Maven Dependencies in web application and java application - maven

I am trying to do connection pooling on remote server(not database server) using JNDI, tomcat, Maven and etc.
In details, I have two maven projects 1)Web application 2)Java Application in non maven Project and try to access the methods of Java Application from the Web Application. Here is the POM of two projects:
POM for Java Application
POM for WebApp
<!-- <scope>compile</scope> -->
web.xml of Web App:
Connection pooling on HSM.
Now the problem is that I am not able to access the methods of Java Application(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException), since I have added the dependency in the web application's POM file. I am not getting any errors while compiling the both projects.
Waiting for your answer.


setting up rabbit mq in a multi module maven project

I have a multi module maven project which has two sub modules for now.
gateway(spring boot application)
For inter service communication I chose Rabbit MQ, and here is the root pom.xml:
<!--SLF4J Logging-->
And the gateway pom.xml is as follows:
but when I start the gateway server I get
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: LoggerFactory is not a Logback LoggerContext but Logback is on the classpath.

Maven GWT project cant find classes

We had to migrate a gwt project and in the process we started using maven. We are having serious trouble to get it started again now. It's the first time working with maven, so bear with me
I do the following commands without errors:
mvn gwt:compile
mvn package
mvn gwt:run
Now jetty gives me the following url: 
When I try to access that url in firefox, it loads the web elements correctly, but it seems it cant access the classes:
In jetty I get the error:
In eclipse I get the error
In my pom.xml I specfy this location:
And if I check, mvn package did it correctly, this is the class that its not finding:
Although the files are in the correct location, they dont appear in eclipse, but I would say that doesnt matter:
The class folder doesnt show in eclipse, but it's there in windows explorer, generated by mvn package
This is the pom.xml file
<!-- WebApp/War Output Directory -->
<!-- for hot reload of the web application-->
<!-- Compile/runtime dependencies -->
<!-- Test Dependencies -->
<!-- -->
<!-- for hot reload of the web application-->
<!-- appengine-maven-plugin requires Maven 3.5.0 or later -->
<!-- Plugin configuration. There are many available options, see gwt-maven-plugin
documentation at -->
This is the web.xml part of the greet class:
Any idea why it doesnt manage to load the classes, only the web files? Thanks in advance
Eclipse and Maven are not the best friends. Depending on how you create the Maven project it might be a set up problem. I would use an artifact creator, build a Maven GWT artifact on the command line , run it from the command line and check if it is working. Once you got it working, I would import it into Eclipse.
Some things you should do:
use Thomas Broyers GWT Plugin
create a multi module Maven project (use one of the mentioned artifact creators)
To run a multi module project use: mvn gwt:codeserver -pl *-client -am to start the code server and mvn jetty:run -pl *-server -am -Denv=dev
Then call http://localhost:8080/index.html.
If you are running a GWT Maven project without separate modules for client, shared and server (don't do that), use gwt:devmode.
Your posted url show, that you try to run the old dev mode and not SDM.
There are several ways to create Maven based GWT projects.
You can use:
gwt-maven-archetypes (
gwt-maven-springboot-archetype (
Nalu Initializer (
IIRC DominoKit also provides one.
All these artifact generator will create a ready to go artifact. Just follow the docs to get it working. Once you got it running, add your code.
If you have questions, use the GWT Gitter room:

Generating RESTful Webservices from entity classes in a netbeans maven webapp causes app to fail, displaying "Payara Server, deploy, null, false"

