Can i write two separate pojo classes one for validation and another for hibernate mapping - spring

If yes, how to map them. I am using jsr bean validation and hibernate mapping annotations.

You don't have to do this by mapping two classes to one table.
You can just define one class A which map to a table as a PO (Persistent Object), and define another class B which transfer values amgonst View, Controler and Service Layer as a DTO/VO (Data Transfer Object/Value Object) for validation or data transfering. use BeanUtils to copy properties between PO and DTO.


How to map a Spring Data JPA repository entity into a view model?

Here is the situation, I want to fetch an entity from database and map it to a new view domain model which has more or less properties, if this view model has more properties, signs the extra properties with default value. I want a map technique in JPA to complete this, which is similar to MyBatis mapping mechanism.
So how to do it?
Just load the entity, copy it over in the new entity, fill the unset properties with the desired default values and store it using JPA (possibly via Spring Data JPA).
For copying over the data from one entity to another you might want to look int Dozer or similar libraries.
You could also misuse Spring Data's projection support to query the original entity, but return it as the target entity with methods similar to the following:
interface SourceRepository<Source, Long> extends CrudRepository<Source, Long> {
List<Target> findTargetBy();
The resulting Target entities then could be stored again using another repository (you might have to set version and id properties to null to make it clear to the framework that these are new entities.

Combine DAO and Entity in Spring and Hibernate

I was wondering if it is possible to combine DAO and Entity in a single class. e.g.
In rails
If I have table named user then there will be one ActiveRecord User and by using that class I can access access Methods related to DB and user i.e. it has both methods (accessing object properties) and / User.get_all methods (managing DB interactions) in the same class
In Spring/Hibernate Configuration
I have two things: DAO and Entity
Entity: I have User class that is an entity and is mapping Table as POJO, so that I can access methods related to a single user e.g. user.getName()
DAO: I have a DAO in which there are DB interactions e.g. and userDAO.get(id).
I was wondering if I can create single User class and define User properties and getter/setter inside along with DB interactions so that I can single class as both, i.e. user.getName() (as POJO) and User.get(id)/ (as DAO).
Is this method possible, and why are the complications I might run into, if I start with this approach?
it's called Active Record Pattern . Here is article about topic for JPA . Active Record Pattern . and example
Is this method possible, and why are the complications I might run into, if I start with this approach?
it's :
Cohesion & Coupling
if it's real project , it might become problem to support it
when you have 20 entities it's difficult to decide where to put method into what entity , and also find method that you need as it might be in many places
when you don't use active record pattern you can share entity with web layer , with active record entity can't be Serializable.
code become bigger and bigger

CakePHP: Why entity validation is on Table class intead of Entity class?

If the CakePHP validations valids entities, why the rules is set on table class intead Entity class?
Because it's the table class that consumes the entities, hence its the tables responsibility to provide the contract that defines what's valid and what's not.

How do I execute named queries from a JPA EntityListener?

I have a requirement to set a date_updated value in my database for each row when that row is updated. Let's call the entity that I'm working with Order, which has a corresponding orders table in the database.
I've added the date_updated column to the orders table. So far, so good.
The #Entity Order object that I'm working with is provided by a third party. I do not have the ability to modify the source code to add a field called dateUpdated. I have no requirement to map this value to the object anyway - the value is going to be used for business intelligence purposes only and does not need to be represented in the Java entity object.
My problem is this: I want to update the date_updated column in the database to the current time each time an Order object (and its corresponding database table row) is modified.
We are using Oracle, Spring, JPA and Hibernate
I cannot use Oracle triggers to update the value. We are using a database replication technology that prevents us from using triggers.
My approach thus far has been to use a JPA EntityListener, defined in xml, similar to this:
<entity-mappings xmlns="....">
<entity class="com.theirs.OrderImpl">
<entity-listener class="com.mine.listener.OrderJPAListener" />
My listener class looks like this:
public class OrderJPAListener {
public void recordDateUpdated(Order order) {
// do the update here
The problem I'm having is injecting any sort of persistence support (or anything at all, really) into my listener. Because JPA loads the listener via its methods, I do not have access to any Spring beans in my listener class.
How do I go about injecting an EntityManager (or any Spring bean) into my listener class so that I can execute a named query to update the date_updated field?
How do I go about injecting an EntityManager (or any Spring bean) into
my listener class so that I can execute a named query to update the
date_updated field?
As noted above JPA 2.1 supports injecting managed beans to an Entity Listener via CDI. Whether or not Spring supports this I am not sure. The folloiwng post proposes a Spring specific solution.
A possible alternative approach would be however to override the SQL generated by Hibernate on an update which is possible as detailed below.
This would be straightforward if you had the source as you would just need to add the #SQLUpdate annotation and tag on the additional date_update column. As you don't however you would need to look at redefining the metadata for that Entity via an xml configuration file and defining the sql-update statement as outlined above:
Since JPA 2.1 Entity Listeners are CDI managed. Have you tried using #PersistenceUnit annotation? Are you using JTA transaction type?
Otherwise you could use Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory within the Listener class to retrieve the Persistence Context.

How to get model data annotations to implement application validation without implementing at DB level as well using EF?

I like the idea of using the data annotations to specify validation of fields within the Model. However in EF I notice that it wants to implement this at DB level ie [Required] becomes a "not null" field. Is it possible to just have the application apply this validation without changing the database?
What you can do is to use a separate view model for the views and separate entity classes for the database. And you can map those objects using a library like auto mapper.
