Combine DAO and Entity in Spring and Hibernate - spring

I was wondering if it is possible to combine DAO and Entity in a single class. e.g.
In rails
If I have table named user then there will be one ActiveRecord User and by using that class I can access access Methods related to DB and user i.e. it has both methods (accessing object properties) and / User.get_all methods (managing DB interactions) in the same class
In Spring/Hibernate Configuration
I have two things: DAO and Entity
Entity: I have User class that is an entity and is mapping Table as POJO, so that I can access methods related to a single user e.g. user.getName()
DAO: I have a DAO in which there are DB interactions e.g. and userDAO.get(id).
I was wondering if I can create single User class and define User properties and getter/setter inside along with DB interactions so that I can single class as both, i.e. user.getName() (as POJO) and User.get(id)/ (as DAO).
Is this method possible, and why are the complications I might run into, if I start with this approach?

it's called Active Record Pattern . Here is article about topic for JPA . Active Record Pattern . and example
Is this method possible, and why are the complications I might run into, if I start with this approach?
it's :
Cohesion & Coupling
if it's real project , it might become problem to support it
when you have 20 entities it's difficult to decide where to put method into what entity , and also find method that you need as it might be in many places
when you don't use active record pattern you can share entity with web layer , with active record entity can't be Serializable.
code become bigger and bigger


Spring data JPA save() return less/incorrect child and parent association mapping fields [duplicate]

I'm developing a RESTful webservice with spring-data as its data access layer, backed by JPA/Hibernate.
It is very common to have relationships between domain entities. For example, imagine an entity Product which has a Category entity.
Now, when the client POSTs a Product representation to a JAX-RS method. That method is annotated with #Transactional to wrap every repository operation in a transaction. Of course, the client only sends the id of an already existing Category, not the whole representation, just a reference (the foreign key).
In that method, if I do this:
entity =;
the variable entity now has a Category with only the id field set. This didn't surprise me. I wasn't expecting a save (SQL insert) to retrieve information on related objects. But I need the whole Product object and related entities to be able to return to the user.
Then I did this:
entity =;
entity = repository.findOne(entity.getId());
that is, retrieve the object after persisting it, within the same transaction/session.
To my surprise, the variable entity didn't change anything. Actually, the database didn't even get a single select query.
This is related with Hibernate's cache. For some reason, when in the same transaction, a find does not retrieve the whole object graph if that object was previously persisted.
With Hibernate, the solution appears to be to use session.refresh(entity) (see this and this). Makes sense.
But how can I achieve this with spring data?
I would like to avoid to create repetitive custom repositories. I think that this functionality should be a part of spring data itslef (Some people already reported this in spring data's forum: thread1, thread2).
References between entities in the web layer need to be made explicit by using links and should not be hidden behind semi-populated object instances. References in the persistence layer are represented by object references. So there should be a dedicated step transforming one (the link) into the other (the fully populated object reference).
It's an anti-pattern to hand around backend ids as such and assume the marshaling binding doing the right thing. So the clients should rather work with links and hand those to the server to indicate they want to establish a connection between an already existing resource and one about to be created.
So assuming you have the existing Category exposed via /categories/4711, you could post to your server:
POST /products
{ links : [ { rel : "category", href : "/categories/4711" } ],
// further product data
The server would the instantiate a new Product instance, populate it with additional data and eventually populate the associations as follows:
Identify properties to be populated by looking up the link relation types (e.g. the category property here.
Extract the backend identifier from the given URI
Use the according repository to lookup the related entity instance
Set it on the root entity
So in your example boiling down to:
Product product = new Product();
// populate primitive properties
Simply posting something like this to the server:
POST /products
{ category : {
id : 1, … },
is suboptimal for a lot of reasons:
You want the persistence provider to implicitly persist a Product instance and at the same time 'recognize' that the Category instance referred to (actually consisting of an id only) is not meant to be persisted but updated with the data of the already existing Category? That's quite a bit of magic I'd argue.
You essentially impose the data structure you use to POST to the server to the persistence layer by expecting it to transparently deal with the way you decided to do POSTs. That's not a responsibility of the persistence layer but the web layer. The whole purpose of a web layer is to mitigate between the characteristics of an HTTP based protocol using representations and links to a backend service.

Querying multiple tables using jpa repository

Suppose if I have 3 entities - User, Skills, Department
and I have repositories corresponding to all of them - UserRepository, SkillRepository, DepartmentRepository.
I understand that the relation mapping between entities i.e. one-one many-many should be specified in the respective entity classes. The question is I want to use all of the 3 entities in a query. How would I do it? A single repository is associated with only one entity right? So, how/where would I write it?
As there are many different ways to specify queries with Spring Data JPA there are various answers to this.
Maybe you don't have to. If entity A references B and you just want to get the Bs with your A you simply use your ARepository to load As and use object navigation to get your Bs. You might read up on eager and lazy loading for more information about how to control this.
If you want referenced entities in the where condition you can use property paths in your query method names:
If you are using #Query annotations you can do (almost) whatever you want with JPQL. Among others, you may as well navigate properties to use them in where clauses.
In general, you'd put that query in the matching repository based on the primary entity returned.

is it possible to have conditional #Transient field?