I want to make a persistence microservice for my application with jee 8.The resource endpoint works well with a simple PersistenceResource class. I have generated the entities from the mysql database and the app still works fine. Unfortunately, the moment i generate 'RESTful WebServices from entity classes' payara server fails to run. The message in the server log is
Deploying on Payara Server
profile mode: false
debug mode: false
force redeploy: true
In-place deployment at /home/nkengasong/NetBeansProjects/CreatixxPersistence/target/CreatixxPersistence
Payara Server, deploy, null, false
The same error is displayed when i generate Session Beans For Entity Classes. Please what might be the problem? I have been searching the internet for hours now.
The app is a traditional maven-archetype-webapp and i am using:
NetBeans IDE 9.0
Payara Server
Java EE 8
Open JDK 11
Ubuntu 18.04 lts (same problem on windows 10)
Below is my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>">
<name>CreatixxPersistence Maven Webapp</name>
<!-- FIXME change it to the project's website -->
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- see -->
This is the structure of the app:
Here is the structure of the application
I seriously need help! Please why is that the app stops running when i generate the webservices or sessions? How can i remedy this? Thanks in advance
Payara server is not yet fully compatible with JDK 11. You still need a JDK 8 version.
I finally solved the problem by switching to NetBeans 8.2 and changing the default #XmlTransient annotation on certain fields of the entity classes to #JsonbTransient
(this avoids stackoverflow error, if you intend to use JSON instead of XML). By default, when you generate entity classes from the database, certain fields get annotated with #XmlTransient. I switched netbeans because apparently NetBeans IDE 9.0 is not stable. I hope this helps someone. Thanks to everyone for you help!

How to use a maven package as both a dependency and a plugin

I am putting together a new project using Maven and JUnit. I am using the t7 plugin to run the application under tomcat after maven has compiled and run tests. I didn't have any problems until I wanted to set up the javaURLContextFactory in a JUnit test. The javaURLContextFactory is in the t7 plugin, but not in any of the dependencies for the project. With the plugin only defined as a plugin, the JUnit test fails, as it can't find the javaURLContextFactory class. If add the plugin as a dependency only, The JUnit test works, bu then it can't find the plugin when I want to run or debug. If I define it in both, I get bizarre errors related to parsing the web.xml.
Here is my current pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>distribute Maven Webapp</name>
Is there any way to reference the classes in the plugin as a dependency, or reference the dependency as a plugin? Is there some other method of fixing this?
Found a solution after talking to a co-worker.
By including the plugin as a dependency, I know it's bad, and setting the scope to provided, it was available for the JUnit test, but not included in the war when it was deployed using the t7 plugin. Then the unit tests were able to run, with the javaURLContextFactory and it still deployed properly.

Failed to instantiate SLF4J LoggerFactory on Spring 'mvc-basic' tutorial

I'm trying a Spring 3.x tutorial on Eclipse 3.7 with m2e and Maven Integration for WTP plugins installed.
I converted the above tutorial to Maven Project, but when i deploy the web application i get the following exception:
Failed to instantiate SLF4J LoggerFactory
Reported exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Level
My pom.xml look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- JSR 303 with Hibernate Validator -->
<!-- Joda Time -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- Test -->
<!-- For Hibernate Validator -->
<name>JBoss Maven Release Repository</name>
I also checked in 'Project Properties' -> 'Java Build Path' -> 'Libraries' but the only log4j jar that i found is the one under 'Maven Dependencies'
Seems like i'm messing with jars but i can't find a solution by myself.
Try to clean the project and server in eclipse. It looks like a refreshing problem.
If you use Maven (M2E) in Eclipse then it is correct that the libs are only in the "Maven Dependencies Section".
May you start with an Spring Source Tool Suite Template Project (that is maven based) and then you copy the code from the tutorial into this project.
If you use Tomcat, then Eclipse must copy the libs to workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp<VERSION>\wtpwebapps\<PROJECT>\WEB-INF\lib.
If the lib is not there, and eclipse does not copy it even if you refersh every thing. Then sometimes the last thing you can do is, Remove the project from the server (in the "Add and Remove..." Dialog) press Finish, and then add the project again.
Looks like some other library has dependency on SLF4J. Create a WAR file and check if SLF4J.jar is packaged in the war. If not, check your Appservers common lib directory. In case its loading it.
Check the Dependency graph of your pom.xml.
In case if you want to add SLF4J log4j API below is the dependency.
