! The user should be able to filter the documents and (of course) sort them not only by the custom relevance (how much each document matches his/her preferences) but also by the common relevance - how much each document matches the filter criteria.
So my first idea was to place the score calculated by function_score query to a custom field but it does not seems to be supported.
Or am I completely wrong and I should use another approach?
I took a different approach - in case user applies some filter the I run the query without function_score percolation and use the score calculated by ES and sort by it. Then I take all IDs from the result page and run percolation query with these IDs to get the custom "matching score". It does not seems to cause noticeable slowdown.
Anyway, I welcome any feedback.

Elastic Search and Search Ranking Models

I am new to Elastic Search. I would like to know if the following steps are how typically people use ES to build a search engine.
Use Elastic Search to get a list of qualified documents/results based on a user's input.
Build and use a search ranking model to sort this list.
Use this sorted list as the output of the search engine to the user.
I would probably add a few steps
Think about your information model.
What kinds of documents are you indexing?
What are the important fields and what field types are they?
What fields should be shown in the search result?
All this becomes part of your mapping
Index documents
Are the underlying data changing or can you index it just once?
How are you detecting new docuemtns/deletes/updates?
This will be included in your connetors, that can be set up in multiple ways, for example using the Documents API
A bit of trial and error to sort out your ranking model
Depending on your use case, the default ranking may be enough.
have a look at the Search API to try out different ranking.
Use the search result list to present the results to the end user

How to sort (and give weight) by Availability dates in SolR

i'm facing a big problem in my SolR DB.
My objects have a datetime field "Available_From" and a datetime field "Available_To".
We also have a "Ranking" field for the sorting.
I can search correctly with direct queries (eg. give me all the items that are available at the moment) but when i do a regular search i cannot find a way to show the items that result "available NOW" in the first places in the results, usually sorted by "Ranking" field.
How can i do this? Am I forced to write some java classes (the nearest thing i've found is there or is there a way to do with standard SolR queries?
Thanks in advance to everyone!
In your case you actually don't want sorting, since that indicates that you want one field to determine the returned sequence of documents.
Instead, use boosting - apply a very large boost to those that are available now, either through bq or boost, then apply a boost based on ranking. You'll have to tweak the weights given to each part based on how you want the search results to be presented.

Solr boost query sort by whether result is boosted then by another field

I'm using Solr to run a query on one of our cores. Suppose my documents have two fields: ID, and Name. I also have a separate list of IDs I'm grabbing from a database and passing into the query to boost certain results.
If the document gets returned in the query and the ID is in the list it goes to the top of the results, and if it gets returned in the query and the ID is not in the list then it goes below those that are in the list. The former is from the "boost". My query is something like this -
I am able to get the boost query working but I need the boosted results to be in alphabetical order by name, then the non boosted results under that also in alphabetical order by name. I need to know what to user for the &sort= parameter.
&sort=score%20desc,Name+asc does not work.
I've looked over a lot of documentation, but I still don't know if this even possible. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Solr version is 6.0.1. I am actually using SolrNet to interface with Solr, but I think I can figure out the SolrNet part if I know what the url's &sort= parameter value needs to be.
I figured it out, by doing away with the boost query. I added a sort query using the "exists" function and passing it a sub-query for the ID. The exists returns a boolean value to sort on, then I added the name as a second sort. It works perfect!!
The URL looks like this:
The closest match to your requirement is the query elevation component[1] .
In your particular case I would first sort my Ids according to my requirements ( sorting them by name for example), then maintain them in the elevate.xml.
At query time you can use the "forceElevation" parameter to force the elevation and then sort the remaining results by name.

ElasticSearch / Tire & Keywords. Right way to match "or" for a keyword list?

I've got an Entity model (in Mongoid) that I'm trying to search on its keywords field which is an array. I want to do a query where I pass in an array of potential search terms, and any entity that matches any of the terms will pass.
I don't have this working well yet.
But, why I'm asking this question, is that it's more complex. I also DONT want to return any entities that have been marked as "do not return" which I do via a "ignore_project_ids" parameter.
So, when I query, I get 0 results. I was using But, I've moved this to my own EC2 instance to reduce complexity/variables on solving the problem.
So, what am I doing wrong? Here are the relevant bits of code.
You want a terms query rather than a term query - a term query is only interested in equality, whereas a terms query requires that the field match any of the specified values.
Given that you don't seem to care about the query score (you're sorting by another attribute), you'll get faster queries by using a filtered query and expressing your conditions as filters