Let's say if I have an Entity named person with lots of information including SSN. When other user query this person, I want to show a 'lite' version of person Entity. I could've done so by annotating SSN with #Transient, but that means the person himself would not get this field too. Is it possible to reuse the same Entity but return two different json to client? I'm using spring boot.
First of all #Transient just means that the value, the SSN in your case, won't be persisted to the database.
As for your problem annotations are static and cannot be applied dynamically.
You have 2 Options:
Define a new View class for your user.
Look at JacksonJsonViews

How to actualize entity in Spring JPA? Actualize or create new one?

I'm wondering what is best practice to update JPA entity in Spring project - update original entity or create new? I see these two approaches:
Use original - Actualize necessary fields in original entity and save this updated entity back to the repository.
Use copy - manually create new instance of entity, set all field from original entity (+ updated fields) into new entity and save the entity back to the repository.
What approach do you use / is recommended? And why?
When it comes to updating, the standard way would be to retrieve the entity reference(read below) and make changes within a transactional method:
private JpaRepository repo;
#Transactional(readOnly = false)
public void performChanges(Integer id){
Entity e = repo.getOne(id);
// alter the entity object
Few things regarding the example:
You would want to use the getOne method of JpaRepository as much as possible as it is in general faster than the findOne of the CrudRepository. The only trick is that you have to be sure that entity actually exists in the database with the given id. Otherwise you would get an exception. This does not occur regarding the findOne method so you would need to make that decision regarding each transactional method which alters a single entity within your application.
You do not need to trigger any persist or save methods on the EntityManager as the changes will be automatically flushed when the transaction is commited.. and that is on method return.
Regarding your second option, I dont think thats much of a use as you would need to get the data using above method anyway. If you intend to use that entity outside of the transaction, then again you could use the one retrieved from the exmaple above and then perform merge once it is again needed within the transactional context and thus Persistence Provider.
Getting an entity and then just updating that entity is the easiest way to do that. Also this is faster than a creation of a copy since EntityManager manages an entity and know that managed entity already exists in DB (so no need to execute additional query).
Anyway, there is third and the fastest approach: using executeUpdate on Query object.
.createQuery("update EntityName set fieldName = :fieldName where id = :id")
.setParameter("fieldName", "test")
.setParameter("id", id)
It is faster due to bypassing the persistent context

is this a good idea to implement validation in entity framework POCO entities in dabtase first?

It`s seems that the best place to implement validation is as close as possible to the database, so when I use entity framework the nearest objects are the entities, in my case the POCO entities.
The reason for that is that if I want to reuse this POCO entities, the validation is implemented in the POCO objects and then there are less posibilities to insert worng data in the database.
this also avoid that someone try to insert incorrect data in the databse creating another application, or because he does not implement the validation. So it is more secure.
One way to do that is using partial classes that extends the POCO entities and that implements the IValidatableObject interface and return a list of validationresult.
But other way is the following. I have a common assembly that has the following:
One interface that declare the methods that need to implement the repositories.
The POCO entities that will be used by the repositories.
One class with utilities, such as copy entities and methods to validate the data of the entities.
Then I can create many repositories that use different versions of EF or another technology and all of them use the common assembly. This repositories implements the validation using the methods in the common library.
In this case I implement the validation only once. The only problem is that the repositories need to call the methods to validate the data.
But there are advantages in this way, from my point of view. For example, I can validate the data of the entities depending on the type of the operation. For example, if I am adding a new record and the primary key as an autonumeric, if the ID is not 0, then I can throw an exception, or if I try to delete a register when the ID is 0, then I don't need to send the command to the database.
So this second solution solves the problem to implement the validation as close as possible to the database, bacause is used in the repository, that is the element that access to the database, but has the problem that if some developer creates a new repository and not use the validation methods, I can have incorrect data in the database.
So my question is if the best option is to use validation with partial classes or to use a common library and the validation is implemented in the repositories, that is really what the users will use.
OK - phew, big question. My opinion is that the APPLICATION DOMAIN of the application is the boss of everything. The database is just an add-on service. So, the application domain should ultimately validate ALL objects that are being SENT somewhere. No need to validate object coming out of the DB because they were validated going in.
As an example, what if you were creating some object that needed to be sent off to a web service and it needed validation. Lets say it was never going near the database or the repositories. Once the DOMAIN business objects have been validated, they can then be sent for persistence or anywhere else.
Another thing to consider is what you mean by validation. Does it mean the datatypes are correct? Does it mean the business object is valid? Does it mean the business object is valid in the given context? It could mean all or only some of these things.
As an example, what if your system allows users to partially update records (common with very long input forms). The business object may only become valid when ALL the required data is captured, but the database allows persistence of "partial" data. In other words, you can save the business object to the database although it is not valid for further processing yet. etc etc....
